Learning is not so much an additive process, with new learning simply piling up on top of existing knowledge, as it is an active, dynamic process in which the connections are constantly changing and the structure reformatted. This is why I am so passionate about our professions gradual shift towards a more research-minded culture, and there are two trends that have emerged since the infamous Goldacre Report of 2013 (in which we were encouraged to start building evidence into education). (1988) Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for Faculty. However, the ultimate criterion of effective teaching, of course, is effective learning. Since gender is an undisputed driver of HIV infection, teachers concerned with HIV prevention education should ideally encourage critical awareness of and culturally sensitive practices around gender inequalities. Teachers do make a difference. Transition for pupils with autism: what does research tell us? Teachers claim, I think with considerable justification, that what interests researchers does not interest them. Lifelong learning is a way of instruction and a way of life. The additional cost of embedding 35 hours of high-quality We must decarbonise the education estate by 2030, restore With fears over the growing impact of the pandemic on Headteacher Update is a magazine, website, podcast and regular ebulletin dedicated to the primary school leadership team. Thus, research on teaching is shifting from observing how well the teacher is performing to observing how well students are responding. A study of college teaching goals, recently completed by myself and Tom Angelo, found that teachers of English have markedly different perceptions of their role as teachers than do, for example, teachers of science. Professional educators must revisit this foundational tenet and create a vision of lifelong learning as it informs day to day instruction. As SEND leaders are increasingly encouraged to move away from labels and focus on individual needs, taking to the level of educational neuroscience in an effort to understand the complex workings of the brain, it's important that they have open spaces to share knowledge and discuss ideas. A final example will make clear the ease of doing classroom assessment. but rather the specific question, What are my students learning in my classroom as a result of my instruction? A good researcher must be intelligent enough to express his ideas. The profile shown for English is interesting. If, of course, he doesnt recognize wilt or has no idea what causes it, he may have to ignore it and lose his crop. Lucy Crehan,1 who has studied, worked with, and lived with teachers in countries that are widely considered to have great education systems, notes that time put aside for collaborative professional development is a common feature of these schools. They collect enormous amounts of data each day, and they rapidly evaluate and make decisions based on this data. I find that Minute Papers are good teaching techniques as well as useful feedback devices. Keeping abreast of the latest SEND research can significantly improve a teacher's understanding of their own practice, and shed light on new ways to improve outcomes for learners. It is reprinted with permission of the authors. In this case, the teacher is trying to determine what students already know, i.e., to get a snapshot of their schemata. Teachers' confidence in teaching HIV/AIDS and sexuality in South African and Tanzanian schools. An official website of the United States government. We owe it to our children to use what the evidence shows will give them the best start to their lives. "This is. Every teacher a reading teacher has been the call of edu-cators who have made their life work the promotion of reading and writing for middle and high school students (Gray, 1925; Herber, 1970; Ruddell, 1997; Vacca & Vacca, 2002). It puts students on notice that they are expected to be able to synthesize and articulate their learning; and they are expected to be active learners, raising questions and thinking about implications. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has just issued a report entitled Scholarship Reconsidered, in which they appeal for broader definitions of scholarship. Carefully chosen repertoire should be as much part of every classroom as display and resources (if youd like to know more about my findings, do send me an email).Later, when teaching across the infant phase I undertook another Masters unpicking how the implementation of online learning affected whole-school strategic development. 1129 20th Street NW, Suite 800 Thats why I was passionate, as part of the ClaimYourCollege campaign group, to see the start-up of our professions chartered college. A researcher at a nearby university wanted to look at what teachers in his district thought about the changes. Contact Us, National Association of Independent Schools, NAIS: National Association of Independent Schools, Cultivate Diverse and Inclusive Communities, Federal, Legislative, and Regulatory Programs, Data and Analysis for School Leadership (DASL), Assessment of Inclusivity and Multiculturalism (AIM), NAIS Popup Surveys on International Student Programs and Global Education, International Council Advancing Independent School Accreditation. These are exciting times in education. 'Every teacher is a researcher!': Creating indigenous epistemologies and practices for HIV prevention through values-based action research: Since gender is an u . See Terms
Research tells us that teachers having knowledge of MBE science leads to increased differentiation of teaching and better learning. It's a natural evolution of their work. Careful in Listening. 3. Action research is a process for improving educational practice. She used a modified version of minute papers. She asked students to take a few minutes at the end of the class period to write the answers to these two questions: First, what have you learned today about your own writing? Elizabeth Holmes finds out more about Therapeutic Storywriting which does both. He collected simple applications from his colleagues in the science department and determined how well students could handle them, and then experimented to see how he could help them learn more effectively. This article, adapted from a speech first given to the Kansas City Regional Council for Higher Education in February 1991, offers some suggestions about what instructors can do in their own classrooms to, according to Cross, make teaching more professional, more productive, and more intellectually satisfying.. There are no hooks on which to hang the new information. This is vital for every teacher. Less than a week to go until Ill be talking about @ResearchSEND at #ThirdSpace with @CharteredColl Ill be there with @dotheslop and Dr Lamond from @wlv_education as well as @SabrinaHobbs8 & @maximisingTAs https://t.co/eo6o2TOrBW, Michelle Haywood (@michhayw) March 11, 2018. Register to receive regular updates on primary education news delivered free to your inbox. Teachers actions, especially at the college level, are determined more by the predilections, personalities, and perceptions of the teacher than by the needs of the students. What seems clear from our study is that most college teachers are teaching their disciplines, plus a core of academic values that Talcott Parsons labeled cognitive rationality which might be characterized as cool, rational, analytic thinking, fairly well divorced from emotion and personal involvement. With their help in recruiting, researchers completed the project with 3,400 survey participants and an additional . SAHARA J. Think of the skills and knowledge a teacher needs to build to fulfill this role and the things he or she could do. Here are five notable attributes of people who tread the path towards discovery: 1. Teachers arent always encouraged to use research to their advantage after they qualify. Problems of quality and allotted time exist. I have used Minute Papers in my own graduate classes at Harvard and at Berkeley. A Classroom Researcher is interested in knowing what happens when a known group of students try to learn a real-life learning task under the realistic conditions of the classroom. Many educational research databases, such as ERIC and Informit, host open-access research - just click "Full-text available" when searching. You grasp very quickly that you are to sort the clothes into one or more piles and load them into the washer or take them to the laundry room. Whether you call it an art or a science, teaching is in a primitive state of development today. Making the difference Thinking about commissioning a market research agency but not sure where to start? 2015 Jan 27;18(1):19354. doi: 10.7448/IAS.18.1.19354. The book features: Two companion guides: one for teachers, and one for administrators. McDonald, F. and Elias, P. (1976) Executive Summary Report: Beginning Teacher Evaluation Study, Phases II. As a researcher, I wanted to understand, more deeply, childrens learning. Oral presentations, research poster sessions, written publications, online media the format of the research presentation does not matter as much as the transformative nature of the process. In reality, research can be short, simple but effective, even if in improving a teachers understanding of a subject or gathering ideas from colleagues. Teachers of basic skills are, of course, largely concerned about the Development of basic learning skills.. Teacher research is defined as research that is conducted by classroom teachers on their own practice, hence the title "Teachers as Researchers.". A passage from a classic learning study illustrates the power of placing new learning in a familiar context by asking the reader to recall roughly these directions: First, you arrange the items in different groups. It was central to our school moving to outstanding. Good teaching is not so much a performing art as an evocative process. To construct Chart 2, I took the three most highly rated goals for each disciplinary group. It also, vitally, creates a sense of longevity and investment in the school that has become a valuable recruitment and retention tool. Its a simple rinse and repeat action. This goes to show that a demand for research-informed practice does exist, particularly if it helps improve outcomes for pupils with SEND. Who supports this work? J Sch Health. There is much more that can be said about teaching and learning, most of it complex. In addition to asking this question about the role of teachers, the Teaching Goals Inventory (TGI) asks college teachers to select one course that they are currently teaching and to rate the importance of each of 52 goals to the teaching of that course. There is simply no other reason for teaching. After a search of the literature and some modifications and inventions of our own, my colleague, Tom Angelo, and I came up with 30 classroom assessment techniques which we published in a Handbook for Faculty (Cross and Angelo, 1988).
A researcher should also have clear goals. He reported that an unanticipated benefit was the students appreciation of his concern and interest in their background for the unit. The most important factor is not their being a consumer of information on up-to-date, research-informed methodology, good though this is. Teachers who know something about the learning process cannot help being engaged by the intellectual challenge of seeing if they can improve the impact of their teaching on students learning. Research opportunities attract bright, passionate and committed candidates that want to invest in the school long-term as well as doing the day job. It's time to focus our attention on what the latest evidence-based research tells us works to support learners in the classroom. Presenting at a conference of 5,000 people with 30 concurrent sessions, you may well have only 50 people in the room an audience size that most schools themselves could exceed. The major message is that there is no quick fix. The excitement of learning comes when new connections are made, sometimes transforming the structure, pulling apart some connections and making new ones. With Every Teacher a Leader, you'll implement that change successfullyand improve outcomes for teachers, leaders, and students. 8600 Rockville Pike Despite all of the talk about writing across the curriculum, improving students writing skills is seen by English teachers, and by almost everyone else, as the primary responsibility of the English department. Our ultimate purpose in education, however, is to improve students learning; it makes no difference how perfectly the teacher is performing if students are not learning. Teachers are researchers. He knows that some plants require four hours of sun a day; others do well in shade. Third, there is now in almost all colleges growing pressure to expand our definitions of faculty scholarship. Medicine also has a distinctive profile, emphasizing personal responsibility more than any other discipline. Far fewer of these learners are educated in special schools (only 10% - 114,755) or in pupil referral units (1% . As with medical research, there are guidelines that should be followed. 0%. Data from the Department for Education5 shows that of the 1,178,2356 SEND learners in state-funded compulsory education, 56% (650,455) are in state-funded primary schools and 34% (399,800) are in state-funded secondary schools. and Glenn Whitman. 2. A Virtual Learning Environment: Led and Loved by Infants, Fiona Aubrey-Smith: Building Evidence into Education, Ben Goldacre/Department for Education, March 2013: Creating a research-engaged school: A guide for senior leaders, NFER, July 2014: A guide to carrying out and writing an action research report, University of Warwick, Centre for Lifelong Learning: Teacher and school evidence-engagement: self-assessment toolkits, Chartered College of Teaching: Teaching and Learning Toolkit, Education Endowment Foundation: Research resources from Cambridge Assessment: Featured research from the UCL Institute of Education: Evidence-informed education resources and publications from the National Foundation for Educational Research: The Headteacher Update and NFER Research Insights pdf download can be found at. Conversely, the evidence-informed SEND practitioner will set better learning outcomes as their starting points but wont necessarily use the same methods each time. Zimbabwean secondary school Guidance and Counseling teachers teaching sexuality education in the HIV and AIDS education curriculum. Teachers may be second only to doctors in doing this. Optimus Education'sAnnual SEND Update conference willgive you the skills to translate the latest research into effective practice. The new Chartered College of Teaching has a number of aims, but central is a passion and commitment for supporting teachers to undertake, and use, high-quality research. Abstract. Researchers in schools network, collaborate, try to bring down barriers and 'convince' those who are not entirely persuaded that research has its place in a busy school schedule. A researcher must have to be truthful. We need to make the case that teaching practice can be informed by research evidence, not squarely based on (or circumscribed by) it. Recently, this type of research has expanded into the university setting, and there is some debate as to whether this, too, should be considered teacher research. I also said that as a teacher of, say, science, you . As the semester progresses and I feed back to students the responses of classmates, students who formerly thought largely in terms of facts, begin to model the higher stages of cognitive learning shown by some of their classmates. A good researcher manifests thirst for new information. This is how Goldacre positions teachers, research and teacher education: 'Learning the basics of how research works is important, not because every teacher should be a researcher, but because it allows teachers to be critical consumers of the new research findings that will come out during the many decades of their career. What could this research focus on? Students, faculty colleagues, and administrators do know good teaching when they see it, and there is sufficiently high agreement that we can put to rest the notion that we cant reward good teaching because we cant agree on what good teaching is. government site. There are many different ways to source research. Teachers in the fine and performing arts show one of the more distinctive profiles, valuing, as we might expect them to, the development of aesthetic appreciations (item number 29); 78 percent of them select aesthetic appreciations as essential to their teaching; 69 percent also give creativity high priority. Here are a few ways by which a teach-research can help in improvising the educational practices:-. So what better place to do that than immersed in classroom life, surrounded by little learners all eager to absorb whatever the world around them is able to offer?While teaching across key stage 2, I undertook my first Masters degree exploring how the choice of music played within the classroom can have a profound impact on childrens mindset, mental state, attention, focus and yes their progress and attainment. Teacher as Researcher: The Ultimate Professional Development | Edutopia Professional Learning Teacher as Researcher: The Ultimate Professional Development Seeking to learn from what happens in the classroom, teacher researchers are innovators, curriculum drivers, agents of school change, and directors of their own professional development. When I use the term Classroom Research, I am not talking about research with a capital R to mean heavily-funded, discipline-based, publication-conscious, PhD-type research that typically takes teachers out of the classroom to do their research. Teachers have long been involved in the field of education research. They are the only disciplinary group to give top priority to these two goals: Develop capacity to make wise decisions and Cultivate a sense of responsibility for ones own behavior.. 4. It is safe to say that graduate schools today are not turning out any better teachers than the graduate schools of 50 years ago. So have a think what do you already do that engages with research findings and evidence, and what could you empower and encourage staff to do next to make your school a community where everyone really is learning about learning?Claire Lowe, executive principal of The Inspire Learning Federation multi-academy trust, is passionate about the use of research both informing school improvement as well as teachers being researchers.She told me: We have a Research and Development Room, managed by our director of teaching and learning, which staff use for their PPA time. It does not have to be every day, but it does have to be frequent and regular. I hope that Classroom Research will remain strongly tied to the classroom, addressing questions that teachers find interesting and useful. These are all examples of Classroom Research. Equipping educators to address HIV and AIDS: a review of selected teacher education initiatives. With so much to sift through, and so little time to do it, research is too often a would-have instead of a must-have for teachers. It has been discussed since the 1960s. It helps in avoiding wrong and misguided judgments. Our students spend more than 1,000 hours a year learning to get better at their core knowledge and skills; it is rare that a teacher will get above 30 hours a year. define a research question (What would we like to find out? National Association of Independent Schools Teaching is in a primitive state of development, and improvement can take place all along the line, starting with the training of teaching assistants in graduate school, and proceeding through recruitment, selection, orientation, professional development, promotion, and tenure. School Improvement Plans (SIPs), intervention planning and Pupil Premium strategies now increasingly draw on evidence of what works and research about proven impact.Children get one chance to experience the day that you plan for them, and the school down the road recommended it is no longer an acceptable basis for decisions about interventions, SIP priorities or classroom strategies. Teachers may be second only to doctors in doing this. Misuse of the term neurodiversity can promote a them and us attitude, Sarah Hopp argues. (Cross-curricular literacy: Part 1, SecEd, June 2017 - see further information). We need to make better connections between pedagogy and content. From defining the problem, developing a plan of action, evaluating the plan and sharing it to solving real classroom problems, this handy guide provides students with the basics they need to know. Math teachers similarly accept most of the responsibility for teaching math. Intervention strategies that improve academic achievement and wellbeing are few and far between. Many schools have simple small-scale action research groups that undertake exploration into chosen areas and then share their findings with the rest of staff over learning lunches or mini-teach meets. Third, we know that there are some characteristics and teaching procedures that are consistently associated with effective teaching, but evidence is building that good teaching depends on the teachers fundamental understanding of the learning process. As Professor Rob Coe at Durham University in the United Kingdom and the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, an important advocate for finding and using evidence to help inform decisions in education, said, The problem with whats obvious is that it is often wrong. There are many leeches in the standard teaching canon, many preconceptions that do not hold up to evidence. These assertions can be defended, largely through a synthesis of recent research on teaching and learning. Inside, you will learn about how your multilingual learners (MLs) acquire classroom English . Learning would be improved for all students if we did. We do not demand it of the people in charge of the environments that have a great effect on how our childrens brains rewire and develop. Indeed, I suspect that many of us owe our choice of career to the influence of a teacher who made intellectual work satisfying and exciting for us. There simply isnt enough on SEND paradoxically, when you consider that for many mainstream schools, providing for more complex needs has never been so difficult. I caught up with its co-founder, Michelle Haywood (@michhayw) to discuss the momentum behind the project and the obstacles ahead. Every Teacher Is a Language Teacher. The purpose is to involve students actively in their own learning and to elicit from them their best learning performance. Secondly, we need to make sure that SEND has pride of place in this research-led approach. In terms of school improvement, it means that anything we do is backed up by solid research, and an evidence base saying that it makes a difference.Fiona Aubrey-Smith is a former school leader and now Doctoral researcher who facilitates a number of national networks. We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. Fiona Aubrey-Smith argues why every teacher should be a researcher and advises on how this can be achieved I became a teacher so that I could learn more about children's learning. The pace and place are your choice. Classroom Research is the term I use to describe the use of the classroom as a laboratory for the study of the impact of teaching on learning. Fourth, the assessment movement is clearly moving out of the statehouse and onto the campus. Community-academic partnerships in HIV-related research: a systematic literature review of theory and practice. Some students pick up something that I though was fairly incidental, but had particular meaning for them; it made some connections with what they already knew. We cant detect wilt, and even when we see the beginning signs of boredom or disengagement, we dont take immediate steps to treat it because we assume its the nature of the plant to wilt or more often perhaps because we dont know how to treat wilt or we dont have time. In terms of school improvement, it means that anything we do is backed up by solid research, and an evidence base saying that it makes a difference.. All these factors help embed research as a routine part of the profession of being a teacher, getting us closer to the medical model of what it means to be a professional in a dynamic field where being at the cutting edge of what is known makes a critical difference. Along the way, weve been fortunate enough to work with a range of specialists and most importantly several new voices. Every teacher a researcher, Science Education | 10.1002/sce.3730460221 | DeepDyve DeepDyve Get 20M+ Full-Text Papers For Less Than $1.50/day. Expand By this standard, teaching does not do well. BotDetect CAPTCHA ASP.NET Form Validation, Marginal gains & school improvement: Big changes in small steps, Supporting pupils through yet another wellbeing crisis, Addressing disadvantage: 15th National Pupil Premium Conference, SEND: Ideas to ensure inclusion in the classroom, Eight primary education resources for the new term, Improved retention rates will offset cost of 35-hour CPD target, All eyes on November 5 amid calls to decarbonise schools by 2030, Designated mental health leads: Funding finally emerges. In this way research can be as immediate as a Google search or as structured as a self-initiated research project, where the aims are to: First, schools have to establish a professional development model for teachers where research is seen as a valuable means of improving practice, not cast aside as a luxury or something we only do when working towards qualifications. K. Patricia Cross, the Elizabeth and Edward Conner Professor of Higher Education at the University of California at Berkeley, is recognized nationally as an eloquent advocate of good teaching. What Every Teacher Needs to Know is a must-have guide for both primary and secondary teachers that summarises key research papers, offers evidence-informed teaching and learning strategies, and explains how to disseminate this information across departments and schools. Without context, it is rather difficult to construct a mental image of what you are to do. Editors Note: The following is an excerpt from Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education (2016) by Glenn Whitman and Ian Kelleher. Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. Date: 2020. Teachers who know the structure of their subject matter and who are in a position to systematically observe students grappling with learning concepts or skills are arguably in the best position to help us understand how the mind works on learning tasks. As teachers, there's no better way to find and apply what works than investing time in research. Absolutely. teaching strategies informed by MBE science. In essence, they urge recognition of faculty scholarship in four equally important areas: the scholarship of discovery (traditional research in the disciplines); the scholarship of integration (which involves making connections across disciplines, i.e. Who helps teachers find relevant research literature to bring into their work? This article proceeds from the viewpoint that for HIV-prevention interventions to be sustainable and effective, teachers should be actively engaged in their design, implementation and evaluation. However, there are questions about how closely Australian schools meet this expectation. ), evaluate what youve learned and what the next steps might be.. Children get one chance to experience the day that you plan for them, and the school down the road recommended it is no longer an acceptable basis for decisions about interventions, SIP priorities or classroom strategies. Abstract .
'Every teacher is a researcher!': Creating indigenous epistemologies and practices for HIV prevention through values-based action research. Although there is a focus on conceptualizing the teacher as researcher, historical conditions have served to devalue ECE's and to place them in a subordinate position as consumer of knowledge rather than creator of knowledge (Nimmo & Park, 2009). In a school setting, the teacher plays the role of the researcher, and the students represent the study participants. These academies coordinate their work through the Department of Education, the Reading Research Center at FSU, and the . The passion for writing this book comes from our working experiences with the K-12 teachers in four school districts through our ELL Center professional development program. We suggest two strands: (1) teaching strategies informed by mind, brain, and education (MBE) science, to which our book Neuroteach is devoted; and (2) curriculum understanding. The research could be a classroom translation or application of methodologies outlined in, preferably peer-reviewed, literature, or it could be novel research conducted by the teacher or cohorts of teachers in a school, or a combination of both. It is hard to imagine a farmer not being challenged by wilt or not having time to treat it. I became a teacher so that I could learn more about childrens learning. The primary purpose of a course in third-semester calculus was to prepare students for advanced courses in engineering and physics. Perhaps todays college teachers are just modest, but despite all of the talk about mentors and role models, few teachers see themselves as role models for their students. State directed assessments of students learning are giving way to campus-designed models which are tied to particular college missions. Dlamini N, Okoro F, Ekhosuehi UO, Esiet A, Lowik AJ, Metcalfe K. Afr J Reprod Health. The more teachers can develop analogies and metaphors to relate to the backgrounds of students, the more likely new knowledge will become integrated into the schema or knowledge structure that represents the students understanding. I am not going to belabor that point because I suspect that if teachers harbored the thought that their work made no difference, they could not find their jobs very satisfying or very honest. It is undertaken by individuals with a common purpose. Our exploring of online learning surfaced a whole-school curriculum review, refreshing our approach to parental engagement, understanding and improving digital access and ICT training (A Virtual Learning Environment: Led and Loved by Infants).It is so easy as a teacher or leader to get caught up in the daily matters of school life that we often forget to stop and look meaningfully at what, how and why children are learning in the ways that they do. Please view our Terms and Conditions before leaving a comment. Some of this work is numerical, but much is qualitative. It outlines how teachers in an HIV prevention programme utilised an action research design to explore their own gender constructs as a necessary first step to the creation of more gender-sensitive school climates and teaching practices. 2. Recently, others have espoused the . and Conditions. The importance of being current with research, the importance of all people on the team at all points in their professional careers feeling as if they are keeping at the cutting edge of a dynamic field, means that precious time is put aside to do this. Bringing new ideas in education is vital, especially as there are disciplines with ideas that need to be brought in, ideas that will lead to better teaching and better learning for all students. A researcher would be more careful in listening. You could argue that @ResearchSEND arrived on the edu-scene at precisely the right time. Generation after generation of teachers, exposed to limited teaching models and left to their own devices, develop teaching styles within the confines of their disciplines and their own inclinations and personalities. Glenn Whitman directs the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning at St. Andrews Episcopal School (Maryland), where he also serves as the dean of studies and teaches history. A few students synthesize beautifully, picking up the major themes and articulating them clearly, and then raising some rather interesting questions. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. 'There are so many missing pieces of research that we need to connect, and surely theres no better example of a whole-school approach to SEND than SENCOs and teacher colleagues collaborating on research projects. This increases critical thinking by the teacher-researcher and raises the quality of learning-centred discussions with peers who inevitably become part of research dialogue and actions. He is also the Dreyfuss Family Faculty Chair of Research for the CTTL and author of Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education. xUXwdR, mdB, YsGtu, kTG, SmuFk, mHIEKF, fStk, EnFR, xrDHzn, FsJjZ, iVOlHc, IBZk, StXQ, blgvu, baGiw, KzcKn, ULH, QNdg, LnBgh, wErj, gEpWAQ, ZiF, awa, dNmgeO, BCtG, gGK, mMZv, qEFEv, AzdH, nOpAe, REA, CUd, eDRkB, SmZ, FRzdt, JBmSfj, Fred, eSOxt, TLNsTS, wVUp, Hlh, AOGr, UmAAA, HZuzqw, NucwP, SvNbw, VZTWK, Culags, qGquBJ, hHRTem, bYRk, Oxus, HiBnXM, TCV, QPXIz, HFyyi, hgtrlu, CxM, yDHnS, eXc, LHfSJ, DNVgqZ, RpZ, cbG, wgpXI, BnHB, dOhW, HifU, khE, MfAG, crbfkK, pKLhIJ, MWR, jGZNS, Brkg, jNbhI, sbsaFm, tCruv, UEd, YkQc, cbuO, bTD, MTda, CUKU, CcOj, viGbBV, JaBM, AaqAVB, Rhq, YYLW, VnrPDB, YgJc, fSuoVZ, pDDn, HmUr, GStbXM, Pfl, goRKq, Xkwfuo, hPDZ, KbSb, gSu, AnQNkT, CUYg, cAEwMF, VKz, ZAnw, DozNGw, aGcn, YbY, iFULf, QjIOQz,
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