The length in bytes of the SecretKey must equal the KeyLength/8. The Charset property controls the exact bytes that get encrypted. Gets the Nth certificate used for signing. Base64 Decode. The Charset property controls the character encoding of the string that is signed. json_contains() : Sets the digital certificate to be used for decryption when the CryptAlgorithm property is set to "PKI". base64(bin) - Converts the argument from a binary bin to a base 64 string. Chilkat must present an identical and uniform API across all programming languages.). This is a signature that contains both the original data as well as the signature. For example, if Charset is set to "iso-8859-1", the input string is first implicitly converted to iso-8859-1 (1 byte per character) before hashing. The example below shows how to manually duplicate the computation. crashes). To compute the CRC used in the Zip file format, pass "CRC-32" for the crcAlg. The salt should be random data at least 8 bytes (64 bits) in length. hadoopnamenode running as process 18472. (This is also known as PKCS5 padding: PKCS #5 padding string consists of a sequence of bytes, each of which is equal to the total number of padding bytes added. ) to_base64mysql5.6HEXUNHEX java Specify as the host instead of localhost.That is, mysql -h -u root instead of mysql -h localhost -u root.If you omit the host (mysql -u root), the MySQL client will implicitly use localhost.For SingleStoreDB Cloud, change the socket value in the /etc/mysql/my.cnf file to the location of your SingleStoreDB Cloud socket file as shown in the This is the base64 hash of the policy document located at the CadesSigPolicyUri. AES_ENCRYPT() Encrypt using AES AND, && Logical AND ANY_VALUE() Suppress ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY value rejection ASCII() Return numeric value of left-most character ASIN() Return the arc sine ATAN() Return the arc tangent ATAN2(), ATAN() Return the arc tangent of the two arguments AVG() Return the average value of the argument (Classic ASP) Using "hex" or "base64" for encoded binary data input. The Charset property controls the character encoding of the string that is signed. When decrypting, all property settings must match otherwise garbled data is returned. shardingsphere 3.1 To use "password-based" encryption, the password is passed to this method to generate a binary secret key that can then be assigned to the SecretKey property. Setting it to 1 will cause the method to abort and return a failed status (or whatever return value indicates failure). This property is automatically set for method calls. The Charset property controls the character encoding of the string that is hashed. System.out.println(, * @Classname ZzSecurityHelper This is the base64 hash of the policy document located at the CadesSigPolicyUri. To clarify: This property is used in encryption when the CryptAlgorithm is set to "pbes1" or "pbes2". Stop it first. This method can be used to verify a signature produced by SignBytesENC. Bzip2 compresses a byte array and returns the compressed bytes. Sets the XTS-AES mode tweak value from an encoded string. To sign Unicode data (2 bytes per char), set the Charset property to "Unicode". bdIn contains the existing CMS signature. It can be set to "Base64", "QP", or "Hex". Inputs are the data and key are Data objects.We are storing sensitive data in MySQL, and I want to use AES_ENCRYPT (data, 'my-secret-key-here') and then AES_DECRYPT which works great. aesaesmysqlAES_ENCRYPT 1java mysql aes aesjavasql. Crypto-JS JavaScript MD5SHA1SHA2SHA3RIPEMD-160 AESDESRabbitRC4Triple DES Creates an asynchronous task to call the CkDecryptFile method with the arguments provided. Languages such as VB.NET, C#, and Visual Basic work with Unicode strings, thus the input string is Unicode. To sign Unicode data (2 bytes per char), set the Charset property to "Unicode". The default value is 1024. Returns 1 if the signature is verified. Data encrypted with EncryptBytesENC can be decrypted with this method. json JSON path * ** . Implements the PBKDF2 algorithm (Password Based Key Derivation Function #2). us Encrypts the contents of sbIn to bdOut. To create a CAdES-BES signature, set this property equal to 1. candidates If HeartbeatMs is 0, then no AbortCheck events will fire. StarRocks StarRocks MySQL MySQL BI StarRocks Adds more bytes to the hash currently under computation. The Charset and CompressionAlgorithm properties should match what was used when compressing. Example: base64(aes_encrypt('ABC', '1234567890123456')) = 'y6Ss+zCYObpCbgfWfyNWTw=='. Otherwise returns 0. Creates an asynchronous task to call the HashFileENC method with the arguments provided. The default is "644". The encoding, such as base64, hex, etc. Each signing certificate can be retrieved by calling the GetSignerCert method, passing an index from 0 to NumSignerCerts-1. A general name/value event that provides information about what is happening during a method call. base64(bin) - Converts the argument from a binary bin to a base 64 string. BloomFilter,, Lucene, Lucenedbes,, ,, qq:2434688168: The iterationCount should be no less than 1000. (Async methods are available starting in Chilkat v9.5.0.52.). (AutoIt) Encrypt File in Chunks using AES CBC, (Classic ASP) Encrypt File in Chunks using AES CBC, (PowerBuilder) Encrypt File in Chunks using AES CBC, (SQL Server) Encrypt File in Chunks using AES CBC, (VBScript) Encrypt File in Chunks using AES CBC, (Visual Basic 6.0) Encrypt File in Chunks using AES CBC, (Visual FoxPro) Encrypt File in Chunks using AES CBC, (Classic ASP) SHA3 Hash to Match Test Vectors, (PowerBuilder) SHA3 Hash to Match Test Vectors, (SQL Server) SHA3 Hash to Match Test Vectors, (VBScript) SHA3 Hash to Match Test Vectors, (Visual Basic 6.0) SHA3 Hash to Match Test Vectors, (Visual FoxPro) SHA3 Hash to Match Test Vectors, Long Strings Returned by ActiveX Methods in SQL Server, (Visual Basic 6.0) Demonstrates HMAC SHA256, (Classic ASP) Extract PKCS7 Signature Digest, (PowerBuilder) Extract PKCS7 Signature Digest, (SQL Server) Extract PKCS7 Signature Digest, (VBScript) Extract PKCS7 Signature Digest, (Visual Basic 6.0) Extract PKCS7 Signature Digest, (Visual FoxPro) Extract PKCS7 Signature Digest, (AutoIt) Verify Opaque Signature and Retrieve Signing Certificates, (Classic ASP) Verify Opaque Signature and Retrieve Signing Certificates, (PowerBuilder) Verify Opaque Signature and Retrieve Signing Certificates, (SQL Server) Verify Opaque Signature and Retrieve Signing Certificates, (VBScript) Verify Opaque Signature and Retrieve Signing Certificates, (Visual Basic 6.0) Verify Opaque Signature and Retrieve Signing Certificates, (Visual FoxPro) Verify Opaque Signature and Retrieve Signing Certificates, (AutoIt) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt String with AES-128 Content Encryption and SHA256, (Classic ASP) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt String with AES-128 Content Encryption and SHA256, (PowerBuilder) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt String with AES-128 Content Encryption and SHA256, (SQL Server) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt String with AES-128 Content Encryption and SHA256, (VBScript) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt String with AES-128 Content Encryption and SHA256, (Visual Basic 6.0) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt String with AES-128 Content Encryption and SHA256, (Visual FoxPro) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt String with AES-128 Content Encryption and SHA256, (Visual Basic 6.0) Generate Encryption Key, (AutoIt) RSASSA-PSS Sign String to Create Base64 PCKS7 Signature, (Classic ASP) RSASSA-PSS Sign String to Create Base64 PCKS7 Signature, (PowerBuilder) RSASSA-PSS Sign String to Create Base64 PCKS7 Signature, (SQL Server) RSASSA-PSS Sign String to Create Base64 PCKS7 Signature, (VBScript) RSASSA-PSS Sign String to Create Base64 PCKS7 Signature, (Visual Basic 6.0) RSASSA-PSS Sign String to Create Base64 PCKS7 Signature, (Visual FoxPro) RSASSA-PSS Sign String to Create Base64 PCKS7 Signature, (PowerBuilder) Create a CAdES-T Signature, (Visual Basic 6.0) Create a CAdES-T Signature, (Visual FoxPro) Create a CAdES-T Signature, (Visual Basic 6.0) UU Encoding and Decoding, (AutoIt) Encrypt a file to a PKCS7 encrypted message using multiple certificates from different users, (Classic ASP) Encrypt a file to a PKCS7 encrypted message using multiple certificates from different users, (PowerBuilder) Encrypt a file to a PKCS7 encrypted message using multiple certificates from different users, (SQL Server) Encrypt a file to a PKCS7 encrypted message using multiple certificates from different users, (VBScript) Encrypt a file to a PKCS7 encrypted message using multiple certificates from different users, (Visual Basic 6.0) Encrypt a file to a PKCS7 encrypted message using multiple certificates from different users, (Visual FoxPro) Encrypt a file to a PKCS7 encrypted message using multiple certificates from different users, (AutoIt) Create CMS Signed File (PDF) with Multiple Signing Certificates, (Classic ASP) Create CMS Signed File (PDF) with Multiple Signing Certificates, (PowerBuilder) Create CMS Signed File (PDF) with Multiple Signing Certificates, (SQL Server) Create CMS Signed File (PDF) with Multiple Signing Certificates, (VBScript) Create CMS Signed File (PDF) with Multiple Signing Certificates, (Visual Basic 6.0) Create CMS Signed File (PDF) with Multiple Signing Certificates, (Visual FoxPro) Create CMS Signed File (PDF) with Multiple Signing Certificates, (Visual Basic 6.0) BCrypt Hash a Password, (AutoIt) BCrypt Verify a Password (Check if Password is Correct), (Classic ASP) BCrypt Verify a Password (Check if Password is Correct), (PowerBuilder) BCrypt Verify a Password (Check if Password is Correct), (SQL Server) BCrypt Verify a Password (Check if Password is Correct), (VBScript) BCrypt Verify a Password (Check if Password is Correct), (Visual Basic 6.0) BCrypt Verify a Password (Check if Password is Correct), (Visual FoxPro) BCrypt Verify a Password (Check if Password is Correct), (Classic ASP) AES Encrypt and Decrypt a File, (PowerBuilder) AES Encrypt and Decrypt a File, (SQL Server) AES Encrypt and Decrypt a File, (VBScript) AES Encrypt and Decrypt a File, (Visual Basic 6.0) AES Encrypt and Decrypt a File, (Visual FoxPro) AES Encrypt and Decrypt a File, (AutoIt) Encrypt File using X.509 Certificate using AES in CBC Mode, (Classic ASP) Encrypt File using X.509 Certificate using AES in CBC Mode, (PowerBuilder) Encrypt File using X.509 Certificate using AES in CBC Mode, (SQL Server) Encrypt File using X.509 Certificate using AES in CBC Mode, (VBScript) Encrypt File using X.509 Certificate using AES in CBC Mode, (Visual Basic 6.0) Encrypt File using X.509 Certificate using AES in CBC Mode, (Visual FoxPro) Encrypt File using X.509 Certificate using AES in CBC Mode, (PowerBuilder) Crypt2 Compression Example, (Visual Basic 6.0) Crypt2 Compression Example, (Visual FoxPro) Crypt2 Compression Example, (Classic ASP) CoSign PKCS7/CMS Signed Data, (PowerBuilder) CoSign PKCS7/CMS Signed Data, (SQL Server) CoSign PKCS7/CMS Signed Data, (Visual Basic 6.0) CoSign PKCS7/CMS Signed Data, (Visual FoxPro) CoSign PKCS7/CMS Signed Data, (AutoIt) Examine the Contents of a .p7m by Converting to XML, (Classic ASP) Examine the Contents of a .p7m by Converting to XML, (PowerBuilder) Examine the Contents of a .p7m by Converting to XML, (SQL Server) Examine the Contents of a .p7m by Converting to XML, (VBScript) Examine the Contents of a .p7m by Converting to XML, (Visual Basic 6.0) Examine the Contents of a .p7m by Converting to XML, (Visual FoxPro) Examine the Contents of a .p7m by Converting to XML, (AutoIt) Create P7M Using Pre-Installed Windows Certificate, (Classic ASP) Create P7M Using Pre-Installed Windows Certificate, (PowerBuilder) Create P7M Using Pre-Installed Windows Certificate, (SQL Server) Create P7M Using Pre-Installed Windows Certificate, (VBScript) Create P7M Using Pre-Installed Windows Certificate, (Visual Basic 6.0) Create P7M Using Pre-Installed Windows Certificate, (Visual FoxPro) Create P7M Using Pre-Installed Windows Certificate, (AutoIt) Convert PDF to pdf.p7s (Digitally Signed), (Classic ASP) Convert PDF to pdf.p7s (Digitally Signed), (PowerBuilder) Convert PDF to pdf.p7s (Digitally Signed), (SQL Server) Convert PDF to pdf.p7s (Digitally Signed), (VBScript) Convert PDF to pdf.p7s (Digitally Signed), (Visual Basic 6.0) Convert PDF to pdf.p7s (Digitally Signed), (Visual FoxPro) Convert PDF to pdf.p7s (Digitally Signed), (AutoIt) Example for both AES-128 and ChaCha20 to Encrypt Binary Data, (Classic ASP) Example for both AES-128 and ChaCha20 to Encrypt Binary Data, (PowerBuilder) Example for both AES-128 and ChaCha20 to Encrypt Binary Data, (SQL Server) Example for both AES-128 and ChaCha20 to Encrypt Binary Data, (VBScript) Example for both AES-128 and ChaCha20 to Encrypt Binary Data, (Visual Basic 6.0) Example for both AES-128 and ChaCha20 to Encrypt Binary Data, (Visual FoxPro) Example for both AES-128 and ChaCha20 to Encrypt Binary Data, (AutoIt) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt/Decrypt Binary Data with AES-128 and SHA56, (Classic ASP) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt/Decrypt Binary Data with AES-128 and SHA56, (PowerBuilder) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt/Decrypt Binary Data with AES-128 and SHA56, (SQL Server) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt/Decrypt Binary Data with AES-128 and SHA56, (VBScript) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt/Decrypt Binary Data with AES-128 and SHA56, (Visual Basic 6.0) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt/Decrypt Binary Data with AES-128 and SHA56, (Visual FoxPro) RSAES-OAEP Encrypt/Decrypt Binary Data with AES-128 and SHA56, (AutoIt) AES and CHACHA20 Encrypt/Decrypt Text, (Classic ASP) AES and CHACHA20 Encrypt/Decrypt Text, (PowerBuilder) AES and CHACHA20 Encrypt/Decrypt Text, (SQL Server) AES and CHACHA20 Encrypt/Decrypt Text, (VBScript) AES and CHACHA20 Encrypt/Decrypt Text, (Visual Basic 6.0) AES and CHACHA20 Encrypt/Decrypt Text, (Visual FoxPro) AES and CHACHA20 Encrypt/Decrypt Text, (AutoIt) Encrypt / Decrypt Secure Strings, (Classic ASP) Encrypt / Decrypt Secure Strings, (PowerBuilder) Encrypt / Decrypt Secure Strings, (SQL Server) Encrypt / Decrypt Secure Strings, (VBScript) Encrypt / Decrypt Secure Strings, (Visual Basic 6.0) Encrypt / Decrypt Secure Strings, (Visual FoxPro) Encrypt / Decrypt Secure Strings, (Classic ASP) Streaming Decrypt HTTP Response, (PowerBuilder) Streaming Decrypt HTTP Response, (SQL Server) Streaming Decrypt HTTP Response, (VBScript) Streaming Decrypt HTTP Response, (Visual Basic 6.0) Streaming Decrypt HTTP Response, (Visual FoxPro) Streaming Decrypt HTTP Response, (AutoIt) Encode Integer to Hex or Base64 using N Bytes, (Classic ASP) Encode Integer to Hex or Base64 using N Bytes, (PowerBuilder) Encode Integer to Hex or Base64 using N Bytes, (SQL Server) Encode Integer to Hex or Base64 using N Bytes, (VBScript) Encode Integer to Hex or Base64 using N Bytes, (Visual Basic 6.0) Encode Integer to Hex or Base64 using N Bytes, (Visual FoxPro) Encode Integer to Hex or Base64 using N Bytes, (Visual Basic 6.0) AES Encryption Example, (Classic ASP) Blowfish Encryption Example, (PowerBuilder) Blowfish Encryption Example, (Visual Basic 6.0) Blowfish Encryption Example, (Visual FoxPro) Blowfish Encryption Example, (Visual Basic 6.0) 3DES Encryption Example, (Visual Basic 6.0) ARC4 Encryption Example, (Classic ASP) PBES1 Password-Based Encryption, (PowerBuilder) PBES1 Password-Based Encryption, (SQL Server) PBES1 Password-Based Encryption, (VBScript) PBES1 Password-Based Encryption, (Visual Basic 6.0) PBES1 Password-Based Encryption, (Visual FoxPro) PBES1 Password-Based Encryption, (Classic ASP) PBES2 Password-Based Encryption, (PowerBuilder) PBES2 Password-Based Encryption, (SQL Server) PBES2 Password-Based Encryption, (VBScript) PBES2 Password-Based Encryption, (Visual Basic 6.0) PBES2 Password-Based Encryption, (Visual FoxPro) PBES2 Password-Based Encryption, (Visual Basic 6.0) RC2 Encryption Example, (PowerBuilder) Twofish Encryption Example, (Visual Basic 6.0) Twofish Encryption Example, (Visual FoxPro) Twofish Encryption Example, (AutoIt) Deriving a 256-bit AES Secret Key from a Password Using SHA256, (Classic ASP) Deriving a 256-bit AES Secret Key from a Password Using SHA256, (PowerBuilder) Deriving a 256-bit AES Secret Key from a Password Using SHA256, (SQL Server) Deriving a 256-bit AES Secret Key from a Password Using SHA256, (VBScript) Deriving a 256-bit AES Secret Key from a Password Using SHA256, (Visual Basic 6.0) Deriving a 256-bit AES Secret Key from a Password Using SHA256, (Visual FoxPro) Deriving a 256-bit AES Secret Key from a Password Using SHA256, (AutoIt) PBKDF2 - Derive Key from Password, (Classic ASP) PBKDF2 - Derive Key from Password, (PowerBuilder) PBKDF2 - Derive Key from Password, (SQL Server) PBKDF2 - Derive Key from Password, (VBScript) PBKDF2 - Derive Key from Password, (Visual Basic 6.0) PBKDF2 - Derive Key from Password, (Visual FoxPro) PBKDF2 - Derive Key from Password, (Classic ASP) SOAP WS-Security UsernameToken, (PowerBuilder) SOAP WS-Security UsernameToken, (SQL Server) SOAP WS-Security UsernameToken, (VBScript) SOAP WS-Security UsernameToken, (Visual Basic 6.0) SOAP WS-Security UsernameToken, (Visual FoxPro) SOAP WS-Security UsernameToken, (Classic ASP) Hash Binary Data (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (PowerBuilder) Hash Binary Data (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (SQL Server) Hash Binary Data (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (VBScript) Hash Binary Data (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (Visual Basic 6.0) Hash Binary Data (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (Visual FoxPro) Hash Binary Data (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (Classic ASP) Hash the Contents of a File (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (PowerBuilder) Hash the Contents of a File (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (SQL Server) Hash the Contents of a File (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (VBScript) Hash the Contents of a File (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (Visual Basic 6.0) Hash the Contents of a File (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (Visual FoxPro) Hash the Contents of a File (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (AutoIt) Compute Hash for a File (Example), (Classic ASP) Compute Hash for a File (Example), (PowerBuilder) Compute Hash for a File (Example), (SQL Server) Compute Hash for a File (Example), (VBScript) Compute Hash for a File (Example), (Visual Basic 6.0) Compute Hash for a File (Example), (Visual FoxPro) Compute Hash for a File (Example), (Classic ASP) Hash the Contents of a String (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (PowerBuilder) Hash the Contents of a String (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (SQL Server) Hash the Contents of a String (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (VBScript) Hash the Contents of a String (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (Visual Basic 6.0) Hash the Contents of a String (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (Visual FoxPro) Hash the Contents of a String (SHA256 and other hash algorithms), (AutoIt) HOTP Algorithm: HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (Classic ASP) HOTP Algorithm: HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (PowerBuilder) HOTP Algorithm: HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (SQL Server) HOTP Algorithm: HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (VBScript) HOTP Algorithm: HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (Visual Basic 6.0) HOTP Algorithm: HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (Visual FoxPro) HOTP Algorithm: HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (AutoIt) Verify a .p7m and get Algorithm Information, (Classic ASP) Verify a .p7m and get Algorithm Information, (PowerBuilder) Verify a .p7m and get Algorithm Information, (SQL Server) Verify a .p7m and get Algorithm Information, (VBScript) Verify a .p7m and get Algorithm Information, (Visual Basic 6.0) Verify a .p7m and get Algorithm Information, (Visual FoxPro) Verify a .p7m and get Algorithm Information, (Classic ASP) Demonstrates the MacBytes Method, (PowerBuilder) Demonstrates the MacBytes Method, (SQL Server) Demonstrates the MacBytes Method, (VBScript) Demonstrates the MacBytes Method, (Visual Basic 6.0) Demonstrates the MacBytes Method, (Visual FoxPro) Demonstrates the MacBytes Method, (Classic ASP) Demonstrates the MacBytesENC Method, (PowerBuilder) Demonstrates the MacBytesENC Method, (SQL Server) Demonstrates the MacBytesENC Method, (VBScript) Demonstrates the MacBytesENC Method, (Visual Basic 6.0) Demonstrates the MacBytesENC Method, (Visual FoxPro) Demonstrates the MacBytesENC Method, (Classic ASP) Demonstrates the MacString Method, (PowerBuilder) Demonstrates the MacString Method, (SQL Server) Demonstrates the MacString Method, (VBScript) Demonstrates the MacString Method, (Visual Basic 6.0) Demonstrates the MacString Method, (Visual FoxPro) Demonstrates the MacString Method, (AutoIt) Match MySQL AES_ENCRYPT Function, (Classic ASP) Match MySQL AES_ENCRYPT Function, (PowerBuilder) Match MySQL AES_ENCRYPT Function, (SQL Server) Match MySQL AES_ENCRYPT Function, (VBScript) Match MySQL AES_ENCRYPT Function, (Visual Basic 6.0) Match MySQL AES_ENCRYPT Function, (Visual FoxPro) Match MySQL AES_ENCRYPT Function, (Classic ASP) RSASSA-PSS Sign Binary Data, (PowerBuilder) RSASSA-PSS Sign Binary Data, (Visual Basic 6.0) RSASSA-PSS Sign Binary Data, (Visual FoxPro) RSASSA-PSS Sign Binary Data, (AutoIt) Sign String to create a CAdES-T Signature, (Classic ASP) Sign String to create a CAdES-T Signature, (PowerBuilder) Sign String to create a CAdES-T Signature, (SQL Server) Sign String to create a CAdES-T Signature, (VBScript) Sign String to create a CAdES-T Signature, (Visual Basic 6.0) Sign String to create a CAdES-T Signature, (Visual FoxPro) Sign String to create a CAdES-T Signature, (AutoIt) Create ICP-Brasil Compliant CMS Signature, (Classic ASP) Create ICP-Brasil Compliant CMS Signature, (PowerBuilder) Create ICP-Brasil Compliant CMS Signature, (SQL Server) Create ICP-Brasil Compliant CMS Signature, (VBScript) Create ICP-Brasil Compliant CMS Signature, (Visual Basic 6.0) Create ICP-Brasil Compliant CMS Signature, (Visual FoxPro) Create ICP-Brasil Compliant CMS Signature, (Classic ASP) Sign a Byte Array to Create an Opaque Signature in a Byte Array, (PowerBuilder) Sign a Byte Array to Create an Opaque Signature in a Byte Array, (SQL Server) Sign a Byte Array to Create an Opaque Signature in a Byte Array, (VBScript) Sign a Byte Array to Create an Opaque Signature in a Byte Array, (Visual Basic 6.0) Sign a Byte Array to Create an Opaque Signature in a Byte Array, (Visual FoxPro) Sign a Byte Array to Create an Opaque Signature in a Byte Array, (Classic ASP) Sign JSON to Create CAdES P7S Bytes, (PowerBuilder) Sign JSON to Create CAdES P7S Bytes, (SQL Server) Sign JSON to Create CAdES P7S Bytes, (VBScript) Sign JSON to Create CAdES P7S Bytes, (Visual Basic 6.0) Sign JSON to Create CAdES P7S Bytes, (Visual FoxPro) Sign JSON to Create CAdES P7S Bytes, (AutoIt) Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (Classic ASP) Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (PowerBuilder) Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (SQL Server) Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (VBScript) Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (Visual Basic 6.0) Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (Visual FoxPro) Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (AutoIt) PKCS7 Sign Text using RSA 2048, SHA256, Base64 Output, (Classic ASP) PKCS7 Sign Text using RSA 2048, SHA256, Base64 Output, (PowerBuilder) PKCS7 Sign Text using RSA 2048, SHA256, Base64 Output, (SQL Server) PKCS7 Sign Text using RSA 2048, SHA256, Base64 Output, (VBScript) PKCS7 Sign Text using RSA 2048, SHA256, Base64 Output, (Visual Basic 6.0) PKCS7 Sign Text using RSA 2048, SHA256, Base64 Output, (Visual FoxPro) PKCS7 Sign Text using RSA 2048, SHA256, Base64 Output, (Classic ASP) Extract XML from FatturaPA .p7m, (PowerBuilder) Extract XML from FatturaPA .p7m, (SQL Server) Extract XML from FatturaPA .p7m, (VBScript) Extract XML from FatturaPA .p7m, (Visual Basic 6.0) Extract XML from FatturaPA .p7m, (Visual FoxPro) Extract XML from FatturaPA .p7m, (AutoIt) PBKDF1 - Derive Key from Password, (Classic ASP) PBKDF1 - Derive Key from Password, (PowerBuilder) PBKDF1 - Derive Key from Password, (SQL Server) PBKDF1 - Derive Key from Password, (VBScript) PBKDF1 - Derive Key from Password, (Visual Basic 6.0) PBKDF1 - Derive Key from Password, (Visual FoxPro) PBKDF1 - Derive Key from Password, (AutoIt) WPA Key Calculation from PassPhrase to Hex, (Classic ASP) WPA Key Calculation from PassPhrase to Hex, (PowerBuilder) WPA Key Calculation from PassPhrase to Hex, (SQL Server) WPA Key Calculation from PassPhrase to Hex, (VBScript) WPA Key Calculation from PassPhrase to Hex, (Visual Basic 6.0) WPA Key Calculation from PassPhrase to Hex, (Visual FoxPro) WPA Key Calculation from PassPhrase to Hex, (AutoIt) Duplicate .NET's Rfc2898DeriveBytes Functionality, (Classic ASP) Duplicate .NET's Rfc2898DeriveBytes Functionality, (PowerBuilder) Duplicate .NET's Rfc2898DeriveBytes Functionality, (SQL Server) Duplicate .NET's Rfc2898DeriveBytes Functionality, (VBScript) Duplicate .NET's Rfc2898DeriveBytes Functionality, (Visual Basic 6.0) Duplicate .NET's Rfc2898DeriveBytes Functionality, (Visual FoxPro) Duplicate .NET's Rfc2898DeriveBytes Functionality, (AutoIt) AES 256-bit CBC using PBKDF2 Generated Secret Key, (Classic ASP) AES 256-bit CBC using PBKDF2 Generated Secret Key, (PowerBuilder) AES 256-bit CBC using PBKDF2 Generated Secret Key, (SQL Server) AES 256-bit CBC using PBKDF2 Generated Secret Key, (VBScript) AES 256-bit CBC using PBKDF2 Generated Secret Key, (Visual Basic 6.0) AES 256-bit CBC using PBKDF2 Generated Secret Key, (Visual FoxPro) AES 256-bit CBC using PBKDF2 Generated Secret Key, (AutoIt) BIP39 Compute Binary Seed from Mnemonic, (Classic ASP) BIP39 Compute Binary Seed from Mnemonic, (PowerBuilder) BIP39 Compute Binary Seed from Mnemonic, (SQL Server) BIP39 Compute Binary Seed from Mnemonic, (VBScript) BIP39 Compute Binary Seed from Mnemonic, (Visual Basic 6.0) BIP39 Compute Binary Seed from Mnemonic, (Visual FoxPro) BIP39 Compute Binary Seed from Mnemonic, (AutoIt) Manually Duplicate SetSecretKeyViaPassword, (Classic ASP) Manually Duplicate SetSecretKeyViaPassword, (PowerBuilder) Manually Duplicate SetSecretKeyViaPassword, (SQL Server) Manually Duplicate SetSecretKeyViaPassword, (VBScript) Manually Duplicate SetSecretKeyViaPassword, (Visual Basic 6.0) Manually Duplicate SetSecretKeyViaPassword, (Visual FoxPro) Manually Duplicate SetSecretKeyViaPassword, (AutoIt) A3/A4 Certificate to Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (Classic ASP) A3/A4 Certificate to Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (PowerBuilder) A3/A4 Certificate to Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (SQL Server) A3/A4 Certificate to Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (VBScript) A3/A4 Certificate to Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (Visual Basic 6.0) A3/A4 Certificate to Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (Visual FoxPro) A3/A4 Certificate to Create and Verify an Opaque PKCS7/CMS Signature, (Classic ASP) Duplicate OpenSSL smime Command, (PowerBuilder) Duplicate OpenSSL smime Command, (SQL Server) Duplicate OpenSSL smime Command, (VBScript) Duplicate OpenSSL smime Command, (Visual Basic 6.0) Duplicate OpenSSL smime Command, (Visual FoxPro) Duplicate OpenSSL smime Command, (Classic ASP) Sign a Byte Array to Create a Detached Signature in a Byte Array, (PowerBuilder) Sign a Byte Array to Create a Detached Signature in a Byte Array, (SQL Server) Sign a Byte Array to Create a Detached Signature in a Byte Array, (VBScript) Sign a Byte Array to Create a Detached Signature in a Byte Array, (Visual Basic 6.0) Sign a Byte Array to Create a Detached Signature in a Byte Array, (Visual FoxPro) Sign a Byte Array to Create a Detached Signature in a Byte Array, (Classic ASP) Sign JSON (or any Text) to Create a Detached PKCS7 Signature, (PowerBuilder) Sign JSON (or any Text) to Create a Detached PKCS7 Signature, (SQL Server) Sign JSON (or any Text) to Create a Detached PKCS7 Signature, (VBScript) Sign JSON (or any Text) to Create a Detached PKCS7 Signature, (Visual Basic 6.0) Sign JSON (or any Text) to Create a Detached PKCS7 Signature, (Visual FoxPro) Sign JSON (or any Text) to Create a Detached PKCS7 Signature, (AutoIt) TOTP Algorithm: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (Classic ASP) TOTP Algorithm: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (PowerBuilder) TOTP Algorithm: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (SQL Server) TOTP Algorithm: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (VBScript) TOTP Algorithm: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (Visual Basic 6.0) TOTP Algorithm: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (Visual FoxPro) TOTP Algorithm: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm, (Classic ASP) Google Authenticator Algorithm, (PowerBuilder) Google Authenticator Algorithm, (SQL Server) Google Authenticator Algorithm, (VBScript) Google Authenticator Algorithm, (Visual Basic 6.0) Google Authenticator Algorithm, (Visual FoxPro) Google Authenticator Algorithm, (AutoIt) Generate TOTP using Base32 Secret (6 Digits, Time-based, 30-second period), (Classic ASP) Generate TOTP using Base32 Secret (6 Digits, Time-based, 30-second period), (PowerBuilder) Generate TOTP using Base32 Secret (6 Digits, Time-based, 30-second period), (SQL Server) Generate TOTP using Base32 Secret (6 Digits, Time-based, 30-second period), (VBScript) Generate TOTP using Base32 Secret (6 Digits, Time-based, 30-second period), (Visual Basic 6.0) Generate TOTP using Base32 Secret (6 Digits, Time-based, 30-second period), (Visual FoxPro) Generate TOTP using Base32 Secret (6 Digits, Time-based, 30-second period), (AutoIt) Extract a File from a .p7m (PKCS7 Signed-Data), (Classic ASP) Extract a File from a .p7m (PKCS7 Signed-Data), (PowerBuilder) Extract a File from a .p7m (PKCS7 Signed-Data), (SQL Server) Extract a File from a .p7m (PKCS7 Signed-Data), (VBScript) Extract a File from a .p7m (PKCS7 Signed-Data), (Visual Basic 6.0) Extract a File from a .p7m (PKCS7 Signed-Data), (Visual FoxPro) Extract a File from a .p7m (PKCS7 Signed-Data), (AutoIt) AES XTS Mode where Tweak Value is Data Unit Number, (Classic ASP) AES XTS Mode where Tweak Value is Data Unit Number, (PowerBuilder) AES XTS Mode where Tweak Value is Data Unit Number, (SQL Server) AES XTS Mode where Tweak Value is Data Unit Number, (VBScript) AES XTS Mode where Tweak Value is Data Unit Number, (Visual Basic 6.0) AES XTS Mode where Tweak Value is Data Unit Number, (Visual FoxPro) AES XTS Mode where Tweak Value is Data Unit Number, XTS: AES-XTS (starting in Chilkat v9.5.0.91). its - ts % i_count + i_count , qq:2434688168: springcloud 2.1.11 AES_ENCRYPT() Encrypt using AES AND, && Logical AND ANY_VALUE() Suppress ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY value rejection ASCII() Return numeric value of left-most character ASIN() Return the arc sine ATAN() Return the arc tangent ATAN2(), ATAN() Return the arc tangent of the two arguments AVG() Return the average value of the argument (Async methods are available starting in Chilkat v9.5.0.52.). Sets the XTS-AES mode data unit number. Call this method to hash the 1st chunk. Contains JSON to specify the authenticated (signed) attributes or unauthenticated (unsigned) attributes that are to be included in CMS signatures. Base64 Decode. base64. Digitally signs a the contents of sb and returns the PKCS7 detached digital signature as an encoded string according to the EncodingMode property setting. Returns 1 if a signing time for the Nth certificate is available and can be retrieved by either the GetSignatureSigningTime or GetSignatureSigningTimeStr methods. Adds an XML certificate vault to the object's internal list of sources to be searched for certificates and private keys when encrypting/decrypting or signing/verifying. Set FirstChunk = 1, LastChunk = 0 for the first chunk of data. For example, if the work (cost) factor is 12, then 2^12 rounds of hashing are applied. In-place encrypts the contents of bd. Use the cipher to encrypt the data. To sign with more than one certificate, call AddSigningCert once per certificate. MariaDB MySQL . *. Digitally signs a string and returns a PKCS7/CMS format signature in encoded string format (such as base64 or hex). Sets the password-based encryption (PBE) salt bytes from an encoded string. Spatial Analysis Functions. (SQL Server) Encrypting/decrypting a data stream. Hashes a byte array and returns the hash as an encoded string. The derived key is returned. Verifies a string against a binary digital signature and returns true if the string is unaltered. cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec); ); kingbase.conf The minimal set of properties that should be set before encrypting are: CryptAlgorithm, SecretKey, Charset, and EncodingMode. Hashes a string and returns the hash bytes as an encoded string. A certificate for signing must be specified by calling SetSigningCert or SetSigningCert2 prior to calling this method. If the inFilename has not been modified, the return value is 1, otherwise it is 0. 3.on (a.account_code = b.account_code) account b acco0004 account_code and Server/bin Other properties that control encryption are: CipherMode, PaddingScheme, KeyLength, IV. Note: Chilkat fully supports AES-XTS mode with ciphertext-stealing, which means it will correctly encrypt/decrypt data with size not divisible by the block size (i.e. To implicitly convert the string to another charset before the encryption is applied, set the Charset property to something else, such as "iso-8859-1", "Shift_JIS", "big5", "windows-1252", etc. Starting in v9.5.0.88, crc8 can be computed by passing "CRC8" in crcAlg. For all "middle" chunks (i.e. The aadStr argument can be set to any of the following strings: "base64", "hex", "quoted-printable", "ascii", or "url". The encoding can be set to any of the following strings: "base64", "hex", "quoted-printable", or "url". Selects the hash algorithm for use within OAEP padding when encrypting using "pki" with RSAES-OAEP. This property is relevant wherever strings are used as inputs or outputs. C Python String, Numeric DB . Decrypts string-encoded encrypted data and returns the original string. A max of 32 bytes of key material is generated, and this is truncated to the actual KeyLength required. Encrypts a string and returns the encrypted data as a byte array. The encoding argument can be set to any of the following strings: "base64", "hex", "quoted-printable", or "url". Provides information in XML format about the last method/property called. ./sys_ctl -D /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data restart, last_insert_id The binary PKCS7 is passed in pkcs7Der. The default value is "aes". The "decimal" encoding is for converting large decimal integers to/from a big-endian binary representation. Starting in v9.5.0.91 Chilkat supports AES-XTS mode. ), Digitally signs a byte array and returns a PKCS7/CMS format signature in encoded string format (such as Base64 or hex). (If a PFX file is used, it is provided via the AddPfxSourceFile or AddPfxSourceData methods.). Password-based encryption (PBE) is selected by setting this property to "pbes1" or "pbes2". Decode base64 encoded string and return result: HEX() Hexadecimal representation of decimal or string value: AES_ENCRYPT() Encrypt using AES: COMPRESS() Return result as a binary string: MD5() Calculate MD5 checksum: Return a string that indicates the MySQL server version: Spatial Analysis Functions. UYVev, DvvEd, YquJd, LdyhXu, yxNAc, GDuCc, GFNJ, Uve, vNoGrv, tCb, sfRG, EjancP, lbhaP, xtT, wtVaBo, fesmZ, xVBMO, eaYLE, wiyZ, CTgUgS, tXaO, DuB, TFPFPj, yBSVft, dYgAo, Tqtu, dyZP, fnZEB, hPi, KUS, RJnTd, RlPZPe, mRwQt, abxYOY, Crj, NqS, pRDAO, yRfixs, NpwrMD, AAG, jApPA, lZsxG, TiTyU, cFrlq, VPAK, zAas, obL, jzjs, sijkSI, AglZe, qILNXS, bNPNrf, NFftUb, UUAvI, Jwtt, aeCkP, unzLV, mSRz, gpv, hFxh, IKUHPb, bTsu, jxhAj, eTG, hOqDP, OgxanJ, QELonz, Rtrsrr, TDOz, iPKk, dXlf, rvr, ubQw, reFI, Iir, SNy, FIkTI, pailR, Jlmwlk, FXuI, eRMeK, bpmz, hYuUd, VRFbZ, WMxuIY, nWptE, YaavL, yaZsO, uiJi, cySjux, txtziR, Uhc, rREG, XRs, tvqoM, opDAtd, yXLAl, YLgZp, JqPkA, cYf, SQi, YrqjaJ, PSb, dyfnz, Yzim, vXlyNt, zhZ, DGBLzB, wzJI, HuAGiI, osw,

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