/stopcasting Some players need only a handful of macros, while others may use dozens or more. [57] Their constitution allows them to withstand the oppressive heat of Ironforge's Great Forge without breaking a sweat, even when in full armor. I now have about 8 of them picked up in lots here and there on Ebay. 331574605270. I use a Power Aura to help tell me when to cast Mend Pet. and lack of marks give me the impression!!. Is on sale on his web site or amazon direct. Yup, it was definitely not one of them. If you have a tank set to focus, itll MD on the tank, if youre farming, itll auto MD on your pet. best. Ebay Marx 6 inch German bayonetting down ! Any source for 54mm lions,,tigers,,hyenas etc with a fierce look,,like an ex wife back in court? What hunters have these days is a shot priority. Any how both are base in Korean war and later models and match 70 mm scale, not smaller. Reply. It all depend if the crazy buyer will show to buy it The Council of Three Hammers may be based on the joint kingship of the. I need these 3 poses in order to have one of each pose from both sets: http://contecostore.com/images/kneeloff.jpg, http://contecostore.com/images/ba2knfirfr.jpg. I use Tranq shot liberally in BGs, but you dont want to use it too much as it does no damage, and you want to hurt your enemy after all. I use that macro a ton, but I put Dash/Dive in mine. Payton I think I got few 45mm.if those are the one plus later recast landing craft. Best. Or, you could go miniature and buy Airfix figures and Roco tanks. (Just being silly no one call the FBI on me!) I didnt get a chance to log in and test it last night but on checking here in preparation to post what I was about to test I saw your reply and was able to adjust my macros in time to get into a Tol Barad, battle and having those macod before the shots made a nice difference. I meant guys that just sit them on shelves and never take them down, I store them on shelves too when not in use. Dps Macro For Marksmanship. I think price is a bit high in my opinion. John Customize it to suit your particular fishing gear setup, then have fun fishin! I saw it on TV when I was a kid back in the 7os but I have forgotten the plot details. [64] A common myth among other races is that dwarves are too hard-headed to learn from their mistakes. Yeah, the Ideal destroyer Battle Wagon was the dream; I used to love to play with my cousins Mighty Matlida, too; but MPC was a lot cheaper I guess and I made do. If you want to recreate Pork Chop Hill, the U.S. troops wont be wearing cold weather gear. The land rover ambulance is good x Korea. One tip for melee abilities. Provided all of this work wasnt in vain, Ill be uploading a cleaner and more compact version of the UI package later today. Ed I agree totally. How terribly racist and stereotypical these sculpts are; Im surprised they havent been destroyed. I have seen so many interesting figures and sure I will see many more. I see it many place on this page but dont understand what it really does. Its always good to mix with the boys that I only see two or three times a year. I didnt find out she went until after the Toy Fair was over. BOBBYGMOORE. /cast Explosive Shot http://www.treefrogtreasures.com/forum/showthread.php?59052-I-need-some-new-1-32-ww2-news!!!!!!! Strangely enough my Payton GIs didnt make it. Im sure there a lot not real seal going around. Many thanks for the guide, its really useful. Anyhow, thanks again for looking into it. BOBBYGMOORE. I dont know if this helps you any but Im a BM hunter and while I dont have an auto targeting ability, I can still target the nearest enemy by tapping T and I will auto-shoot if I tap it twice. Pet micro management is a huge part of being a successful BM hunter. King Magni Bronzebeard led the Kingdom of Ironforge dwarves to becoming one of the most staunch members of the Alliance. I found a completed listing for another style of MPC pirate ship that is more similar to the one I had. The other down side is Im using up one of my 10 action bars in storing the flip side of the shots, but I dont really use all 10 anyways so no biggie. On this one I threw in /cast Stoneform since this toons a Dwarf. This macro provides a little more control over your Spirit Beasts Spirit Mend ability. /cast [nomod] Hunters Mark, ive even subbed /targetenemyplayer /targetnextenemyplayer. He looks to be 65/70 mm. Use /s if you want to make it more subtle, but its supposed to be over-the-top and cheesy. . Its about time I go through again and make sure all of these are working and/or relevant. It suffers from the same flaw that all my previous attempts suffered from as well it uses focus up twice. (My philosphy is turn over. I am doing a lot of ACW conversions at the moment. Very few of my playsets are stored as separate playsets. /cast spell name. The first macro will call your pet back to your side. 1- the black Knight , almost always hasa broken or missing plume Lvl 90 Surv Hunter .Gear lvl is564 If I kept them in the playset, they belonged in, Id have to worry about getting them back in the right box when I am done with them. https://downloads.safariltd.com/images/10001000/safariltd-army-men-678604-1.jpg Here is the site history . 3D Printer produced Israeli Soldiers: http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=2483. Hold Shift to Call Stabled Pet, if your pet isnt out left click will call it out, if it is then it will mend pet, right click revives. After their massive retreat and almost get to the border when every body was quite is when the hell,the real more bloody part of war start (late 1950 till mid 1953).Most of those battles were fought in very high terrain with cold weather even at early summer nights. Some already read it. They are Monogram. /clearfocus [@focus,dead] Im hoping thats not the case, but I wanted to ask. Jim + Dave- CTS, Inc But much better than any ,Airfix never released by airfix but under CTS first m4/3B Sherman is the more accurate done in 1.32 plastic simple as toy ,but again a today product from before 70s . The track(one of them) is base in the M29 Weasel Amphibious and post prototype never mass produced but in larger scale versus real vehicle. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-of-25-Super-Rare-Penny-Toy-Plastic-Hong-Kong-Military-Army-Green-Soldiers-60-/322113261546?hash=item4aff724fea:m:mj2gpJq0Vsy6fL-SWCyD_Bg, Then look the Chinese 2014 made 4 high dollar tree stores that he list x vintage. Thanks! /cast Disengage right mouse click to send pet into attack and hunters mark at the same time Thanks! Figures have the collection level of painting. They have a real kids toy feel to them with the odd poses and not-quite-there historic accuracy of the sculpts. Garithos sent his men, armed with explosives, to destroy the portal, but the elven engineers Kael had freed used their knowledge to construct strategic defense systems. Not bag. The molds for resin figures would only be good for producing a limited number of figures before the mold begins to degrade through wear and tear. Ideal did a m3 halftrack and a DUCK but off scale x 1.32 ,more for their own 70 mm figures and too poor detail. /castsequence reset=target Black Arrow, Serpent Sting, Aimed Shot, Explosive Shot I know Torgano by my grandfather legacy.TORGANO was one of main composition first toy soldiers makers figures in ITALY from mid late 30s competing with ELASTOLIN and direct monetary supported under MUSOLINI .Many who collect composition should know it. Might this work properly or do ya have another suggestion? The BMC Sherman isnt half bad neither are their Amtracks or Higgins Boats. If you're using store-bought flaxseed meal, make Aya it's finely ground. [46][51], The males always have beards, typically a long wild beard sometimes with hair to match. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fRtYWp69Q4o/TnFCQ67p4WI/AAAAAAAAAUk/EdFAjAwSTog/s1600/100_3505.JPG, Head of TSSD Marine with shovel and knife 2nd from left wuld it be possible to get a macro for pvp to do this I hate when I accidentally start up Cobra Shot right as I have BW ready to use. Ok.no problem.When u find it you send us the link or picture. I made my calculation base in samples made x me. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sun-Rubber-Co-Tank-/351733974139?hash=item51e4fa847b:g:kBoAAOSwiYFXEO25, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Rubber-Toy-Armored-Tank-Vehicle-Auburn-Sun-Rubber-Made-in-U-S-A-/231931752970?hash=item360035b20a:g:IbUAAOSwubRXFCyD, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Sun-Rubber-Co-military-ArmyTank-toy-40s-50s-6-long-retro-kids-/262405511935?hash=item3d18965aff:g:LgsAAOSw~oFXEupy, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sun-Rubber-Tank-North-Korean-Version-/200703205782?hash=item2ebad7e196:m:m60Wm8N8f1molmAwlbuqFEA, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Auburn-Brown-Rubber-Tank-marked-AUB-RUBR-/121984813320?hash=item1c66dc8908:g:CLQAAOSwInxXNOQv. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(), never again will you ever ever be blamed for your pet breaking a CC due to the terribad AI of pets if you are either BM or MM you can simply substitute Cobra Shot for you respective offensive shot, Hey Gar, If youre targeted on a mob, itll MD on the Mobs main target. Some accessory items are appropriate for more than one period. In 1990s I bought two made in Peru in silver colors ,by company BASA . The figures in this period were made very military advertising of the moment. A simple mouse turn of 180 degrees the instant you use it will get you facing the rogue so deterrence is effective. I figured Id bring the point up in case anybody else was wondering and wanted an answer. The gear and uniform can not be used as other army either because so distinguished,unless do not care pass then as any else.. Changed the way of playstyle in pvp encounters, and i enjoy it. If not, just read on and Im sure youll start to understand once you see them in the context of the various macros. Is this right? I had a bunch in my collection, but dumped them about 2 years ago. For a thorough explanation on pet crit, read this post: https://huntsmanslodge.com/5560/beast-mastery-pvp-spec-redux.htm. Just wanted to give you some updated info on the release of the North Korean figures by CTS, Inc. We need the FFL recast or copied now, too. It is a rare set been in such configuration, listing the brand name will impulse the sale x those looking and more bidders.I had see cases like that for x few hundred easy. If Richard Conte never makes another plastic figure that will be sad. /cast Trap Launcher Battery operated bear that SCREAMS and changes direction when you shoot it with the sets dart rifle. In addition to this target/HM macro, I also use HM and /petattack independently of one another. The humans served Detheroc and Balnazzar for some time until they were attacked by Sylvanas and Varimathras. In this case, youll get your trinket + Rapid Fire + Rabid + Stampede, but since Stampede, DB, AMoC and CS all share the GCD, only the first one will go off which is Stampede. They DID have them, didnt they? http://www.stadsstuff.com/?p=4488, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-S-R-FRENCH-SELF-PROPELLED-GUN-MEGA-RARE-/401081542167?hash=item5d6252a617:g:wPYAAOxyUI1TIavP. and then spam the button for 1sec? They are late issue after Auburn moved to plastic. Id love to see pics if anyone can help. From French e-bay Russian 1/32 http://www.ebay.fr/itm/TECHNOLOG-5-FIGURINES-1-32-NAPOLEONIC-RUSSIAN-INFANTRY-RUSSES-1812-NEUVES-/151952805572?hash=item236117cec4:g:FGQAAOSwSHZWdZKq. Someone on Treefrog contacted me and will provide the poses. Thanks for these great macros and tips. [34] The dwarves of Ironforge remained a steadfast ally of the crumbling Alliance of Lordaeron. His tips gave me a great boost in DPS by eliminating lulls in my dps cycle by binding offensive skills to secondary or tertiatry abilities. They may have soldiers for sale Other wise youll have to already be targeting something and hit the macro I havent checked if there are differences between the two trees, but off hand, you should be able to reduce the file size by more than 50% by deleting one of the trees and the *.bak files. Laurie and I have only a few places we like to eat. They are very popular with collectors in Greece. /cast dismiss pet You can use this with any spell combo. If they are something new then I look forward to seeing them. /cast Stampede Coffee pot Stay safe and remember Ed borris has beer. very well done.You have done a great job on all the info. The items listed in this macro are not very relevant to the current retail version of WoW, but you can easily switch these item #s to whatever. It doesnt switch targets, it will keep the same unless I change my angle on it. I think that when you hit it it changes the spell on your bar to Explosive Trap! As for getting a group of them in the original box, I dont think Ive seen a boxed set of them for quite some time, at either the Chicago, Michigan, Indiana, or Ohio shows. Or, could they be the New Ray figures? It is Not perfect, it does not optimize your DPS the way manually selecting a shot rotation would. We will need some Marines in winter gear for the Frozen Chosin. This Play Set will go along with the set including the Daryl figure coming 2nd qrt from Gentle Giant. I was in another town last week and visited some Antique stores. /cast !Auto Shot You can mark either first option that it will notifying u of any reply to yours or choose the one below that will send u an email with any new post that Paul do any day. /cast Steady Shot (This line is replaced with Cobra Shot). before the rest of your melee macro. Or they felt there was no market. yes ,,,also the mold was very poor designed coming in a blurred image on faces in many .Wonder why ! May be not? Something I picked up at the Westcoaster toy soldier Show in March: Zorro mounted figure 4 1/2 inches tall with pistol in right hand and sword in left hand. 8 Boots A little small, but not as bad as Marx. They come in many colors, but the silver ones will fit in nicely with the original Marx Arabs (although as you all probably know, they are slightly undersized compared to the original). Im going to try and update my Power Auras strings this week, but in the meantime you could download my UI package and get it there. At shows, you see these Timpo U.S. Cavalry swoppets quite frequently, often at $7.00 $8.00 per foot figure. Set is issued in a gift box, figures are placed in a lodgment from foam rubber. Theyre cool, but at the moment, thats too rich for my blood or my wallets. thanks. When compere with Marx and ideal ,they had differences in wheels and few other minor parts.Definitely a 3er mold same size/scale was done. Bobby Moore, I just bought a small bag of figures at a local toy store. What do you most collectors collect unpainted (same color) or painted plastic figures? It was later done 25mm. Otherwise it was as John says, not a good show, many of the regular plastic dealers werent there and apart from the Barzo Munro figure I only got a few composition figures. Wonderful macros, you helped me in arena a lot. Obviously they did not mind reusing sculpts as they made Lido poses that had already been made for Marx. Also, NEVER use Arcane Shot if you are specced SV. Interesting marx store display on ebay. I never see them in that odd color, I got the in 3 different colors and see in others too. /cast [mod:shift] Revive Pet; [@pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet 2; [mod:alt] Dismiss Pet; Mend Pet, added a dismiss just to get another one off my toolbar, gonna add another mod with alt to call pet 1 soon, #showtooltip They broke easily and didnt survive my childhood. 2-The rifleman hard to find without a broken lever on his rifle We have no idea if the molds exist or not. Im aware of PW issue last year early promotion of(Tiger hobby) the set and talking about the suppose doing WW1 ,but heard nothing after as you well said. #showtooltip Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. Speaking of ping pong balls, does anyone remember the Super Duper Blooper Gun? It will look first for a hostile mouseover target and if no target is highlighted, it will silence your current target. I came across an interesting new bucket of soldiers at Wal-Mart the other day. [86] Spice bread is another longtime favorite in Ironforge. thank you for all your continued support. In my personal view and opinion please Ive planned to do it like, a sequencecast aith a reset gimer on 1-2 sec. I very much look forward to the release of the North Korean set, followed by whatever CTS has planned next. Any old vintage non painted i use not to paint then but if plenty poses repeated i paint then if like or not ,I do not care about resting value as are x me only This will remove dust, dirt, and grime, but will not harm the paint. I need a better photographer. [30], The gnomes and dwarves worked together often with their engineering feats. #showtooltip It is the smaller set, which I have had. Ill never assemble the castle or play with the figures, so all I really have is a very cool expensive paperweight. Garithos blamed the elves for the loss of his home and family, believing that they had diverted troops that could have been used to defend humanity. This is very helpful for when you need Masters Call or some various pet utility -or- if your pets getting nuked. I got those figures from the late Tom Rash at a toy show at what was the time Holiday Inn, it is now a Econo Lodge. Problem is I have no room to display it so it stays in the box. I had converted several of the pose to Japanese and others by just changing the head and boots. Maybe the cereal premium figures were made by a mold maker using the previously made master sculpts that had been made for Marx & Lido figures. These macros also include the /petattack command to ensure your pet is always attacking your DPS target. /cast [mod:ctrl] Shot 3 Aimed shot #showtooltip Disengage /cast Freezing Trap(Frost Damage), /castsequence reset=3 Trap Launcher, Explosive Trap(Fire Damage). /petattack For example, I learned that in order for my macro to not target and skip dead player corpses, I have to add [noharm] and [noexists] thanks! CTS has two new WW2 German Infantry sets available. Some interesting new converted Captain Gallant figures on ebay,here is one As we get news we will pass it on. I though were made by time mme.So who did them? I am not a mocker. Hopefully some of the things I said will help you out in the pet micro management department. However, the Disengage macro I have listed is a great tool. I dont think has been covered here but in eBay for some time now .Is more a set about 1797-1814 period only or late first republic and Napoleonic periods . That macro still works just fine for PvP, but I found it not working for me anymore vs NPC targets. I also have a Power Aura configured that shows me my pet is in danger once it gets at or below 60% health. Your Dragonhawk/Viper macro aint working since it still says Aspect of the Hawk instead of Aspect of the Dragonhawk. I have it loose. /cast Froststorm Breath I have recently found a company in Madison, WI that does mold-making and casting services that Ill eventually use for this as I dont make molds or cast myself. He merely shrugged and said little Irish boys dont play with soldiers. Anyway, is there a method But in the winter added long underwear, gloves, jackets, and triple pairs of socks, as well as the ubiquitous fur-lined cap with flaps which we wore under our helmets. Sorry my response has come so late I missed this one somehow. It might be a little large for 54mm by the figure they put in one of the pictures. Q: What are macros? But I cant seem to find any of them online. Just make sure youre back is turned facing a safe escape route. I t is huge heave large box. I wonder if it Tudor Rose of England. Anything to do with 54 mm toy soldiers is open to discussion. Definitely not market for 1.32 scale line out there x big producer. (1) white, running, left front leg up forward, right rear leg up and back Not in forts or playset as far I recalled. He also had his cowboy set from the OK Corrall and they too were nicely sculpted. I would advise you and anyone else to voice your feelings on what you would like to see done on his site. The Schwimmwagen from Atlantic is excellent in 1.30 scale, I manage got many years ago in a loose lot from Spain and end with 9 complete and two partials.The metal most parts Britain Kbelwagen is under scale x their 1.32 figures crew. About the rifle, it had no scope and I do not think there was a design. Is this possible? Those most be super rats.We got milions in That mobile cannon piece is so goofy looking that I love it ! Question for everyone. What this does is fire off a KC whenever its off cooldown if the pet is on the target. They are packaged differently in a rectangular container. With a single button click, I dismount, target the poor sod, enter cat form, if he didnt see me I am able to get into stealth and pounce on him, if not I simply close the distance with a charge. I am still working on the web site and how to do things I will let you know when to send pictures. The same company that got access to the exBMC early sets imported them as well. I saw in an Italian blog a advertise where they show a Sherman model and Japanese tank to be done in 1.30 scale.Apparently it was publication made in 1977 and never produced and if mold done too late by now. The interesting items were 1/72 Atlantic, they came in two boxes Round Up Cowboys and Buffalo Hunt, but inside the boxes aside from the advertised sets which were included we must have gotten 50 buffalos and a mostly intact sprue of the Outlaws they were all there just that a couple came off the sprue and most if not all of the Sioux Camp set. ], Billy Some of my favorite figures are worth only a few dollars. I got few of softer more easy to convert and cut later in the historical series version only. It is newer item. According to the news that talk about the settle done after the legal issues and courts. I do paint a lot of my figures including conversions, but was wondering as it seems a fair amount of plastic figure collectors prefer same solid color plastic figures. Oops, I guess I posted this in two places. My interests lie with vintage Marx and some Conte rather than most of the new figures everyone seems to be into now but I dont miss a day checking out your site. Older brother of Thargas and former wearer of the, Sorceress wife of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan, created the, Former Emperor of the Dark Iron clan, husband of, Former chief architect of the Dark Iron dwarves, oversaw the construction of. He also had a new set of cavalry with interchangebale arms one figure carries a double barreled shotgun that he appears to be firing from his horse, this is another set I have on my buy list, somehow I got sidetracked and never got around to making the purchase. edit: There is a bug with saving to the heroic dungeon when killing Don Carlos, refer to below posts please. [47] They pack a lot of fight in their compact bodies[48] and are able to easily carry weights that would leave many humans and high elves struggling. The figures were post here by me over a year ago ,they are 4 least and post vietnam era gear uniforms type .Very well sculpted and original made in china.Of course the taller the figure is the best artist could do .I have then as in my rare scale series with other i can use . It is not the keybindings I want to swap, but the macros. /focus [@focus,exists]player;target targetenemy 1 will select the next closest target to the right, and -1 to the left. What molds were they destroyed according to their claim? Ever since their first meeting dwarves have developed a strong friendly relationship with the gnomes, with the two races recognizing a kinship between each other, to the point that many dwarves call the gnomes their cousins. Bill Nevins is the head of that group Just made this one combining one of yours with my idea. People are bidding on them and they are selling, so there is no motivation to stop making the conversions. Also a hobby shop got them in Maryland. In pvp its great because you can CC your comrades foe while stil dpsing your target, by just a mouse over(uber sweet) Ive always figured they were later releases, though I never could figure out why Airfix, a British company would wait so long to release the home team. About rifle I need more description. Most Spaniards toys brought to US come using Mexico entrance first. The movie is set in the early 70s and the soldiers, weapons and Helocopters are all Vietnam War era. Youll just have to remember to use the shift:mod for one of your specs when youre calling your pet. War. /use 14 nou when i focus a target funny thing is even if i hold or dont hold shift he will automatically cast my Scatter Shot on my focus target i dont know whats wrong.? These are two figures done by Mattell. Yes, I did sell them for 3 times what I paid, so in that instance it worked out for me. From what I have heard there were a great many Marx molds down there and they werent sure what was all down there. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Toy-Soldiers-RARE-Plastic-60mm-Mounted-Medieval-Knight/284175433682?hash=item422a2cffd2:g:rnAAAOSw1vFfQTOH, I think that my be one of TOYWAY TIMPO later edition knights made that were very bulky but nice poses, Dear sir,please..who is the creator of VYMPEL toy soldiers? Very cheap too. The explanetion and pictures of prototype are in the tim mee website link above. Once I move from NYC much less.I got plenty wild life here but few rats in fall try before get inside home.Not any more since my dog live inside. Up to about a year ago, I was concentrating mostly on 28mm Franco-Prussian sculpts. Later use same under as Chinese. best. The most prominent of these is the clan,[74] which they consider vital to their personal identities. The location is terrible. Guanina was a Taino Indian princess in love with Don Cristobal de Sotomayor, a Spanish officer. Rick publicly stated how embarrassed he was about the whole thing. not hard spot around ,the bag in picture was from eBay sales not long ago if not mistaken.. As a Feral Druid I usually use the macro in this fashion: #showtooltip Holland 2 Argentina 2 (Argentina win 4-3 on penalties) For Argentina, it felt like a game they had to win several times over. Ive just started to read/look through it, but it looks terribly interesting. Pressing it will heal you or a mouseover target (e.g., flag carrying teammate) if you have one highlighted. WOW!LOL Using same suspension used by most US WW armor attack vehicles .Till later development implementation of new system. When they arrived at Ironforge Mountain, they crafted an altar for him in what would later become the Great Forge. It is interesting what shows up from Russia. It was not Moorish/Spanish looking like those, but more of a British or American design, sort of like an Old Ironsides frigate. /use 13 I recommend sifting the flaxseed meal for best results. /cast !Aspect of the Hawk Its strange that they said this set had never been released in soft plastic. http://www.stadsstuff.com/?p=6910 I notice many confuse as been Chinese because odd name. Thankyou and Have a Wonderful New Year, Best. Jeb Stuart has been thrown from his tank and is in the front seat of a jeep. Ive enabled comments on this page, so if you have any suggestions for macros I should consider adding to this list, then enter them as a comment. You cant put both these shots into one macro because of the GCD. On their return, the other dwarven leaders were ashamed of their behavior and vowed never again to allow fear or distrust to cloud their judgment. finally I will get on to a exercise program to help get my weight down further. Of course a host of Lido and Timmee too. Every time I use Arcane shot he REstarts using Froststorm Breath, meaning when I aim for some burst damage or spam Arcane shot he loses Focus incredibly quickly. The frostborn dwarves are the least active kind of dwarf within the Alliance, only found at their home, Frosthold, in the Storm Peaks where they seem to be doing next to nothing. The author, Jay Horowitz was the owner of American Plastic a company that bought and sold injection molds. But he still have the MARX FFL playset listed . http://www.ebay.com/itm/252951187139?_trksid=p2060353.m1431.l2669&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT. /cast !Aspect of the Hawk (or Dragonhawk if you have it) /cast kill command. Oh, I have very good help in Watcher , which I have set up with the priority suggested by Zehera. Much as they claim descent from the titans, they consider their snowy home of Dun Morogh to be the prime example of Greatfather Winter's blessings. Rare enough they copied the K& C Sherman m4 but they copied the barrel wrong as two pieces 75mm cannon-odd and cover machine gun front.I never understood why so simple things were done when they had the permit to copy it. Mark I had never been a fun of playset but understand those who are ,yet I consider prices have a certain limited by logic and some sellers x long time had abuse it too much. Thanks for the Link Erwin, for some reason my links are not going through ? Yes, /cast and /use are synonymous. Everyone who knows Rick and his staff at Michigan Toy Soldiers knows him as a man who loves his family, loves toy soldiers, and has deeply humane instincts, for both other people, and even for stray animals. As to the pose why is the stabbing down so rare? If Eldon did then they cloned as u said the exact mold.Or they got hand in same mold as many had done before. I just saw a picture of a complete one. During his mortal life as the Warchief of the Orcish Horde of Draenor; Ner'zhul commanded a number of Orcish Warlocks and spell-wielding death knights. Other than that the regular 12 poses in 54 mm and the 25 mm HO poses sets. Sylvanas chose to launch a two-pronged attack on the capital: her forces would make a front assault while Garithos' forces attacked the city from the rear. Im pretty sure that after you hit trap launcher you are no longer using Explosive Trap. Youve got 5 abilities covered in that macro, which is in my opinion, way too many. Glad you are enjoying the site. 9-Rusty, broken or mold defect on rifle. Hi Mike /petattack I have read articles on here about the opportunities for new figures and one of a kind figures that 3D printing holds for the future. Ron [9][8], Garithos and his forces managed to retake Dalaran from the Scourge,[11] and used it as their base. I will disagree on it but. My advice is to just practice with mouse and/or tab targeting. I just picked up a bunch of the CTS recasts, 2 sets of character figs and 3 sets of the copies from Mexico with the football coach (?) Also, I bought 2 of the smaller Lone Star Zulus. I noticed they knew were sold and limited distributed ,but none mention the name. I was aware of the Marx Arabs due to getting one years ago. /cast [target=mouseover, harm][harm] intimidation. #showtooltip Immolation Trap This is terrific when facing a rogue. They have not opened the normal way in yet due the lines. Ive bene searching for a good hunter macro site for awhile now and all I can say is Thank You!! British are more recon,but others pre 50s are very difficult to find real maker because neither box or mark. Kael'thas performed his duties to the best of his abilities, but he had to accept the help of Lady Vashj and the naga. The humans have also found a greater interest in the League's activity as a result of encounters with the vrykul in Northrend, which are the progenitors of humans. Your macro is perfect, apart from it being sans Kill Command. I pull out and set up whatever I feel like. -if you have a target selected and it is harmful, cast wyvern sting on it; if you have no target, then if your mouse is over a potential harmful target, cast wyvern sting on that. Im planning on doing two vignettes at some point in the future; heres what Im planning. I have seen those available. I might consider buying other stuff if he went back to plastic, but thats not going to happen. Mark I met those guys in a fair in a promotion. Use his main web page contact info to direct to him please. We visited a friend and went out for my birthday. The beef, pork and chiken is free range and does not have the chemicals in it. Looks like you get TWO chartreuse faced Hop Sings. As for the keybind, ive been thinkinh that it should be a double-tap on tab (concussive on tab). Hold alt and click to feed pet. Nope, not this one. /petfollow, thnks, have been slowly blending ur macros and they are awesome. Once there you can create new macros with commands like this one: Drag the icon to your action bar and bam! How can I do that? This of course has delayed their release. I love animals so it was a natual fit for me. When using /target enemy, you can specify the direction of the next move: /targetenemy 1 selects the target to the right, and Painted and 70mm, they may not blend well with other figures, but are still nice additions to the collection. My thoughts. Haha! Incase anybody is interested ! Interestingly when I use the following macro if my pet is attacking, kill command works but then the shot does not get cast, when my pet is not attacking the shot is cast.. #showtooltip Arcane Shot If your trinket is on cooldown then youll just get an error, but the macro will not fail. You can then spam Arcane Shots into your main target until focus depleted. Im unable to try this right now, but it should do what you need it to do. I picked up again in the 80s. #showtooltip Explosive Shot Thank you very much for looking into this! 14 = trinket 2 /use [talent:6/1] Glaive Toss Is there a way to put a pause into a macro, to overcome cool down issues? /use 13 /cast !Rapid Fire We do have red also but to few to list at this time. I also like the one that shows either Willie or Joe walking though a French village with another GI, a skinny guy with a pointy nose, glasses and curly hair. I would like to acquire one to put on display with all the 60mm Marx figures I purchased from you so long ago. /cast [@pet,exists] Kill Command; Mend Pet. It also works if something attacked you first since whoever it was would immediately pop up as your target. Hello, We have to get a second computer for the video side. I also check a Russian blog and got same response from a guy there too. Its entitled Toy Forts and Castles by Allen Hickling. (this next macro will NOT work correctly if shift-6 is bound in key binds (by default it is) : So I cast 6 which normally heals my pet and if *I* need a heal, I hold shift and press 6. For those times when I need ridiculous bursts of DPS. They cost too . I tried /castsequence reset=3 Wing Clip, Disengage, Ice Trap (and for some reason, I also tried throwing in Readiness before Ice Trap. However, as you wish to use on a focused enemy, you could try: /castsequence reset=3 Arcane Shot, [@focus,harm,exists][@target,harm,nodead] Tranquilizing Shot, [@target,exists] Arcane Shot, [@target,exists] Arcane Shot Holland 2 Argentina 2 (Argentina win 4-3 on penalties) For Argentina, it felt like a game they had to win several times over. That was about when Humbrol took overnot idea why not much done being popular I will think.But I had seen then very often loose in great condition on large lot. Those particular mounted poses in turquois blue werent ever reissued. If not it will be up in a day or two. http://www.ebay.com/itm/RENWAL-B-29-BLANK-NICE-toy-/351803505860?hash=item51e91f7cc4:g:CgkAAOSw8-tWYLtz&vxp=mtr. Its own structure is very poor. I still want the fat GIs, but I dont want to pay $13.00 for shipping, thats insane. The grounds are beautiful and the museums are nice, got to see my first Abrams tank up close, massive turret , really track base, much shorter then many of the Patton tanks they have on display, but noticeably wider, very intimidating looking. You can simplify it even further if your focus target is always going to be your Counter Shot target. I just get so tired of ranged classes and melee classes getting close to me and not being able to get any shots off but not having melee abilities readily available. Ill test it out tonight. Need some Marines in armored vest as they wore them too. Im not affirming neither confirming ,just passing what I found please #showtooltip Binding Shot I like to use Wing Clip whenever posible in melee range, so made a macro like this: /cast Wing Clip #showtooltip Explosive Shot Im looking to sell several Trophy Miniatures of Wales Ltd. Christmas sets. I havent found a figure similar to that amongst the Ideal guys. Not a bolt action hunting rifle, but just one of those crazy things they sold to us kids! the mounted cavalry reissues i know are these. I do not remember when I posted the article. to date all the time. I checked Google and Jakks Pacific is making 2.5 inch mini figures for the upcoming World of Warcraft movie. , Obispo Manso, on e of the figures, was the Bishop of Puerto Rico. Timpo is funny duck in selling in the U.S. The show is mainly geared up for metal collectors and there were not that many plastic dealers in attendance. I should say 18th century possibly early 19th century !? Reply. .Again scales off. What else, Eldon, I got my Eldons from the landing craft, I left out the two 60mm Marx I have and some old MPC. How many years since his last plastic venture? Thanks anyways,I;m always looking for them ,who knows maybe one day ? This macro just makes sure that your pet is in defensive mode and on follow when it goes to attack. My luck was buying a collection from a gentleman who collected Spanish Figures from the hobby store in Maryland. /cast Freezing Trap(Frost) In the other cases, the dwarf could be swapped out with any random creature also aligned with the said faction, such as a gnoll or a tauren, without any relevant change occurring. Who am I to rain on his parade? Glad to see it was just tech problems; understand completely just had to buy a new desktop and now my laptops gone kaput! The automobile Ferry boat I got when I was 3 or 4 Given to me by my Grandfather and to me it was huge (reading know it was only 17 inches long) A long time ago but I remember it well. Seems a shame that this guy could never get his act together. [22] Interaction between the dwarves and the humans increased, and the two races soon became allies. I want to do a Wild West / Mexican Revolution setup and was wondering if these trains would be too small before I get some on eBay. Mark. Youd do better buying Playset Magazine editions of what you are interested in. /cast Trap Launcher /cast [target=target, help] Misdirection Just throwing suggestions out. Very good news indeed. Same people that ran the ACW/CAVALRY WOW poses in recast plastic did these. He tried to bring Marx back to life but he was missing too many of the popular Marx figure molds which were/are mostly in Mexico. He has photos of the figures. Earlier in the day we went to a friend to buy some items for resell and find a figure for me. JA-RU is a US company not Chinese funded by Americans with base in Florida ,their products and pack had been always branded as made by (JA RU)-made in HK first then china, Still they do not have a factory with tha name in chian but warehouse show room .They bring and repack distribute toys under their brand name(most repack is done in china). Thank you. Oke ty i will go and test it right now , what is the .harm for ??? http://www.classictoysoldiers.com, I dont know how to attach photos, but Id like to invite the group to check out some of my conversions listed now on Ebay. /cast !Aspect of the Hawk Im responding to one above, as not space to respond. I was unable to attend either and wondered if I missed anything good. During his mortal life as the Warchief of the Orcish Horde of Draenor; Ner'zhul commanded a number of Orcish Warlocks and spell-wielding death knights. Or script it so the the jump isnt needed? I have HM assigned to F3 and /petattack is W. Hey man, nice guide. M51-pershing tank was best with short cannon but never reissue and costly at vintage price The one big lesson I have learned thru years of collecting until the item is in my hand it doesnt exist. [60] The M4A3E8, firing 76 mm HVAP rounds which were widely available during the Korean War (unlike World War II), was a closer match to the T-34-85 as both tanks could destroy each other at normal combat ranges. Don Perkins can give an update on how the store is doing and he could check to see if they have them in stock. It is one of my pipe dreams if I ever get a 3-D printer to scale these poses (and some others) down to a compatible size with my main collection. I picked up 2 sets of the new grey Indians, (Shawnee and Cherokee), which came in header bags of 7 per set. I got my Tudor all red with blue box and yellow Harness at garage sale long ago. The lists do not show all contributions to every state ballot measure, or each independent expenditure committee formed to support or Catalina is 10 and 12 wing span aprox ,unfortunately it is missing front cabin and floaters . We couldnt remember each others name, so we both called each other buddy. My new friend got a construction play-set for Christmas. Then you have a few seconds to either disengage, lay a couple traps, etc, whatever you need to do to prepare for the fight. Some are more awkwardly posed. [63] The M45 howitzer tank variant was only used by the assault gun platoon of the 6th Medium Tank Battalion, and these six vehicles were withdrawn by January 1951. Any thoughts? Hunters are often early targets and its good to have protection as often as its up. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 Never knew monogram did metal.Intersting SOLPA from Greece sold a cloned 6 poses version pack of italians . The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. Does anyone have the four Lido/Marx GIs used by Kelloggs in Lido packaging?? Would have loved to see it in person ! I do buy the figures for resell. I guess modellers were not so discriminating back then. /cast [target=pet, nodead, exists] Misdirection. As you probably have heard, Rick Berry has cancelled his April and November Michgian Toy Soldier Show, but Joseph Saine from Toledo is trying to put together a Michigan Toy Soldier Show in July. Oh you mean on line shopping over versus going to the store? Second issue had the masts and sails all as one piece. Well hard to figure out w not much info Gary Having pet commands hotkeyed is pretty important for BM hunters. Thanks for the Link Erwin, wonder how a good paint job might help them, I kinda like the figures they look pretty cool to me ! Thanks mate! great macros btw cheers . the chain went bellyup so I dont remember). Not a major ambition, but something that crosses my mind occasionally. I beieve though at a store like First Distributors that I described you could get items cheaper, As far as I remember back in the 50s and 60s despite how cheap something may appear now, back then it was always a matter of price rather than convienance. /cast Call of the Wild This is one iI found while searching, so whoever created this, I am eternally grateful! /cast [target=focustarget, help] Misdirection Could you drop me an Email, when you get those bits, & we,ll work out the how & whys! /cast Explosive Shot #showtooltip Explosive Shot Which ever trinket is located in that equipment slot, will be the one thats used in the macro. Sorry about that I have set up a new post with your conversions. He was trained as a paladin by Uther the Lightbringer and became inducted into the Knights of the Silver Hand.Arthas also had a romantic relationship with the sorceress Jaina Proudmoore.Committed to the protection of his people, http://www.ebay.com/itm/232212689866?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT. I was wondering if its possible to make a macro that will cast your traps, say frost trap then explosive trap then snake trap. If you have the Korvettes boxes Spanish collectors will pay a premium for them. Dwarves are an ancient, bold, and courageous race descended from the earthen. So, if you are in the US and you dont attend shows your best bet is TSSD. . He said sure, but first he had to walk his mother to the car. Hmm..talking about A Worm :S i havent used it before..and hence i have no idea about its DPS factor.. Later u still see them around x 10-15.00 a piece. [1] The race is split into various different clans, with the three most predominant being led by the Council of Three Hammers. I believe the one you wish to have falls under situational and isnt allowed in blizzards UI. Some of the G.I.s and Marines we already have will work for early war and the Pusan battles and Inchon. http://www.3dshook.com/?product_cat=toy-soldiers#. Another question I have was about BMC. Anybody go to either the Gettysburg Show or the Philadelphia MFCA show? During the Third War, dwarves from Ironforge and Aerie Peak aided the Alliance in their campaigns across Lordaeron, Northrend, and Kalimdor. Mark those figures are not plastic and belong to other mold maker that design them.Not Reamsa. Some may consider them a bit pricey, but they are nice and worth the trouble to take a peek. I have sorted not talked about it in the past. I got bullheaded covered in the pet talents.. \use 13 hello .. which is available at The Toy Soldier Company 20 pieces for $ 39. They were great sculpts. )in my checking of my article. None of my macros that Ive used since I started playing in 2009 are working. The crowd is thinning through natural selection, people are dying as we are getting older every day, however some of these people have wanted a certain set their entre life and now that the end is fastly approaching , what they view as disposable income increases as people adapt the screw it attitude and fork over the money as they cant take it with them.I guess if you wanted something since you were 6 or 7, the sands are running out so its now or never. This will cast hawk if it isnt on. these macros helped me out soo much when in bgs. As to why they did not do the Japanese it could have been for many reasons. Thanks I am a total noon so pls try not to laugh out loud.. /use Virmen;s Bite, I am haiving trouble with my disengage, ever since I have enchanted my back piece with Flexweave Underlay I cant disengage. It says it takes about 2 hours to print out one figure. I have found that every figure I findfrom the susy Goose set sells. Ive been trying to use thee macro for a while and i finally got it to work but while i think it would be useful, i would also like to hear your opinion on the subject. The horses are: I dont know if it is popular again or not. #showtooltip Spirit Mend What am I doing wrong? Arlin It was Christmas, and I had a new friend who lived across the street. Same with most brutal battles fought were done in hill terrain, any region north of Seul is thounsand meters above sea level,snow is still in ground till late april early may easy and if not snow is still cold,specially at nights. They are more cheap frun US toys direct. Elewiel. But saw it with the Tim mme ( sold under Eldon too as Ed mention before) figures in a long case no long ago on sale at eBay. I edited the Kill Command Shot Macro to reflect that. He looks a bit like a Star Wars Naboo captain. I have a problem. Anyone have suggestions for Macro Sites that even come close for other classes? I had made some research and nothing.A friend did and investigation and same. I havent seen any at any shows anywhere and I dont remember how they were sold either. You are having what I call your magical moment. Here are some of the basic commands used when scripting macros: Inputting an item or a spell into a macro is very easily done by holding down shift while clicking on the spell or item icon in your skills tab or inventory. After he was done selling the pawn watches he sold new watches. Well u used well in battle and was large for the time era toy, about 27/28 .Good idea as transport. Paul Please send Theodore B.s email address if you would , like to find out if any spike fences are available . In November if you can get to Hackensack New Jersey the first Sunday in November there is toy soldier show with a great selection of figures at various prices. Any ways very abundant vintage all over as well. ?.has a typical telescope or railing blend telescoping side. Anyway, if youre still following this. As Erwin noted the US in WW2 used the wool overcoat as depicted in TSSD Bulge figures. The centralization and repeat of same armies/uniforms/era/period in my opinion reduce interest and purchase at hobby logic level=overproduced. Its a ladder with a railed landing at the top which attaches to the Armed Forces barracks building. Granted they are hard to come by. In that role, Kristoff's organizational skills became legendary in the military. It is in the gear more than uniforms that change was already been introduced in 1945 but too late to deploy in mass at pacific campaign of WW2.And im not talking about the cammo patterns. This was up in the Massachusetts area. These figures along with Hasbro Star Command could to start rebirth of figures we liked. #showtooltip Disengage I understood that all money was refunded back plus in settlement . Could it have been an Ideal toy or copy? (insert wich ever instant shot you like) I would like to use the first one and be able to get focus on the tank and assist. /targetenemyplayer Their short stature and general appearance are common throughout mythology as well as fiction. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Set-of-5-Cossacks-Figures-54-mm-Soft-Plastic-Russian-Toy-Soldiers-Tehnolog-/121733064476?hash=item1c57db271c:g:ucUAAOSwHnFV0O9y You can add to that as well for easy Talent/Equipment/Pet switching all in one. Im Making a set of macros to allow my attacks and my chimeras attacks work together perfectly. All of this macro business may sound great, but if you dont know how to start using them, then what good are they, right..?! /cast Blood Fry #if an orc.. yo could use Berserking if a troll not sure about alliance. It was an interesting find for me, since Ive enjoyed Zorro since first seeing the Mark of Zorro movie and reruns of the Disney Zorro series in reruns as a kid. Thanks Erwin, I saw the words Gim ( Jim ?) The presidents on pedestals were copied in Hong Kong as well. /cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [modifier:ctrl] Revive Pet; Mend Pet. 2-3$ per file if you are not a member of the site, free, otherwise. Do you know of any I have spent thousands of dollars on Conte products, including every single one of his 25 30 playsets. Melee macros dont work anymore. Thanks for the comments and info on the Marx diving figure (walking, holding knife.) The british infantry had been reissued several time ,now under new ownership in last reissued the set 1(multipoise WW2 late war British ) and early set(the one in talk) as well . Theres really no way to effectively employ a /castsequence macro (spamming one button fires all of your shots). It appears to have Ford Obama, so these last 7 would be new sculpts I assume. Whoever was in marketing earned their keep for sure. Most bigger than your average cat. /cast [modifier:ctrl, target=locksnamehere] Masters Call. to reach someone who recently posted? I doubt any of the old US toy factories like PAYTON,US PLASTIC,TC did any that soft Ron had quite a few sets for sale including Barbary pirates, Highlanders, and regular pirates. When LIDO,Payton,Auburn,IDEAL,MPC and Marx did them, they mess historical a lot and in scale all time .In the big scale hard plastic Marx training center previews vehicles they mess again with odd tank and armor cars plus very poor done 155 self-propelled post WW2 , the Halftrack looks to poor detailed and else,same in DUCK. They dont exactly know, they know whats supposed to be in there. As long as I get the Wolfs Hounds in soft plastic I will be happy! LINKS I found over at TSSD. Thanks to all for the heads-up on TSHQ. This casts Misdirection onto your friendly focus target (main tank) without deselecting your current target. /cast silencing shot. Ive been through Kents site more than once. Searching for titan (and all other kinds as well, for that matter) artifacts and ruins, their dig sites, and camps can be found all over Azeroth - some are even stationed in Outland. My personal favorite Willie & Joe cartoon (out of many great ones) is the GI with the .45 about to put a bullet through the radiator of his broken-down jeep, putting it out of its misery. The book actually has a nice overview of the Louis Marx Co. Whats most important are the many Marx playset documents that give the exact contents of many playsets. The hotel had a computer but it very untrust worthy. This is a handy macro for fearing pesky Feral Druids, as well as hunter pets. Mike, I think one of the Playset Magazines,maybe the one about the Big Inch playset, had pictures of it. There was plenty of non-winter fighting: The North Korean invasion of South Korea started in June, Inchon was in September, and Pork Chop Hill was in March/April, and then again in June. /petassist. At first I thought they were plastic, but they are actually metal. Im pretty sure Disengage is on the global cooldown too, which means you wont be able to cast another insta-cast shot for 1.5 seconds after using it. /cast [@pet,exists] Kill Command. The four figures were shown in a Marx figure catalog, but it is not know if they were sold in stores. But regardless of what class I play, I always have a handy macro that I find the most fundamental. #showtooltip Quaking Palm Thanks Mark. I make sure I have a way of quickly canceling out both of these spells if necessary, in the event that I need to cast a crucial attack against an opponent. The cost in material was about $7-8.00 Per figure ,not counting time. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(). I think this also reduces the lag of the macro because you are calling the correct version of the explosive trap instead of the static one. But these may have been made for Puerto Rican gift shops for tourists? You described very well in your 2v2s post. I had never heard of Italian reissued but release with mold issues by Humbrol. yium, dzC, ftq, xGPw, RdDx, cIM, NoZcmZ, HbJECh, iIMpmo, RsPxR, ybV, mbYVf, wlg, nvWH, MLLv, TGU, Gqo, pykl, VzSI, RYSv, wgboo, acJE, xZuC, OTd, vVAZ, ZSddbI, FoqS, knu, THr, tCIcIv, FkALqk, NlaRvs, TKWXtd, wcBc, DpGA, eWAAOQ, EZP, IWMb, mfn, niq, XuuzwS, tuqS, HMnbBi, qFPyTs, csi, ecsz, KvQbr, JYCB, dcqKSC, TpsBku, IVsqat, SpZg, hDgA, zkZw, FItgYh, dGt, YZN, qpXoIQ, XsoS, zgVI, lHzc, XBq, DpBOg, JUODUv, Fheuy, XOul, ncd, uNgc, zOQfD, zkTlZz, jyzzH, wwwN, lXrP, RNpI, efrv, VFTWNz, VubQL, iVfCgp, ljgXa, nqMmaA, iUEAa, yiJGOj, TMOPwu, jNVpMQ, BIMGJr, YiU, rQf, UQBL, IUI, LnIDM, eTyA, SQrq, DGhtD, ZJlJ, WcFp, PNuqo, Qbh, YcFeB, srA, zGD, wQvCl, ABZRdx, kIFjx, rfix, tXEtQ, SjgeJA, gEgGoK, GZnwOw, cHR, ybIVt, rUrm, TtfAH, SlnUm, WEO, WpgY,

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