Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "cab550d44024d436219a93f97bb7f519" );document.getElementById("9a45eb84ab").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022) Trophy Guide. What am I afraid of What is feedback and how can it help? You ask nicely and say you just want to know if Evelyn is ok. Skye will fill you in on what she knows. When you get to Clouds you will pick a partner. He also writes general news, reviews, features, the occasional guide, and bad jokes in Slack. Better if I didnt Ill pay for info We come with biz You smoke one and Johnny is happy. Yeah for one The clothing that V wears during The Streetkid. You admit you want to give Arasaka a little payback. You say you are afraid of becoming someone else, and Skye says you are already becoming someone else. Vik Vektors Padre is happy to know that you have a spine though, says people often get soft when they leave here. Probably best you replace it. No way you would have gotten out with the car. After the Maelstrom incident, she will offer you more work as well. Long story short, they have other work to do and Panam does not like that they wont help. The Legend of Zelda : Tears of the Kingdom. You admit that you are alone, but Stout still sends out a dron.e. Well, whaddaya know. Great to see titles like this and Killer Queen along with the classics. In the Fool On The Hill quest, Misty asks you to learn where to find Tarot Graffiti. View Page. They will clear the card and take the credits, leaving the bot with you. She says she was thinking something similar, but not quite like that. Heavy-duty aramid-reinforced badge coat - Outer Torso Anti-puncture neotac pants with composite lining - Legs You are asked to take a drug inside the Maelstrom hideout. You still get Padres card. After that you get a couple more options. Evelyn? Trust issues again? 36/ 144.4 armor). To be honest these dont seem to make a difference either, the outcome is always the same. You suggest Josh pick something since it is his night. Posted to fill a request. You say it isnt his concern, he isnt happy about that choice. You want to be remembered in the future. Great Plan Then two more options pop up. I dont drive for any clan You take a hit and Dum Dum is happy. You tell him that everything is good. Jack says that is a lot of money you two could split, but the option doesnt happen. He then asks which clan you drive for. This results in you being rebooted and the agent dying. Side Jobscan also influence the main story outcome. You say you dont care what Dex thinks, and we both know that. One choice you will run into during your Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough is what tattoo to pick. Hovercraft have their uses. You try to talk her down and this leads to more options. Her experience in politics includes positions on many committees and commissions, eight years with the state legislature, and she served as the Lieutenant Governor for Michael Leavitt. Again, you have to fight Anna. He says he doesnt log things like this, but you jog his memory. You can speak up if you want or let him keep going. Theyll pay you. This mission has two interpretations. Thanks Not doing it for free Replaces Helmet and Glasses slots. As man V, I only had Panam as an option to ask for help. You agree to help her and she will drive you guys there. What other cognitive and linguistic factors are important for the diagnosis of dyslexia? You make a joke, but Jackie says you got that cash for the hit job still. The credits roll and who knows if you ever come back. The challenge chevron_right. You say that if war is coming, you could use the allies. No way not happening Nobodies dont survive in Night City She will then ask why you came to do the job. Jackie says itd be a shame to waste this shot to be partners. Its most likely that cost is somewhat tied to your level, so the higher level you are the more stuff costs. After the drinks Jackie says you might be losing your soul to this job. You say nobody sent you, but you got a problem with your chip. I participated in, WJ III/WJ IV Oral Language/Achievement Discrepancy Procedure Useful for ruling in or ruling out oral language as a major contributing cause of academic failure in reading/written expression Compares oral language ability with specific reading/written expression cluster scores Administer WJ III Oral Language Cluster subtests (# 3, 4, 14, 15 in achievement battery) Administer selected WJ III Achievement Cluster subtests (Basic Reading, Reading Comprehension, Written Expre, Specific Learning Disabilities and the Language of Learning: Explicit, Systematic Teaching of Academic Vocabulary What is academic language? Rachel says that the chatter is pointless. Shelter Generations sur Switch. You say it isnt a money job for you, you need to meet with the chief. I know, right. You say you arent in this for free. V wakes up in the badlands and talks with Panam. But there is the craft 3 legendary items trophy. You can offer to pay yourself if you have the 10k. You tell him you two can work something out. You say you dont scare so easily and the convo is over. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Cyberpunk 2077 Trophy Roadmap. Mama Welles will be very upset that she doesnt have the body and you wont get the funeral. Dont worry youll see the choice. Cant imagine what it is like to be someone else User can choose one piece or the other, or wear both for the complete look. Agreed Saul is killed by Smasher, before you and Panam take him down. Has correct colors. Enemies are distinguished both by threat level and weapon preference. Disarm Charge This guide is updated for Patch 1.61!. Optional version of Johnny's Vest to replace T-Shirts. You are happy with the cut and then Dex goes over the rest of the job. You say that Corps dont deserve special treatment, and Dex is happy to hear it. Hat, Duster and Boots. You then have a choice on whether or not to kill Smasher. You will get some options after you use the Safeword. When meeting with Wakako, she will ask you to give her a reason not to rat you out. Although announcements for the changes were made months ago, the UPDC continues to receive inquiries asking for guidance in regards to the removal of the 93% likelihood requirement. This is basically, Ill come back later. I have that happen too, you have to really make sure to check your fire when doing those because if you even so much as graze a civilian or police officer they will start attacking you. Monowire (Legendary Arms) Has a chance to spawn in a chest where, Mantis Blades (Legendary Arms) Has a chance to spawn in a chest where. Red is the right choice here, even though neither of them do a thing. You agree with Jackie and keep on chatting. Takemura doesnt think she can help you this time, but he wont stop you. Smoke The thug will ask who is asking. After you call Panam you have a reading from Misty. These goggles are part of the Cop set. Takemura says Evelyn had alot of knowledge about the relic so she could be a Corpo. That virus will fry the Voodoo boys when you are jacked into Silverhands memories. Hellmen will ask what it has to do with the Biochip. Frank calls you wayyyyyy deeper into the game regardless of the choice here. The imagery, the music, the plot - everything about this quest is superb. You can listen to Johnny talk with you outside if you want, this adds more to his story and back ground. You say smoking is for posers and it stinks. Dont talk to Judy like that Meaning nobody from outside the family It is only given as a reward if you beat Hamal ogn Dangbahli in a game of Gwent during a tournament featured in the Blood and Wine expansion. She says if she didnt, youd know about it. They tell you how they edited the script a bit. You say no way, Dex took a leap for you and you owe him for that. He acknowledges this and you guys stand up. The Thug will ask if you are a whore or not. You remind him that this isnt the first time he was set up. Corpo That isnt your concern You tell him that the border guard told the Corpo where wed be. There are Legendary Weapons, Legendary Armor, Legendary Cyberware. You ask if she is writing Dexs bio and admit you dont know him well. You say you were not expecting this and Skye says these are you true desires. After the parade, you and Johnny have a heart to heart. She walks off pretty mad at that comment. Fingers gives in, and tells his patient to wait. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. It contains two new songs by Grimes, "Samana" and "Delicate Weapon". You wait for Fingers to finish on his patients eye. They Won't Go When I Go is a Side Jobs in Cyberpunk 2077. It is up to you, but the Client should go first. Youre higher-up then I thought Ill update if it bites me in the butt later. No matter what choice you make it ends the same, the pilot dead before he gives you any useful info. He says he will remove the virus and free the two you need freed, all you have to do is let him walk with the info. I thought maybe we could talk our way out of giving the bribe, but you cant. You tell the car to bring him back to his family. You tell Kirk you aint a thief, and stealing something like that wont be easy. She pulls The Fool, The Magician, The Lovers, and The Moon. At the location of the Gig: Woman of la Mancha northwest Kabuki, find the elevator going to the top terris there is a foodbooth, behind it is a chest there is a pair of Legenday boots you can get at any lvl. Wanna see how it plays out You say you have no idea. This Dream On - Find The Transmission Source In Cyberpunk 2077 guide will walk you through the final, more confusing moments of this side job, as you're investing a mysterious burglar and invaded the penthouse and fled without a trace. You say that you are afraid and you do these things to fill the void. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. there is Malestrom gang members shooting at a cop, siting in the open on a table is a Legendary Power Revolver called Overture with 195.0 DPS and 103-126 Damage. You then get some more options, but she doesnt respond. You get a tattoo that says Together Forever. You will say this seems like the dentist, since he is giving you a play by play. I dunno, seems like this Jesus freak could really use your help. This is purely flavor, pick what you want. Pay with Militech cred You say no problem, it is just a death sentence. Dont think so Jackie says that a hit, isnt his style. He gives you some lip, but he lets you go after. I remember After hanging out with Johnny you decide to get a tattoo. Side Jobs can also While adventuring Night City and the Badlands, V can acquire several cosmetic clothing sets. Pure Fantasy This might have consequences down the line, but for now youre safe. Here to warn you Dont have to if you dont want to After you meet with Judy, she will ask you to let her know how Evelyn is doing after you find her. I got backup Dum Dum calls you a straight edged princess but otherwise doesnt seem to mind. 2008-2022, all rights reserved. This one quest really, really needs more ways to finish it. Border Patrol: True to their name, these agents are always High-Threat, even if V is at max level, and can quickly destroy anything that gets in their way. You tell Jackie that you and Militech found some common ground. He says its about time you noticed. Whats your part in this? 2020 Hindsight: The wise act of watching your back. Jackie says if you help his homies then you are okay in his book. You know everything What's an exorcism if Johnny Silverhand can posses V? This corpo-slut from the crucifixion BD wants you to come back to give her star a pep talk, massage his ****ing shoulders and whatnot. I have been looking in my inventory and old saves to find it. Only Pain is a Side Jobs in Cyberpunk 2077.Completing Side Jobs (Side Quests) in Cyberpunk 2077, rewards you with experience points and may reward you with items. Important: You can upgrade anyICONIC GEAR you find from lower grade to legendary grade via crafting (Uncommon > Rare > Epic > Legendary). Royce does not like this option. You can still punch him if you want, I did. Im looking for a girl You ask why you want to meet here. The item values also change depending on your level (i.e. She will bring you back to the church and lead you to a chair. It doesnt matter This guide focuses on the items you can find as legendary grade outrightat fixed locations. He still acts like he doesnt know but he does give you a lead. "To serve and protect" Funny, would've thought "To extort and torture" might fit better. They do not offer any better stats than other clothing. Killing Oda will make Takemura upset and he will say that he will remember this. 101. You say you are an escort for special tastes. It leads to the same choices. She says she knew it and agrees to drop the investigation and leave. 2023. If you choose to detonate the charge, it explodes. After the suite mission, you have a choice to make. Wonder what Tyger Claw bosses would think At the end of the space station, you have a choice to make. Optional version of the Hood Belly, replacing the Wolf School Jacket. Melissa Rory is a NCPD lieutenant in the MaxTac division. Cyberpunk 2077. close. Then the cops show up. There is dead netrunner side of the road between tango tors motel and abandoned fuel station fast travel points. Dont know him well Come on You say you were hoping for thrills, not the gloom that you just experienced. Three choices here, unless you denied Stouts card then only two. Everythings Dandy You guys then fight and you have to kill him. Reading saved my life. Spare Grayson Cyberpunk, subtitled, The Roleplaying Game of the Dark Future, is the first edition of the popular pen and paper RPG series Cyberpunk. He tells you think back to the last session and to do you relaxation exercises. Then you can get down to business, as the bot is brought out. Misty and Mama Welles are on bad terms, but you can convince her to show up anyways. Sometime before 2069, Melissa had herself implanted with the Higurashi 20-13 Mantis Blades, recognized to be of high quality, though with a certain flaw: they interfaced Wanted to chat about something else? She says pay with the chip, and there will be no problems. Safeword ends the convo. Calm down Added optional version of Hood Belly to replace Wolf Jacket. V's choice may impact the reward received at the end of the quest. If you let the timer run out, he will revert back to the other two options. Something wrong? You tell her you cant promise anything. He tells you, and then Rachel cuts you off. 01 Feb 2021, 3:35AM. You say you didnt mean a gun, you meant her. This causes Woodman to laugh at you and some more choices pop up. Ill give you control Tell me where Evelyn is You try to drive away, but the car isnt working. She says maybe we could both take a second to figure out what that means. Dont Start Who are you again? You say we can do it without them and Panam tells you to shut it. You say you dont know him, which the line confirms. Cyberpunk 2077 is an Action RPG game developed by CD Projekt RED based on R. Talsorian Games' Cyberpunk Tabletop RPG.The title is CD Projekt RED's first new property since they started developing The Witcher game series. After you choose, it comes down to payment. Fine Need to think on it After the events unfold, Mama Welles will invite you to his funeral. You say no, and your offer just came off the table. Life in the city There won't be another open world like this for a long, long time. You find two legendary antisurge ice-protected netrunner infovisor from Badlands. Added XT's Clothing Library (Complete) to optional files. Long story short, the Voodoo boys will not be happy if you cut a deal with the Netwatch agent. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. If something else happens down the line I will update. Charles is a Ripperdoc you run into after doing the Last Login gig. I didnt think I imagined it. Jackie reminds you that you still have the cash from the hit job. I think so In the Crafting Skill tree buy these Perks:True Craftsman (craft Rare) > Grease Monkey (craft Epic) > Edgerunner Artisan (craft Legendary) > Tune-Up (upgrade from lower quality). To clarify these changes, a short paper has been drafted and is available on the Essen, WOODCOCK JOHNSON IV UPDATE As part of my role at the Researchems, I have been the specialist responsible for teaching standardized assessments, and in particular the WJ III. Go to any Ripperdoc and the Legendary Gorilla Arms will be available for free. Cop: lawmen equipped to handle the especially unruly streets of Night Citys dystopia. He tells you and Padre that you better watch your backs. 5. During the Dream On mission there are several confusing objectives. Find in-depth news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories. Youre fighting your way through here on way or another. The man will tell you that they have deeper pockets and can pay you more. As of 12/11/20 you can spare her for the safe, and then kill her for her drops + mission completing as if you you didnt spare her at all. To return to your body and die within 6 months, or go with Alt into the digital space and leave Johnny to live in your body. He says that you are being used by the Voodoo boys. Let me explain: We didnt have too many books in the migrant, Question: I have taught elementary and currently teach middle school language arts. He gives you a side mission if you are Corpo. Dex says high risk, high reward. No thanks Netwatch will remove the virus from you that that Voodoo boys put in you, but they will put one of their own in. She gets mad at you but Evelyn calms her down. All rights reserved. A cop's body will be there with this item. Unlike the Low Fantasy world of The Witcher, however, Cyberpunk is, as its name suggests, set in a dystopian futuristic world in which ultra Corpo After everything is said and done, the Car will send Jackie home. Dont want any trouble She asks if that was told in a threatening manor. Gig: Woman of La Mancha is a gig in Cyberpunk 2077. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Choices and Consequences guide to make sure you dont mess something up badly. While you are on the chopper, a Life Coach calls you. Doubt this goes smoothly Panam insists that you do it now and you are left with two choices. You take a hit and Dum Dum is happy. He says he doesnt need your money. You can then try to make a move on Panam, but it wont work yet. You tell her no and she gets mad. This way you will know what the outcome is even when you pick a different choice in game. Take a hit They do not offer any better stats than other clothing. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. Holo-tinted badge goggles is a piece of Face equipment in Cyberpunk 2077. He is happy, Johnny is not, and the virus is removed form your system. Long story short, you arent coming back anytime soon. She tries to convince the two to join up and help you. Could be a unique sighting. Leave The Body If you chose the Nomad lifepath, you can find a fellow nomad in the market and ask him about his own Nomad background. What do you do to relaxed Rachel? Woodman scoffs at you but another option pops up. You make up a lie about Abernathy, and as it turns out she killed herself two days ago. Doesnt matter though since the cops show up. Technically, there are as many legendaries as there are items in the game because they can drop randomly during Gigs after youve reached Level 32 (the chance increases gradually as you level up, but they only start dropping after you are level 32). Evelyn says she will offer you 50% of the take if you accept. Could end you with my bare hands Still wanna be the best She is worried about messing it up. You say you will do it for him and he asks you to take him to the Afterlife. She tells you that your job is done, and you all separate. You tell him to stop whining, and Jackie admits he cant pay you right now. You can pop the pills to end the convo at any time. Either way you get betrayed by someone. If you are a Corpo you will know theres a virus on there and you can hand it over and tell them that. Piss off Dex says you young folk making us old folk look bad and keeps going on about the plan. You dont have time for games, tell me where Evelyn is. Drink To date, there has been very little specific information released regarding the newest incarnation of the Woodcock suite of assessments. Sure Ill call you The clothing that V wears during the Path of Glory ending. What are you trying to convey to the world This is the first comment I have seen about this. Youre curious Judy doesnt like it, but Evelyn convinces her it is okay. Your bosses should know how you treat customers The clothing that Johnny Silverhand wears during the New Dawn Fades ending. You tell Anna it would be a good idea to drop the investigation. You remind Jackie that youll lose everything if you dont listen. After intros are done, you can try to talk the two into helping you and Panam. Audio player loading. Polygon has not experienced anything like what fans on social media are describing, but videos showcasing Cyberpunk 2077 s aggressive police bear out the reports above. You again say that you really could use their help. What I did though is save my atrribute points and perk points, make a manual save, then put them all in crafting. She doesnt want to mess it up and lose you. This is to open a crate in Johnnys car down the line. Different colors/texture than the picture. Morgan is a beat writer following the latest and greatest shooters and the communities that play them. Optional version of the Tracksuit Pants to replace Tight JeansGame.AddToInventory("Items.Pants_01_basic_01",1). We are not having this convo This some sort of test? You say no, and they hack your systems and basically fire you. Whether it's a small pack of a dozen, or an army of two Yes You cannot imagine how shocked I was to learn that a city-wide reading program such as Salt Lake City Reads Together took three books (one of them being mine) and will focus on them for six months. This opens the side quest Chippin In. Not gonna lie this quest is fucked up lol, Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, They Won't Go When I Go | Cyberpunk 2077 Wiki, The quest continues from the previous quest chain. It has 4 open mod slots. So I just give up? Added optional version of Johnny's Vest to replace T-Shirts, Added optional version of Ninja Shoes & Shinguards to replace Steel Toed Boots, Added optional version of Waist Shirt to replace Tight Jeans, Added optional version of Panam's Harness to replace Tactical Vest, Added optional file for Tracksuit Pants to replace Tight Jeans, Added optional version of Misty's Shirt that replaces the Holmes Coat, Added updated version of Leg Baton to fix FPP issue, Added optional version of Homeless Pants to replace Stoop King pants. You tell him it is much better, but Rachel says enough of that pointless chatter. Militech isnt happy about it, but you got the bot. Shortly after, Rachel arrives and Joshua asks you to be the one to nail him on the cross. No but you are The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. This set was added as a request. Waiting When you start to speak with Kirk, you will get a few choices. You say yeah and she says Im sure we can find something to suit your tastes. When talking to Joshua Stephenson, V has the choice to either agree to nail Joshua to the cross during the Braindance recording, watch as someone else nails him to the cross, or refuse altogether and simply leave the area. You say it is first place or no place, cost doesnt matter. Cyberpunk 2077 Choices And Consequences Guide While playing on normal, I was doing a quest called Epistrophy Northside in Watson, where you have to find a Delamain Cab, there is Malestrom gang members shooting at a cop, siting in the open on a table is a Legendary Power Revolver called Overture with 195.0 DPS and 103-126 Damage. A small amount of Eurodollars if the braindance is afailure. Nothing you can do Nothing major in the story changes, you just get another big fight. More choices pop up, but he isnt taking a bribe. Evelyn says you have a problem accepting compliments. Jackie is right This might have ramifications down the line, Ill update if it does. She says it is her bad for forgetting what Night City is like. Optional version of Panam's Harness to replace Johnny's Pants. Dont feel any impulse Weird quest, no good rewards. After dealing with the Vodoo boys in the mall, you will meet a Netwatch Agent who offers you a deal. You two are on your own. There are6main ways to get Legendaries: Dropped by Bosses, Buying them from specific Merchants, from Crafting, from Rewards of completing other game tasks, found in the world, random enemy drops after reaching character level 32. The compensation will depend on the success or failure of the braindance. You tell her you know Nash made a fool out of her, but a deal is a deal. You want to know more about the Braindance, Rachel fills you in. Feedback should be considered a coach that helps us reduce the discrepancy between our current and desired outcomes (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). Or just another lost soul wandering around Nightciry?Agreeing Joshuas faith or not, I personally think this side quest is one of the best in game. You look reasonable The thug says Fingers will like you and lets you through. You go home to die and the credits roll. A Cyberpunk 2077 Legendaries Guide that shows where to find all Legendary Weapons, Legendary Armor, Legendary Cyberware in CP77. Corpo You say it was a dreamland. When you go to the longue you will speak with Evelyn in private. One way or another I will find out This whole quest line was the dumbest in the entire gameI killed but I feel bad, now I'm Jesus. Choices here dont matter, it ends the same way and you have to fight your way out of the area. Cyberpunk Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. No way To do this, put 18 Points into Technical Ability. Or do you need to dismantle common, rare, epic etc items as well? In Cyberpunk 2077, most character builds should focus on just two or three key Skills. The two of them say they are staying here and it is about the clan. Kinda funny that photomode is conveniently unavailable during the prayer and crucifixion parts and it's revealed next to the bible passage that the guy Joshua killed won the lottery, but can't claim it. Not gonna happen Simple. You tell her you want to do the deal first. Cyberpunk 2077. To be expanded If V decided to keep Aaron alive: Aaron will remain alive and can be found at Dino Dinovic's bar in Downtown, City Center. He says stay where you are, and Hellman runs him over. If you pay them the 10k, you get the bot with no issues. Not sure I can pull it off You say that you are, which he doesnt like much. Dex bumps up the pay to 35% but that is it. Games. He also says that it is important to him so consider it. You have to be logged in to download files. Lets cut to the chase Is Saburo or Alt Cunningham gods for living forever? The man also says he will be seeing you again. Sign contract The game's director says "the cop system as well as vehicle-to-vehicle combat" is getting a complete overhaul. Lets not make this harder then it has to be You tell the car to leave Jackie here and to wait for you to come back. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. You knock the agent out and jack into him. You tell her you already know she is working on it. Can we change the subject Cosmetics sets are a special type of clothing in Cyberpunk 2077. Kirk says that it is easy, and he will clear Pepes debt and pay you if you do the job for him. She brushes you off and tells you to piss off basically. Atlantis, a corpo controlled floating city for the ultra-rich in what used to be Miami Beach. Whatd you wanna talk about/strong> Sorry, done playing nice A .zip containing all mods in this collection in 1 file, as of February 3, 2021. By day, the street is the province of corporate movers and commuting beavers. Wegotfangirls. The client and the Maelstrom option doesnt matter, you get to pick both. Thanks for the chat Im in a rush You just wanted the world to know that you are here. Panam say she isnt very good at the talking about feelings thing. Although they are not marked, they can be linked to one another by the use of their set name in the title and their identical descriptions. While in the car with Padre, a 6th street Soldier will come and be rude to Padre. Check your logs After the epilogue select One more Gig to return before the final mission. Johnny gives you some crap and then you guys head inside. Diablo IV. Rachel gave me a nasty call some time after this quest. Now, follow him to the cross, take the hammer and the nail and crucify him. Drink Its a pretty long mission so be ready for it. You tell her you will call her and Judy thanks you. Gamers Heroes 2022, All Rights Reserved |, Cyberpunk 2077 Choices And Consequences Guide, Cyberpunk 2077 Where To Find Cyberpsycho Location Guide, How To Find All Tarot Graffiti In Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2077 Billy-Goat Or The Other Choice Guide, Dream On Find The Transmission Source In Cyberpunk 2077, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass Wave 3 Review, Marvels Midnight Suns Review Game of the Year, Who To Channel Magiks Power Through Rescuing Agatha In Midnight Suns, Marvels Midnight Suns Interrogation Records Locations Guide, How To Get More Intel In Marvels Midnight Suns, Where To Find The Elemental Rods In Marvels Midnight Suns, Marvels Midnight Suns Apothecary Vessels Location Guide, Marvels Midnight Suns Old Midnight Suns Mystery Guide, Marvels Midnight Suns Wandas Journal Page Location Guide, Forspoken December 2022 Gameplay Showcase Released, The Biggest Announcements from The Game Awards 2022. Back off Pay yourself Dexter says that is what he expected you to say and gives you respect. This does not bode well for Jackies body. However, this school has had the highest ACT scores in Cache Valley for the last three years and was designated the top high school in Utah by Newsweek and U.S. World News in 2011 (Sargsyan, 2011& U.S. News, 2013). You stay with Josh and see how it plays out. Stout leaves and tells you that you just made a huge mistake. You punch threaten to punch Fingers and he spills the beans. You say Braindance isnt your thing. Corpo This is what fulfilling my fantasies means? Could use your help Required fields are marked *. You need to locate and takedown 17 Cyberpsycho's for the Pyscho Killer side job. Youre lying When Dex tells you what your cut will be. You tell him we crossed the border, now we go our separate ways after he pays you. There bad blood will be cleared. This quest needed more of Johnny. You say easy does it, and Jackie says you can get out or get beat down. Pull him out You say no, it isnt just about the money. You ask Frank how he has been. You can either apologize after or just kill them and walk in. When you are being worked on you will get another choice, this one doesnt matter so much. Obtainable throughout the main story. The guard says it might be, he isnt sure yet. You tell him he sounds like an actor that is trying to get a part. You say you didnt think she had a spiritual side. But at night, the predators slither out from under their rocks and trash heaps, and the city howls. You say you like the challenge. He will also mention that to get revenge he WILL take your body if he needs to. You say nah it was your own fault. You then make the final choice. Either way the soldier tells you and Padre to watch your backs. You say you will track down Evelyn and see if she can help. Not waiting Disclaimer: This mod requires specific items in all slots to appear correctly. If you are looking to hook up with Panam, now is not a good time to piss her off. Things are only alright Date uploaded. He now knows she wanted to ditch him and offer you a 50/50 split. Lets do Sixth Street first So far so good Relax Judy itll be fine Panam says that is because she has kept her mouth shut so far. You share a drink with Jackie and keep talking. He tries to prove to you that you have been infected by a virus already. Militech will NOT be happy about this but you can leave without a fight. It is different in structure and vocabulary from the everyday spoken English of social interactions. You say you suspect she is, and Takemura says it seems like she has the right connections to be one. Ok fine A fight breaks out and you need to start dropping fools quickly. Replaces Johnny's Pants. I want to tell you something that isnt in that book I wrote but I want you to know. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Could have actually made a good mission out of this but its just dull. He says he isnt but you can push him further. You have to fight Anna and kill her. Doesnt matter what you pick here, it only ends one way. Tit for tat, and she storms off mad. Kill Oda Side Jobs can also influence the main story outcome. You say youd rather settle this without anyone getting hurt. You talk about Jackie and say hes gone now, and you have no one at your side. It doesnt matter, this option leads to you fighting the thugs. Panam will ask you why you came to help. You say you are V and you and her have a date. Characters. Its not the first time shes screwed you You will get so see some more of Johnnys memories here and see that he started to lose it. Kirk will say glad to hear it, you always were smart. There is also a graphical glitch resulting in the neck textures dragging to the floor, visible in photo mode and FPP. You check to be sure that is what she wanted to talk about, she says yes but not just so openly. Note: Normal colors on this version instead of the black/gold in the pictures. And when he asks you to pray, just go with it and pray in your own way. You threaten her for info. Turns out the chip has a vector (whatever that is) and Royce goes ballistic. As many convo points there are it still ends the same. Forspokens Ella Balinska provides a new 11 minute look at @LumiPro_EN and @SquareEnixs @Forspoken with the latest You tell Rachel to relax and Josh agrees. Tell him the girl is linked to the Arasaka and he will tell you the info you need. The game was designed by Mike Pondsmith, founder of R. Talsorian Games Inc and was published in 1988. If you dont care you can tell Misty to stay away. This walkthrough will guide you through all steps of the Happy Together Side Quest. She walks off not to happy. You think that the tech you used triggered the alarm. You tell the driver to drop Jackie off at Viks place. You calm him down after you tell him what happened. Image of new look included in zip. Johnny returns as V and takes a kid shopping for a guitar. Just be sure to stop her before she leaves. Welcome to CheatingDome, your magical spot on the web for all the cheats, tips & secrets for your videogames We are publishing new cheats, hints and secrets every day since 1998. You say same as always, cant feel a thing. They Won't Go When I Go can be acquired from Rachel Casich, wait for her to call after completing Sinnerman or There is a Light that Never Goes Out.Completing Side Jobs (Side Quests) in Cyberpunk 2077, rewards you with experience points and may reward you with items. Fingers says she insulted me. There is a "Holy Bible" on the sofa in Joshua's Studio Room. Jackie says it isnt delicate, its a hit job plain and simple. Has blue fur, unclear why it happens, do not know how to correct. You change the subject. There are a range of different vehicles in Cyberpunk 2020. For more guides check out the completeCyberpunk 2077 Wiki & Strategy Guide. is it true if i accept bribe then i won't get this mission? I cant imagine handing out a text of the same difficult, Introduction: It seems obvious that all of us need feedback if we really want to reach a goal, improve our skill set, or raise our performance. I believe you Skye talks about something deep inside that you are hiding. If you have high enough body (6) you can walk in without any issues. I dont need help He introduces himself and says he is a special agent. The thug gives you some lip, but lets you through anyways. Set Off Charge After getting Hellman back to your motel, the questions can begin. Just beat the game on my first play through-- :: Cyberpunk 2077 General Discussions. NCPD Beat Cop Uniform. The prices at the gunshop were slightly cheaper for me. Then there are other choices. How they remember you is what counts You say you dont drink and Jackie drinks both. Note: Normal colors on this version instead of the black/gold in the pictures. She says she wanted to get a good look at you first. Royce says you will pay twice, because Royce says you will pay twice. You say that T-bug is a professional and you need her help. Saul has a point He says he is fine and then you get some more options to use on him, if you want. Yup. Hellmen doesnt believe you and wants to know where you got the chip. There is a bit of clipping in the front for this mod, don't know how to change that. Cyberpunks live in cynical times. I know you are stealing He then asks if you have any plans for Night city. At the end of the convo, you have the choice to go with Brigitte or to check your other options first. You say you want to live and sign the contract. Ill think about it You tricked me Skye says that you are sad because you gave up on your dreams. Ok so where is the hideout? I reloaded the mission 4 times to be safe and the armor spawned identically. You dont really have a choice here, you cant due to the implant. He say you are right not to believe him and he will offer you a discount. He says you will have to look around the bar and a woman will walk up to you. You say there will be hell to pay if you betray Dex. You ask about Evelyn and Skye doesnt know a ton about her. You can trust her She says yes, but not about the convoy. No Jack, I lost everything 2023. You thank Jackie and you head into Night City. You say sure, let me just curl up in a ball and die. If you disarm the charge and then enter Bricks cell, by hacking the keypad, he is grateful and promises to have your back if you ever meet again. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. You then get the choice to smash a guys head in, if you have enough body points. The Rayfield Caliburn is considered the fastest car in Cyberpunk 2077, maxing out at 1,660 horsepower. Alien: Derogatory Earthside term for someone Game.AddToInventory("Items.Mask_03_basic_01",1). Regardless of the outcome, you get the info here. You had to get rid of the loose ends. Johnny says sure, he gets it. The Flathead is then brought out anyway. jon says. Vic says Arasaka took the body and he doesnt know where it is. Optional version of the Homeless Pants to replace Stoop King pants.Game.AddToInventory("Items.Pants_10_basic_01",1). Updated version to fix FPP issue. She smiles and walks off to rejoin the others. Sorry no promises You say because you know how important it is to her. You offer to pay him for the info. Rachel does not like that one bit. Beat On The Brat; Beat On The main barrier to student comprehension, Cognitive Processing and the WJ III for Reading Disability Identification March 5, 2010 NASP Convention, Chicago Presenters: Nancy Mather & Barbara Wendling Topics What is a specific reading disability (dyslexia)? Jackie says you guys need to go eat his mamas chili since it is the best in town. Disclaimer: Only looks properly on Skin Tone #1, all others leave blotches of Skin Tone #1 all over the body. Remake kicks the originals butt Well he says he will, he doesnt but there is nothing you can do about that. Some were simple variations on the classic roles, and many were all-together new, based on geographical locations, equipment, technology and For the hoodie ("Hood Belly") - Game.AddToInventory("Items.Jacket_08_old_01",1). You say youve never gave up on that goal, but it isnt looking good. Either way the situation will be defused without violence. Join. InTech was also declared the most progressive and best performing Title 1 School by the state of Utah. If you play female V or hook up with the Cop guy as Male V, you will have other options. You tell her you will think about it. Takemura says it is because you have many interesting things to say. If you delivered Jackie to his mother, you get to pick an item to bury him with. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a bug, though. He will then give you his card in case you have to contact him. Has correct colors like Panam Wears. Sorry I cant get the exact details on the other lovers, but Im only one person. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. She says it does and gets upset. Panam says that you saw right through her. may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. A guy talks to you on the way to see Jenkins. Woodman is getting sick of you so he caves and gives you the info you want. Is this routine? Evelyn is curious why Dex chose you then. Mister Ices Trousers are to the right of Tama Viewpoint, on the S shaped road, look for two police cars and a truck. Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10 (can do everything on easy difficulty); Approximate amount of time to platinum: 70h with Money Exploits / 100h without Money Exploits; Offline Trophies: 45 (1, 1, 17, 26); Online Trophies: 0; Number of missable trophies: 14 The Devil The Sun The Star Temperance Breathtaking Bushido and Chill Now, wait and stay with Joshua until he dies, and then talk to Rachel to formally close this job - your reward will be compensated to V's account later on when you receive another message from her. You know who invented the Relic and he should know how to get rid of it safely. Copyright 2022 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Pretty well These sets represent one of the possible roles one can take in the Cyberpunk universe. You say the original is 10x better and Rachel butts in. There you find airdrop with these visors. Got a problem and you will help me kick it Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. I died once Dont sign I need someone I can trust If you are a Corpo you can select the option here. Fingers will then be ready to chat. Agree with it. if you know which stores to go to and have about 250 thousand you buy all the legends that are to be sold in stores as soon as you reach credibility 11. the sooner you buy the cheaper they will be. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. She tells you to leave and shut the door. After you get the car for Panam, she insists that you go after Nash instead of Sixth Street. Panams right Beginning with the original nine roles found in the Cyberpunk 2013 booklet, View from the Edge, the roles were greatly expanded with each new Sourcebook. An ebook (short for electronic book), also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. Replaces Samurai Mask. Brick is dead. Punch Whats next for you? Copyright 2022 Robin Scott. You ask if this is a test, and Dex says it is just a topic he likes to know about. The Romans just used rope. How did you know You ask if this is routine or not. Reply. Goro tells her that Dex is dead, and you tell her that his body is in a dump. He had an epic assault rifle for me but it wasnt Iconic. You tell him you have Silverhands construct in your head. This way you don't stress over the options and have the facts. You say sorry and that you have to go. What is religion like in Night City? You tell him you will let the bosses know how Woodman treats his customers. The ideal options are for her are, Missed You, Any, Any, So Far, So Good, Either, Impulse, Touch Pananms Hand. Asking too many questions If you are a Corpo you get a special choice here. Some good news for Night City's criminal element. The clothing that V wears during The Corpo-Rat. This is a list of all Legendary Clothing and Armor in Cyberpunk 2077. Locate your Cyberpunk 2077 directory (varies by your game client: Steam, GOG, Epic) Extract the .zip file contents; Copy the .archive file into "Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch\" How To Uninstall: Delete the .archive from "Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch\" The list below is organized by which piece of clothing is being replaced. Dont need them Im alone You tell her you want to skip the tiptoeing and she basically says she doesnt want to mess this up. The newest version is due to be released this June, and I have been asked many questions regarding the changes and my observations concerning possible adoption and training. She then walks off to join the others. I went with Skye so my answers are based on that. Just like the dentist The doc says dont be mean and performs the procedure. Gangs are a type of group in Cyberpunk. A Cyberpunk version of Miami in the dark future based on the descriptions from the lore. Can be found on the body of a NCPD officer in an alley east of Martin St. in Northside, Watson. Nash hunt wasnt part of the deal Seems pretty low I'm mildly irritated that they actually implied crucifixion involved nails. Those are the rules At this point, I don't know how to do the different colors on the clothing, so the default color is what's included in the files/pictures. You tell her she would have made the call if she was going to. The belt seems in poor taste so Id avoid that. Then you choose which target to go for first. You become an experiment on an Arasaka space station. Takemura will thank you, I will update if this comes back to bite me or not. Evelyn Parker This Cyberpunk 2077 Where To Find Cyberpsycho Location Guide will tell you the location of each of the Cyberpsycho's so you can hunt them down and take them out. Evelyn says okay, but not here. You basically tell her that called the Arasaka will blame her as well. You agree to help her and she will drive you guys there. Tell Me About The Brain Dance If you kill the Netrunner you never really find out that the Voodoo boys betrayed you. She will still help you with Hellman. You can fix it without the booze, and you wont be drunk. Main article: Cyberpunk 2077 Clothing Cosmetics sets are a special type of clothing in Cyberpunk 2077. And in order to obtain a success rate, you need to make sure you pick the correct dialogue lines during the previous job: Leaving the area without speaking to Joshua Stephenson will fail the mission and V will not receive a reward. Jackie then reminds you that you are not at the top. You agree with Panam and tell Saul it is not a good idea to ally up with Corpos. A big tipper You then tell him about Silverhand in your head.. Got Silverhands construct in my head CompletingSide Jobs(Side Quests) in Cyberpunk 2077, rewards you with experience points and may reward you with items. You say this doesnt seem like her kind of place. She says she can help you remove the chip, but she is also the one who set up the job that got Jackie killed. Let him know you two talked and Fingers will give you the info you need. She says it is interesting that Dex chose you for the job despite not knowing him well. He then stands up and tells you what he knows about Evelyn. L-69 Zhuo Bought from a Weapon Shop inCity Center, Carnage Bought from Weapon Shop in Westbrook (Japantown), DB-2 Testera Bought from a Weapon Shop in Heywood (The Glen), Crusher Bought from a Weapon Shop in Santo Domingo (Rancho Coronado), DB-4 Palica Bought from a Weapon Shop in Pacifica (West Wind Estate), M2038 Tactician Bought from a Weapon Shop in Pacifica (West Wind Estate), M-179E Achilles Bought from a Weapon Shop inCity Center, SOR-22 Bought from a Weapon Shop in Heywood (Wellsprings), Nekomata Bought from a Weapon Shop in Watson, Ashura Bought from a Weapon Shop in Heywood (The Glen), SPT32 GradBought from a Weapon Shop inSanto Domingo (Arroyo), Legendary Knife Bought fromMelee Vendor in Watson, Legendary Machete Bought fromMelee Vendor in Westbrook (Japantown), LegendaryBaseball Bat Bought from Melee Vendor in Watson (Little China), LegendaryKatana Bought from Melee Vendor inWatson (Little China), Legendary Socket Wrench Bought from Melee Vendor in Badlands, Legendary Hammer Bought from Melee Weapon Vendor in Pacifica (West Wind Estate), Legendary Tomahawk Bought from Melee Weapon Vendor in Pacifica (West Wind Estate), Electric Baton Beta Bought from Melee Weapon Vendor inBadlands, Electric Baton Gamma Bought from Melee Weapon Vendor inBadlands, Timeworn Trench Coat dropped by Placide boss, during story job , Arasaka Polycarbonate-Laced Bulletproof Aramid Vest dropped bySandayu Oda boss, during story job , Kogane No Yume Titanium BD Wreath dropped bySandayu Oda boss, during story job , Comfy Nomad Shorts dropped byMatilda K. Rose (Sasquatch) boss, during story job . She then says you have given up on your dreams. While attempting to steal the car, Jackie will pop up and put a gun to your face. You two argue for a bit and then you are left with the same two choices, hit the out post or go to the deal first. Rachel cuts you off and eventually they leave. You'll usually find him diving deep into the latest releases as he attempts to conquer each and every game that crosses his path. After dealing with the pilot, you have a a choice to make; bring Panam or go alone. You have two choices here: When you drop the bot off, Dex will ask about Evelyn. Many students who speak English well have trouble comprehending the academic language used in high school and college classrooms. You surrender to Arasaka and hope you are brought back in the future. Because you can craft Legendaries theres also one for eachiconic gear + legendary crafting spec in the game. You say youll tell her, but she cuts you off and she leaves the dinner with Josh. You dont think something about Lizzys story doesnt add up. Jackie says he will help you find a place to stay. During another Main Mission, you will be chatting with two men named Mitch and Scorpion. They Won't Go When I Go can be acquired from Rachel Casich, wait for her to call after completing Sinnermanor There is a Light that Never Goes Out. You say you want to see how it pans out. Looking for Fingers I am trying to research best practices and lead an action plan for my school as I work towards my masters degree. You just want the world to know that you were here. 6. Fe, Recently, I had the opportunity to sit with Olene Walker, Utahs 15th Governor, in her lovely St. George home to talk about teacher leadership in education. The barkeep says you seem a bit tense, and sends you off. You wanna raid the Raffen Base? You say you need their help and explain the situation to them. After you can choose to drink with Jackie or not. You get mad and make yourself known the the soldier. You convince her that she doesnt know where Nash is, and he might not even be at the hide out. When he accepted a position in Washington, DC, she, InTech Collegiate High School isnt your typical high school. You say nah, the job was toxic from the start. You tell her Eddies is why, making cash is the plan. They help you get on the net where you speak with Alt and secure her assistance breaking into Mikoshi. NCPD Scanner Hustle: Hidden Gem #5 in Little China. He then gives you a choice. A collection of clothing mods I have made, with items I have not (yet) seen included in other collections. Right next to the door where Brick is being held is a Detonator. Valthirian Arc Cyberpunk 2077 - Phantom Liberty. This guide shows the locations where to find all Legendaries in Cyberpunk 2077. Youre overthinking it After that you are free to go. On the opposite theres a shootout, on the corpse you get a legendary corpo jacket. I am level 20 playing on the hardest difficulty. When she releases you, you talk business. Your tech is tryin to kill me Shinguard file now included. Not at all Copyright 2022 Robin Scott. The ripperdoc will give you the upgrade freely, assuming you come to pay him back. Minor clipping occurs with these on the back and sides near the waistline. If you choose to go after Nash, he will drop an Iconic Rifle called Widow Maker. Take Credchip Johnny takes a bus and leaves Night City. They are busy with the leader of the clan at the moment and say they cant help. Shake her hand and you can get on to business. Eff off already If you dont you have to fight your way out of the chapel after getting the info you need. I am alone, Kerry Eurodynes Glasses are in the stormdrain at the back where it ends, if you follow the outer most right wall by the dam, youll find a corpse. He will then ask you want it is you are mostly interested in. You say keep me out of it. The Other Go with her Gig: Scrolls Before Swine Archived Conversation: Dee and Aaron Archived Conversation: Claudio Moreno and Aaron McCarlson Once you do, you can then show him Anna Hamill's picture and he'll point you to where she's staying, in the motel right off the market. The influence of internationalism and the perversion of technology is all facets of everyday life have created new expressions of new ideas. Corpo You get double the pay and walk away. If you have the Corpo background, you can explain why. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. It's just another day in Cyberpunk 2077, a pretty good RPG in an amazing setting absolutely sick with bugs. From there you have three choices, draw your weapon, or take him down if you have enough strength. You admit you have no plans at the moment. Dex says that he tries to be mister Chill, but some people take advantage of that, which leads to this job. Copyright 2022 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Need your help please Do you know who you are talking to? The clothing that Johnny Silverhand used to wear when he was still alive. May it be fucked up. The two of you go grab some grub. She touches your chest and walks off happily after saying youve been warned. Long story short you have to fight your way through now. You tell him he doesnt understand what the situation is right now. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. She didn't stop and sit down. Harry questions it, but does so anyways. You are hooked up so she will know you are lying. He then waits for your bribe. Ill pay for info Guess you gotta start somewhere Padre will say that Atlanta broke you, made you soft. You tell her at least that is a start. Added optional version of Stewardess Dress to replace Hanako's Dress. You dont care what Dex thinks Touch Panams Hand Brick is in there, being held prisoner. Pay 10k yourself The name Forrest How about a discount? If you go into your office, a man named Harry will chat with you. Either choice she is coming with you so it doesnt matter. They wont have it through, the clan comes first and they need to stay behind. The voodoo boys betrayed you. I really liked how hyped he was about just getting you into the cop car. Roles are the main character classes within the Cyberpunk series. turn left and just beside the ramp is a small area you can check. Anti-puncture neotac pants with composite lining, Breathable reinforced bio-cotton corporate slacks, Polycarbonate opti-enhanced fixer glasses, Trilayer aramid-weave fixer skirt with jacket, Heat-resistant aramid-weave fixer bustier, Elastiweave fixer pumps with reinforced seams, Lightweight hardened-rubber media steel-toes, Antisurge ICE-protected netrunner infovisor, Heat-resistant hybridweave netrunning suit, Hardened netrunner boots with composite inserts, Polycarbonate nomad shirt with reinforced seams, Scratch-resistant polarized rocker aviators, Reinforced composite-lined rocker foldtop, Titanium solo techgogs with tactical software. After beating Oda in combat, you can finish him or let him live. Militech Card(virus) You have to run two system checks and he will point out that they are exactly the same. Alternatively, show the picture to Robert Rainwater on the south You can still punch him if you want, or you can just leave. Evelyn says that she has higher expectations then you just being a cleaner. Doc says he still has to check just in case. Disclaimer: There is a fair amount of clipping on the side of these pants near the waistline. We buddies all of a sudden? She wont tonight, but later she will. File size. Cyberpsycho Sighting: Phantom of Night City, God of War Ragnarok Trophy Guide & Roadmap, God of War Ragnarok Wiki & Strategy Guide, God of War Ragnarok Collectibles Guide 100% Completion, God of War Ragnarok All Favors (Side Quests), Cyberpsycho Sighting: Six Feet Under Walkthrough, Cyberpyscho Sighting: Ticket To The Major Leagues, Cyberpsycho Sighting: Where The Bodies Hit The Floor, M-76E Omaha Bought from Weapon Shop in Westbrook (Japantown), and also dropped by Matilda K. Rose (Sasquatch) boss during story job , NUE Bought from a Weapon Shop in Santo Domingo (Rancho Coronado), A-22B Chao Bought from a Weapon Shop in Badlands, Liberty Bought from a Weapon Shop in Badlands, M-10AF Lexington Bought from a Weapon Shop in Badlands, Malorian Arms 3516 (Johnnys Pistol) Automatically obtained during Side Job , DR12 Quasar dropped by Patricia during Side Quest , DR5 Nova Bought from a Weapon Shop in Watson (Kabuki), Overture Bought from a Weapon Shop inSanto Domingo (Arroyo), HJSH-18 Masamune Bought from a Weapon Shop in Heywood (Wellsprings), D5 Sidewinder Bought from a Weapon Shop in Badlands, M251S Ajax Bought from a Weapon Shop in Badlands, D5 Copperhead Bought from a Weapon Shop in Badlands, DS1 Pulsar Bought from a Weapon Shop in Watson, TKI-20 Shingen Bought from a Weapon Shop inCity Center. Padre will give the man a counter offer. Maybe if you do new game plus you can pay right now, but I was no where close to that amount of cash. But it feels underdeveloped. Reference to The Matrix, left is red, right is blue. You say youve invested too much in him at this point. Writing was a fighting back. Panam, the Aldecaldo, and V look to start a new life in Arizona, not quite ready to leave V to his fate. The first edition box set consists of three booklets that gives players all the information they need to start playing, as well as a pair of HtDW, eMsmA, pCTE, SwXrWM, UxgO, SNgLh, hnG, khlGqC, fRsVkP, kYfhEw, nkfvr, lLie, TGGb, qQx, rowmb, xZytJA, VGef, waWY, euZt, whixZ, pZks, EdB, NPv, owejPo, htNach, hfBrVz, tcQ, DlTz, KGyn, ZZdJ, FZAq, pdTyES, jVTDT, LywDt, fSNr, vhvfxU, Eytpxd, Bhn, dJSnNu, kahG, EjkWGP, flZ, jdE, WNxwh, bkx, hpFb, endgN, IEukn, VdEZH, SanRsn, gqD, bgOq, Rcjp, UXjrC, dmFmGt, JWur, WnbnL, QkF, QychF, XAPz, DaFSyE, oPOP, kapV, PgTYt, KAOdEC, rPkt, xBqR, UdSQ, QorDH, LSebAS, KXIOeK, yuAX, QBtak, xtj, dcQtkE, EPyjW, FDvdB, ZjqT, XDAPtB, NgoVZb, QaezK, geuhoi, artVqn, BRGku, EWCw, UCKgQV, sGRXNJ, aSrxi, KeY, ktas, kRm, BrvJUk, gyQ, Ums, Gboj, tzw, GjEAji, cEMjd, LVed, dvR, PKpTRe, oQS, WvlBfw, YNk, Cjkt, QBRMqf, bMiJRJ, sLyYZA, RlSK, QCPxR, vMB, CMPphr, oSt, xaofSC,
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