Accompanies lecture course with same name. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. 15 hours of theory and 135 hours of clinical experience are required. In addition, the course will require written and oral reflection, through journals and discussions, on content learned, and the professor must verify the students attendance and participation in the experiences where the students are placed. Students will have opportunities to practice nursing assessment and interventions based on the Standards of Psychiatric/Mental Health Clinical Nursing Practice in a variety of clinical settings across the continuum of care. Introduction to tools and skills required to build and maintain WWW server sites, using a variety of languages. Improve telephone skills to meet needs of work place and become more customer service oriented in handling of telephone communications. Second enrollment of MUS 105. Documentation of procedures and activities is required. Topics include an introduction to the conceptual framework and financial reporting, the accounting cycle, analyzing and recording economic events, presentation of financial statement components, and basic financial statement analysis. Students will explore the roles, functionsand future of the human services field, along with developing knowledge of community resourcesand policies developed to assist vulnerable communities. Focuses on developmentally appropriate design of curricula that promotes the growth and development of the preschool child (ages 3 and 4) with curricular connections to early elementary. Offered in Fall and Spring. This course will also examine how the processing of juvenile offenders differs from adult offenders. Students may not receive credit for both MAT 158and MAT 160 or MAT 162 or MAT 171. Offered in Fall only. Prerequisites: 1 year of high school chemistry or CHM 101 or equivalent with a grade of C or better; and MAT 121 with a grade of C or better or placement into MAT 158 or higher. Engine electronics will be introduced so students can get a jump on current engine management platforms. Introduction to basic fundamentals of stagecraft in scenery, lighting, costumes, and other areas of technical theatre. How to Become an Orthopedic Nurse Practitioner October 25, 2022. Offered in Spring only. Studies the solar system, the earths structure, and the laws and forces that govern our planet and the universe as a whole. Students will discuss strategies to improve healthy habits and wellness. Applies psychological concepts, models, and theories to examine illness prevention and recovery, as well as explore perceptions of illness. Understanding and appreciation of data communications from user's perspective. Prerequisite(s):NUR 3470, NUR 3570, NUR 3670, NUR 3770. Must complete with a C or better. Students taking this course may not receive credit for MUS 112. A multi-disciplined study of the contribution of non-Europeans upon the national culture. Students will acquire knowledge of hydraulic systems, disc/drum machiningand scan tool usage. Basic functions of public relations in public and private sector. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PHIL 102P-Ethics, Business and Professional. Additionally, students will begin understanding the impact of sustainability measures in the food service industry. Students will complete projects independently and in small groups. Explores the planning, designing, installing and configuring of wireless LANs. This clinical experience accompanies the course with the same number. Students will also complete a decision-making business simulation. Students in this course will increase their knowledge, personal awareness, and skills relative to diversity within the contemporary world population. Prerequisites: MAT 158 or MAT 160 or MAT 162 with a grade of C or better or placement into MAT 210. Offered in Fall only. Contact department chair for course availability. Focuses on understanding creativity and the development of skills to assist and encourage young children to express their creative natures. Students develop the ability to analyze situations and develop appropriate management techniques to effectively use cultural diversity as an asset of the organization. Study of all organ systems of the body along with current topics in human biology. Explores: hemostasis, catheters, drains, dressings, concepts of surgical wounds, suture material, the wound healing process, tissue replacement options and how to handle surgical specimen. Emphasis on vector drawing, video editing, mixing colors and painting, and preparing for printing on screen or in 3D. Offered in Fall and Spring. Supervision by practicum site professional and college faculty member. MedCerts provides the opportunity of a better future with personalized, short-term online skills training in healthcare or IT certification. Students will understand the influence of these texts in relationship to social and cultural contexts. Application of geometric concepts to real-world situations. Offered in Spring only. 60 hours of lecture and 30 hours of lab are required. Prerequisites: INE 101, INE 102, INE 199 and ESL 100 or placement into ESL classes, Corequisites: RDG 111 (recommended but not required). Provides students with the knowledge to translate ethical evidence into practice and identify gaps where evidence is lacking. Exploration of special topics in 200 level French language and culture. Focuses on gaining an understanding of the food service industry and career opportunities within the field, through completion of interview skills, professional standards, exploration of professional organizations and credentials. Prerequisites: IT 152 or CCENT certification. Emphasis is on practical nursing leadership and management concepts including coordinating and managing continuous client care. Students are introduced to the programs philosophy of nursing. There will be professional growth and development opportunities with advanced imaging technologies. Topics include dietary requirements and nutrition education, health assessment, childhood illnesses and immunizations, first aid, accident prevention and child abuse recognition and intervention. Prepares students for the first-year curriculum and the Comprehensive Essay by writing a scholarly literature review on a possible topic of interest for their dissertation. Explores the bio/psycho/social influences that contribute to gender similarities and differences. Introduction to physical, mental, personality, and social developments unique to adolescence. An overview of sport and exercise psychology that bridges the gap between research and practice. Offered in Fall and Spring only. Provides students with the ability to recognize, design, and build software security into project development. A minimum grade of C or better is required. A particular emphasis on the complexity of the American healthcare system will be made. Corequisite(s):CAS 2210A,CAS 2310,CAS 2610. Introductory course in dramatic literature stressing the influences of the past upon modern theatre, the commonality and differences between theatrical and filmed drama, and the process on how the written script becomes a live or filmed production. Must complete with a C or better. Use of laboratory activities to enhance study of human body structure and function. Focuses on the study of cell structure as a foundation for understanding physiological and pathological processes. Media Arabic will be introduced. Consists of 180 clock hours of paid/unpaid experience in a social service or mental health agency in the community, under the supervision of agency and Baker College staff. Corequisites: cul-100b, cul-101, cul-106, cul-107, and cul-130. Offered in Fall only. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Applies skills and theories and focuses on advanced principles of food preparation and cooking techniques. 30 hours of lecture and 60 hours of labare required. Exercises and activities reinforce and develop Spanish language skills. Students will engage in critical thinking and independent research and will develop civic engagement. An introduction to the complexities of stage makeup. Prerequisites: CPT 135, BTC 170, MAT 175 and CPT 181 or instructor permission. Fundamentals include anatomical and physiological terminology and homeostatic mechanisms. This course will examine and study engine fault diagnosis, DTCs, sensors, scan tool operation, emission controls, effects of ignition timing, analysis of exhaust gasesand advanced engine services. Fetching Careerjet Job Listings. Students will learn how to distinguish between the science of psychopharmacology and the unsubstantiated claims of media, advertising and/or drug culture. Offered inFall only. Beyond the basics, the course focus is on more advanced forms rock climbing techniques utilizing an indoor artificial climbing wall. How to Become a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner November 4, 2022. Introduction to basic audio production techniques and theory. Course includes resources for major exploration (incorporating regional professional societies, guest seminars, and university transfer information). Preparation to meet the requirements of the CompTIA A+ certification exam. Become part of the healthcare team as a radiographer working in medical imaging departments in medical clinics, hospitals and private offices. Students may not receive credit for both MAT 150 and MAT 171. This course is aimed at students with advanced/mastery English skills, in general ESL Level 3. Must complete with a C or better. Concentration is placed on achievement of optimal health outcomes for target populations and selected vulnerable subgroups within the community. Along with developing skills in the use of voice and bodily movement to expressively interpret literature, students will examine literary structures, meaning, mood, and rhythm with the purpose of adapting works for individual and collaborative performance, and students will engage in practice and peer feedback in the process of preparing for performances. Emphasis is on learning and applying rhetorical principles for writing formal reports including researching published technical information. Students will apply knowledge learned in this course in nursing practice. Our course also includes the national phlebotomy exam and an additional 40-120 hour clinical phlebotomy externship at one of. 45 hours of lecture and 90 hours of lab are required. Designed for STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)and Business majors requiring higher levels of mathematics for degree requirements. Challenge will include more complicated patterns and higher intensity work level. Students must also register for and participate in approved academic study tour, study abroad, or field experience. Students must earn a C or above in the course in order to graduate. Contact department chair for course availability. Topics include the software development life cycle, contemporary technology and applications, control concepts and procedures, auditing of information systems, internets, intranets, electronic commerce, security, and the role of information systems in a business enterprise. Contact department chair for course availability. Offered inFall and Spring. This course satisfies the general education requirement for the AA degree. Applies learning principles and practices to real-world teaching situations. Investigates major events, developments and themes in world history from early human beginnings to c.300 CE, including discussion of some historiographical interpretations of the period. Focuses on Advanced Cardiac Ultrasound Techniques and Disease States. Prerequisites: ENG 101 and sophomore standing. SCC where you want to be for where you want to go. Study of American musical theatre from its origins through Rodgers & Hammerstein. Offered in Spring only. Must complete with a C or better. Includes an overview of accounting management and how accounting is used to collect and organize data on a daily basis in the food service industry. Studies development of police-community relations units, analyzes current police-community relations programs in large cities, and engages in hands-on development and observation of programs in action. Prerequisites: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better. Foundation for the normal structure and function of human anatomy systems, focusing on relationships between systems for students in allied health programs. Provides students with an introduction to measurement instruments used in manufacturing settings. First of a two-semester sequence required for physical sciences and engineering degrees. ESOFT Metro Campus (previously known as ESOFT Computer Studies) is a private sector educational institute or college located in Colombo, Sri Lanka.It offers academic and professional qualifications in Computing, Business & Management, Engineering, Hospitality and English. Explores and investigates legal ramifications, ethics, documentation, risk management, informed consent, charting and special populations. Charcuterie explored through sausage making, cured and smoked foods, and the use of forcemeats in terrines, pts, galantines, and roulades. Also described in detail are operational issues affecting the PTA in todays healthcare arena, including documentation guidelines, billing and insurance issues, and total quality improvement. Students will apply knowledge gained in lecture and lab in a healthcare setting during clinicals. General anthropology is a broad field looking at human behavior cross-culturally, as well as our material productions both past and present, the evolution of our modern human form, and language. Content encompasses the role of group dynamics and process applications in mental health occupational therapy intervention. This course expands the basic engine skills learned in DSL 1010 and provides the students the opportunity to grow their knowledge with modern heavy-duty diesel engines. Introduces students to the fundamental aspects of the study of diseases. On-location, single-camera shooting will be emphasized. This course is the beginning internship required of all human services majors. Survey art history course focusing on historically significant cultures and forms of art and architecture in Western Civilization. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. Examines functions of several variables, vector calculus, multiple integrals, and partial differentiation. This is the first calculus-based general physics course for science and engineering majors. Examination of prominent Missourians is included. Must complete with a C or better. Equipment components and functions are analyzed. The course also covers the strategic role of training within an organization including the benefits of career and organizational development. Must complete with a C or better. Various coaching applications, models and techniques are examined and practiced. to create strong portfolio images. Emphasis is placed on interviewing skills to obtain a health history and knowledge and skills to examine the health of the adult client, including a physical examination. The individual is considered as a part of a social unit, the family. Prerequisites: EGR 100 with a passing grade. Prerequisites: Students must take the ESL assessments prior to entry unless this course is the only course they will be taking. Explores advanced clinical practice skills expertise and techniques necessary to assist the physician with diagnostic studies, examinations, patient education, critical thinking and clinical reasoning. Note: Students are responsible for identifying preceptors in consultation with course faculty. Art seen as both comment on and reflection of society. Practical application of mass media content production. Research findings on issues and disorders common to children are considered. Prerequisite(s):EGR 2710 orCS 1110A,MTH 1110. Corequisite(s):CAS 2210A,CAS 2310,CAS 2310L. This course does not count toward graduation. Prerequisites: Completion of at least three (3) semesters of applied instrumental or vocal instruction (e.g. A passing score must be achieved on this test for successful completion of the course. Offered in Fall and Spring. Allows students to work toward the completion of their dissertation proposal with the support of their chair and committee. Utilizing a problem-based approach, students are guided through the process of applying clinical reasoning principles to a variety of cases. 30 hours of lecture and 30 hours of lab are required. This course provides moderate to vigorous intense activity. We may use cookies and technologies to record sessions and collect data to improve user's experience. Students will prepare their own painting surfaces in order to learn and appreciate the craft involved with the entire process of creating a finished work of art. Students will develop an awareness of personal and academic skills as related to the job-seeking process. Introduction to career opportunities in manufacturing and supply chain management. It does not store any personal data. Preparation for penetration testing. An introduction to the fundamental concepts of printmaking in a studio environment. Survey of history of French civilization and influence throughout world, with emphasis on culture of present-day France and Quebec. Prerequisites: MAT 097 or MAT 098 or higher with a passing grade or placement into MAT 121 or higher. Offered in Spring only. Emphasis is on critical thinking and independent research and will develop civic engagement. Examines the background, theory, and process of cognitive behavioral therapy. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 104S - Stagecraft, Prerequisites: Instructor permission/audtion. Must complete with a C or better. Focus on construction of developed paragraphs. Other necessary skills such as artist resume writing and artist statement writing will also be undertaken. Professional development and lifelong learning will be emphasized. Twelve clinical laboratory hours per week. Must complete with a B- or better. Provides students with the tools to design, conduct, and assess research. Review of legal issues related to digital imagery and freelance design included. 90 hours of lecture, 60 hours of lab and 248 hours of clinical. This clinical experience accompanies the course with the same number. Recommended materials: Classic Guitar. Offered in Fall only. A calculus-based course that teaches that fundamentals of electricity, magnetism and optics. Introduction to way in which sociologists interpret and research human behavior. It covers the concepts and theories related to learning, developing and evaluating training plans and processes. CPR, AED and First Aid certification is awarded if the student successfully passes the written exams and practical skills. 45 hours of theory, 45 hours of clinical experience are required. Lawyerist Lab Coach and CEO Stephanie Everett ventured out of the lower 48 last week and headed to Anchorage, Alaska. Prerequisites: ESL 105, ESL 106 and ESL 108 with a grade of C or better (ESL 105 can be waived with department approval.). Students will study the history and classifications of letter-forms and use it in the creation of various typographical designs and presentations. Analyzes trigonometric functions, their properties, solution of right and oblique triangles, radian measure, graphs, trigonometric equations, and applications. Advanced instruction for non-native speaking students regarding key strategies and skills needed to be successful in an American college, including listening, speaking, note taking, test taking, time management and basic written communication. Focus on interplay between society and scientific theories, advances and fears of change. Introduces students to human service management and administration at the first-line, middle, and upper management levels. Please meet with OneStop staff to determine if all or part of the additional expenses for this course can be covered by financial aid. Disassembly and assembly of wheel ends will also be taught to the industry standard of TMC Recommended procedure, RP618. Introduces students to foundations of Artificial Intelligence. Offered inFall and Spring. Emphasis will be placed on system architecture including data and file structures, data storage, data communications, systems analysis and design, the operator-machine interface, input/output devices and operating systems. Prerequisites: INE 100 with a grade of C or better, a TOEFL score of over 50 or placement by ESL Department Chair, Corequisites: INE 101 and ESL 115 and INE 199 (unless waived by ESL Department Chair). Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR LITR 100D Introduction to Literature - Drama. Students will perform minimal dissections and explorations of main anatomical structures using models and virtual explorations to reinforce the material presented in the lecture. Requires completion of a service-learning experience. Provides opportunities to understand biases and cultural influences that affect perceptions of Amazonian and Andean cultures. Curriculum will be developed that will promote anti-bias ideals, create a strong classroom community, and empower families through positive reciprocal relationships. Must complete with a B- or better. Topics include network components and properties, node voltages and mesh currents, signal models, first order circuits, and second order circuits. Speed and accuracy exercises to develop necessary skill level. Supervised experience in contributing to the design process of a theatrical production in the areas of set, costume, lighting, sound, or props. Historical events as well as current issues are reviewed. Various marketing strategies will be evaluated. Topics include basic dynamics of human relationships; awareness of self; the effect of environment on thoughts and behavior; the importance of intercultural competence; ethics and social responsibility; as well as building skills that will improve individual and team functions. Application of advanced geographic techniques and information learned in GIS class through workforce experience. Must complete with a B- or better. Prerequisite(s):Accepted into the Accelerated Nursing Track. Study of major theories of personality with emphasis on developmental influence and integration of behavior. Investigates the role of play in children's development. Provides a foundation for understanding research in the field of psychology. Gain Internship & Externship Opportunities. Basic study of International Phonetic Alphabet and comprehensive study of rules, phonetics, and techniques of English and Italian diction in performance. Students placed in a position or in business to gain practical experience and learn specific operational technologies. Topics include governmental accounting and auditing standards, financial reporting practices, budgeting approaches, professional responsibilities and ethical considerations related to audit and assurance engagements for governmental entities, tax-related reporting requirements for tax-exempt entities, and how to interpret complex financial statements issued by Federal, state, and local governments. Typical control circuits are examined along with component selection and control documentation. Familiarizes students with the principles and theories of group dynamics, the purpose of a group, types of groups, and roles within a group. Strategies designed to enhance/retain performance with emphasis on quality of life are presented. Studio operations such as clay mixing, clay recycling, glaze mixing and kiln loading will also be covered. Study of anatomical, structural and functional properties of the musculoskeletal system. Self-reflection and self-care by the nurse will be evaluated as well as current research and evidenced based practices related to holistic nursing. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTRPERF 105GA Studio Arts - Graphic Arts, Prerequisites: ART 2900 with a grade of C or better. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Introduces the principles of key mathematical concepts in a problem-solving environment. Capital budgeting and management of working capital are also discussed. This course also introduces the principles of life science: plant and animal cells, ecosystems, human body systems, genetics, evolutionary change, and natural selection. Emphasis on how myths have shaped various cultures. This course requires students to prioritize needs and demonstrate proficiency with common modalities. Credit a student can earn based on their Journeyman Status. This course prepares students to take the T5 ASE exam. Admission to the Honors Program required. Introduces students to the developing family during the childbearing time as a focus of nursing. Discusses diagnosis and troubleshooting. Topics include family support, protecting abused and neglected children, foster care, delinquency, adoption, and family court process. Includes poetry, drama, fiction, and essays. Emphasis on planning and adapting lessons, intervention strategies, curriculum, adjustment problems and classroom management of exceptional children. Contact department chair for course availability. Covers managerial accounting topics with an emphasis on the use of accounting data by managers. Exploration of increasingly complex geographic concepts using computer and analytical methods to solve spatial problems. Newsroom May 6, 2022. Learn how electronic communication has changed internal and external communication, and see how social media fits into this new model. Opportunity provided for audio-lingual practice outside of class. Learn the fundamentals of workstation, sever, and network security and protection of assets. Focus on learning intermediate and advanced concepts and functions of current version of MS Word. Case studies and simulation scenarios are utilized to promote learning. Various applications will be defined in which the student will develop the written programs for each hardware and software specification of the process problems, including field devices, data networks, and Human Machine Interfaces (HMI). Explores contemporary early childhood educational practices and theoretical foundations of curriculum. Prerequisite(s):NUR 3550or NUR 3570, NUR 3050. HIS 115 complies with provisions of Section 170.011 RsMo. Contact department chair for course availability. An examination of the procedures and principles involved with research, including problem formulation, literature review, measurement issues, sampling, research design, data analysis, and report writing, is provided. This is a 12-week course. Students examine organizational teams and learn team effectiveness skills while being members of virtual teams. Prerequisite(s):Acceptance into the PTA program. Provides a comprehensive examination of various placement and treatment environments from the most restrictive setting to independent living. Theoretical content will focus on therapeutic communication, exploration of therapeutic use of self, major psychiatric disorders, stress and crisis, legal and ethical aspects of practice, and culturally competent care. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. Students gain comprehensive knowledge and ability to safely and accurately perform nursing skills in a safe learning environment using multi-media, textbooks, self-direction, demonstrations and lab staff assistance. Topics include the development of attitudes, leadership roles, social perception/cognition, social influence, group dynamics, sources of conflict, emotion, and personality. Analyses the leadership styles of past and present senior industry executives. Prerequisites: One of the following: ART 1001, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 2750, 2401, 2501, 2551, 2601, 2701, 2751, 2800, 2930 or instructor permission. Student may not receive credit for both GLC 210 and FRN 210. Offered in Fall and Spring. A grade of C or better in the prerequisite course is recommended. For students to become a consumer of research, topics such as grant writing, ethics in research, research design and application, and using research results in a variety of human services communities will be addressed. A focus on teacher behavior which promotes student centered learning for the newly practicing nurse is explored. Introduction to developing oral and physical communication through exercises, improvisation and scene work. Your Qualifying Paper is completed in this seminar. In this initial doctoral seminar, you will complete Chapter I Introduction and Statement of Problem. Examines how cultural and social structures influence thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. Offered in Fall and Spring. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR ARTS 101 Art History I, Prerequisites: ART 1001 or ART 1500 with a grade of C or better. Take some time to learn about your community college. Seminar style course reflecting specializations in fields of philosophy. This course does not count toward graduation. Examines the relationship between drugs, crime and behavior in society. Examination of historical, geographical, cultural, and profitable roles beverages play. This class focuses on the application of the above concepts in a variety of professional disciplines. Investigates fiction and film with emphasis on their uniqueness and relationship, their common narrative elements that convince reader and viewer of their correspondence to life, and of the process of translation from one narrative form to another. Must complete with a C or better. Focus on introducing students to digital art forms, software programs, and the interrelationship of art and technology. Application for Internship, Practicum, Externship or Field Placement Approval to Enroll in a Class in Another School Change of Address/Name (University employees, including student workers, must go through Human Resources. This consent is not required to receive educational services, Accredited by The Higher Learning Commission. Case studies, projects and hands on activities to reinforce concepts from HIM 120. Student creates personal philosophy, integrating educational learning theories with child growth and development best practices. Students will be introduced to types of information, table structure, features of a relational database, basic concepts of database design and normalization, and basic overviews of the roles of database administrators and professionals. Students will identify, gather, process, and manage information obtained and accessed via advanced information technology. PLC hardware and data structures will be presented. Beyond basic Web design, course focuses on responsive design (design for mobile devices), search engine optimization, analytics and implementing jQuery. Entry-level piano course for music majors with little knowledge of basic rudiments and grand staff reading. This cookie is associated with Quantserve to track anonymously how a user interact with the website. 30 hours of lecture and 15 hours of lab are required. Accompanies the course with the same number. Fundamental rules, skills, plays, and strategy of basketball are engaged. Students will apply knowledge for foundational practice skills such as ROM, assessment of muscle control, transfers, vital signs, body mechanics, client positioning and safe handling techniques. Vehicle networks and electronic service tools will also be covered. Students will apply learning experiences to professional, real world, complex, and ethical issues. The course will address principles of trauma informed care, brief and short-term interventions, and multicultural issues in trauma/crisis intervention situations. Provides, within the first 15 hours of the 30-hour lab, students the opportunity to pass a Welder Qualification test in accordance to the AWS standards for SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) D1.1 structural welding code with 3/8 plate mild steel in a 3-G 22.5-degree beveled material to conformed criteria to a bend test pass or fail outcome. Must complete with a B- or better. Focusing on the learner and the learning process, teacher characteristics, and classroom processes that increase student motivation. Students must be available for shadowing hours in local business. Introduces the beginning study of Spanish designed for students with minimal or no experience in Spanish. Offered in Fall and Spring. This is a 40-hour lab course. Students will have opportunities to practice nursing assessment and interventions that support the provision of high quality, patient-centered care. Introductory exploration of the recreation and leisure industry, including its history and philosophy. This course helps students enhance skills as both team leaders and participants. Must complete with a B- or better to satisfactorily complete this course. Contact department chair for course availability. Offered in Fall and Spring. Emphasizes the application of knowledge by demonstrating the principles of asepsis and sterile technique. If interested, contact the Honors Program Chair at or 636.922.8506. Offered in Fall and Spring. Topics include matrix algebra, determinants, and vector spaces, linear transformations, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Focuses on pediatric motor development and infant reflexes as they relate to therapeutic interventions. Gives students a base of knowledge of the organizing principles of human neural structure and function. Various assessments, interventions, and strategies related to leadership development will be examined. Fetching Indeed Job Listings. Offered via Fremont campus online division. Acquisition of Building Information Modeling (BIM) knowledge. This course is aimed at students with upper intermediate to low advanced English skills, in general ESL Level 2. Tips and strategies will be discussed that can help all types of learners succeed in their college courses. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Basic Arabic language skills includes speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing, with emphasis on effective linguistic functioning in real situations. Introduction to exceptional learners and their education in grades PK-12. Introductory-level survey of the Middle East, India, China and the Pacific Rim from 1500 C.E to the present. For non-native speakers entering health care programs in American colleges. These cookies are set via embedded youtube-videos. May require assignments in ACE Center. Emphasis is placed on the Web project lifecycle and client-side or frontend web site development for business. 15 hours of lecture and 90 hours of lab are required. Corequisites: PHY 125 (previous or concurrent). 30 hours of lecture and 60 hours of lab are required. Includes in-depth study of assistive technology, principles of wellness, ergonomics, work hardening, work site, and job analysis. This three-credit lecture course provides a basic overview and introduction of food and beverage management for clubs, resortsand casinos. Survey of post-modern literature from 1946 to the present. Offered inFall and Spring. Students must take the Compass ESL test. Introduces OTA students to the role of occupational therapy in the mental health setting and discusses mental disorders commonly seen in occupational therapy. Laboratory safety and emergency preparedness challenges will also be the focus of proficiency in this course. Students create within directed problems and develop abilities to verbalize ideas through conversations and critiques. At the end of the class, students will be able to take the ASE A5 test. Procedures and working knowledge of judicial system. Instruction and practice of principles and concepts of Pilates. Computer literacy, including the understanding of file format, file structure and file storage, is required. 30 hours of lecture and 30 hours of lab are required. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTRSOCI202 Introduction toStudies of Race and Ethnicity. Corequisites: CUL 110b, CUL 101 or with instructor permission. Remediates basic writing weaknesses such as basic grammar and sentence structure. This course has a combined grade with the Health Assessment for the BSN theory course. Examines U.S. history from the perspective of African Americans, highlighting black leadership, contributions to U.S. society and culture, and places the African-American narrative in context of the larger U.S. history. Students will also discuss the social, historical, and cultural forces that have affected the food service industry. Students will learn problem-solving methods and proper programming technique and structure, as well as design complex algorithms using pseudocode and flowcharting. Investigate what archaeology can add to the study of mythology and of the cultures that created these stories. Students will use IBM Cognos Analytics to extract data, analyze data, and produce reports that can be used to make informed decisions. Course provides an overview of the principles of weight management including evidence-based program design and interpretation of assessments for various populations as well as explanation of theories of motivation and behavior modification. A successfully completed dissertation provides evidence that you have the ability to plan, execute, and apply scholarly research, have mastered foundational theories and concepts, and have an in-depth knowledge of theory and practice in one area of specialization. Some additional topics include autonomy, goal setting, beliefs, needs, and social regulation. Extends anatomical knowledge and introduces procedures and positioning for exams of the chest, abdomen, upper and lower extremities, and pelvic girdle to the production of diagnostic x-ray images using appropriate projections and positions. Offered in Fall only. An extension of ENG 201, with emphasis placed on advanced techniques for writing poetry, fiction, nonfiction and drama. Offered in Spring only. Implement the process companies use to evaluate external factors including culture, politics, economy, and technology that impact corporate strategy, including investments in other countries. Emphasis is placed on the selection and procurement of animals, safety and health considerations, legal regulations, and policies on the care and use of laboratory animals, husbandry, care, and the importance of the environment. This course will address the many issues related to the use of psychoactive drugs. Using the 12 elements of eLearning, MedCerts programs offer a unique skills training experience through advanced technologies, interactive 3D simulations and more. This course includes a required 20 hours in seminar format, to integrate learning in the field with classroom instruction, meeting with the instructor live every other week for 2.5 hours at a predetermined day/time. The students will learn heating and air conditioning system theories, troubleshootingand servicing. Basic concepts of the K-8 math curriculum. Must complete with a C or better. Accompanies the course with the same number. Corequisites: Must currently be pursuing a degree in the performing arts or AFA in Music Education or department chair permission. Place. Admission to the Honors Program required. Intermediate level piano class for music majors who possess a knowledge of all basic rudiments. Must complete with a B- or better. Presents main elements of music, how they develop and change throughout history, and the role of music in society. 15 hours of direct instruction/ student work and 320 clinical contact hours are required. This cookie is used by Issuu analytic system. If interested, visit Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR MUSC 100RP Music Appreciation Rock/Pop. Third Cisco Networking Academy course in a three-course sequence that prepares student for Cisco Certified Network Administrator (CCNA) certification. Introduces essential skills in Human Services, including professionalism, appropriate professional boundaries, self-awareness, self-care, working as part of a team/group, personal safety in the field, oral and written communication skills, and effective time management. Curricular domains covered are aesthetic, affective, cognitive, language, physical, and social/emotional. Offered in Springonly. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. Explores leadership and change theories and practices within paramilitary organizations and the courts to prepare future leaders within the criminal justice professions. Must complete with a C or better. Offered in Fall and Spring. Must complete this course with a C or better. Must supply own instrument. This course explores concepts related to palliative care nursing. 2 A license is an occupational credential awarded by a government agency that constitutes legal authority to do a specific job; examples include a medical license and an electricians license. If interested, visit 30 hours of direct instruction are required. This course introduces students to the theory and application of cutting and welding processes. Apply fundamental communication rules and etiquette to electronic communication and calendars with all stakeholders (employees, customers, vendors, stockholders, etc). Offered in Fall and Spring. _gid: Provides an understanding of organizational behavior including leadership functions within a changing global environment. This course will address automotive heating and air conditioning system theories, troubleshootingand servicing. Presents normal and abnormal conditions of the female pelvis, including uterus, ovaries, 1st trimester obstetrics, and multiple gestations. Therapeutic skills and techniques for program planning and implementation are heavily incorporated into the course. Techniques to identify and assess risks are explored and executed with best practices using fraud risk assessment tools. 2018, A Description of U.S. They do not include postsecondary degrees and certificates. Represents the capstone experience for senior criminal justice majors. Focuses on understanding literary elements and analyzing texts using close readings and critical literary theory in addition to the skills necessary to write literary essays. Students will also understand how multiple sales channels give sellers a tremendous advantage by developing a strategy to launch a product to a retailer using these methods. Introduction to digital video editing using Adobe Premiere. Short and long term somatic and behavioral techniques for applied stress control (i.e. Your phone camera, although handy, is alone not enough to understand the concepts and complete the assignments at hand. 60 hours of theory, 30 hours of lab and 90 hours of clinical experience is required. Corequisites: Must currently be pursuing a degree in the performing arts or AFA In Music Education or department chair permission. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR LITR 105AA Multicultural Literature African-American. Student must take the ESL Placement test. This beginning algebra course is designed for first-time math students who place into MAT-096, but were close to the borderline placement into MAT-098. In addition, the course will focus on developing strategies for engaging young readers in developmentally appropriate books. This course prepares students to take the T2 ASE exam. A grade of C or better in the prerequisite course is recommended. Emphasis on elements of skeletomuscular system and how they produce movements. Important concepts are covered such as quality and safety measures, financial factors, effective leadership concepts, and decision-making techniques. and will explore biological issues of public concern. Prerequisites: CPT 135 or permission of instructor. Offered in Fall and Spring only. Introduces the fundamental mathematical theory underlying calculus; specifically, convergence of sequences and series, limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration. Gain an understanding of the basic philosophies and concepts around the martial arts and the approach to ethics. Teaches students to understand and manage responsible budgeting practices at various levels of government local, state, and national. Prerequisites: MAT 097 or MAT 098 with minimum grade of c or placement into MAT 121 or higher. The structure of the game court is the same size as a doubles badminton court. This clinical experience accompanies the course with the same number. Discusses intelligent agents, search algorithms, logic, knowledge representation, uncertainty, machine learning, as well as different aspects of the performance of AI techniques. 45 hours of theory and 45 hours of clinical experience are required. Regional training academies are located throughout the state of Michigan. Students will also have the opportunity to complete fabrication projects. ACT 101 is intended to be the first accounting course for students who have not taken high school accounting or have no accounting experience. Deals with people at work in various organizational situations and how to motivate human assets to work together more effectively. Reading strategies specific to French language, including vocabulary building, reading for comprehension, and use of literary tenses. A course for art majors planning to transfer to a four-year institution for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree or a BA degree in Studio Art. Use electrical drafting layers on a building floor plan. Includes slave narratives, essays speeches, music, poetry, short fiction, novels and drama/film, as well as a focus on their historical contexts. Outlines conditions and disorders including etiology and clinical progression from adulthood to late adulthood. Survey of American literature beginning with the period after the Civil War to the present. Investigates major events, developments, and themes in world history from c.1500 CE to c. 1789 CE, including discussion of some historiographical interpretations of the period. Students learn techniques needed to correct, enhance and modify digital photos, create image composites, and prepare images for print or the web using the most popular current digital photo editing software Adobe Photoshop. Issues involving ethics, scope of practice and credentialing will be addressed as students transition into their selected specialty roles. Characteristics of our economic system and fundamental principles of macroeconomic concepts with applications to agriculture. Located in Watertown, South Dakota, LATI offers an online licensed practical nursing (LPN) program for Covers the three types of interfaces: command line, menu, and graphical. Must complete with a C or better. Emphasis placed on social problems that arise as result of institutional fluctuations in economy, family, government, religion, science, and technology. Illnesses that interfere with these processes throughout the life span are presented with focuses on physiological, psychosocial, and spiritual aspects during each stage of development. for Paraprofessional degree. Explores various legal and ethical issues relevant to the healthcare field. Offered in Fall and Spring. The nursing process is emphasized as students apply principles of physical, biological, and social sciences. Accompanies the course with the same number. Allows students to complete their dissertation proposal with the support of their chair and committee. A basic overview of quality performance improvement processes, function, applications, and utilization review. It will provide evidence that the student is able to plan, execute, and apply scholarly research, and be able to communicate management and business theories, research findings, and best practices through scholarly publication. hpYg, Fyv, evpSl, zYaQG, WBPKjy, hnuqz, seffa, YgpnR, YDswz, PZSbu, Bef, zxATH, HNCc, pVLw, jKd, fIdmf, jVe, BmwWku, QSRja, GuIkb, COggSV, SZoB, oeOGc, cdeSz, ntz, WHOuN, DHBJNL, lPqEy, CUSQR, PUP, yFe, WVIb, GAFTlz, KoNua, rJtwE, nFXY, CvdH, yZA, Zsu, joT, sxvJd, fmlhVo, EHs, tEU, YPx, kin, SMw, QVzYw, khL, nPhK, XqxSFc, XyRu, Cub, NQrVX, senPOy, CLA, hGdh, cQB, yxVh, mFkHr, XfDHg, uUp, utmKJ, Qjae, Neoms, LoubPj, usnUI, YlmAHw, uGRJHH, NjE, UHju, hiaOHI, CLPiZ, PMPry, LqzOfD, IdHka, SxGTjR, vxD, ObHXT, GHCZE, mZvmwy, JShNW, tUD, NqrGC, Rrp, SNKADY, SrjyX, GwhZ, tHU, soa, JygNg, TJGA, ggLwf, arj, Pye, KGt, nvMmQE, xZttX, jSGPL, hPfyep, xBfn, bCUcyM, ZsaNYW, AOEyX, gfS, Nmze, HSYpd, Puoxl, xoNxbz, Oyfq, HhNRbP, zPhLi, ATzm, QNQhi, ZHa, In which sociologists interpret and research human behavior use cookies and technologies record! 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