break; Note Format of the file is determined by its extension. { // update equivalent labels Aim is to validate the OpenCV installation and usage therefore the opencv.hpp is included in the code but not used in this example. Enumeration Type Documentation labelSet.push_back(++label) ; // assign to a new label int i = 0; Note when ddepth=-1, the output image will have the same depth as the source. Running our code and using \(\alpha = 2.2\) and \(\beta = 50\) line 27: python: command not found OpenCV_Connected Component Analysis/Labeling, CVPRBlob1Two-pass2Seed-FillingOpenCVC++, Connected ComponentRegionBlobConnected Component Analysis,Connected Component Labeling, CVPROCR, Label, a, bBpixel value = 1pixel value = 0, 4 8, labellabellabelequal_labelslabellabelequal_labels, 2Neighborslabellabel, labelSet[i] = { label_m, .., label_n }labelSet[i]labellabel, alabel = B(x,y)labelB(x,y), , aB(x,y)label, blabel, OpenCVC++4-label, [1], [2], [3], stfu_: cout << "save the "<< i <<"th image\n"<< endl; Alpha blending is the process of overlaying a foreground image with transparency over a background image. #include