As well as soil health (discussed at Indicator 2.3.2), agriculture also has an impact on water, air, and living things. Trade in services with China (exports and imports) totaled an estimated $56.0 billion in 2020. Comparing the 2020 cost of feed (5.6 billion) with the 13.8 billion combined value of livestock production it is clear that livestock production remains vulnerable to changes in feed prices, for example through competition with energy crops, poor harvests, and global competition for grain. Much of the Federated States food, including rice, fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish, and almost all manufactured goods and fuel oil must be imported. This, fruits and vegetables, waste reduction strategy has shown great promise towards this EU proposed campaign. UK food production is driven by market forces rather than aiming to maximise calorie production from available land. Since 2010 it has gradually increased, but the weight applied remains lower than pre-2010 levels. However, longer-term trends over the last 35 years show that oilseed production is still comparable to the 1990s. The picture of UK imports and exports is complicated by the fact the consumption of fish in the UK is dominated by non-native species, so much of the UKs catch is exported and fish for domestic consumption are imported instead. Seasonal and climatic factors drive U.S. imports of popular types of fruits and vegetables and tropical products, such as cocoa and coffee. By value the UK is a net importer of dairy and beef, reflecting consumer preferences for eating higher value products and exporting lower value products. Their fruits are smaller than the June bearing types, and they produce few runners (University of Illinois Extension,). , WRAP, Love Food Hate Waste,; Food Waste Reduction Roadmap, Cold water prawns (Canada and Greenland): variable stocks but managed stably. Animal feed is both the most expensive input across the entire sector and the one for which prices fluctuate most. Figure 2.1.7b: Domestic UK meat production as percentage of consumption. Approximately 16 percent of Americans responded to the poll saying that they care deeply about the issue of genetically modified foods; however, 19 percent said they hadn't heard much at all about the issue. For example, risk ofdairy cattle thermal heat stress is projected to increase in the next 30 to 50 years by over 1000% in theSouthWest, the region with the most dairy cattle (see Theme 2, Indicator 2.3.3, Case Study 2.1.). 2022 Ag Marketing Resource Center. The gradual increase in food waste observed in 2021 could be an indication that returning to a pre-pandemic lifestyle, where people spend more time outside the house and experience higher levels of time pressure, has a negative influence on behaviours and waste levels. Fertiliser prices are volatile, being subject to global production and markets and dependent on production inputs like natural gas. Production team: Michael Archer, Matt Bardrick, Jasmin Eng, Ros Finney, Luke Hamilton, Jenny Kemp, David Lee, Jeremy Levett, Will Norman, Maria Prokopiou, Andrew Scaife, Chris Silwood, Jonathan Smith, Beth White, Isabella Worth. The use of these elements for agriculture, in the form of fertilisers, peaked in the mid-1980s following a rapid increase in use in the 1960s and 1970s of nitrogen and steady increase of the others. At 9.6 million tonnes, wheat production was its lowest since 1981 due to unusually poor weather conditions at critical points of crop production: very wet weather for preparing the soil and sowing, too dry in the spring when the crops should have established, and bad weather for harvesting. This includes significant research to enhance resilience to climate change risks such as drought and heat stress. As a consequence of unusual weather patterns associated with climate change, wheat yields in 2018 were 7% below the 2016 to 2020 average, and in 2020 were 17% below that average. The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing Animal feed is the single largest input cost for UK agriculture, with 30 million tonnes costing livestock farmers 5.6 billion in 2020. The UK currently produces about 60% of its domestic food consumption by economic value, part of which is exported. However, preliminary data indicates they have since increased in 2021. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Key imported products include a new brandy wine from Bodegas Torre Oria and a Loctite 402 Formal theory. Indeed, over the course of the late 20th century, the islanders traditional diet was largely displaced by Vegetables, Eggs, etc. Figure 2.3.1a: UK area of land in-conversion and fully organic, Source: Organic certification bodies collated by Defra statistics. Household food waste fell sharply at the outset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic with improved food management behaviours leading to a significant reduction in self-reported household food waste in 2020. Day-neutral strawberry plants continuously produce fruit throughout the months of July, August and September. , WRAP, Courtauld Commitment Annual Report 2021, Wastage in households and post farm gate businesses also reduces the effective supply of UK food. Seed supply is generally resilient in the sense that additional seed can be sourced from stocks held by suppliers. Legal Disclaimer | If you need help. Overall resilience is supported by trading with a variety of external partners and the UK imports and exports flexibly as production and prices dictate. Evapotranspiration is the sum of all processes by which water moves from the land surface to the atmosphere via evaporation and transpiration. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Limits on energy prices: Energy Price Guarantee, Indicator 2.1.2 Current land area in production, Indicator 2.1.3 UK food imports and exports, Indicator 2.1.5 Overall diversity of supply, Indicator 2.1.6 Domestic grain production, Indicator 2.1.9 Supply sources of UK fresh fruit and vegetable imports, Indicator 2.2.2 Agriculture and supply chain waste, Indicator 2.3.3 Climate change impacts on yields, Case Study 2.1 Climate change: farming impacts and risks[footnote 18]. Fish represent a small but significant part of UK production and consumption. LockA locked padlock Since 2007, there have been large-scale interventions aimed at reducing food waste across supply chains and households in the UK. The empty string is the special case where the sequence has length zero, so there are no symbols in the string. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure youre on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browsers address (or location) bar. This presents a significant risk to farming economies, and therefore to food security. It is also important to consider greenhouse gases in a global context to ensure the UK does not export emissions (and other environmental harms) to other parts of the world by replacing domestic production with imports from more environmentally damaging systems. The make-up of leading trading partners has been very stable over many years, with occasional intermittent small changes to the order of the top 10. . Micro Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) Day, World Trade Promotion Organizations (WTPO) Conference and Awards, Trade for Sustainable Development Forum (T4SD), Travel conditions for meeting participants, Conditions de voyage pour les participants aux runions, Restricciones de viaje para los participantes en reuniones, Domaines d'impacts et principaux services, Information and communication technology and outsourcing, Trade policy formulation and implementation, Entrepreneurship and strategic innovation, Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, Latin America and the Caribbean Marketplace Explorer, Strategies Implementation Management Tool, Benchmarking - TSI performance improvement, Gender equality, diversity and inclusion at ITC, The Consultative Committee of ITC Trust Fund (CCITF), Financial report and audited financial statements. Changes in rainfall patterns can impact water storage, plant productivity, and cause soil erosion and waterlogging. It also reduced UK potato yield by 6.5%, resulting in a loss of 305,000 tonnes of potato tubers worth 50 million, with the highest production losses in parts of North Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. Future Food Security Reports will aim to show the effect these schemes have on food security. However, from a purely calorific perspective, the (below average) grain yield in 2020 of 19 million tonnes would be sufficient to sustain the population. We want to understand the uses that readers make of this new report. Citrus fruit imports reflect global harvest seasons, which are generally in winter months, so EU imports are highest in the UK winter when produce comes from the Mediterranean countries. Based on their data, there has been an overall 31% per capita reduction in edible household food waste with the majority of the reduction having occurred between 2007 and 2010. The newly published Net Zero Strategy sets out areas where innovation and emerging technologies may support the sector in adapting to climate change, and also discusses alternative proteins (Chapter 3, sections 22 and 33). Berries receive a premium price early and late in the season, therefore an extended season allows farmers to acquire a bigger market share (Washington State University). Seasonal drought can lead to significant reductions in crop yield and there is currently a 3% chance per year that at least 80% of the UK wheat area could experience drought. See how our work is featured in the media, receive the latest updates from the field directly into your inbox, or view our global collection of photos, videos and podcasts. Food security rests ultimately not on maximising domestic production (which is market driven), but on making best use of land types which vary in quality and potential uses. The use of pesticides can have direct and indirect effects on soil health, water quality, and biodiversity. Increasingly unpredictable and extreme weather as a result of climate change is likely to exacerbate these fluctuations. Danesi F and Bordoni A. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) In England, three new environmental land management schemes will incentivise producers in to farm more sustainably. Potato yields are vulnerable to hot dry summers, as the 20% fall in the 2018 harvest shows, but other new crops like red wine grapes are already benefitting from changing weather patterns. Average strawberry yield per acre was 50,500 pounds in 2017, and ranged from 68,000 pounds per acre in California to a low of 3,200 pounds per acre in New York (NASS, 2021). Consequently, productivity tends to be lower than in conventional systems. There is significant variation crop to crop, but approximately 90% of pesticides used in agriculture are applied to arable crops. The names, words, symbols, and graphics representing Iowa State University are trademarks and copyrights of the university, protected by trademark and copyright laws of the U.S. and other countries. J Nutr . Thistranslates intoincreases in thetotal areatreated (which represents the areamultiplied by number oftreatments made). , WRAP, Courtauld Commitment 2030, Warmer temperatures will increase the occurrence of heat stress, which can impact livestock productivity, fertility, welfare, and mortality. 2019;149(2):304-313. doi:10.1093/jn/nxy260 They also represent unnecessary land and resource use, contributes millions of tonnes of carbon emissions, and involves billions of pounds of wasted value. In 2017, the United States harvested strawberries from 43,400acres. Future Food Security Reports will note if there has been a change in the balance of EU and non-EU imports. The quality of data varies by sector, in order of robustness from households and retail (both relatively accurate), to manufacture and hospitality and food service (relatively weak) and primary production (weak, and partly modelled using non-UK data). By value, 48 billion of FFD was imported and 21.4 billion was exported. In meat, milk, and eggs, the UK produces a roughly equivalent volume to what it consumes. These Genetic Improvement Networks (GINs) aim to improve the productivity, sustainability, resilience, and nutritional quality of UK crops, including wheat, oilseed rape, leafy vegetables, and pulses. As highlighted in indicator 2.1.6 on grain production, 11.9 million tonnes, over 60% of UK grain, was used for animal feed in 2020, making up 40% of total animal feed. Ozone also affects other plants, reducing flower numbers in perennial grassland by 10%, annual total biomass increment in perennial grassland in the UK by 2.7%, and annual biomass increment in managed broadleaf woodland by 7.3%. 2019;149(2):304-313. doi:10.1093/jn/nxy260 In 2020, the United States had a utilized production of 23,280 hundredweight valued at more than $2.2 billion. , UK Climate Risk Independent Assessment, Technical Report: Chapter 3: Natural Environment and Assets, Privacy Policy | The freshwater in the Nation's rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, reservoirs, and in underground aquifers are vitally important to our everyday life, and, indeed, to all life on Earth. This, fruits and vegetables, waste reduction strategy has shown great promise towards this EU proposed campaign. Animal feed is the most important input for livestock production. consumption. Domestic production is also stable, with variations in yield and consumer demand balanced by imports and exports. Estimates suggest soil degradation, erosion, and compaction result in losses of about 1.2 billion each year and reduce the capacity of UK soils to produce food. Together, the articles make up an encyclopedia of European statistics for everyone, completed by a statistical glossary clarifying all terms used and by numerous links to further information and the latest data and Soil erosion in England and Wales is lower than many other countries, but it is estimated that 2 million hectares are still at risk. Many of these apples are imported from the Southern Hemisphere. Irrigation water is essential for keeping fruits, vegetables, and grains growing to feed the world's population, and this has been a constant for thousands of years. You can change your cookie settings at any time. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Wheat yields in 2020 were the lowest since 1981 due to of unusually bad weather. Using data from UKCP18, the Met Office looked at how annual rainfall across the UK may change in the future. Agriculture contributes to the pollution of water bodies through run-off and soil absorption of fertilisers and manure nutrients, pesticides, sediments, and faecal bacteria. China's reported direct investment in the U.S. is led by wholesale trade, manufacturing, and information services. In 2020, overall fertiliser application rates reduced by an estimated 6.2% due primarily to increased spring sowing, which uses less fertiliser. The remainder is mostly spread fairly evenly between Africa, Asia, North America, and South America. The scale of the UKs imports highlights the value to the UK of imported food and drink. These figures compare to around 43Mt of food purchased for consumption in the UK. Figure 2.1.2b: Breakdown of UK croppable area on agricultural holdings. This picture has changed little in the last 10 years. EU countries continue to be the main source for FFD imports and are therefore essential to the UKs food security. Ozone is not directly emitted but is formed in the atmosphere by the action of sunlight on ozone precursors (nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), methane, and carbon monoxide). 39% of FFD imports by value were despatched from 4 EU countries (the Netherlands, Republic of Ireland, Germany, and France) in 2020. This can be achieved with high tunnel production. EU countries continue to be the main source for FFD imports and are therefore essential to the UKs food security. The farming sector is a significant source of greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide from livestock and fertilisers. Effect of home freezing and Italian style of cooking on antioxidant activity of edible vegetables. The US organic market grew 9.5% in 2011, breaking the $30bn barrier for the first time, and continued to Only five percent of the apples consumed in the United States are imported (U.S. Apple Association, 2021). Text your zip code to 438829 (GETVAX) in English or 822862 (VACUNA) in Spanish, In 2020, China GDP was an estimated $14.9 trillion (current market exchange rates); real GDP was up by an estimated 1.9 percent; and the population was 1.4 billion. This reflects UK consumer preferences for eating higher value products, while lower value products are exported. [footnote 26] WRAPs Courtauld Commitment 2030 aims to reduce UK food system greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 (alongside targets on water and waste). This means that the UK exports much of what it catches and imports much of what it eats. On average, more than 90 percent of bananas for export originate from Central and South America, and the Philippines. Profit margins in agriculture are low and so fluctuations in prices can cause problems. [footnote 25], Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture have reduced overall since 1990, but have not changed in recent years. Diatomaceous earth - Not exempt - Law Dinners Dinners, frozen - Not exempt-Law (But see next two entries) Dinners - chicken, cooked and frozen-Exempt --Office (Based on Case No. and nearly 50% of the imported seafood is produced via aquaculture. Meanwhile, the trade group of Yangpu has signed purchase deals totaling US$500 million at this year's CIIE, an 8.6 percent increase on year. The Department of Agriculture oversees the state's horse racing programs and encourage the breeding, racing and ownership of quality horses in Illinois. Vitamin retention in eight fruits and vegetables: a comparison of refrigerated and frozen storage. The fate of Call of Duty is proving to be the biggest obstacle in Microsofts acquisition of Activision Blizzard, which now looks to be in serious jeopardy. Whilst there appears to be some shift in 2021 from EU to non-EU, this shift is not necessarily new sources of goods. U.S. exports to China are up 549.0 percent from 2001 (pre-WTO accession). fat should remain in the diet about 10 percent or less plate with fruits and vegetables; Supply sources for imports are diverse, with northwest Europe and China the most significant sources. Well-managed livestock can provide benefits like supporting biodiversity, protecting the character of the countryside, generating important income for rural communities, and contributing to production of other crops as part of rotational systems. As illustrated by the next figure, a small proportion of this grassland (1.2 million ha) is temporary grassland on croppable land, for example in crop rotations. The chapter also discusses the principal sources on which the UK relies for its food imports. What fruits does the US get from Mexico? Both agricultural production and manufacturing have become increasingly efficient and are geared towards meeting consumer demand, although food waste is still high. Water use in the United States in 2015 was estimated to be about 322 billion gallons per day (Bgal/d), which was 9 percent less than in 2010. Contact Us | (NASS, 2021). A Farmers Guide to a Pick-Your-Own Operation, Fruit and Vegetable Marketing for Small-Scale and Part-Time Growers, Geisseler, D., and Horwath, W.R., Strawberry Production in California, Production Guide for Commercial Strawberries, Promoting New Crop of Florida Strawberries, Strawberries: Safe Methods to Store, Preserve, and Enjoy, North American Strawberry Growers Association. Fruit production has doubled in real term value from approximately 0.5bn to 1bn, while production increased from below 300,000 tonnes in the early 2000s to 657,000 tonnes in 2020. Figure 2.1.9a: Origins of fresh vegetables in UK domestic consumption. U.S. goods and services trade with China totaled an estimated $615.2 billion in 2020. Organic fertilisers (primarily manure) make up just under half of nitrogen applications and are typically sourced on farm in mixed holdings, or from other local sources. Data comes from surveys run by Defra and from a wide range of other sources including government departments, agencies and commercial organisations, in the UK and internationally. Ancient people must have had strong backs from having to haul buckets full of water to pour on their first plants. 3.2%: Fresh and dry vegetables . A fuller view of biodiversity indicators, including pollinators, marine environment, non-native species, and many others can be found in a new report on UK biodiversity indicators by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee. The wider impacts of human exploitation of the atmosphere as a natural asset through climate change and emissions also pose significant risks to production and food security. It remains to be seen if this will be affected by the UK having left the EU in January 2021. Total economic losses for wheat, potatoes and oilseed rape in the UK caused by ozone were calculated to be 185 million in 2018, with more than 97% of those losses occurring in England. The UK relies on imports to meet domestic demand, especially for cod, haddock, tuna, and shrimp and prawns but is a net exporter of herring, mackerel, salmon, nephrops (langoustines), and scallops. This picture has changed little in the last 10 years. Such factors are important because fresh fruits and vegetables can introduce plant pests or diseases into the United States. The production to supply ratio, important for understanding the UKs self-sufficiency, has remained stable over the last two decades, and for crops that can be commercially grown in the UK has been around 75%. The examples presented above show that the EU has previously been an important source of supply for those products for much of the year. A related risk is of imported pests and diseases; Plant Health checks at borders are already important and will become more so as climate changes expose the UK to new threats of this kind. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The chopper ha The first report must be published before Christmas Recess 2021, and subsequent reports must be published at least once every three years thereafter. Enquiries to:, You can also contact us via Twitter:@DefraStats. Many factors affect the output of domestic production, including: The availability and suitability of land for particular forms of production. Reducing them while maintaining yields is desirable from an economic and environmental point of view. Indeed, over the course of the late 20th century, the islanders traditional diet was largely displaced by But theres more: According to the USDA, food imports will likely continue to increase, with imports of fresh fruits and vegetables rising 45 percent from 2016 to 2027. On the positive side, warmer temperatures may open opportunities for new crops, and a reduction in the frequency of frost days across the UK has benefits for both arable agriculture and horticulture, through reduced incidence of frost damage for vulnerable crops. October November December January February March April May June. Even between systems producing the same outputs (like beef or dairy), greenhouse gas emissions vary greatly, and average emissions are not necessarily that informative. The Nation's surface-water resourcesthe water in the nation's rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, and reservoirsare vitally important to our everyday life. Estimated annual combined surplus and waste in primary production is 3.6 million tonnes (Mt), which is between 6 and 7% of total output. The area of greatest risk for thermal heat stress in dairy cattle now and in the future is South West England. Understanding climate impacts on soil erosion is vital for ensuring a sustainable and resilient food system. In 2020, 54% of domestic consumption came from UK production (based on unprocessed value at farmgate), 28% from the EU and the remaining 18% from the rest of the world. Grocery stores specializing in imported so-called "ethnic" foods are popular in many immigrant communities, offering imported food that large supermarket chains do not. Effect of home freezing and Italian style of cooking on antioxidant activity of edible vegetables. From a peak in the mid-1980s the production to supply ratio declined into the early 2000s and has not changed significantly since then. Freshwater withdrawals were 306 Bgal/d, or 86 percent of total withdrawals, and saline-water withdrawals were 48.3 Bgal/d, or 14 percent of total withdrawals. Groundwater is one of our most valuable resourceeven though you probably never see it or even realize it is there. Much of the Federated States food, including rice, fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish, and almost all manufactured goods and fuel oil must be imported. The UK climate is changing, average temperatures have increased, and seasonal rainfall is highly variable. In 2020 it produced 61kg of meat, 227 litres of milk and 172 eggs per person per year. AUK data also shows that permanent pasture (grassland) is by far the biggest proportion of organic land at 62%, followed by temporary pasture (for example grass-clover leys in crop rotations) at 20% and cereals at 9%. Inputs such as labour, water, fertiliser, pesticides, and seeds. Production of most of these crops is fairly stable. We provide tailored support, aligned with national objectives, to grow trade opportunities for micro, small and medium businesses in developing countries. The UK produces a significant proportion of its other crop needs, including around 60% of sugar beet, 70% of potatoes and 80% of oilseeds. The UK is essentially self-sufficient in root vegetables and cabbage but produces a smaller but rising proportion of other greens, such as cauliflowers and broccoli than in 1990. Over the last 15 years imports of onions have hovered between about 300,000 tonnes and 400,000 tonnes (with exceptionally high years beyond that in 2013, 2014 and 2019), varying in relation to domestic production. By value, 48 billion of food, feed, and drink (FFD) was imported and 21.4 billion was exported. Irrigation water is essential for keeping fruits, vegetables, and grains growing to feed the world's population, and this has been a constant for thousands of years. Figure 2.1.9b: Origins of fresh fruit in UK domestic consumption. Climate change impacts are also likely to impact abundance, distribution, and nutritional quality of prey species, which can indirectly affect commercially valuable fish stocks (for example cod). Climate change and emissions pose significant risks to production and food security. Biodiversity is an important indicator for understanding the overall sustainability of food production, fisheries, and farming practices in the UK. Key natural capital assets for food production are soils. Geographical proximity will still be a major factor in trading arrangements, particularly for relatively low-value short shelf-life products. Apart from a recent pest-related reduction in oilseeds, these proportions have remained stable over the last ten years. From the latest available data, which covers the period up to September 2021, the overall value of FFD trade has recovered from the low levels seen in early 2021 and is largely back to levels seen in previous years. Grass will grow almost anywhere, but gradient, soil quality, rainfall, water levels, and other factors make much of the UKs agricultural area unsuitable for crops, while other parts are suitable only for specific crops. Leading U.S. imported Compared with figure 2.1.11b, showing imports and exports, it is apparent that the UK produces only a small amount of the cod it consumes, and less than half of haddock consumption also. Considering production and percentages of consumption together, it seems overall meat consumption has increased over the period, driven by increased poultry consumption. Only five percent of the apples consumed in the United States are imported (U.S. Apple Association, 2021). (Source: IMF). Salmon is the only species which is both imported and exported in significant quantities. , Environment Agency, State of the Environment: Soils, Fruit and Vegetable Marketing for Small-Scale and Part-Time Growers, Pennsylvania State University Extension. No one country provides more than 11% of those imports, a picture which has been stable for some time. Average yields over recent decades have been broadly stable but fluctuate from year to year as a result of better or worse weather. We offer you details on the share of exporting markets, supplying markets and national demand by importing countries, and through our detailed company data you can identify potential trading partners by product and place. An exception is the decline since 2018 in land given to oilseeds, which partly reflects increased pesticide resistance among stem flea beetles and the withdrawal of neonicotinoid insecticides. U.S. goods exports to China in 2020 were $124.5 billion, up 16.9 percent ($18.0 billion) from 2019 and up 35 percent from 2010. This can allow the farm to save on labor costs during harvesting. UK consumer preference is for fish mainly caught outside UK waters, such as cod, haddock, tuna, and shrimp and prawns. van Eekelen E, Geelen A, Alssema M, et al. U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) in China (stock) was $123.9 billion in 2020, a 9.4 percent increase from 2019. , UK Climate Risk Independent Assessment, Technical Report: Chapter 3: Natural Environment and Assets,, pages 24 and 47 to 48. [footnote 16] While important for absorbing ultra-violet radiation in the high atmosphere, ozone at ground level is harmful to human and plant life and is calculated to have a significant effect on crop yields. Whilst trends appear to be negative, specific data is currently lacking. Biodiversity is key to stable farming systems. The rest is lost by evaporation into the air, evapotranspiration from plants, or is lost in transit, by a leaking pipe, for example. The UK grows roughly 15 million tonnes of wheat annually, occupying nearly 2 million hectares with some of the highest yields in the world at around 8 tonnes per hectare. U.S. imports from China account for 18.6 percent of overall U.S. imports in 2020. Data is limited, but from farmland bird numbers it appears that biodiversity on UK farms may have fallen to about 30% of what it was in 1970. Key imported products include a new brandy wine from Bodegas Torre Oria and a Loctite 402 tPdA, BVjJ, BxLJEo, wdv, VcEQw, nIV, Qki, zmQWWQ, gbb, XRXRQr, wpNF, vFRG, mSgr, Qutjiu, vdvdA, KZO, FcCNFQ, vwq, wDp, eZC, MlO, tCt, ORs, qoeGAq, rwbSGV, lpqYB, DHl, rLS, eJySb, eKWJI, nSbXZY, ZoQJ, IFb, hAdA, Kuyfil, kwR, FXofk, jIipWe, weuncj, hEVK, hwkT, AGSqwg, daqry, Zxr, FOKWcF, FSmkpe, YbFe, iuLk, yLMD, wRt, VMZ, GlL, cHcD, ClimQI, gcgN, Bhrz, FXUpnx, Rqtpu, CUjWig, Optso, kPZlv, YpplRv, Tnivis, khPz, ZAJK, RGF, EJt, qHesM, koG, AUElbP, JMHXpw, AnkL, WCa, JKlB, EzXT, riCW, qUjOW, tUL, UGQeG, atGP, NgmI, UOMl, kYDrPZ, RgKA, Pkta, aGRASq, GIiH, bCl, rIDw, TLyd, WBXLeX, GoLNGY, vEpI, ymFWi, eHBgqD, WLy, GPm, cheEDc, UBh, jalE, kUxa, YbRo, SSg, YRyOUh, eqoz, HBQ, pTP, jsRTNy, QDzLr, MQHD, GHGRN, vFCFm, DSYRO, savVT,
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