Another Rothschild puppet. What kind future does Rothschild Zionist rule hold for the US citizen-serf? A really shrewd assessment of the state of the hostilities by Bhadrakumar, who really knows the politics involved. When one particular boy gets the stick, the teacher decides to whom it should be handed to according to a set of rules the teacher has in his head. Remember the White Western guy is more kinder to Communists than the Asian. So, more information is needed about Jewish attempts to infiltrate China and its possible (hopeful) Chinese opponents. The creator of natural habitats with natural populations is naturally racist. Not some jew, nor politician, nor nonwhite who wears a White Lives Matter shirt as a publicity stunt. China are NOT our friend. LOL I agree with mRNA developer Dr. Robert Malone that vitamin C, sunshine, exercise, and zinc, make the best prophylactic modalities. I make no pretence to any sort of expertise but I can't help think of Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a sort of Samsonian jujitsu move against Germany and the wider EU. Theres also the special issue that Putin was their guy (WEF Young Global Leader) specially selected and advanced by themselves to replace their drunken puppet Yeltsin. Posted by: Comandante | Oct 6 2022 15:13 utc | 18., Posted by: SFBlackrobe | Oct 6 2022 17:30 utc | 63. At the other end in Sth. (Bloomberg) -- Its the week everyones been waiting for. What they demand is a commentariat composed of yes men and women that are nothing more than robotic automatons that lavishly praise Romanoff and his fellow rabid socialist off sider, no matter how asinine their output. We have taken note of President Zelenskyy's recent executive order approving the decision of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine on the impossibility of negotiating with the President of Russia. Driving a few borrowed tanks across an empty field or two may change the colors on the map and make for good PR, but I don't see how it helps Ukraine's long-term economic and therefore military viability. To believe the UN official, Mr Guterres made his September 29 statements based on the General Assemblys decisions. Posted by: SwissArmyMan | Oct 6 2022 14:42 utc | 6. Hard. Nothing very original, nothing new though. Both have a long history of genocide against their own people. In addition, if China officially sides with maniacal genocidal murderers and continues supporting world most wanted terrorists, they will be sent to Stone Age within two decades. Some historians believe Lincolns assassination was due in part to his plan to repel the Rothschild invasion following the successful reunification of the republic. I hope one day Japan awakens from its radioactive Anglo-Zionist trance and reaches out to what should be its natural ally- China). Jews Sidney Rittenberg, Virginius Frank Coe, Chen Bidi and Rewi Alley served Mao closely. But it turns out hes nobody. Then, autistic like people with massive attention spans could pore over them and identify targets and patterns of movement or potential problems. Probably the only country that lacks population to exploit its resources is Russia. From 9/11 and the wars it was designed to spark, to the 2014 de facto declaration of war on Russia through the coup in Kiev, to the recent blundering attempt to take Nordstream permanently off-line, the neocons keep doing insane things ostensibly designed to strengthen the US empire, but covertly undermining it. It might never reconquer Taiwan but no one is going to invade or conquer China. If one considers Time as a derived physical quantity, instead of being one of the three fundamental physical quantities, it might be able to reconcile such differences One can then have Time as required. In the pre-colonial period, what is now Enugu State was a part of the medieval Kingdom of Nri and the Arochukwu-based Aro Confederacy before the latter was defeated in the early 1900s by British troops in the Anglo-Aro War. Jews were not portrayed as the primary victims of the war as in the West. The Jews of the Western world have assimilated into general Western culture and will disappear with it. Too close to Russia and some 'Slavic brothers' arguments were thrown around, but I missed the good arguments and overall picture on how this War is going to end. I am waiting to see that happen. But they have other wayslike NWO colonization, the setting up of Fifth Columns and winning the fruits of Capital and Commodity export which is the essence of Imperialism. If Indira Gandhi were around at the time, she would have ditched the CIA and negotiated a rapprochement with Mao to settle the Sino-Indian border dispute. The EU is kaput. Please China, dont let Pfizer and its Rothschild Zionist CEO Albert Bourla breach the Great Wall. Bulling, as we are seeing in the West, is a potential presage to raw, animalistic violence by the cult of anti-humanistic losers. China will have no future if it remains on its current path. Thus all the moaning and groaning. For the purposes of this article, I define Rothschild Zionism in its present incarnation, as the amalgamation of Wall Street (global Jewish banking mafia families) and the Israel Lobby, along with their affiliated organizations, agencies, think tanks, spy networks, corporations, and agents. Several others have also been banned from posting comments in Michael Hudson and Larry Romanoff articles. . I in no way include righteous Jews, innocent little Jews, or beautiful creative Jews in with that. Beethoven For the sake of justice and legality, these criminal regimes must be abolished. Who knows if Ray Kurzweil is correct, with respect to his seemingly rather naive contention that the autonomy of the anti-entropic aka as life, is soon on the horizon, AI-wise, as a slam dunk. For that, Nixon called her a bitch. In Europe people may protest and gripe, but I don't see the leadership of those countries backing down in ruining the prosperity of their populations for the sake of Ukraine. You misunderstood me. ), folks. The lowest rainfall of about 0.16 cubic centimetres (0.0098cuin) is normal in February, while the highest is about 35.7 cubic centimetres (2.18cuin) in July.[11]. By bribing powerful senators, the Rothschilds pushed through laws that astronomically ballooned the debt, making it unpayable, and turning the US into a debtor nation. That impasse worked by design as intended by the West, in order to divide and rule Asia. To such painful humiliation, China must saynever again.. The Catholic Cathedral is Holy Ghost Cathedral located close to Ogbete Main Market. WTOP delivers the latest news, traffic and weather information to the Washington, D.C. region. The Energy Front--As I provided yesterday, Germany's main electricity exporter said it won't be exporting soon, and that will unbalance the entire European grid. Dont build up a cartoon enemy for you to slay. If it was buried and Russia knows or suspects where it is, it would make sense for them to withdraw troops to safer areas. White Western Civilization needs no steering from Jewish Kabal bettings, Russian Federation or China virtue signaling for that matter. Looks like it to me, At long last, and educated and informed comment. THE INDIAN GUY PREDICTS A BITTER CONFLICT IN BETWEEN CHINA AND RUSSIA. Contrary to the opinion of the AFU command, an order was given to attack Balakleya-Yuzum, etc. Jihad is by its very nature shamelessly aggressive, and its ultimate goal is to achieve Muslim domination of the entire world. Whites have no friends. I had a friend many years ago whose son was a math prodigy. So, one must bide one's time until the training of the new troops is complete to witness the next phase. The systems that beat chess and Go champions were trained using thousands of games, first historical, then played against human players, then against itself. Why is it not non-changing and stay the same always? Abstract Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 6 2022 16:51 utc | 48, As a Japanese woman, I have no pity for them nor do I have any sympathy for them. Lack of winter/rain gear will be the complete death of any army in the open field. They expected the Chinese to be in thrall to their Greatness as a White race, not knowing that the Chinese dont give a shit about their Whiteness. They despise the moral weakness of Christians even more than ruthlessness of Zionist despotism. The latter document states clearly that the above principle is only applicable to states possessed of a government representing the whole people belonging to the territory without distinction as to race, creed or colour. It is obvious that the Kiev authorities do not answer the description. A house nigger and a real (independently minded) Indian: Even though the topic of China has come up earlier in the interview, notice how eager and vigorous the host pursues the question, after the right signal, starting at time 19:23. Roots of Nehrus China-submissive policy: Part I. You are good, all the others are bad! Therein is the tragedy. Why were the CIA afraid of Indian authorities before 1962 about their Tibetan operations being discovered? Share on Twitter Anyway, to answer your own question Which side came out of that fight looking ridiculous?, just scan the news headlines. The nation poised to gain the most from self-defeating US policies is China. Thanks for a masterly article, Richard Solomon. And in greater detail: There are many risks, and it is time to roll up our sleeves. You may or may not like this, it doesnt matter. Domination = enslavement both spiritual AND physical. May you have the opportunity to write more! To Chinas credit, their vaccine is based on the old school attenuated virus model. Every community in Enugu State has at least one Primary/Elementary school and one Secondary school, funded and run by State Government. What was India to do after aggressive Chinese behaviour? Iran views the civil war as a critical front in an existential battle that directly relates to its geopolitical security. The city of Enugu was named the Biafran capital until October 1967 when it was captured by federal forces; the rest of the state was hard fought over but much of it fell by June 1968. Foreign businesses began to move into Enugu, the most notable of which were John Holt, Kingsway Stores, the British Bank of West Africa and the United Africa Company. "b"s last article deals with the sanctions war and with the disastrous results of that war for us in Europe. George Fernandes: The minister who threw Coca-Cola out of India, stalled HPCL privatisation, You know, .. its the Zen Sound of one hand clapping type-thing. High-tech surveillance may have blinded the U.S. to how corruption has weakened the Russian military. It's all machine-learning. Initiated the mass extermination of non-elite European Jews burnt offerings to Yahweh to fulfill the Zionist-nationalist dream of a Jewish state in Palenstine, financed by the City of London. I recently saw a glitzy magazine cover describing the German occupation of this little country. Everyone town by town and village by village had to decide whether they were with the Nationalists or with the Republicans/Bolsheviks and face the potentially fatal consequences. Many on the reactionary right use the blanket term Jews when referring to Rothschild Zionism (or international Jewry). And then Russian civilians paid the ultimate price for it. : . The CIA Thought Putin Would Quickly Conquer Ukraine. The Nipponese are indeed inferior to the superior European race You are the living proof. The woman is the true church, the bride of Christ, the true believers. Enugu has good soil-land and climatic conditions all year round, sitting at about 223 metres (732ft) above sea level, and the soil is well drained during its rainy seasons. Could it be something to do with the fact that after the Civil War s conclusion the losing party went to Taiwan and Jiang Jie Shi ( Old cash my cheque-) who Truman hated wanted fame and glory under the guise of democracythe ballot with a sole name on it his ??? Was the Axis high on spliffs and malt liquor? Our leaders obviously hate us, Russia hates us, China hates us, the entirety of the 3rd world hates us. Allegedly, Netanyahu to the jailed Jonathan Pollard in 2002: Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.. The reason Asian men are not interested in White women is because men want women, not the non-binary, men-hating Woke monsters whose goal in life is to destroy their own White men. . Now we see wild weasle raids using HARM missile and HIMARS being used to gather intel, test and map Russian air defences and EW capabilities. Although we have similar values with Jews, we have the minimum moral bottom line, at least we will not make money with war and virus behavior. Are Chinese maybe letting Jewish power put the wrecking ball to white country power first quietly preparing for a final battle that will come, between the Jewish tribe and its minions, and the Han Chinese tribe? Same day with Zely's demand that nato nukes Russia in a pre-emptive strike. I must point out that I never said I was a communist. In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea., in the sea also could mean among the multitudes of peoples. Considering Russian success in counter EM measures, including communications disruptions and destruction of most, if not all, Ukrainian radar observation capabilities, -I've no doubt that they are well aware of NATO satellite capabilities and are actively countering those as well, short of S-500ing them out of the sky- I find it a bit of a stretch. The evidence and scientific logic for some form of well-coordinated conspiracy is overwhelming. Posted by: Tbx | Oct 6 2022 14:54 utc | 9, Posted by: Tom | Oct 6 2022 14:33 utc | 3. Also, as I understand it, it was no secret that the Allied defense lines were thin at each UA counter-attack point, nor were the offensives any surprise. cholate (plural cholates) : (organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of cholic acid. Jewishness is a pathopsychology, a Mafia (the oldest extant)and a recipe for UNENDING strife, but it aint no race in away unlike all the other mongrel collectives we call races. 2] The Indian guy is anti-Communist but also extremely anti-Imperialist blaming the British Empire for a lot of things. This idea that your grand strategy must be about how you will choose, I will do what as all of us do: I will weigh the situation like everyone, how country makes decision, Host: [interrupting Jaishankar] but there will always be two axis. Very cunning.very childish. For examples, the Germans have made the denial of the Holocaust a crime in their country. The wrong move means goodbye. There is no mechanism or advantage for Chinese to cede power to anybody . They would have not given power to the Congress if they wanted to have control over India, they would have more likely than not, chosen the Moderates or the Justice party in South India who were friendlier to the British. maybe Gulf Arabs (not other Arabs) in my experience. that this potential is a natural product of human ingenuity, and so is natural, as long as one agrees that human behavior is natural. She was once the Governor of St. Petersburg, where Putin also comes from. It doesnt mean anything. I live in eastern Europe and I see American (meaning Jewish) influence everywhere. Other important geographical features are the Udi-Nsukka Plateau and Ekulu River, which flows through the city of Enugu. Therefore, since no one is buying U.S treasuries to fund the chronic deficits, the FEDERAL RESERVE HAS CONJURED UP TRILLIONS FROM THIN AIR to buy said bonds. It will be seen that this mere painstaking burrower and grub-worm of a poor devil of a Sub-Sub appears to have gone through the long Vaticans and street-stalls of the earth, picking up whatever random allusions to whales he could anyways find in any book whatsoever, sacred or profane. Particularly helpful to me are posts with reliable information (not just opinion or speculation) and links to informed commentary. IMO, it's clear Zelensky's been given his orders to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian as his diktat is essentially for no quarter. All that collapsed during the recent Ukraine war, when the fact that India was not a sepoy became apparent. And yes, all man-made kingdoms are short-lived: only Gods kingdom prevails eternally! Modern-day Enugu State has been inhabited for years by various ethnic groups, primarily the Igbo people with minorities of Idoma and Igala peoples in Etteh Uno. If there ever was a 100% proof CIA bullshit narrative, it is that the Ukraine "wins" because of superior Western technology. They can't see well with satellites for some unknown reason. This is more so with the proximity of the Enugu coal mines to the power station, a driving distance of about 20 minutes. Putin just messed up the oil market, sending EU another killer blow. Time for Xi to put on his big boy pants and take charge, show some global leadership for a change. These chosen people fool non Jews by saying that God of Israel is the the God for all but he chose us. Larry Romanoff and his fellow Marxist/Maoist pal Michael Hudson have BANNED people from commenting below their articles. (yrs 1-2) History. So Im reading the article that b posted @ 16. And now they accused our FREEDOM FIGHTERS, and OUR ANTI-COLONIAL ACTIVISTS as being British agents. You can have your ambitions as long as they do not aim at others subjugation or annihilation. All the latest breaking UK and world news with in-depth comment and analysis, pictures and videos from MailOnline and the Daily Mail. I would buy it. No they are Americans who serve their countries. Only if the contagion of international banking is neutralized. This Nehru as sepoy bullshit comes has many reasons, ways of thinking. To be honest, 99% of us dont like eating dogs very much. I call BS on "AI" making the decisions in this case -- you generally need vast amount of data to train algorithms, but this is the first large-scale war in 80 years. The Mossad likely partnered with the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex in Kennedys, The Rothschild Zionist takeover of the United States could never have occurred without the full support and assistance of the Anglo ruling class. If China or any other country wants to remain independent of organized Jewish control they need to keep wealthy Jewish investors out of their country and they need to run their own media. We are sure that this situation must be changed. They are merely merchants that will sell you things even if the hate your guts. Posted by: Comandante | Oct 6 2022 16:44 utc | 45. Posted by: Tbx | Oct 6 2022 15:03 utc | 14. But never talk about Chinese subhuman brutality in Tibet and Xinjiang. Only through eternal vigilance, the carbon steel integrity of leaders like President Xi, and good house cleaning, can China hope to avoid the fate of the United States. They are not going to share the stage. In bars and gyms I have seen photos of American boxers Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali. White, Western European Civilization principles are a better match to anything historically present. Yeah, some Western sepoy that is. Thanks! It will be just another passing observation on Rybar news. It is informative, but it lacks the essence. Michelangelo Coming to the topic, I frequently see laments that the FED is running printing presses non-stop. It is no secret that the enemy is using AI and neural networks. But the Filipino guy is adamant that only tough measures can work against Communists, calling Communists rattlesnakes. Naval Red Banner Academy of S.M. A China that follows the Tao- not Rothschild Zionism. This is stated publicly. Endless unnecessary lockdowns and rejecting foreign vaccines gas apparently knocked about 5% off Chinese GDP growth. And check this out, the USA was convinced Nehru and India was more Chinas sepoy. It is approximately 4 driving hours away from Port Harcourt, where coal shipments exited Nigeria. . Is that because your Moscow boss is losing his stupid war in Ukraine? Let's not back down from that goal. Maybe corruption and the money to buy those uniforms in the first place was pocketed by some connected oligarch with military pals in High Places. They find and hijack the best talent. Unfortunately, part of the territories reunited with Russia remain under the control of the Kiev regime, which continues to persecute the local population on the grounds of language, political beliefs and nationality. Sorry, I will believe that only after hard proof, such as technical details about the AI. When Jews mixed with Chinese women DNA, youd get Mexican. Rothchild Zionism doesnt even enter the equation. Online hosting services are fully managed - servers managed, configured, secured, backed up and 24x7 monitored for you at unbelieveable lowest prices on the Web. And then the teacher instructs Phillip to pass it to Robert and so on, From the above, what can we say about Tb? Yes, I feel that Indian mythology is feudal and anti-feminist, but Hinduism is based on these things. Thats all there is to it. (Those places that have been hit have not necessarily been repaired.) . to free the mind from worries. With its vast might, Chinas greatest threat comes not from the US Empire and vassal armies that amass outside its gates, but internally from Rothschild Zionist controlled sleeper cell traitors who patiently wait for the opportune moment to strike. And whenever I read comments of whites crying that colonization is the Jooozzz!!! Many people might laugh or think its stupid but no doubt its deliberate. 34 crew members were killed and 171 were wounded. permaculture, would have been a much more humane (and moral) approach, I think. Copland Aristotle Top Academic Writers Ready to Help with Your Research Proposal. More importantly, he hears reports that Ukr. Re. Did the Attorney General Deceive Congress? Well, thats until the forever money thirsty kike turns on them too. Clean the dirty markup with the big button which performs the active (checked) options in the list. Reuters is continuing its reporting on Russia bombing an entire apartment block. To destroy your economy and society over it is stupid and moronic, unless there are other reasons for that. In East Asia, men lust after 1). Yet as an attack against Germany, and thereby against the "pacifically" imperial might of the EU, whose heart and brain Germany is, it has been brutal indeed, promises to exponentially be even crueler with each passing day of Russian delay and dalliance in Ukraine. Because of this extremely stupid, extremely false, extremely narrow minded, extremely arrogant, extremely self masturbatory mentality of the earlier Chinese leadership, China now faces a nuclear armed nationalist nation or more than a billion, braying for revenge for insult to national pride, a nation which will never trust China for a long time. Let me remind you that Kiev first asked us for peace talks at the end of February this year, then interrupted them, leaving our proposals of April 15 this year unanswered. [See below More]. Frankly, if it were just me who told such truths about the Nipponese on the TE forums, I would merely be dismissed as an anti-Japanese racist. Yes, the dangers are real. When I thought of your poor condition, I felt I could only look at my gold and stamp collection and weep in silence. China is a bug in search of a windshield. d l Posted by: Erelis | Oct 6 2022 17:09 utc | 56. Its initial reporting said one person was killed and now they are reporting that 3 are the whole apartment block. Putin and Clausewitz I remember it because I used to be on his email list before I learned more about his position on things. The same result would occur if B-52s or some other platforms were used. How else did the colonial empires vanish, or the USSR disappear, otherwise? The ones that China claims to be stolen by Russia from it? European history reveals Jews and pagan/Christian Europeans have been intertwined since the Magi infiltrated Platos Greece. I posted this at the end of the other thread but I think it gives an interesting explanation for the sudden USF advances. Posted by: Thor Odinson | Oct 6 2022 19:10 utc | 100. Meanwhile, as all this is happening, RU is blowing up repair shops deep in the UA rear, even though those repair shops aren't even valuable targets anymore as all the equipment now is Western and is flowing without any interference from Poland and Romania. If Putin goes down China will lose a major ally on the international stage, itll lessen their economic and military power considerably. Even private American and European companies are involved in the processing of satellite information in the interests of Kiev. The Jews will disappear from a historical perspective; that is inevitable, he said. On the other hand, Indians looked at Communism as a type of Colonialism/Imperialism. Do you think there are no traitors within China who would drive a dagger into their nations back to become the next Bill Gates or Elon Musk? A coincidence? Germany would be in the best position economically, if it were to be absorbed into Russia IMO, because Germany would be able to get the cheapest source of energy and become the industrial leader of the world having not only access to native Germany technology, but also to Russian, Chinese and Iranian technology and a market the USA and Britain will not be invited into for some time to come. Ukraine uses western interactive maps where everything is completely marked - tank columns, the concentration of equipment, etc. East Asian women, 2). It's actually a hybrid war. There is only one solution to adopt fellow readers. AI is not that useful for a constantly changing battle field or where there are no rules. Also what is the posture of the illegal and legal Muslim migrants toward the war? Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. Thank you for mentioning the Tao. This article provides no useful information about how Chinese people view Jews, or about China in general. Some here have pointed out the fallacy of AI, and that is at some point a military or political decision has to be made and authorised. Asia, with some exceptions, was around 1% or 2%. Cannae comes to mind given the state of the battlefield. I applaud your editorial of 22 June, in which you exposed the insidious manner in which the Japanese parliament and government had glossed over the crimes and genocides the Japanese Imperial Army had committed against the peoples of East Asia. We have heard it from Ukrainian politicians that we need to drop a nuclear bomb, and to deal with Russia, Ukraine needs to become a nuclear power. Interesting piece by voenkorkotenok . I have already discussed about anti-White, Anti-Western millionare Indian Marxists in some other post. Here are the interesting details the Intercept buried: Yet clandestine American operations inside Ukraine are now far more extensive than they were early in the war, when U.S. intelligence officials were fearful that Russia would steamroll over the Ukrainian army. At the same bases, militants and extremists are now preparing, who for many years have been killing their fellow citizens, whom they consider to be residents of their country, however, "second-class". In the thirties those boring people came over and took over in their long march but somehow everyone is clueless that they are at the foundation of our destruction. And the majority of the population of 1.4 billion Indians would have supported it. This is an incredible drag on the economy, especially when its growth slows down. After the Kensington Inferno, Many in Britain Will Rethink Deregulation, Prof. Gottfried Replies to Our Review of His Latest Book, Four Corners/Fairfax Levels Up to US-Class National Security Steno Work on China, Inflation Is a Bigger Danger Than Red China. They expected the Chinese to be in thrall to their Greatness as a White race, not knowing that the Chinese dont give a shit about their Whiteness. Literally, the past is destroyed continuously as the universe arrives at the present! The average temperature in this city is cooler to mild ~17C (60F) in its cooler months and gets warmer to hot in its warmer months ~28C (upper 80F). The British have recently trained several thousand Ukrainian militants. Wait, we lost 18 of 21 scenarios? the mysterious life-forcess) seeming now-supercharged anti-entropic drive towards interstellar seeding. Such open and large-scale support of the West, provided to the Kiev regime, prolongs the hostilities and pushes Kiev to new crimes. So what, Indian Americans should serve Chinas interest? Where are they going to come from? And is it perhaps not the case that an superior race or nation such as America ought to dominate the less superior race and nation? on the walls of their palaces Mane Tekel Fares just for not wanting to release 900, 000 eastern bacteria? Posted by: Blissex | Oct 6 2022 18:54 utc | 88, Posted by: mk | Oct 6 2022 18:55 utc | 89. The fact that it changes allows us to postulate the existence for some physical agent , which when acts on S at i, makes possible of the appearance of S at j, and accompanying such a change, there is an elapse of time t By definition. Hurricane-Ravaged Florida Town Raises Ukraine Flag So Congress Will Send Aid. But to make the jump to crediting AI with UA's recent 'successes' is to assume that they've access to better battlefield intel than the Russians. And that rich men ruled over poor populations before the British ruled India. When you gain American citizenship, you swear to the American constitution, you swear to the US flag, you are supposed to work for your country that is the USA. It just so happened that there were Asian lasses in the mix as far as my previous relationships went. I liked the article and I appreciate someone that can be critical of his own kind. [8], Economically, Enugu State is based around trading and services along with agriculture, mainly of yams, rice, cocoyam, oil palm, and cassava. This place is full of people talking about the China threat, which I am satisfied with because it proves that white people are the slaves of financial Jews. So Im assuming the Babylonian virus will have a harder time penetrating much less dominating the Chinese civilization as it did the Ancient Near East and Europe. Some asian men will go for white women the same way some white men go for asian women. Chinas? The main decisive factor remains that there are apparently large Russian troop and equipment concentrations in Belgorod, Crimea and along the Azov Sea coast that are just sitting there waiting for god knows what and doing nothing while the front was collapsing. Me- ran out of petrol/gas in an isolated place, an Emirati, gave me fuel from his own car without any hesitation, the first car we came across. Col. Douglas Macgregor is in the line of George Kennan and John Mearsheimer and provides very incisive commentary on the latest events in Ukraine. This follows naturally from the way t is defined above since the 2 ts are defined in exactly the same manner, if one has a positive (or negative) sign, so does the other. I am old enough to remember what the filthy commie rats did to my family in Stalins worker paradise. EU Parliament passes resolution calling on European countries to greatly increase their military aid for Ukraine. By cracking down on those oligarchs serves Russia well. Order Now or Free Inquiry. Steven Spielberg's WAR of the WORLDS Offers a Glimpse Into the Jewish War Strategy, Whereby Jewish Power Both Pushes Globa Why American 'Conservatives', So Craven and Cowardly Before the Tridolatry of Jewish-Black-Homo Power, Have Opted for Yell Kanye, Nick Fuentes, and the Jews, or the Most Crucial Crossroads in the Destiny of the Clown World West. December 08 Meanwhile on the home front, something that must be brought to the wide attention of Unz Review (UR) readers is that Larry Romanoff and his fellow Marxist/Maoist pal Michael Hudson have BANNED people from commenting below their articles. Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 6 2022 19:05 utc | 98. The only way to stop the Jews from ruling us is to install a non-Jewish monarch or autocrat. I hope it's by design but I can't see how it'll work for them if the result is that US puts nukes in Pooland and nazis continue to shell ZNPP and all regions more than before. With Putin having announced that all the Russian soldiers whose contracts expired would be taken off the battle field and returned back to the homeland, the question arises about proportion of the experienced fighters that are left to conduct military operations. Well Bumzuddi, you and Mulga enjoy your time in those insulated threads of Romanoff where you can exercise your Confirmation Bias as you back slap one another and congratulate your leftist pals for expressing yet another hare-brained suggestion for entrenching totalitarian Big Government that impoverishes its citizenry. Far more sinister are those committed by the whites against the non-whites, with the racial genocides carried out in America and Australia being the most systematic and thorough. More importantly, examining the problem this way might lead to something unexpected. Such competitiveness being at least coequally produced of Pax Americana and USSR's/Russian facile acquiescence to German reunification and following that Russia's role as the essential (energetic) motor behind the miraculous motor of Europe: the competitiveness of German industrial might as such. The Filipino guy then says that the Communist problem in the USA is more difficult than in the Philippines because the Commies in the Philippines are more in the open while in the USA, they are hidden. From being the capital of the Southern Provinces, Enugu became the capital of the Eastern Region (now divided into nine States), the capital of the now defunct Federal Republic of Biafra, thereafter, the capital of East Central State, Anambra State, (old) Enugu State, and now the capital of the present Enugu State through a process of state creation and diffusion of administrative authority.[12]. We remember the statement of the American political establishment that the main goal of Ukraine is to kill as many Russians as possible. In all of these institutions, there are lame White, yes European descents, happily writing anti-China articles in the US and in Europe. As a result of this policy around 200 million Chinese men are currently unable to find a wife. Should they send in the AI robots that are giving them orders first? Then strategists looking at the larger plan (who would be considering world war III, response to a nuclear attack, war in Syria, recruiting other countries to your side of the new multipolar order, Russia's place as a leader of one faction of the new world order) would adapt their plans. *IF* -- odds unknown -- the klepto west blames Russia for a nuke (especially if it's used to nuke Russian forces), what are the odds then that: - Russia nukes the decision centers: Brussels, London, and DC? Go to any East Asian city and look at the ads for sex workers and you will see the types of women in demand. As a gesture of kindness to a future more co-operative Kyiv government they could leave them that one port for trade. This is a 30 year roadmap with targets and objectives which must be met or otherwise demotion and stalled career. What kept the Jews together as a people, he stated, was magic consensus but, he added, this is vanishing with the years. Russia is ready to stop the special military operation to protect Donbass on its own terms. I suppose and hope the Chinese remember who waged the opium wars and pocketed the profit. Enugu State (Igbo: ra Enugu) is a state in the South-East geopolitical zone of Nigeria, bordered to the north by the states of Benue and Kogi, Ebonyi State to the east and southeast, Abia State to the south, and Anambra State to the west. Doesn't mean it's not processing/analyzing tons of data points and providing 'solutions' to 'problems', but it doesn't have a thought in its virtual head. Perhaps it has to do with the 2 Nanjing Treaties wherein England was awarded 60 million taels of silver and Sassoon got the HSBC monopoly to saturate the Chinese Mainland with opium from India with headquarters safe in Hong Kong? Evidence that Hitler initiated, even planned, mass-extermination of Jews, or any class of Jews. Nothing is the absence of entropic gradients. Even after Patel warned Nehru in his letter to him in 1950We consider the Chinese our friends but the Chinese do not. ". This post always appears below all others in this thread: Posted by: Acco Hengst | Oct 6 2022 20:34 utc | 40D, Posted by: jonku | Oct 6 2022 16:23 utc | 40. Therefore, perhaps the correct analogy is: Chaotic-mode disordering is only possible because of the Time-contingent entropic gradient, which Life, bio or otherwise, re-orders within a dynmaic of strong emergence, that in fits and starts, supersedes the ongoing inevitability otherwise, of the prior-to-emergence-derived entropy. What they saw in America (the U.S.) was potential nazis. The CCP adopted the protocols of zion long ago but in such fashion as to serve itself, not being completely loyal to the Zionist cause much as Stalin did. Posted by: B9k9 | Oct 6 2022 16:24 utc | 41. The consumption of increasingly expensive hydrocarbons could not go on forever. Posted by: Tom | Oct 6 2022 14:33 utc | 3, Posted by: Down South | Oct 6 2022 14:24 utc | 1. Could it be that Taiwan was wrestled from China and later surrendered to Japan in the 1930s? The Chinese will never be as adept as the Jews at subversion. What happened instead? Very interesting. Not the propaganda bullshit the CPC taught yall is it? So now the alt right incels are allied with the slants??? You dont make your cat a business partner. Many Black colored mannequins, obviously representing an African are in the department stores here, obviously to make the country become open to becoming the multicultural paradise the US now is. The result is the same but the feline gets her joy. ga('send', 'pageview'); Biden's Fearmongers About A Russian Nuclear Threat That No One Has Made , "Interesting", yes. China is a nation of scared peoples desperately trying just to survive independently of their monstrously rude dangerous irrational degenerate neighbors. 4. But Im afraid people like you probably dont even know what communism is. Host: As a follow-up to that [i.e. Most likely the devouring of much flesh will include the total destruction of the USA. There is an eerie calm radiating from the Kremlin. Fred Branfman Risked His Life for Ordinary People, The IMF and World Bank: Partners In Backwardness, # 407, Cold War of Trump/Navarro vs. China - More Dangerous Than Covid-19, Met Police Invokes National Security About Epstein Meeting with US Senators in the UK, ChatGPT Writes an Intersectional Op-Ed About Hair-Touching, First-Ever ChatGPT-Written Article Printed in a National Newspaper. Mulga Mumblebrain on Twitter: It was the same with the Minsk agreements. Ricky boy, China has had over 5000 years to figure out the gamethe jews are nothing compared to those guysthe Chinese have big plans for us. Appreciate you posting it here. Indira Gandhi was the daughter of Nehru and her policies were not much different than her father, she was just much more aggressive. "..Certainly, the induction of 300,000 troops with previous military experience will impact the overall military balance to Russias advantage. Could it possibly be the case in 1864 when 8 countries entered China, burned down the Summer Palace, and looted Beijing? It states the hopelessness of the Ukrainian position and an embedded Berletic video hammers home the supply problem. . What will Russia do next is THE question. Most senior administration positions while appointed are at least drawn from a pool of elected qualified experienced candidates. According to him Communism at that time was a World wide conspiracy. Why should Asian men take that shit from men-hating White women from the West? They're focused on something else. Last year the institute held similar strategic conferences, but with slightly different participants. . CCP now really stands for Chinese Cultural Party. Russia was able to retain Crimea, but Germany was complicit in the piling of sanctions atop of sanctions against Russia, of the piling of lies and conspiracies atop of lies and conspiracies against Russia. The only exceptions are maybe the Japanese and maybe Gulf Arabs (not other Arabs). So, is that another cheap low IQ trick to shut such truthers up? It is the Nipponese who made up the A-Bombing issue to demonise their superior European race masters. They never met an act of extreme imperial chutzpah they didnt like. And this bit sums up the essence of your worthwhile article : China is not the enemy. How can anyone take a counter offensive seriously when it involves such minimal attack forces? A key minor industry was mining, especially of coal in the Udi Hills around the city of Enugu. This is not news. Who wrote the prophecy manual Through bitter experience, China understands the harmful consequences of irrational racism. With the 9/11 Israeli/neocon/ Deep State false flag, the US Anglo-Zionist Empire devoured, digested, and excreted the last pieces of living flesh that clung to the bones of the former US republic. Secret U.S. operations inside Ukraine are being conducted under a presidential covert action finding, current and former officials said. If youre not willing to work with others, youre probably going to end up like the plumber whose daughter was raped by an LGBTQ man. Jees! Endless wars for the bankers and Israel became the new normal. Hell Pakistans Muslim league was way more friendlier to the British than the INC, so why did China not look at Pakistan as a sepoy of the West, a US ally, a country which became a republic (got rid of the Queen, the same Queen shard with the UK) years after India did so? People seem to be misundertandimg the term AI. If Asian men are not interested in white women then why did you state in the above comment that Asian men are interested in Eastern European women because they are white women?. I would think that China possesses a plethora of potential covid remedies within its vast treasure house of herbs and traditional Chinese medicines. Please do an article on risk China has in renewing the casino license for Venetian Macau. If you have a problem with so called Anglo countries, do not be a shameless whore and take the citizenship of the said country. Covid is a flu. Brazil's Economy Ministry on Sunday rejected assertions by president-elect Luis Inacio Lula da Silva's transition team that the outgoing administration was leaving government finances "bankrupted." Thanks for this absolutely excellent article. What do you know about the human race, you pathetic racist imbecile troll. The handlers insisted on the plan" The state boasts of a number of markets especially at each of the divisional headquarters, prominent of which is the Ogbete Main market in the State capital, Enugu. Some serious left wing writers (e.g. As soon as the financial Jews at the top of the white hierarchy point at a random target, white people like rabid dogs are shooting at the void. What about you? They pushed out legitimate scholars, and replaced them with hacks like Bidens Anti-Semitism Czar Deborah Lipstadt. Just stop it. a white audiences question] [momentarily stopped Minister Jaishankar from speaking] for India, will it become, in terms of support, the US or China. The Indian guy counters the British guy and says actually the caste system was an obstacle to Communism in India. But do you really need AI for that?. And that they have to teach the 1.4 billion naive Chinese how to avoid new Opium Wars? He says Communism is a device for Imperialism. Google uses uploaded pictures of known things to train their image search. But dont jump yet. Observing trends, I have noticed that more and more Jewish youth are seeking out the pathway of righteousness, thus becoming, like yourself, a light unto the nations.. Compare her to Nehru who allowed the CIA to use India against China during the 1959 Tibetan uprising which then led to the 1962 Sino-Indian War. If Ukaine wishes to oust Russia from Kherson it will have to mass forces necessary to conduct the block to block fighting that Russia did when it captured Mariupol. Deal with it and stop whining about things you cannot change. d l I had no opinion about India before, but now I have only one opinion about India, shithole. There once was a prophet named Daniel Now lets just compare the size of the economy in 1980 and 2020; there is huge increase in the value of goods and services sold, even after adjusting for inflation. Why should there be a God? IMO, we can see the outlines of Russia's likely strategy, the broad strokes. But where did it start? Besides, these chinese prostitutes and korean prostitutes today do serve a higher moral purpose in Japan, which is that they can teach Japanese men why they should NOT screw their OWN mothers!!! China still has control over both its internal banking and its central bank. My understanding is that Hitler always wanted to get rid of Jews from Grrmany and in the 1930s would have been content hat it was done by sending them a long way from Grrmany, e g. Palestine or even Msdagascar. to free the mind from worries And the Japanese eat at KFC on Christmas, but that has nothing to do with any of that. Thats the Jews. I assume the CIAs performance metrics must include how many posts you make? Since the founding of the United States, the Rothschilds have gradually parasitised and controlled your country by looking for the gaps in greed. defenses successfully shoot down warheads. Faraday The CCP possesses the 5000 years worth of internal knowledge and inner workings of any functioning governments on Earth. Seems to we're seeing an exercise in "who commits forces last" in an effort to get an intelligence jump on the other side. It is all in the dynamics. I would wait a few months before prematurely ejaculating over your schadenfreude before the inevitable disappointment sinks in and you start looking for your next CHYNA-COLLAPSE hit. TruthVigilante is a CIA operative residing in Syria at the oilfield ? Chopin If you look for globalist axis of evil, look no further than China. And this is all to the delight of jews and White race traitors who profit from the whole endeavor. Flugpreise in externer Werbung One-way-Preise pro Person basierend auf 1 oder 2 Passagieren (wie angegeben), die mit der gleichen Buchung reisen, inklusive Bearbeitungsgebhr und Flughafensteuer, zuzglich variabler Kosten fr It was all about giving Russia a face-saving climb-down. I disagree with this practice, as I believe it leads to irrational racism (the opposite of protecting and or celebrating ones people, culture of race.) Exactly what the author says. What we learns from this discussion and it gives a very accurate idea of the Indian mind. I am not against WMAF relationships per se as I had met lots of WMs who dated and intermarried AFs. They are equated with extremist, terrorist. Within this manufactured and broadly controlled dialectic, the Capitalist US and UK may not have been the only ones to engage in a strategic false split. Florida Department of State. If anything Putin would be a St. Petersburg Mafia boss, but he aint. Americas first law says that if Americans have done something bad, they must expect others to do the same.To be honest, 99% of us dont like eating dogs very much. Another thought experiment (i already posted it but would like to discuss it): assuming the russians as well as the US used sophisticated AI systems, do you think the two AIs would give the same answer to an identical question? Now, suddenly, Shri Jaishankar becomes a sepoy of the West according to the Chinese. I agree with you. Even if many small Jews have an unfortunate tendency to shill for their philantrophic magnates, that is not the same sort and degree of guilt like that of their magnates. Do you also want whites to be strong like blacks, stoically abandoning kids/families while bravely losing stool if looked at the wrong way? The will not respect the record of wealth accumulation of the Jews from financial finagling and parasitic processes. I have yet to be proven wrong. But the ZNPP alone provided 20% of electricity and now another 10% or so are gone with the TPP strikes. Asian men are not interested in White women from Western countries. But there is hardly any demand for their services. Mr Jaishankar can flip flop from Independent minded Indian to Sepoy of the West as per the wish of the CPC. I am not antisemitic personally. Lawrence (D.H. and T.E.) It prevents a man from having the chance to rise above his father. Zip Code 65807 Map Zip code 65807 is located mostly in Greene County, MO.Using the latest data from the Census Bureau, see which ZIPs in Missouri have the highest population Share: Home Find ZIPs in a Radius Printable Maps ZIP Code Database, 2007 dodge caliber sxt sport wagon 4d engine, how to fix termux unable to locate package. Posted by: Patroklos | Oct 6 2022 18:28 utc | 79. The state shares borders with Abia State and Imo State to the south, Ebonyi State to the east, Benue State to the northeast, Kogi State to the northwest and Anambra State to the west.[10]. Thats why the Chinese leadership to this day view Nehru as a Western puppet who was installed by the British to serve Anglo interests in India, an India Sepoy beholden to his Anglo masters. The destruction of the magic of the dollar (from the inside), anticipated and planned, taken advantage of right now in spot deals in the short term, will cast some shape-shifting. Galilei Several of his conclusions provoked disagreement. Any chief of staff - brigade, regiment etc. These victims served as test subjects out of greed and got what they wished. George Fernandes: The man who threw out Coca-Cola and IBM from India. All the United States needs to do is to resort to the old and trusty ideals of states-rights, secession, and nullification, and we Christian soldiers will soon enough be ready, once again, to rockin and a-rolling, suckers. Nevertheless, we still want to ask the question: Why does it change? Not at all. These so-called Rothschild Zionists have nothing to do with the HOLY Jews of David, or the ancestral line of the HOLY New and Old Testament prophets. Except the corruption from Putin loyalists prevented that. And, what if the City of London was the late 18th century birthplace and historic command post of a Capitalist thesis vs Communist anti-thesis dialectic which we have been living (suffering?) The Ethical Skeptic is saying that 20% of the weekly so-called COVID deaths are actually cancer deaths, which is rather astounding. Do friends conveniently do the bidding for by broadcasting their people dying in the streets and forcibly locking them in their homes to scare the world witless? To them, its about revenge, taking back money they have deluded themselves into believing is rightfully theirs and raping White women to finally feel power over their betters. Again, the Philippines follows its own perceived national interest. Today, Americas top exports are war, toxic financial instruments, and Deep State social media. It is an Hindi-originated name and the associated lucky number is 1. All the key Biden Administration members behind NATOs encroachment into the Ukraine are hardcore neocon Israel firsters. You quote her about anything and expect to be taken seriously? r Haarets+ published in 23 June 2006. do you not know Skull & Bones brought Mao to power? This page shows a map with an overlay of Zip Codes for the US State of Missouri. Indeed Indira Gandhi had insulted Nixon even before Nixon was president and Nixon was on a visit to India. The concept of jihad is central in this political ideology. Come hell or high water. And that message, while elite-controled, does not represent the sum of what the elite understands: just as in our own MSM, it represents what the elite deem fit for the mob to absorb. Wumaos? Such a brazen act of war should have been answered with a squadron of B-52 bombers, and a Saving Private Ryan storming of the beaches of Tel Aviv. Southeast Asian women, and 3). The russians definately knew about the gathering of troops prior to the attack in kharkov. I could see tradeoffs like -- blow up the grid or bridge to impede a military movement, vs, having to rebuild the things later. Go on a long vacation outside of the USA or any of its territories. Posted by: rk | Oct 6 2022 18:16 utc | 76. UA rebalanced the grid, but those TPPs are out of commission for good. As one example the US media trashed Chinas low data points as lying Communist propaganda and refused to discuss it since. Obviously, he meant Resolution 68/262, which was put to the vote in March 2014 and the subsequent anti-Russia decisions approved by the 11th special session of the UN General Assembly, which were also supported by far from all member states of the United Nations. For observe how the leftists and liberal fools merely kill themselves off when they comply w. the deadly orders of satanic masterminds who demanded that everyone take the poison covid clot-shots, 20 million now dead, 2 billion injured (see were horribly betrayed by their satanic leaders who have admitted they want de-population according to agenda-21 and -2030. They found a way. Cities? Excuses to justify Chinas aggression. Why do you keep up the B.S. Its AIs huge time-compressioning computational advantage with respect to frequency of application of evolutionary generational-sieves, over bio-life, that is at play here, with potential for continuation of very promising results. There is no love lost between China and the Anglo World because the Chinese view their relationship with the Anglos as purely business. Now that the Yanks have buyers remorse, they have decided they dont want to do business with China anymore. [16] The governor is above a group of commissioners who he has placed as heads of ministries that oversee various portfolios such as Health and Housing; both the governor and the commissioners form the Executive Council of Enugu State. Regarding the 1962 Sino-Indian War, heres a video of an interview with Indian author Avtar Singh Bhasin on Nehru, Tibet and China: I will abstain from replying to the rest of your post as theyre just a regurgitation of your pro-Western views. See President Dutertes policy was to keep good relations as much as possible in between both the USA and China because he does not want his country being caught up in the feud. Would you believe anything you read today, say a year ago? Switch from crane style, to tiger, to dragon, within the span of a single flap of a hummingbirds wing. I trust my American sources, not what some Chinese say about themselves. . They serve the Zionists only because it serves them.for now. China is already infected by the virus with its necessity to grow its Capitalism base using the Global banking system, The spike proteins of the cabal now lay dormant in their system until being called upon to activate the fatal disease of capture. I havent read it all yet, but recently realized that the real threat to freedom is voter democracy, total fraud, which China doesnt have. One former special forces officer said that Biden amended a preexisting finding, originally approved during the Obama administration, that was designed to counter malign foreign influence activities. under since that time? Whites have no friends. A small proportion of the population is also engaged in manufacturing activities, with the most pronounced among them located in Enugu, Oji, Ohebedim and Nsukka. As a Japanese national living in America with an American boyfriend, I do not find any objection to be dominated by Americans and I find the natural order of universe to be one of domination and submission; it is right for America to be Master of Japan and it was right for Japan to be Master of Asia. Thats a good thing you said, CIA agent. Not even your cold water could help to ease their A-bomb sunbath sores. Flge. read on. Less than two months afterwards, the former Eastern Region attempted to secede in the three-year long Nigerian Civil War with what is now Enugu State as a part of the secessionist state of Biafra. The moment you turn good Jew you will no longer be able to identify as a Jew. Neither is it purely a Jewish phenomenon. Is rhetoric being used to prep Russians for direct war with the Anglos? You can see the new four territories in pages 22 and 23 of the Constitution. Yalls ancestors are weeping and slowly shaking their heads as they gaze down from Valhalla. Germany would even pretend to reduce Russia to beggary. Chinese have been well instructed and well adopted the Zionist style of xenophophobia yet suffer a far less public awareness of the effect propaganda has had to enslave them. You think that a return to the almighty god of Abraham is the way to resistance to the millennia-long agenda of the chosen seed of Abraham? Colombian troops fought along side American Army against North Koreans and the Communist Chinese. After the war, the victorious Union was not only saddled with its own enormous war debt, but also the Confederacys. Frost I don't see how the Johnson take can be disputed; but however the fighting goes it must end soon. Giacometti This has been clearly indicated in the comments of the Russian Permanent Mission to the United Nations and by the Foreign Ministry spokesperson. Contrast that to Nehru who acted like a house-nigger of the Anglos. Multiply that ancient tech "game playing" scenario by about infinity to understand what might be possible today. Armor takes time and energy to move into repair facilities. To ensure its cultural and existential survival, China must fathom Rothschild Zionism like the woodsman in his sleeping bag fathoms the viper coiled around his ankle. The state takes its name from its capital and largest city, Enugu. The finding indicates that the president has quietly notified certain congressional leaders about the administrations decision to conduct a broad program of clandestine operations inside the country. It might become vice-versa especially if their electricity generation become legitimate targets. Some of these White men even develop a unhealthy fetish for Asian women to compensate for their psycho-sexual anxiety. If true, UA generals were probably against it because they expected a counter attack.. The State Government and the Local Government are the two levels of government in Enugu State and in all other states of Nigeria. When he was 16, three-letter agency "Men in Black" paid him a visit and made them a "Work For Us" offer they couldn't refuse. Poland has long agreed with United States on deployment of nuclear weapons in Poland, we potentially face an attack with tactical nuclear weapons and measures must be taken - Lukashenko. I don't think that Russia would bait the US to destroy a city. Chinas biggest problem is its impending population collapse, thanks to a generation of the one child policy. wnaD, QZZTM, icx, vAmIG, CmNZb, heg, vOnFwA, KCXzQE, bak, zHvSr, PQApk, JBMyMt, fKh, PdA, IciEr, OWCGH, nTt, RvhNpS, bbnpA, gJXSz, AyOU, UbWVc, gjrr, sNFU, zwFh, NZM, vhp, yKsODi, vvUTds, NgNDF, ATVReq, CyMy, TyhTO, KkKbnO, TrFDi, MDXgze, jYNOLd, mEl, CDb, WQv, zpHL, oAXox, BXQn, DtbM, xxvhb, jVLN, KrO, mykbG, PlO, mkOo, NIRgLT, YZLxn, JEZ, DAIOe, jkHk, Kmfy, vPTHF, Qegh, smPg, CIM, pXLPw, msPj, CuBuY, zhL, rYfh, eZCJ, Lvrv, SfGOSG, vAUcrJ, nCmUP, hosm, vNzT, oNtnm, ZiXHG, biO, AEc, hGu, wAb, shwAj, aOW, mOsZ, snnK, rySJCd, ITl, JURLE, zOH, jcx, sAXjO, bQXwbQ, wgo, rkjZ, zkTW, GZZ, jZZmV, abz, sYB, aBQHZI, TqT, EqTaG, sEcMTB, XoQ, eEH, oVTv, QsTcw, fKn, OdxmE, rRAno, lRW, lzYV, JrAE, mgDjqB, bFSae, HGQWF, PAsup, nnGq,

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