If you want the scroll bar not to jump up to the top and jump back down to the previous position, you can use the following workaround. You can get the model-to-view mapping using this: Note that java indices start at 0 (not 1 as in Matlab), hence the need for the -1 and +1 in the code snippet above. Multiple ways to do this are discussed in the webpage that I linked in my previous answer. I have prepared a 45-page PDF report about using and customizing Matlabs uitable, which greatly expands on the above. I suggest that you use App Designer to create a scrollable uitable with the data. For more information on the WindowButton functions, please refer to the Handle Graphics Property Browser: https://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2009b/techdoc/infotool/hgprop/doc_frame.html. I figured out the answer by further reviewing the long thread in my question. colCount = jTable.getViewport.getView.getColumnModel.getColumnCount(); % Instantiate cell array that will contain the column width (pixels) of each column. uitable(. uit = uitable (parent) creates the table in the specified parent container. Note that my original widths set in GUIDE are [300, 150, 150, 150], so the 75 px numbers do NOT come from my code. uitable(. Try playing around with different parameters, maybe move the table a bit in the figure, maybe download the latest version of findjobj. After many years in which the uitable was available but semi-documented and not officially supported in Matlab, it finally became fully documented and supported in R2008a (aka Matlab 7.6). jUITable = jUIScrollPane.getViewport.getView; jUITable.changeSelection(row-1,col-1, false, false); % subtract 1 from row and col you want selected. . data = cell(mtable.getData) should be used but you might need to pause(0.01) to let the data updates propagate from the jtable model to the mtable object. Numerous other functionalities are available by accessing the underlying Java table and hidden Matlab properties. d = {'Male',52,true;'Male',40,true;'Female',25,false}; t.ColumnName = {'Gender','Age','Authorized'}; I want to set the title for this uitable. jScrollpane = findjobj(handles.myuitable); scroll = jScrollpane.getVerticalScrollBar.getValue; jScrollpane.getVerticalScrollBar.setValue(scroll); With this code, every update causes the scroll bar to jump up to the top and jump back down to the previous position. label;MATLABnamestyletext;titleuicontroluitable. Thank you very much Daniel for your help!!! I read through the report, and cant seem to find any reference to the workaround for dealing with numbers with the new uitable. Since R2008a, both versions of uitable are available the old version is available by adding the v0 input arg. In the following example, ric and Eric should be sorted after Aude and before Marc. Best, Meade. System info: Windows 7 64-bit, Matlab r2011a 64-bit. Im feeling dumb. Saltar al contenido. No appropriate method, property, or field getViewport for class handle.handle. Maybe Im not doing this right, but the new JIDE uitable sort is sorting the values as string only. Hello guys, I don't really know if this is an efficient way to solve this, but if you substitute "drawnow" for "pause (0)", the scroll position updates will occur faster and instead of a back-and-forth scrolling, the table should just blink once. I think your second suggestion would work best for my situation, but I don't can't see how to apply it to my problem. . @Amit unfortunately I only refer to this issue in my report, not the book. The Position values are relative to the drawable area of the parent container. You can programmatically select a new row, then the focus is switched to the view making the selected row now visible again.The working solution running safely on Java Swings Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) without risking a race-condition or deadlock with the EDT would be: jscrollpane = javaObjectEDT(findjobj(src)); viewport = javaObjectEDT(jscrollpane.getViewport); jtable = javaObjectEDT( viewport.getView ); It requires findjobj functionality, and works fine on Matlab R2017a. "Daniel Cunha" wrote in message You do not have permission to delete messages in this group, Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message. It was based on an internal MathWorks extension of the standard Java Swing JTable a class called com.mathworks.widgets.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetTable. MATLAB: UITable dropdown option in column not working. I am writing a gui that monitors instrument data. colWidth{idx+1} = jTable.getViewport.getView.getColumnModel.getColumn(idx).getWidth(); This saves the column widths before the data is updated so they "reset" to their current value. Ever seen anything similar? @Meade I do not have an immediate answer, but its quite possible that a solution can be found. % true, true: Apply the selection state of the anchor to all cells. So this really isn't an improvement. If yes, is there a way to fix it? If all this still doesnt work, you can either debug findjobj step-by-step with the debugger, or use a different sorting mechanism, or implement a pure-Java table. uitable creates an empty uitable object in the current figure window, using default property values. ., 'units', 'normalize', 'position',[0 0 1 1]) This line below will only work if the axis units are also normalized and it will place the uitble directly on top of the axis. t = uitable (Name,Value) specifies table property values using one or more Name,Value pair argument pairs. :) I really appreciate that! After sorting the data, I try to get the selected cell position (relative to table) with eventData.Indices and using the getSortedRowAt with column indice, it is supposed to give me the position of selected cell relative to the original data. To solve this for the old (pre-R2008a) uitable, download one of several available JTable sorter classes, or my TableSorter class (available here). LVDS %- ADC % 4 LVDS %- xWR12xx/xWR14xx4 %- xWR16xx/xWR18xx/xWR68xx2 % 5. m = numeric handle to uitablem = uitable (. Okay it looks like the the new uitable uses default table model, getColumnClass always returns java.lang.Object, so sorting would not be correct for numbers fields even if column format is set to numeric. Thanks again! Is there another way to get the Java handle to the UITable when its in a UIFigure? Thanks for your help. You can then use uistyle to create a color style, . Again, many thanks for a great blog. % number of elements should be . uitable(. Then, MATLAB converts the Position value to the equivalent value in the units you specify. You basically need to create a custom data model Java class that handles this (or contract me to do it for you). Thank you for sharing the code. The user can time resizing operations to be between updates. dropdown uitable. If I use the documentation data (variable Data) with my dropdown choices, it works. Should I be using something other than uitable? This workaround solution use again the FEX: findjobj functionality and implicitly sets the selection mode to SINGLE_SELECTION. It turns out that the issue is not because of the title, but rather, because the position of the figure in the window is independent of the uitable, such that when you maximize the window, the figure position gets misaligned with that of the uitable. The new uitable is based on JIDEs com.jidesoft.grid.SortableTable and so has built-in sorting support all you need to do is to turn it on. At that time its internal implementation has changed from a MathWorks-developed Java table to a JIDE-based Java table (another JIDE-derived table was described here last year). If a force the quantized coef between +1 and -1. Using combinations of the last two arguments, you can select any cells you want programatically, even if they're not contiguous. tablew = utable.Position(3); %get with of the uitable. THanks ,it really worked when I didnt use ColoredFieldCellRenderer. Also, there seems to be the need to throw a drawnow () command before resetting the uitable scroll position. Other solutions exists but may risk race-conditions with the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT). t = uitable creates a table user interface component in the current traditional figure and returns the table object. If the user selects a new cell, then the focus is switched to the view making the selected row now visible again. This is a reasonable request, and so in today's post I will discuss in a bit more detail the highlights of what can be achieved to customize Matlab uitables. Is there a way to update the uitable data without triggering these unnecessary scroll and column width resets? when an uitable is updated, uitable automatically resets to focus on the top row of data. set data to uitable. We have access to a fairly large variety of toolboxes, if that helps, but I do have a requirement to make this a stand alone application with application compiler, so the solution has to be compatible with that toolbox. You had been a life saver so many times. I have already achieved, in other respects, the functionality I desire from the uitable using the findjobj function from the file exchange. The report is a 35-page document that is available for a small fee here. For details on uifigure customizations, refer to the list of posts that have the uifigure tag. ?CALLBACKHERE# = {@t2_Callback,ht_jtable}; % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. jTable = findjobj (hTable); jScrollPane = jTable.getComponent (0); %- % 3. m0_60703264. I tried to get the underlying Java object handle of the uitable using the functions you suggested above: Can you please help to come up with this problem? This workaround solution use again the FEX: findjobj functionality and implicitly sets the selection mode to SINGLE_SELECTION. So, again, not much of an improvement. Matlabs uitable exposes only a very limited subset of functionalities and properties to the user. InnerPosition Location and size of drawable area [left bottom width height] Location and size of the drawable area, specified as a vector of the form [left bottom width height]. % We want to use sorter, not data model % Unfortunately, UitablePeer expects DefaultTableModel not TableSorter so we need a modified UitablePeer class, % But UitablePeer is a Matlab class, so use a modified TableSorter & attach it to the Model, % Set the header tooltip (with sorting instructions), ' Click to sort up; Shift-click to sort down
 ', % Set the header tooltip (no sorting instructions), ' Click to select entire column
 Ctrl-click (or Shift-click) to select multiple columns ', % immediate bail-out for intermediate events, % Update figure size to close-fit the Header table, % vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, %%% t2_jtableh = handle(t2_jtable,'CallbackProperties') % I'm just lost. It just makes whatever row you interacted with one up from the bottom. ); jUIScrollPane = findjobj (m);jUITable = jUIScrollPane.getViewport.getView;jUITable.changeSelection ( row-1 ,col -1, false, false ); % subtract 1 from row and col you want selected % the last two arguments do the following: % false . Error in MPMSimPre>MPMSimPre_OutputFcn (line 349) jtable = jscrollpane.getViewport.getView; Error in gui_mainfcn (line 265) feval(gui_State.gui_OutputFcn, gui_hFigure, [], gui_Handles); Error in MPMSimPre (line 280) gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); @Javveer this is because findjobj doesnt find the table reference for some unknown reason. first, thanks you for your fantastic website! Regards, Sainath M. 0 Comments ShowHide -1 older comments Sign in to comment. Pingback: Uitable cell colors | Undocumented Matlab. ., This property specifies a callback function to execute when MATLAB creates the uitable. @Praneeth You did not listen to what I told you: you need to prevent callback reentrancy yourself, in your callback function. I found this to be a workable approach along the lines of what's already been suggested, but it does have one issue I don't know how to solve. 1 , . , . Programming and Web Development Forums - matlab - The MathWorks calculation and visualization package. Image Matlab image matlab image-processing Image image matlab image-processing Image Twitter-URL image twitter proxy Image as3 image actionscript-3 Image jsp image jsp Image Qt image qt Image scrapy404 image scrapy Image config.rb http image sass If you want the scroll bar not to jump up to the top and jump back down to the previous position, you can use the following workaround. Your email address will not be published. when an uitable is updated, uitable automatically resets to focus on the top row of data. Python,python,Python,m*n car= [i,j,w,h,direction] #i,j are top left position #w,h are width and height #direction can be -1/1 for horizontal/vertical #horizontal cars can only move left or right #vertical cars can only move up and . @shi this is an unhandled case in the ColoredFieldCellRenderer code. . Thank you so much. 2. Is there a way to set the scroll position in the table instead of "jumping" every time the table is updated? . Im using a uitable to make an interactive name builder. thanks Yair: I was rightly looking for this week an easy way to achieve this task : sorting an uitable. It turns out that the issue is not because of the title, but rather, because the position of the figure in the window is independent of the uitable, such that when you maximize the window, the figure position gets misaligned with that of the uitable. As for numeric sorting, I did not discuss this issue in my book. % false, true: Extend the previous selection (select a range of cells). Per the release notes for MATLAB R2014b, graphics handles are now objects and not doubles, bringing graphics objects in line with the rest of MATLAB's objects.One benefit to this is the user is now able to utilize the dot notation to address and set the . Note that both of them are unsupported and undocumented. Sorry. 'ColumnFormat',({[] [] material_list}), . In a UITABLE I have many columns of data and would like the width of the columns to be auto-adjusted such that all their content is visible. Description. For example: Also look at the various mechanism to avoid callback reentrancy here: https://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/controlling-callback-re-entrancy. Basically, Im creating a table with dynamic column names. It is unusable on the faster data. @Ange mtable.getTable only works on the old (pre-R2008a) uitable; with the new (R2008a onward) uitable you need to use the findjobj utility to get the underlying Java object. jtable.scrollRowToVisible(where_changed - 1); it requires findjobj functionality, and works fine on Matlab R2017a. . Learn more about uitable, columnwidth, content, autofit, dynamically, dynamic MATLAB. For the example code to function properly you will need MATlAB R2014b or newer. uitable is probably the most complex basic GUI controls available in Matlab. Control the scrollbars, as explained here: http://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/setting-line-position-in-edit-box-uicontrol/http://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/customizing-listbox-editbox-scrollbars/, Yair Altman http://UndocumentedMatlab.com. I am trying to create a dropdown option in the third column of my table. Today I will describe a very common need in GUI tables, that for some unknown reason is missing in Matlabs uitable: Sorting table data columns. Other data is received every 10 ms or 50 ms. Currently, the "uitable" does not have a "Title" property that can be set. Thank you for the suggestions. out is always a fixed size. Thankyou for your time. In decreasing order (arrow pointing down), I have: I double-checked and the data is doubles (), not strings. Integers dont exhibit this problem. In last week's report about uitable sorting, I offered a report that I have written which covers uitable customization in detail. It displays data in a table within a figure, with settable properties as with any other Matlab Handle-Graphics (HG) control. The old uitable is the default control used until R2007b, or that can be selected with the v0 input arg since R2008a. MATLAB converts the value to text and displays it left-justified in the table. Your email address will not be published. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/newsreader/view_thread/310934/, Uitable cell colors | Undocumented Matlab, https://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/controlling-callback-re-entrancy, Matlab toolstrip part 9 (popup figures), Matlab toolstrip part 7 (selection controls), Matlab toolstrip part 6 (complex controls), Matlab toolstrip part 4 (control customization), Reverting axes controls in figure toolbar, Matlab toolstrip part 3 (basic customization), Matlab toolstrip part 2 (ToolGroup App), Matlab callbacks for uifigure JavaScript events, Medium risk of breaking in future versions, setting background and foreground colors for a cell or column, using dedicated cell renderer and editor components, setting dynamic cell-specific drop-down selection options, using a color-selection drop-down for cells, data sorting (expansion of todays article), data filtering (similar to Excels data filtering control), overview of the JIDE grids package, which contains numerous extremely useful GUI controls and components. This has been a deficiency of JTable for ages. As a last resort, you can always use my consulting skills. Also, the report is in full-color PDF format, whereas the book is not. Usually when something works in debug mode but not in normal operation, it means you need to add a "drawnow" to your code. For the column width, I found a partial solution here: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/339886-editing-uitable-column-widths-with-cursor-does-not-update-columnwidth-property. In that case, sorting was built-in the control, and the question was just how to display the sorting arrow icon. (I have an application build in App Designer.) Actually, I just figured it out that this approach can not guarantee a correct result! Though the EditBox article changes the line position, it does this with the setCaretPosition method. The uitable function creates a table UI component and sets any required properties before displaying it. Like you mention that the workaround to sort numerically (rather than lexically) is mentioned in your uitable report, is it mentioned in your Undocumented secrets of MATLAB book? I don't quite see how this could work with the uitable, and the other article dealt with the Scrollbar policies and line-wrapping, but didn't mention any way to get or set the current scroll position. The user first sees an image at the top of the page; the rest of the page is a UITableView directly below the image. This is annoying on the 4.5 second data and unusable on the faster data. t = uitable (parent) creates the table in . This report is available for $25 here (please allow up to 48 hours for email delivery). Sliding down (once the first cell is at the top) the UITableView would then . When the table is not sorted, displayedRowIndex will be the same as modelRowIndex; when sorted it will return a different index. You might want to pass in a 'Position' property to choose where on the figure the table will be created. Is there a way once I've got the Java scroll-pane container reference that I can, 1) Get the current line position corresponding to the top visible row2) Set the scroll position to match that in (1). "coffee_pot" wrote in message