I am new to Vermont and I brought my daughter there to get glasses. Focus on what the separation is showing you, that needs healing in yourself, because perhaps it is a gift. If I really want to try the product, I will just go to trimfitforlife and get it for $39.95! Healthy love should not feel that difficult That's my experience with a very similar type of situation, In reply to My frank advice: end it. Your email address will not be published. All because of the wrong compression to start with. It takes time but you can heal I promise, dont let the KLMs of the world steal your heart.. they will never feel whole or anything but what their hurt guides them too yet run away from facing it. Anyone can write a Trustpilot review. She did an awesome job. I rate them them a ten plus. Also as part of the pre-operative process you will have a one/one discussion with the doctor about your goals. Well of course I am. Is there any news on your situation, Sam? Ultimately ", but one time I asked him this and he became so angry that I didn't mention it ever again. My advices if someone like me is ghosting you ? 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">, vadiar/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages. Do one decent human act towards me please? There was strong connection at all levels and it was a total shock to lose each of these relationships. Well it appears you arent able to score $$ from the company.LoL Bottles are shipping. Then another said sorry. . They lie. Nevertheless, love found us, and it was so special and right, that my patience paid off. Labeled Verified, theyre about genuine experiences.Learn more about other kinds of reviews. It's insane how could I have tears left!! I had my procedure done 12/29/20 and I felt everything trisculpt E/X stitches looks horrible. I just feel overwhelmed and I feel the need to create a distance between me and them so I can calm down. This prompted me to head over to Awakends new website (which didnt exist when I covered the companys prelaunch), and grab a copy of their whitepaper (tell me youre a crypto bro without telling me youre a crypto bro). In reply to I have been seeing a person by Anonymous (not verified). I was offered to do " touch ups", good heavens! He called me the next day, super drunk and informed me that he has a date this Sunday. I chalk it up to it only being a week out. I. Everyone of the staff is kind and thoughtful, especially Theresa, who talked me off my body shamed ledge, reminded me to be kind to myself, and gave me the confidence I needed to move forward. When we started dating we each had our own lives doing our own routines, but the closer we got the slowly we became co-dependent, and we started to spend all our time together practically we were living together. Told her I wanted ones just like was wearing. Also she asked how my thighs where healing. I was able to work with Theresa and got my money back after deciding not to go with the surgery. After a month of dating he dissapeared for the first time. Inside their Private Groups .. Everybody is going to : Eating Right and Not Eating after a Certain Time. He was telling me I should hv done a tummy tuck and he did not see why I am complaining. I know this time is the last time I'm letting this continue. No words can describe the desperation, panic and sorrow I feel. Olena, we are sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with your results. In the first relationship, the person did come back to the extent they could, after a period of about 5 years of silence, despite me reaching out in positive ways periodically, over that timeframe. Costco took one week and LensCrafters took almost three weeks. This company is rude and has no consideration for their customers! LoL. And youd do them to me when I thought we were finally going to live again.. called to rectify the situation and was given the runaround. Dr. Skytta in the Cincinnati, OH Sono bello office is the best. more fiber in the body? When I texted her the next day to ask her if everything was ok since I missed her call she said shes busy excuse me shes a stay at home mom I work all week and have an entire home to manage as well as personal appointments to keep every day after work who called who to bother them? My dad died when I was a kid. She feels that she cant give. Entire staff at Lens Crafters in Middletown, NY at Galleria Mall, were professional and knowledgeable. The only reason I gave it a 1 is because there was no zero available. Once I go the large suit it still did not feel tight enough especially around my tummy tuck area. The next thing youll notice is someone has edited in Zenith, effectively doctoring the published study. I've reached out privately to help resolve this concern. After 25 years with a local ophthalmologist, I decided to visit LensCrafters. In fact in your article you talk about taking leptin to increase it. Further communication meant I was able to verify and that article was nuked. It's been a lot of ghosting, with no willingness for dialogue. I have been ghosted twice in my life, by two different people. Do you provide in-depth information on the doctors that preform the lipo laser? Every thing blurry. I know it's hard, but the more you push someone who has bi-polar, the more you'll push them away I fear. I ordered it and I thought I was getting the one time discount. That one in particular stands out because it led to me refining source verification. Also my diabetes numbers A1C went from 8.9 to 6.3. To help you find what you are looking for: Check the URL (web address) for misspellings or errors. THANK YOU all. We value your privacy. Im a bit lost. Its black and white with relationships with them. That tells me its is another diet scheme. I am a person that has very few close friends/relationships, so to lose people in this way is devastating, and really impacts self esteem in a negative way. That this abrupt ending was only an illusion, because it didn't feel as though it had ended. I even felt that they are doing this because they are upset that I cancelled. Products used:Sono Bello lipo for abs upper/ lower and sides. So it's never the 'two weeks in bed completely paralyzed' kind of situation that I often read about, which has me wondering. The rest of the facility and staff seem great but this doctor ruined the entire experience and if a doctor like him is allowed to work there I cannot recommend them. I discovered JustAnswer on a search for a legal subject.It's much easier to deal with a human than a search engine. Then you accuse me of calling him abrasive because he doesn't think I can tolerate the procedure. 2022 tpm media llc. Its the deepest most damaging set of things a person has ever done in my life, I feel very kicked used and setup not just with how you left but that you would promise all those things to parts of me you claimed were hurt in you then twist it all so cruelly and out of blue.. you need fantasy to live fine KT have it. My mom has a mental illness she's not making an appointment to see a therapist and I would like her to make an appointment to see one she has a doctor and she's not telling her doctor she has a mental illness and I would like her to stop talking to me and no longer come in my room. I thought it was an alias. You can find it in other products, eg. But one second later, he blocked me on whatsapp and phone (not on social media). One last thing, on an official corporate webinar last week, Danelle Meoli stated Awakend has the global rights to this incredible product.. Despite al of the negative reviews, I'm going to wear my garment for the 8 weeks that they recommend and see if I have the results I'm looking for. Thats 7 yesrs away! Also, some times he suddenly could become very angry, out of nowhere. They have had over 240 pounds off me, for a 2 minute worthless piece of advice, via online chat.Thieves, the lot of them. Dont let them fool you. I think that is really important for me. I had already done my homework and was ready for a sales pitch. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. I have it and I never went through promiscuous stages and I also never spent money wildly like some do. He still calls and texts and shows up at my house. I belong to the FB group and all they are excited about is so many people who are signing up to sell the products. We aim to provide readers with the most up-to-date information available about today's consumer products and services. Make sure you follow the directions and drink a gallon of water a day and take it easy the first few days. Womans World Magazine . This but s a pyramid MLM. They are NOT responsible for results and complications, means you can say goodbye to your LARGE $$$$. For the next 4 hours im told that over and over. They charge almost triple as anywhere else and they will not tell you that they are not in network. I mean articles. Now it's obvious I can't take them, so I call immediately and no return or refund. None able to help as my Oakley sunglasses required a special screw. As stated in the original review, I dont doubt Awakend curbs appetite but thats probably other active ingredients at play. First they seemed to value that, but little by little, the responses got shorter and shorter, until they stopped responding completely. The runs with the glass upper surface duplicated the conditions with the copper plate and the corresponding photographs were correlated. Suddenly his priorities changed. I couldnt even think straight the first 6 months or so it was such an utter mind F.. she kept doing that saying the most heartfelt things dangling hope for months, it messed me up. We look forward to seeing you again! You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: These are words often used in combination with run. I loved you and tucked u in with kids and would have worked on anything like you always promised we would. They understood my problem and were able to advise me accordingly. We havent seen eachother for over a month and never had a conversation other then through text since. The last time we hung out we had an amazing night and morning everything was great then i went on a holiday when I got back and got a message that took me by surprise. I am extremely happy even at week 4, my results won't be complete until month 3 (possibly month 6). They did tell me I should only do it up to what I am willing/can afford. Once my insurance was reinstated they were very helpful in adjustments. Their energies matched so perfectly. I wish this were true for me. Surely if youre fat and want to change that you should exercise more and eat less? So much disinformation here. It goes against our guidelines to offer incentives for reviews. Now they have changed me 35 pounds for it!! Lens Crafters are the best in overall service and quality for prescription glasses, in my humble opinion. I recently visited Sonobello Norfolk and felt extremely uneasy after the visit. Miranda Fox: I dont think I knew a real person but I missed the lie I loved. Nakry, thank you for taking the time to share your experience with others! It is not about leptin hormones. Thanks, this article helped putting some things in perspective, but I'm still at a loss. Before this point I was his world. Apparently, its another high priced mlm gimmick ingredient one can find cheaper elsewhere and in other products. The stress and pressure to explain the reasons for pushing away creates anxiety; which is where ghosting comes into play. 2. Companies can ask for reviews via automatic invitations. I believe both were due to a person's system being overwhelmed and shutting down of emotions. It's like being sliced open with a big poker and then that poker getting jammed up under you skin for hours. I've been nothing but the kindest girlfriend in those 4 years, he said himself a couple of times that "I'm the kindest person he knows". more fiber in the body? we continued to talk everyday all day, until one day after she went out on her own, and got drunk, next day she was silent like she's never been before, no contact, she called me that night but I noticed she was different, I tried to help, but she just pushed me away, she continued to communicate when she talked to her male friends Saying" ey I am talking to my X and Y friend" I just want you to know. My 2nd procedure was 6 weeks later for my inner thighs, outer thighs, hips and flanks. ), that were brought to the surface and overwhelmed them when we got too close. I would highly recommend them for professiionalism and friendness. This is about his illness. Is it to get recruits or for real? Visit the U.S. Department of State Archive Websites page. she mentioned having a psychiatrist and therapy appointment on the same day and she was drained and she just got over having covid and missing work for 5 days so im unsure if shes just having a bad time right now and doesnt want to talk or she just doesnt like me anymore. Anytime I wanted to do something I would also double check with my doctor to see if I should do it too. and whos running which business. This company has no useful information to make these vitamins any better than multivitamins. At first everything was easy and stable, love and communication was flowing. VERY DISSAPPOINTING!! I started Balance of Nature in March, 2022 right after seeing my doctor for a six month blood work review which was not great. I drove around all night thinking about everything trying to escape. So, when the MLM house of cards comes tumbling down eventually, and it will, the few at the top will make bank on this Ponzi while the rest will be left in a haze once again asking themselves I really thought this was the one. They were both professional and down to earth. The clinical was in conjunction with a diet and exercise plan. At my kadt appointment I told the Dictor i was not happy with the results after 9 months. From my point of view it cannot be fully used a replacement of a face to face interaction in case of serious trouble, but it greatly helps for all the questions that clarify doubts and help to prevent issues. We use dedicated people and clever technology to safeguard our platform. And if living with bipolar disorder and ghosting others has been part of your life, why do you do it? It goes against our guidelines to offer incentives for reviews. I was comfortable from the time I walked in. These clowns just kept posting multiple posts daily saying These results are fantastic! BTW Oz love your site. Our primary patient support email is feedback@sonobello.com - have you tried that one? KH: I've gone from all XL AND XXL cloths to mediums and smalls. Id probably start crying if I got a big hug from someone not in my family.. its like everything keeps getting worse and worse and I just feel so sick of trying and being used I dont know how to live like this anymore I cant do anything I cant even be there for people who need me now more than ever. Be a smidgen of the person u promised me you were.. So I don't even know if we are together or not. Its bogus! Thats the spirit Joan. It goes directly to our patient experience team. Later I found out more but its all too much and crazy the things she said hurt so deeply how they flip it all around and make everything you loved into something ugly tell you its all you I never raised a hand to her, or yelled at her women like her abuse the system and dont care whos lived they destroy its all a take to them I was a game to her some practice a goal she never loved me I know that now and it always hurts, she used me from the start to grow and then crippled my emotional and mental health its been the hardest thing for me to come back from I truly loved a lie, been thinking about this a lot lately I miss companionship so much but I dont want to get close to anyone. The patient car associate Ariel Delorito was aggressive, pushy, and tried to tell me I needed an additional procedure before even looking at me. but its taken the best of me because a wanna talk to her and be a better support I just dont know what to do, In reply to I am going through something by Anonymous (not verified), My frank advice: end it. Hello Helen, I am so sorry that this happened. It undermines your input and reflects poorly on Awakend. He is I retired chiropractor. and messaged Just Answer for advice .They told me that it did indeed look like a scam,they gave me their advice and I was up andrunning within 5 minutes. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. Also being aware it is tough on my own mental health processing the emotions that go along with someone withdrawing like this. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances and consult with your own investment, financial, tax and legal advisers. Article updated with news of Awakend undoctoring study and adding disclaimer. The testers said they did nothing and it dropped off which also goes against what they said the testers were doing while taking the product. I'm very happy my glasses were able to be fixed when I had little time to spare. Except I'm the girlfriend. I'm completely shocked and heartbroken and I can't believe this is happening. I didnt realize the extent of this problem until I saw the number of comments on my recent YouTube video, "Ghosting and Bipolar Disorder: Why We Do It". We've been together about4 yearsshe's amazing in every way. Yet at the same time, Sony is telling the CMA it fears Microsoft might entice players away from PlayStation using similar tactics. Hard sell, high interest, small delivery. Once i did that i notice more fluid drainage. Absolutely disgusting company!!!!! UPDATE: Sono Bello HQ found out I was having my surgery on September 12. Thats why I decided to no longer help people who are users. Dr Gage and nurse Adrienne are such wonderful people. Follow Chuck Todd as he uncovers breaking news events with the experts on NBCNews.com. Large amounts of fluffy ugly fat removed, my skin shrunk downit is tightI didn't need the EX procedure done. They cared about their clients and their passion to perfect their work. I realize how I have been ghosting so much person ! The gal who I initially met with, (her job is to sell you) went so hard, she didn't have to, I wanted the procedure. Theresa is a professional manager that is able to listen and communicate properly. But anyone can buy Trisynex from Roger Catarino @ First Fruits Business Ministry LLC: knowde.com/stores/first-fruits-business-ministry-llc/products/trisynex/, Kudos to you for always being diligent and thorough. But then I saw on IG that he was spending time with his friends, and was laughing (he is 46 years old). I was greeted by Vince, who was very kind to help me out and fix my glasses, I am extremely grateful. I would check in periodically to see if they were ok and also let them know I'm still here for them, no matter what. I feel sorry for bipolar people. Its tough. When they ghost you it makes you feel so insignificant and disposable. I know he's bipolar, he has every symptom. For 5 I recieved an almost instant service from JustAnswer. Ultimately if the doctor doesn't want to do touch up procedure, In reply to Thanks, this article helped by Anonymous (not verified). i have my dog bordered right now and i received a text from my roommate (who i consider to be a good friend) saying she thinks i need to give my dog back to the shelter i got her from because she doesnt see how my dog will fit successfully into our upcoming semester. She said and did some things that were super hurtful, and I was a complete, utter mess (had to take xanax for the first time in my life). See reviews below to learn more or submit your own review. I guess to numb where he was going to make the incisions for the liposuction. This product is protected by 2 patents and has been in litigation for over a decade. Love yourself and know that this is not about what you are not. Dr. Stapenhorst came in before the prcedures and went over everything he would be doing. She stole things from me it took a lifetime to earn, shes never had to work for a thing in her life shell never understand how much damage her selfish cruelty does to people, Hey .. Ive been through a lot since you left. We had bad actors representing they were from Rippln corporate feeding us bad information. she also told me that I need to learn that I am not her only support person. What Im getting from these studies is leptin does go down but its the other ingredients doing the weight loss. Still numb and painfull. You loved the person they wanted you to see unconditionally, you are capable of that kind of love they devoid of any real emotions besides what suits their needs. Best, Sono Bello. I highly recommend them for all your eyeglass needs. My bipolar bf has been gone for 3 weeks now ghosted me after 3 years deleted me from everything and is off running a muck with his friends getting high and sabotaging his whole life once again. Except. Lets get back to Mr. Shady himself Evan Dameshek and his partner David Greg Leppo who pleaded guilty to fraud over some shady business they had with the Trisynex product. In the first line of the whitepaper study, youll note is its a 2008 study published in 2009. Unlike a hospital procedure there is no science behind elective surgery, therefore dissatisfaction can occur. What was the original study as published for? I have had breast reduction and other surgeries. The store manager was courteous and very helpful. The rest of your posting is great. He just ghosted me from one day to the other. Its obviously baloney, otherwise Meoli wouldnt have put out that warning instructing people not to make bogus weight loss claims. Even though I was in shock, and feel bad that I didn't know enough about the illness at the time to be more supportive, I thought back to the commitment we made to each other to always be in each other's lives. I started Balance of Nature in March, 2022 right after seeing my doctor for a six month blood work review which was not great. Hey, has anyone used the hanover, md location. Well start sending you the news you need delivered straight to you. Extra TV . We would like the opportunity to help find a solution. Just buy it here and save yourself $100/month. Ive had 4 phone calls with nobody caring. So theres other stuff added that will actually suppress hunger and stop you eating. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. I am 78 years old. Its Here Its Here . Search the most recent archived version of state.gov. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. This is important because the metabolic improvements showed in that study were specific to their formulation. Still regardless of whether its the bipolar thats at the root it doesnt excuse the harm that has been done. You can call it what you need to it doesnt matter anymore Ill always know in my soul you are a Manipulive fraud of a person, and you need to be a victim over having any real moral or sense of human decency Im at a place where I can finally accept that.. My mom developed an emotionally incestual relationship with me and my sister. Then they end it with hashtags like get on the z but no one ever mentioned it by name, and when they would show a picture of the bottles they had the labels blocked out. So basically they took 32 from my account and did absolutely nothing for it. If Zenith is anything but a bottle of pure Trisynex with nothing else added, doctored or not that Trisynex study doesnt apply. Well it appears you arent able to score $$ from the company. My daughter has been diagnosed with bi polar. Almost joined yesterday with the $3500 Elite package but gut feeling told me I needed to do more research. She came off dishonest and it made me extremely uncomfortable. This is not acceptable. My mom has a mental illness she's not making an appointment to see a therapist and I would like her to make an appointment to see one she has a doctor and she's not telling her doctor she has a mental illness and I would like her to After 60-90 days of no one losing weight at THAT PRICE? After sunday we have barely talked. So what caused weight loss the diet? With respect to leptin reduction, if leptin stops your appetite, how does decreasing leptin decrease your appetite? I, as most elderly folks do, overextend myself and end up paying for it with sore muscles and body aches and pains. But again MARKETING What is happening is as you Lose weight .. Congrats if you get fat areas down but you are more likely to look like a mutant with regard to your body proportions. LoL Bottles are shipping. You said it, mine used to say how much strength I gave her, even after she left she said she never would have been strong enough to leave me lol cause thats what you say to someone you miss terrible and will do anything to work it out with she was just waiting for any excuse to then collaborate her shes the victim and Im crazy story, she faked an emergency to leave them ran off to either a biker gang bang or a shelter for battered homeless women shes rich and had family and even empty bedrooms and people in the area it was all an elaborate setup.. hah you never expect someone who promised you at the deepest level theyd never hurt you in just that way to leave and never even look at you again. Don't buy their nice smiles and crazy amount of phone calls prior to selling you a package. I know it still hurts. Oz: The nurses and staff were just great. I can be done again but it has to stop. I broke my glasses on Memorial Day weekend. So we Can ALL make a Big Hit .. Every (whatever day ) when Commission is Paid Out !!!! Thank you for the review, Joe! I've called and always get the run around. It really lowers the barriers to clarify doubts and access to competent and qualified professionals. We became a lot closer during the pandemic and started talking about our futurethere is a ring that he is making payments on. I did not tell her I was using Balance of Nature until after she said that. This can be a hard to find balance in a relation where commitment is needed.. We sent 2 shipments. I had my first procedure done in San Ramon, CA by Dr Zingaro on Feb 18th 2022 for a total cost of $7500. The service was great, an optician named Nasrin was very kind and quick to help. That sounds like a pretty exciting product. Ive been with my girlfriend for about a year. Of course LensCrafters showed all these discounts for the scratch resistance, Transitional and more. Iam also 38 years old with six pregnancies under my belt. We're thrilled you had such a great experience and we appreciate your wonderful review! I'm a highly sensitive person myself, I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed. It seems, that your diagnosis about him is right. Im reporting what is going on in the courts, pertaining to the rights of a product attached to an MLM company. I would recommend you take their advice and stay far away. So I've decided to let things lie for now as I don't want to push it and be that 'annoying person' who keeps popping up What was this ghoster feeling when they disappeared from my life? Trisynex has an interesting history. Got glasses and frames within a week. The way things happened does not make sense, as everything seemed to be going so well and we were still in the process of getting to know each other and enjoying each other's company. And I just didn't even want to be serviced by them anymore so I never called them either! This can cause a lack of sensitivity to leptin, a condition known as leptin resistance. After answering all his questions, he not only diagnosed the problem but also suggested what over the counter remedies are available and dosage. And if Danielle hasnt answered you yet, thats a red flag if I ever saw one. ?C/C COMPANY SHOULD BE IN TOUCH YOU YOU. During the first 3-4 years, his ghosting me was much more frequent. We've been together for 4 years. Just informed and know of the other sites that debunk everything you say here. She called me it wasnt the other way around so when you say your busy dont blow up my phone the day before because I am 10 times more busy than you are juggling my career, house work and personal responsibilities while you are a stay at home mom who looks at her window and spies on our neighbors all day long. You have to be your own advocate, and speak up, follow the directions of the doctor even if it is not comfortable. Was with my high school sweetheart for 3 years. Anyways please take care, and know your not alone. You can try to work over things together and ameliorate, but don't expect it to happen, at least don't count on it. So here I am again, 1 year later all alone wondering if he will return. Youre eating too much because *bleep blop bleep blop insert coin to continue*. We independently review MLM companies and publish MLM related news. This has now been 39 years ago and I still hurt inside and miss him so much. I was blessed with a long torso. How dumb can you be! My wife is insisting on divorce and yet insists that we stay friends, she will see the shrink tomorrow and just hope she would be back to normalize her cartoonish thoughts (with all respect) Now I'm left not knowing what I can do to save this when he won't seek help for himself. At the same time trust the process! We're disappointed to hear that your experience has not been exceptional. I lost my 6 figure salary and everything I built for muscle because of you, no matter how you frame it you tortured me and called me the love of your life stringing me along for months ruining my mental health at an already diffficult time. 6. *taps forehead*. He began drinking and taking LSD. It doesn't matter whether it's someone we're dating or friends with. I would give it 5/5 except for a few things: Please just stop now and drop your crap so I can move on with my life and you can done. The test group were doing exercise and on a reduced diet. Naomi Bruzual even reached out on Saturday to make sure I was happy and ready for Monday Surgery! Doctor Gage took his time and explained everything he was doing. They are someone i deeply care about and we are meeting soon for lunch and a concert we had bought tickets for. I have worked as a tech in the medical field for 19 yrs including endoscopy and surgery. I'm pretty sure that this experience, although not yet complete, will be what I've needed to truly live my life. Those of us living with bipolar disorder definitely have a problem with ghosting people. I guess we can assume Imagenetix died in 2016. In reply to Ive (21/any pronouns by Anonymous (not verified), Stop with the pronouns all ready. I WOULD have done it again. all rights reserved. The lady waiting on me made me think I had bad insurance and stated they would only cover 47.00. While I was waiting I played around and managed to fix it. This supplement did nothing for me not to mention i was charged every 15 days for a new supply. Ashlee Headlee James is one of the admins of Awakends private corporate FaceBook group. Because they are MISSING ONE VERY IMPORTANT COMPONENT !!! So she went off all vx she wanted to leave I've been blocked on social media and phone. Or other magic solutions to make you healthier and fitter without exercise and training. There are over 8000 articles on BehindMLM at present. So to clarify we are NOT selling leptin. It aggressively exploits the parallelism made possible by sending requests to multiple remote data sources simultaneously and by scheduling tasks to, The new team-based algorithm took substantially more time to. Both procedures went great. Nigeria's Largest Information Portal. Only, when her recruiter found out, she had violated the oilY rules of only being allowed to belong to one MLM her entire downline was ripped away from her and given to the one above her. The queen kr mental health and u ruined mine with some sick joy and power and pride I dont deserve how you labeled me or left, how you tricked me and bent the situation to have me packing for you while u setup this victim story.. My teen is grieving her sudden breakup from her bipolar boyfriend. In a few years youll see how dumb sounding this pronouns part iv culture is. I am so glad I came across this article, and reading the comments, realize I am not alone. I would literally have to lay in bed and move my feet and knees for several minutes just to be able to get up and walk without falling over, even then, I walked like a 90-year-old man. When then I laid on the bed for the procedure the Dr just started poking me with a needle. Not much has changed and I have severe back issues. Wondering what is the best strategy for me to help support them and make them feel comfortable in whatever capacity our friendship takes from here. This way I am not alone, but I am not talking about ME, I am checking on THEM. I said we did not do my thighs because he said he could not take anymore off my body in 1 session.