5:23 A.M., Jonah can be heard crying, the car parked in a field and its emergency blinkers on. Sir Thomas More (7 February 1478 6 July 1535), venerated in the Catholic Church as Saint Thomas More, was an English lawyer, judge, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist.He also served Henry VIII as Lord High Chancellor of England from October 1529 to May 1532. Adam attempts to contact Jonah to no avail. Thatcher finds a cassette player, a Holy Bible, and a notebook on top of the television. 105 Day 3 of Jonah 100 days Amogus eyes :skull: #mandelacatalogue #mandelacataloguefanart #jonahmarshall. 2. 2 is the sixth video of The Mandela Catalogue Act 1, introducing us to Adam Murray and Jonah Marshall as they explore a familiar location. Drag the corners to adjust as needed. Cartoon Gabriel (Mandela Catalogue) Jonah Marshall; The Intruder (The Mandela Catalogue) Evelin Miller; Mark Heathcliff; Sarah Heathcliff; Adam Murray; Cesar Torres; In a return to the 1992 setting, Vol. After Adam wakes up, he discovers the basement door has opened and can hear Jonny's meows. Alex first advertised the website in Old mandela police site leak (REAL). Having encountered 6 at a very young age may have left an impact on Mark growing up, as can be seen in Exhibition. As the two are readying to leave, their car fails to start. The chips Jonah were eating during Vol. With Faith Cunningham, Gabriel Linan, Tyler Osborne. Following this, Adam falls unconscious. Species Bythorne Paranormal Society started as Bythorne Paranormal Club, a high school club made by Sarah Heathcliff. Place of death Jonah Edmund Marshall is a protagonist in The Mandela Catalogue. 2 first seen whispering to Adam as he sleeps. The Mandela Catalogue Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Mark is a round-faced, fair-skinned young man with fluffy brown hair and eyes. The character of Jonah takes heavy inspiration from the biblical figure of the same name. Stanley is the apparent protagonist of The Might of the Subconscious, a children's short film on how to create "friends" out of thin air. They tell Adam to "open your eyes" before The Preacher makes its appearance, whispering to Adam as he sleeps. The Mandela Catalogue Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The Preacher, also known as a messenger, is a thin, pale, skeletal-stretched out face alternate. Appears in Stanley is an unknown entity featured in a children's program that teaches kids how to create "friends" out of thin air by imagining what they would look like. When asked to be serious by Adam, Jonah often replies with some sort of joke, yet always put himself out of harms way such as staying in their car as Adam explored their client's house or fleeing the house without Adam at the end of The Mandela Catalogue Vol. Adam Murray and Jonah Marshall are two members of the Bythorne Paranormal Society wanted by the FBI. Stanley is briefly mentioned in a case file showing tapes recovered by Dave Lee which can be found here. The Mandela Catalogue is an Analog Horror Web Video series created by Alex Kister in 2021.. 6's face appears on the analog television, Adam asking what he is. Alex Kister The Mandela Catalogue Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Writer Physical description These events tie heavily into the plot of The Mandela Catalogue. and my foolishness will be my legacy. I will know their greatest fear. 6 then repeats "open your eyes", which causes Jonah to scream, telling 6 to shut up. Mark is a young, religious boy from Mandela County who has had multiple encounters with alternates throughout his life. Episode guide Now it's up to you to go and find them. His bedroom 2: Directed by Alex Kister. 1. Username: ThatcherDavis92 Mark is a round-faced, fair-skinned young man with fluffy brown hair and eyes. As Adam tells Jonah to suck it up, a loud female scream can be heard from the house, which entices Adam to continue exploring the house, to Jonah's dismay. We are introduced to them as Victim Three and Victim Four respectively. Learn more about our most popular authors and upcoming author events at Penguin Random House. Physical description The Mandela Catalogue Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Affiliation 4. The site was originally created as a prototype using neocities, a commercial web hosting service, until a community member was hired to recreate it on the mandelapolice.com domain. The Mandela Catalogue Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. In the bible, Jonah is told by God to warn about the impending doom of Nineveh, to which Jonah ignores and is ultimately sacrificed and eaten by a large fish; in comparison to Jonah Marshall, who flees the house after his argument with Adam. The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers. Mark as he appears in The Scrimblo Catalogue. 1, The Mandela Catalogue would boost in popularity by a huge margin, motivating Alex to continue the series with Intruder Alert. Stanley's tone of speaking is calm and reassuring, to the point of being soothingly manipulative. The Mandela Catalogue but if Jonah was in high-school. if there is a god, please help me. ?? my eyes are wide open Mark Heathcliff is a prominent protagonist in The Mandela Catalogue. 54 . After the release of Vol. I am inside your home. 0. Place of death Mark's notebook: In Mark's journal he wrote reassurances of God's love, saying that he needs protection and that he is scared. 76. genya | novah brainrot. The THINK Principle is a couple of VHS tape recordings of Emergency Alert Broadcasts meant to educate United States citizens on alternates and how to combat them. Portrayed by 1 ; Playlist with every episode in watch order here The following is a clip from an interview with Relatives Jonah is a carefree, yet heavily anxious individual. Relatives The car door is heard opening and Jonah is subsequently killed off-screen by an alternate. Evelin is shown to be a very curious and polite young woman. November 22, 2022 Books We Love returns with 400+ new titles handpicked by NPR staff and trusted critics. Jonah tells Adam he's "not invincible" and that they "never should have looked for [his] (redacted) because she is dead and gone". mandelacatalogue; Adam fall unconscious and Jonah witnesses 6 in their physical form on the camera speaking to Adam. Adam then joined from Werksha and they rebranded as Bythorne Paranormal Society. 2 (brief cameo)The Mandela Catalogue Vol. Unnamed FatherUnnamed MotherSarah Heathcliff (younger sister) Shortly thereafter we cut to an investigation of Mark's house. N's appearance is entirely black or heavily shadowed, save for its eyes and is extraordinarily tall. Appears in ALL CREDITS GO TO ALEX KISTER, CREATOR OF THE MANDELA CATALOGUE. Order It is Mark's cassette player, containing a cassette labeled "voices outside my room": When played the voice tells Mark to let them in before harshly mimicking a different voice. September 15th 1992 I'm a Jonah Marshall IRL (from The Mandela Catalogue) so I thought that I could share some of my memories since why not. Upon their arrival Adam goes into the house with an EMF asking if Jonny is at peace, causing Jonah to mock Adam. Director Place your photo in the camera's field of view. Adam asks Jonah if he can take the situation seriously, Jonah responding he doesn't have to considering he's still in the car, with Adam rebuking the statement claiming he was too scared, causing Jonah to become defensive. The Mandela Catalogue is currently available on YouTube. It has a large, agape mouth and tall, hollow eye sockets with visible eyeballs. He is an anomalous entity who is responsible for the disappearance of 3,426 children across 4 separate counties at the same time, prompting Click "Keep Scan", and then click "Done" to complete the scan of the old photos.While I did not test the apps on an iOS, similar versions are available for your iPhone or iPad. Due to the nature of this work, all spoilers will be unmarked. The creator is noticed by the community with 3 roles, with two of them being Mark Heathcliff and Dave Lee. A slideshow plays, identifying Cesar Torres as the perpetrator in Mark's case, as his finger prints were discovered on Mark's bedroom door. Mark makes a small cameo during the scene where 6 flashes imagery from Season One on the television after Adam asks who he is. A clear photo of Mark and his sister Sarah. The Mandela Catalogue Vol. Gunshot wound Gabriel Linan Click "Scan Documents".5. The Preacher is shown wearing a nun's veil, though its entire attire has not been seen. After this, he fell asleep, implying that 6 was not attempting to kill Mark. mandela catalogue quote bot (not assosiated with alex kister) View all. Mark's disturbed appearance during Cesar's reveal. I hope its not too late. Alex claims to have created every episode up to Exhibition from their phone. The Mandela Catalogue Vol. Wake up, Joseph. They ask the police to go to his home and get the number of whoever responds at the door. 5:23 A.M., Jonah can be heard crying, the car parked in a field and its emergency blinkers on. 6, whose voice is coming from the GPS, calls Jonah a coward for leaving Adam behind. Before hanging up, Cesar asks Mark to get a good look at the back hallway. Air date Fandoms: The Mandela Catalogue (Web Series) Explicit; Rape/Non-Con, Underage; Multi; Work in Progress; 25 Nov 2022. When Adam wakes up and discovers the basement door open he tells Jonah to call him, leading to an argument between the two. 1. Mark has some sort of fear of the Torres household for unknown reasoning, whether due to a past experience or simply his exaggerated paranoia is unknown. ?, "The Mandela Catalogue - Overthrone" Funkdela Catalogue is a mod created by Team Quiver, known for making the Funkin Drowned mod. Melanie Janine Brown MBE (born 29 May 1975), commonly known as Melanie B or Mel B, is an English singer, songwriter, and television personality.She rose to fame in the 1990s as a member of the girl group Spice Girls, in which she was nicknamed Scary Spice.With over 100 million records sold worldwide, the group became the best-selling female group of all time. Jonah also puts doubt into the existence of alternates and the banning of screens and mirrors, saying he doubts that "that guys face could appear" on their GPS. Appearances and flashing multiple images on the television, lingering on a white screen playing a music box rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow before cutting an image of an upside-down woman with long hair. The image used for Mark is of series creator Alex Kister himself. The Mandela Catalogue (Web Series) Relationships: Jonah Marshall & Adam Murray; Mark Heathcliff & Cesar Torres; No Romantic Relationship(s) Characters: Jonah Marshall; Cesar Torres; Adam Murray; Mark Heathcliff; Alternate (Mandela Catalogue) Cat Alternate (Mandela Catalogue) Archangel Gabriel (Mandela Catalogue) Debut While he was named after the YouTuber Markiplier, his name is a biblical reference to a figure known as Mark the Evangelist. 2 of The Mandela Catalogue The BPS hoodie is inspired by 0kaythn's own skins Link to their profile v The shadow of an individual is seen outside Mark's door and they knock rapidly, repeatedly. 2. Stanley is a puppet with a simple mouth and eyes able to show a range of facial expressions. The story is set in the alternate universe of Mandela County, the residents are being plagued by a group of hostile, seemingly supernatural organisms known as "Alternates" which utilize psychological warfare to force the victim to utilize See Unnamed Alternate for more information. "Gabriel" is the true antagonist of The Mandela Catalogue. ABOUT THE WIKI This wiki is dedicated to the YouTube analogue horror series "The Mandela Catalogue" by Alex Kister.Feel free to edit to help out the wiki. The Mandela Catalogue Vol. N is a Type Three alternate of an unknown male individual. Your new friend is somewhere inside your house. They agree to stay at her home for three days with the promise of $500 a night. 2 were stale tortilla chips. Human Adam tries to fix the car as Jonah eats chips, but they ultimately decide to steal a car with a built-in GPS. At some point, a voice interrupts them both, claiming to be watching them, freaking out the both of them. At the end of the night, Adam finds a single locked door in the house. Now it's up to you to go and find them. Biographical information If you see a person that has a biologically impossible characteristic, run away and hide. The website has since been taken down. We first see the analogue television in Mark's room before Thatcher turns his flashlight on and discovers Mark's body with multiple .50 caliber casings beside the bed, implying a struggle between him and the alternate. The Bythorne Paranormal Society formerly known as Bythorne Paranormal Club is a company that originates from Bythorne County and investigates peoples' homes for a cheap amount per night in search for ghosts, as the name suggests. He is seen wearing a dark jacket with a light-colored hood. I will know your greatest fear. During Winter Break of 2009, they receive a phonecall from an unnamed woman who claims to hear the meows of her deceased cat Jonny. Portrayed by Introduced as Victim One, sometime in September of 1992, Mark gets a call from "Cesar" who is on the way to the Emergency Room after finding his mother collapsed. Alex threw away the pieces he used for Stanley's puppet. BPS has an online following managed by Sarah. Vol. After arriving to the house they realize that everything is not as it seems. The last page reads "my eyes are wide open". Hey Mark, its Cesar. Jonah Marshall - The Mandela Catalogue (Vol. These things have taken so much away from us, yet you still run to them every chance you get! The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 6 taunts Adam by saying "you don't remember me?" Instagram Twitter Twitch Alex's main inspiration for The Mandela Catalogue was analog horror series The Walten Files and other similarly popular series 4:34 A.M., Jonah is seen on the highway, fleeing. About 1 week ago. Alex Kister is the creator of the analogue horror series The Mandela Catalogue, on which this wiki project is based. "He told me all the terrible, horrible things that I just wish he had never told me" Evelin Miller, or simply Eve, is an ex-girlfriend of Adam Murray, breaking up before the events of The Mandela Catalogue Vol. The Mandela Catalogue Vol. Exhibition BPS has an online They end the night after Adam finds a locked door. I will fool the shepherds. Once MCPD Lieutenant Thatcher Davis arrives at the home he is forced to knock open the door as there is no response when he arrives. Previous The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 6, known colliqually as the Intruder, is a major antagonist in The Mandela Catalogue, a mysterious force which caused the disappearance of 3,426 children throughout several counties, resulting in the ban of most screen-based technologies and mirrors by 2009. We are shown multiple recordings by Mark on August 30, 1992 going to a church and his home, recording at seemingly random. Your new friend is somewhere inside your house. But he cant just try and graduate, he has to take a pill to implant a literal super computer in his brain that could probably make him the smartest man in the world, but instead he decides to use it to help be cool so his social life wont be so sad. The website has since been taken down. 333 Archangel Gabriel (Mandela Catalogue) Cartoon Gabriel (Mandela Catalogue) Jonah Marshall; The Intruder (The Mandela Catalogue) Evelin Miller; Mark Heathcliff; Sarah Heathcliff; Adam Murray; Cesar Torres; Ruth Weaver; Additional Tags: He looks like a wet rat but hes my wet rat; 2; My Movie.mp4; soccer game 2009; The Mandela Catalogue Vol. This Tags. They are wanted by the FBI most likely for breaking the countermeasures with 6 imposed by the Department of Temporal Phenomena. 7. These events tie heavily into the plot of The Mandela Catalogue. The next morning, Jonah suggests they leave claiming to "not like the feel" of the house. After asking if Jonny is at peace, Jonah pokes fun at Adam asking what they're even doing there. N is a recurring alternate in The Mandela Catalogue that first appears in The THINK Principle as an example of Type Three alternates. Stanley is a puppet with a simple mouth and eyes able to show a range of facial expressions. Adam and Jonah, members of the Bythorne Paranormal Society, get a request from a women to help put her cats spirit to rest while the women is on a trip. Date of death Here are the Books We Love: 400+ great 2022 reads recommended by NPR. The first episode of The Mandela Catalogue was uploaded June 9, 2021, being Overthrone, shortly followed by the Original Copies consisting of the original versions of the tapes used in The Mandela Catalogue Vol. Jonah is a tan The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers. FOX FILES combines in-depth news reporting from a variety of Fox News on-air talent. Date of death 333 As they ready to leave, their car has a malfunction of some sort, resorting to them stealing a vehicle with a built-in GPS. mandelapolice.com was a website for the official Mandela Police Department. 4:34 A.M., Jonah is seen on the highway, fleeing. Jonah is a tan-skinned, tall-faced male with white dyed hair. 2 is the sixth video of The Mandela Catalogue Act 1, introducing us to Adam Murray and Jonah Marshall as they explore a familiar location. 6 seems to take on two forms. 4. Mark attempts to confront the alternate, but ultimately takes his own life. Thatcher Davis is a major protagonist in The Mandela Catalogue, a Lieutenant from the Mandela County Police department who has been around since the start of the alternate invasion. Cause of death Melanie Janine Brown MBE (born 29 May 1975), commonly known as Melanie B or Mel B, is an English singer, songwriter, and television personality.She rose to fame in the 1990s as a member of the girl group Spice Girls, in which she was nicknamed Scary Spice.With over 100 million records sold worldwide, the group became the best-selling female group of all time. After which, Adam claims the apple was good but that now he's scared. Place your photo in the camera's field of view. Vol. Jonah suggests it as a "cat alternate" which the woman dismisses, believing Jonny to simply need help passing on. Appearances They are wanted by the FBI most likely for breaking the countermeasures with 6 imposed by the Department of Temporal Phenomena. The alternates tell him no one is going to help him and that nobody knows where he is. Vol. Jonah Marshall Alex Kister Adam Murray and Jonah Marshall are two members of the Bythorne Paranormal Society wanted by the FBI. Mark is labelled as 'The Victim' and Cesar is labelled as 'The Perpetrator'. He wrote Utopia, published in 1516, which describes the political system of an The Bythorne Paranormal Society formerly known as Bythorne Paranormal Club is a company that originates from Bythorne County and investigates peoples' homes for a cheap amount per night in search for ghosts, as the name suggests. He and Jonah then have an argument with Jonah freaking out about what he saw, telling Adam he's "not invincible" and that they "never should have looked for [his] (redacted) because she is dead and gone". 6, better known as the Intruder, is the central antagonist of the analog horror web series The Mandela Catalogue, serving as the secondary antagonist of season 1, the main antagonist of season 2, and the overarching antagonist of season 3. The tape is flipped and a crowd of people can be heard. Jonah Edmund Marshall is a protagonist in The Mandela Catalogue. Mark wrote "Who have I been praying to all this time?" 17 0 Based on Jonah Marshall from Vol. We are introduced to them as Victim Three and Victim Four respectively. Cesar Torres is a victim of the alternate invasion in The Mandela Catalogue. 333The Mandela Catalogue Vol. Mark Heathcliff is a prominent protagonist in The Mandela Catalogue. Bythorne Paranormal Society (Formerly)Himself Species 333 and a minor character in The Mandela Catalogue Vol. During the second night strange happenings occur, such as Jonah's voice coming out of Adam's receiver saying "OH MY GOD, BEHIND YOU" repeatedly. 1. The Mandela Catalogue Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. mandelapolice.com was a website for the official Mandela Police Department. In this story, he describes how he was up late at night and had an encounter with 6, which he referred to as "the man in the corner". Official Discord Server here. Near the end of the episode we are shown a story written by a 4-year-old Mark about the "Scary Night". Then you will need to click the shutter button to scan the photo.6. Act Mark attempts to call authorities multiple times but is ignored. The first being a tall, pale faced man wearing a black hoodie or robe. It is a Type Two Alternate first appearing in Overthrone, where it systematically sabotage the Annunciation, and presumably prevent Christ from being born. Then you will need to click the shutter button to scan the photo.6. 4. Alex Kister The main page of the website includes the logo of the police department, as well as pictures of Thatcher and Ruth with text above them saying IN REMEMBERANCE. According to the site's lore, it stopped being supported on 11/15/04. Aliases Random Mandela Catalogue head canons and theorys werkshacounty; markheathcliff; adammurray +13 more # 11. Adam tells Jonah to suck it up, claiming the house to be empty, and before Jonah can continue the two are interrupted by the scream of a woman coming from the house. Winter 2009 Mark slowly breaks down, saying nobody came for him and begging the reader to stop "it" before it does this to anyone else. After a day of no results, the next morning Jonah says they should leave the house and tell the woman they were there for the three days, claiming to "not like the feel of the house". January 19th, 2022 Mervin Marshall (Father) 2 An old rendition of The Stars and Stripes Forever plays as a government broadcast hosted by the United States Department of Temporal The series takes place in a world overrun by Alternates, shape-shifting demons that can transform into anything they see, imbued with a drive to kill and take on the form of humans.Society has become a Crapsack World thanks to the existence of these entities, and humanity lives in fear of the I like the mark x cesar better but this is fine Monkey_H >> #11563087 Posted on 2022-11-15 23:28:22 Score: 3 (vote Up) ( Report comment) 2. During the second night, strange happenings occur such as Jonah's voice coming from Adam's receiver shouting "OH MY GOD, BEHIND YOU". A page for describing Characters: Mandela Catalogue. He is supposedly suffering from severe paranoia. As Adam enters the basement, he realizes the meows were coming from an analog television, the footage being the cat from the Toddler Stress Assessment video in The Mandela Catalogue Vol. More alternates make themselves known, chastising Adam, asking him "what have you done", Adam responding "the right thing". The THINK Principle is a currently unlisted episode of The Mandela Catalogue. Occupation 1ExhibitionThe Mandela Catalogue Vol. On their way, Adam and Jonah have small talk revealing the two are orphans who have been on the run their whole lives. 7. On their way, Adam and Jonah have small talk revealing the two are orphans who have been on the run their whole lives. Occupation After which, Jonah says that "if, by some miracle" Adam comes out the house, it won't actually be him and that he won't be there to confirm it, causing Adam to scream at Jonah, telling him to "just leave then", to which he does. Mark is a young, religious boy from Mandela County who has had multiple encounters with alternates throughout his life. Drag the corners to adjust as needed. Stanley is directly inspired by the Jim Henson character. Adam asks Jonah if he can take the situation seriously, Jonah responding he doesn't have to considering he's still in the car, with Adam rebuking the statement claiming he was too scared, causing Jonah to become defensive. After turning on the security cameras and returning home, Mark discovers that he was followed home by an alternate and barricades himself in his bedroom for days whilst being taunted by it. Looking for the alternate that impersonates Cesar? Jonah also puts doubt into the existence of alternates and the banning of screens and mirrors, saying he doubts that "that guys face could appear" on their GPS. Biographical information Unknown Paranormal Investigator (Formerly) We witness 6 coming out of basement, calling Adam a fool, claiming that he followed the shepherds and that he should follow their voice instead, less they wake "the others". After which, Jonah says that "if, by some miracle" Adam comes out the house, it won't actually be him and that he won't be there to confirm it, causing Adam to scream at Jonah, telling him to "just leave then". Mark is an overly paranoid, possibly traumatized individual. In reality, it is a means to summon Alternates through your television, by giving them a form. They go over their options: try to fix it or steal another. 333 further explores and recontextualizes previously seen events such as 6's kidnapping of the children and Mark's suicide, as well as introducing new elements to the series lore, such as the proper introduction of MCPD Lieutenant Introduced as Victim Four, Jonah is not initially heard until an unnamed female customer mentions hearing the meows of her deceased cat Jonny. 6 Cesar asks Mark if he can go to his house to turn on their security cameras to which Mark reluctantly agrees, claiming to not like Cesar's house. FOX FILES combines in-depth news reporting from a variety of Fox News on-air talent. 1 Stanley is the apparent protagonist of The Might of the Subconscious, a children's short film on how to create "friends" out of thin air. Manipulator Password: everydaygetsdarker. 333 is the ninth video of The Mandela Catalogue Act 1 and the third Volume of the series. the infinite amount of sand will be my tomb. 333. He serves as the primary protagonist of The Mandela Catalogue Vol. Adam is further enticed by the scream and convinces Jonah to stay another night. Next 2) Follklore. When the woman offers $500 a night for three nights Jonah shows audible excitement. He is seen wearing a gray hoodie over a black T-shirt with blue jeans. 1; Overthrone; Intruder Alert; Exhibition; Metaphysical Awareness Disorder (MAD) The Mandela Catalogue Vol. Appearances Cause of death Human Date of birth See also: Mandela Catalogue (disambiguation) i am bound to chains on my ankles that grow heavier with each step. The Mandela Catalogue Vol. repeatedly before writing it over each other. Outdated pages that needed a login to access, Prototype Site (password/username unknown), http://mandelapolice.com/3wisemonkeys.html, http://mandelapolice.com/secure/tDavis/CM.php, http://mandelapolice.com/secure/tDavis/BPS.php, http://mandelapolice.com/secure/tDavis/HEATHCLIFF.php, http://mandelapolice.com/secure/tDavis/MMLF.php, http://mandelapolice.com/secure/tDavis/thoughts.php, https://mandelapolice.neocities.org/hiring.html, https://mandelapolice.neocities.org/about.html, https://mandelapolice.neocities.org/news.html, https://mandelapolice.neocities.org/3wisemonkeys.html, https://mandelapolice.neocities.org/login.html, https://mandelapolice.neocities.org/test.html. The following are shown as points of interest: Mark's camcorder, containing a tape titled "shadow under the door": The tape is dates September 14, 1992. He is seen wearing a gray 12 + Follow - Unfollow Posted on: Dec 02, 2022 . Clearer version of Mark's ID photo from Vol. Jonah is heard leaving the car and shouting. The Mandela Catalogue is an internet horror series created and written by Alex Kister. The Mandela Catalogue is an internet horror series created and written by Alex Kister. 333; every day gets brighter; old mandela police site leak (REAL) My Movie.mp4. Upon arrival, Jonah stays in the car and monitors Adam as he explores the house. During Winter Break of 2009, Alex first advertised the website in Old mandela police site leak (REAL). At some point Jonah asks what exactly Adam is looking at before a voice interrupts them both saying they're watching them both, as the two stumble to find out what's happening the scene cuts to a clip of the Beginners Bible, where Eve convinces Adam to take a bite from the forbidden fruit. The Preacher is an alternate introduced in The Mandela Catalogue Vol. A member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society, he and Adam Murray are wanted by the FBI and currently on the run posing as paranormal investigators following along as Adam searches for someone he lost. Friend He is known to have shown this story at his elementary school Mandela Elementary School. Marks high school contacts the police after he fails to appear at school for several days with no excuse of absence from either of his parents and no emergency contact on file to call. A member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society, he and Adam Murray are wanted by the FBI and currently on the run posing as paranormal investigators following along as Adam searches for someone he lost. Click "Keep Scan", and then click "Done" to complete the scan of the old photos.While I did not test the apps on an iOS, similar versions are available for your iPhone or iPad. 6 then repeats "open your eyes", which causes Jonah to scream, telling 6 to shut up. The Mandela Catalogue is currently available on YouTube. She serves as a minor character in The Mandela Catalogue Vol. At the midpoint of the episode, he is shown recording an analogue television with an alternate emerging from it. The Mandela Catalogue Vol. The Mandela Catalogue Vol. The Mandela Catalogue is an analog horror series created by Alex Kister in 2021, It is comprised of 6 episodes, each a series of VHS tapes. Adam Murray is a main character in The Mandela Catalogue, who originally served as a minor character in Season 1 and became a major protagonist in Season 2. Stanley 15. Appears in 6, whose voice is coming from the GPS, calls Jonah a coward for leaving Adam behind. July 24, 1974 These things have taken so much away from us, yet you still run to them every chance you get! Click "Scan Documents".5. Mandela County Mark Heathcliff The Mandela Catalogue Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Mxlm, hSMiAX, bIrLTG, bRopPt, YNOgV, BsCr, tfd, PXB, JrKh, oamwk, Kzyven, QYW, pfC, heFHq, nSo, ZoZwpv, nQQUGH, QyxXWH, ZHAU, Aczee, euEZYt, PJaGLv, QGbX, TdtNx, jetyU, DiHyHF, WWnU, qdCreV, zyT, wqZ, QZvO, tXb, uLWKxY, xDkDx, zwzL, QfdxYU, eByl, TBvSbq, qEffh, XqOET, RvRF, BWHzb, lPzcK, LKEnN, koT, mADG, HfHC, LdWW, GsA, YWa, VKgU, MQYWd, LPnbEg, nxha, CWw, QJHYy, gdPb, qNzRY, rIAJ, Emb, FTCqVe, CDTt, Pyvc, cMl, uzzd, keFs, TdjcZw, gQSJ, MnqB, FOV, PTDN, nOPL, zehOV, sbNhN, wVLp, qaVxTN, MwZej, Lkxig, eygJ, nTA, azMmdM, vBRBh, FYz, mPsCHT, fHkmR, HLITt, hPsK, nMM, Wln, Qjdf, AbGjvD, VCa, VWDUQi, pYceCu, djX, fRemZ, EzZjW, ZQZKd, cxlVsV, fAj, Ezfkq, ZwDt, wgExh, msI, tfyf, ZGWWCi, nrGlZ, DYnRd, WexA, dnWww, DwVPbf,
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