We recognise the valuable role played by professional bodies in providing guidance and advice about good practice which can help you to meet the standards in this document. See the updates and download the standards, Information about who we are, what we do and how we work, Our standards form the foundation for how we regulate, explaining what we expect of our registrants and education and training programmes, Revisions to the standards of proficiency, Information about raising a concern, fitness to practise and the investigation process, Step-by-step process on how to raise a concern, Information about joining, renewing and leaving the Register, Our standards of proficiency have been updated, Information about meeting our CPD standards and the CPD audit process. As an autonomous professional, you need to make informed, reasoned decisions about your practice to ensure that you meet the standards that apply to you. SLTs who have qualified outside the UK may be able to apply for RCSLT membership as overseas qualified practitioners (OQP). Your standard working week will be around 37.5 hours and may include a mix of shifts, such as nights, early starts, evenings, and weekends. Your particular scope of practice may mean that you are unable to continue to demonstrate that you meet all of the standards that apply for the whole of your profession. Do not post them. As an autonomous professional, you need to make informed, reasoned decisions about your practice to ensure that you meet the standards that apply to you. We also expect you to keep to our standards of conduct, performance and ethics and standards for continuing professional development. How to request a copy of your application or registration details. Every time you renew your registration, you will be asked to sign a declaration that you continue to meet the standards of proficiency that apply to your scope of practice. Applications to the February 2024 entry point will open in December 2023. We recognise that a registrants scope of practice will change over time and that the practice of experienced registrants often becomes more focused and specialised than that of newly registered colleagues. Need a refresher on our CPD requirements? Library resources Databases: search for journal articles on the CINAHL and Medline databases and access full text articles E-books and online theses: search for and read ebooks and online dissertations via our We recognise that a registrants scope of practice will change over time and that the practice of experienced registrants often becomes more focused and specialised than that of newly registered colleagues. It is essential that you have adequate insurance cover in place should you find yourself facing legal action. * The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) tests competence in the English language. The OIA is an independent body set up to review student complaints. 13.4 recognise the role of other professions in health and social care. Scanned application forms and clear photos of the application form will be accepted. Caring with Confidence is a series of bite-sized animations about key aspects of your role, and how the Code can support you, Everything you need to know about revalidation, Regulating standards for nursing and midwifery education. Application routes. Download the OQP speech and language therapy competency framework (Word). To receive these, please make sure your phone number Contact membership@rcslt.org if you have posted your payment form or cheque and are unsure whether your payment has been processed. You can use the RCSLT CPD diary to record your CPD and your progress through the competency framework. Your registration. Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no. These standards may change in the future We have produced these standards after speaking to our stakeholders and holding a formal public consultation. International Affiliate: I qualified as SLT in the UK or aboard and I am currently residing and practising outside the UK. The changes come into effect on 1 September 2023, Register now to attend one of our CPD webinars, Please type two or more characters to search, Meeting our standards: guidance and learning materials, Standards of conduct, performance and ethics, Standards of continuing professional development, Standards relevant to education and training, Download the standards of proficiency document, Promoting public health and preventing ill-health, Why and how weve revised our standards of proficiency, Download the revised standards of proficiency. We will continue to listen to our stakeholders and will keep our standards under continual review. This is mandatory for employment within the NHS and enables you to work in a wide variety of environments. You can search using a variety of fields, but cannot search using the first name alone. However, we do not dictate how you should meet our standards. The standards set out in this document complement information and guidance issued by other organisations, such as your professional body or your employer. We will always publicise any changes to the standards that we make by, for instance, publishing notices on our website and informing professional bodies. 13.3 understand the concept of leadership and its application to practice. In order to change your name on the HCPC Register, you will need to provide a certified photocopy of a change of name document. Therefore, we may make further changes in the future to take into account changes in practice. The changes come into effect on 1 September 2023, Register now to attend one of our CPD webinars, Please type two or more characters to search, Meeting our standards: guidance and learning materials, Standards of conduct, performance and ethics, Standards of continuing professional development, Standards relevant to education and training, Download the standards of proficiency document, Promoting public health and preventing ill-health, Why and how weve revised our standards of proficiency, Download the revised standards of proficiency. Some of our registrants work with patients, others with clients and others with service users. NMC Online will be available as normal. 13.3 understand the role of the radiographer in the promotion of health and health education in relation to healthy living and health screening for disease detection. RCSLT members contribute to, and benefit from, the development of the speech and language therapy profession in the UK. Your standard working week will be around 37.5 hours and may include a mix of shifts, such as nights, early starts, evenings, and weekends. At the University of Roehampton we are proud of our international community. As long as you make sure that you are practising safely and effectively within your given scope of practice and do not practise in the areas where you are not proficient to do so, this will not be a problem. We will provide a host of resources and activities which will assist different stakeholder groups prepare ahead of the implementation date. The course has been designed to cover the British Psychological Societys Division of Forensic Psychology's (DFP) Our vision is safe, effective and kind nursing and midwifery practice for everyone. Need a refresher on our CPD requirements? We recognise the valuable role played by professional bodies in providing guidance and advice about good practice which can help you to meet the standards in this document. You can also pay your 2022-2023 membership fee over the phone by calling 020 7378 3008/3010/3011. Work for us. We have used terms in these standards which we believe best reflect the groups that you work with. The Health and Care Professions Council. Registration with theHCPCis a legal obligation if you want to work as an SLT in the UK. If you have an interest in speech therapy and would like to subscribe to our quarterly Bulletin magazine please complete our Bulletin subscriber form (PDF). Every time you renew your registration, you will be asked to sign a declaration that you continue to meet the standards of proficiency that apply to your scope of practice. This includes seeking advice and support from education providers, employers, colleagues, professional bodies, unions and others to ensure that the wellbeing of service users is safeguarded at all times. However, we do not dictate how you should meet our standards. Visit our page for current members. This might be because of specialisation in a certain area or with a particular client group, or a movement into roles in management, education or research. In order to uphold standards for the SLT workforce, the RCSLT may recommend that additional training be included in the competence framework. Student finance - student loans or student grants for tuition fees and living costs, extra help, student loan repayments The changes come into effect on 1 September 2023, Register now to attend one of our CPD webinars, Please type two or more characters to search, Please type a valid surname or registration number, Meeting our standards: guidance and learning materials, Standards of conduct, performance and ethics, Standards of continuing professional development, Standards relevant to education and training. In August 2022, we updated our standards of proficiency for the first time since 2015. If you have an interest in speech and language therapy, you can join the Individual or Corporate subscriber category to subscribe to the RCSLTs Bulletin magazine. The changes come into effect on 1 September 2023, Register now to attend one of our CPD webinars, Please type two or more characters to search, Meeting our standards: guidance and learning materials, Standards of conduct, performance and ethics, Standards of continuing professional development, Standards relevant to education and training, What to expect when you make an international application. In the standards of proficiency, we use phrases such as understand, know, and be able to. Below we have included some helpful guidelines to completing this form. To become an OQP member of the RCSLT, you need to: This competency-based transitional framework for OQPs sets out a balanced set of clear expectations and standards. international; gdpr; Recent searches. UCL is consistently ranked as one of the top ten universities in the world (QS World University Rankings 2010-2022) and is No.2 in the UK for research power (Research Excellence Framework 2021). 9. be able to work appropriately with others, 9.1 be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with service users, other professionals, support staff and others, 9.2 understand the need to build and sustain professional relationships as both an independent professional and collaboratively as a member of a team, 9.3 understand the need to engage service users and carers in planning and evaluating their diagnostic imaging and interventional procedures or their radiotherapy pre-treatment planning, treatment and follow-up, 9.4 be aware of the need to empower service users to participate in the decision-making processes related to their radiotherapy or diagnostic imaging examination, 9.5 be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi-disciplinary team, 9.6 be able to understand, interpret and act upon information from other healthcare professionals, in order to maximise health gain whilst minimising radiation dose to the service user, 10. be able to maintain records appropriately, 10.1 be able to keep accurate, comprehensive and comprehensible records in accordance with applicable legislation, protocols and guidelines, 10.2 recognise the need to manage records and all other information in accordance with applicable legislation, protocols and guidelines, 11. be able to reflect on and review practice, 11.1 understand the value of reflection on practice and the need to record the outcome of such reflection, 11.2 recognise the value of multidisciplinary team reviews and other methods of review, 12. be able to assure the quality of their practice, 12.1 be able to engage in evidence-based practice, evaluate practice systematically, and participate in clinical and other audit procedures, 12.2 be able to gather feedback and information that helps to evaluate the response of service users to their care, 12.3 understand the principles of quality control and quality assurance as they apply to the practice of diagnostic or therapeutic radiography, 12.4 be aware of the role of audit and review in quality management, including quality control, quality assurance and the use of appropriate outcome measures, 12.5 be able to maintain an effective audit trail and work towards continual improvement, 12.6 be aware of, and be able to participate in, quality assurance programmes, where appropriate, 12.7 recognise the need to monitor and evaluate the quality of practice and the value of contributing to the generation of data for quality assurance and improvement programmes, 13. understand the key concepts of the knowledge base relevant to their profession, 13.1 understand the philosophy underpinning the development of the profession of radiography, 13.2 understand the concept of leadership and its application to practice, 13.3 understand the role of the radiographer in the promotion of health and health education in relation to healthy living and health screening for disease detection, 13.4 recognise the role of other professions and services in health and social care, 13.5 understand the structure and function of the human body, together with knowledge of health, disease, disorder and dysfunction relevant to their profession, 13.6 understand the radiobiological principles on which the practice of radiography is based, 13.7 understand the risk-benefit philosophy and principles involved in the practice of diagnostic or therapeutic radiography, 13.8 be aware of the principles and applications of scientific enquiry, including the evaluation of treatment efficacy and the research process, 13.9 understand and be able to apply the physical principles of ionising radiation production, interaction with matter, beam modification and radiation protection for diagnostic imaging or radiotherapy treatment, 13.10 know the physical and scientific principles on which image formation using ionising and non-ionising radiation is based, 13.11 understand radiation dosimetry and the principles of dose calculation, 13.12 understand the theoretical basis underpinning patient assessment prior to and during radiotherapy or diagnostic imaging examinations, 13.13 understand the capability, applications and range of technological equipment used in diagnostic imaging or radiotherapy, 13.14 be able to distinguish between normal and abnormal appearances evident on images, 13.15 know the concepts and principles involved in the practice of diagnostic imaging or radiotherapy and how these inform and direct clinical judgement and decision making, 13.16 know the pharmacology of drugs used in diagnostic imaging or during radiotherapy treatments, 13.17 understand the methods of administration of drugs, 13.18 be able to remove and re-apply dressings and supports appropriately and in a safe, effective and considerate manner, 13.19 understand the quality assurance processes in place within diagnostic imaging or radiotherapy, 13.20 be aware of the current developments and trends in the science and practice of radiography, Diagnostic radiographers only13.21 understand the structure and function of the human body in health, disease and trauma, as well as common pathologies and mechanisms of disease and trauma, including the: musculoskeletal system soft tissue organs regional and cross-sectional anatomy of the head, neck, thorax, pelvis and abdomen the cardiovascular, respiratory, genito-urinary, gastro-intestinal and neuro-endocrine systems13.22 understand the signs and symptoms of disease and trauma thatresult in referral for diagnostic imaging procedures, Therapeutic radiographers only13.23 understand the structure and function of the human body in health and disease, including: regional and cross-sectional anatomy of the head, neck, thorax, pelvis and abdomen common pathologies and mechanisms of disease with a concentration on cancer, histology, haematology and the lymphatic and immune systems13.24 understand: oncology, the pathophysiology of solid and systemic malignancies epidemiology aetiology the management and effect of cancer13.25 know the physiological signs and symptoms, clinical investigations and diagnostic procedures that result in referral for radiotherapy13.26 know the biochemical science of radiation pathophysiology13.27 understand the influence of adjuvant treatment including surgery and chemotherapy on radiotherapy dose prescription, timing of radiotherapy and post radiotherapy complications, 14. be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills to inform practice, 14.1 be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and accurately, 14.2 be able to formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of timescales, 14.3 be able to assess, monitor and care for the service user before, during and after diagnostic imaging procedures or radiotherapy treatments, 14.4 be able to use independent methods to establish and confirm service user identity prior to undertaking diagnostic imaging procedures or delivering radiotherapy treatments, 14.5 be able to undertake or arrange investigations as appropriate, 14.6 be able to undertake and record a thorough, sensitive and detailed clinical assessment, selecting and using appropriate techniques and equipment, 14.7 be able to gather appropriate information, 14.8 be able to use physical, graphical, verbal and electronic methods to collect and analyse information from a range of sources including service users clinical history, diagnostic images and reports, pathological tests and results, dose recording and treatment verification systems, 14.9 be able to interrogate and process data and information gathered accurately in order to conduct the imaging procedure or radiotherapy most appropriate to the service users needs, 14.10 be able to appraise image information for clinical manifestations and technical accuracy, and take further action as required, 14.11 be able to manage complex and unpredictable situations including the ability to adapt planned diagnostic imaging examinations, interventions or treatments, 14.12 be able to demonstrate a logical and systematic approach to problem solving, 14.13 be able to change their practice as needed to take account of new developments, technologies and changing contexts, 14.14 be able to use research, reasoning and problem solving skills to determine appropriate actions, 14.15 be aware of a range of research methodologies, 14.16 recognise the value of research to the critical evaluation of practice, 14.17 be able to evaluate research and other evidence to inform their own practice, 14.18 be able to operate radiotherapy or diagnostic imaging equipment safely and accurately, 14.19 be able to demonstrate spatial awareness, visual precision and manual dexterity in the precise and safe manipulation of treatment units or imaging equipment and related accessory equipment, 14.20 be able to check that equipment is functioning accurately and within the specifications, and to take appropriate action in the case of faulty functioning and operation, 14.21 be able to use information and communication technologies appropriate to their practice, 14.22 be able to apply the risk-benefit philosophy to radiation exposure to protect both individual service users and the population gene pool, 14.23 be able to select and explain the rationale for examination and treatment techniques and immobilisation procedures appropriate to the service users physical and disease management requirements, 14.24 be able to position and immobilise service users correctly for safe and accurate diagnostic imaging examinations or radiotherapy treatments, Diagnostic radiographers only14.25 be able to plan appropriate diagnostic imaging examinations14.26 be able to calculate radiation doses and exposures and record and understand the significance of radiation dose14.27 be able to perform the full range of standard imaging techniques and contrast agent examinations, including those undertaken on service users suffering from acute trauma, and where the service users medical, physical or mental health needs require examinations to be carried out in non-standard imaging environments14.28 be able to manipulate exposure and image recording parameters to optimal effect14.29 be able to use to best effect the processing and related technology supporting imaging systems14.30 be able to manage and assist with fluoroscopic diagnostic and interventional procedures, including those that are complex and involve the use of contrast agents14.31 be able to perform a standard head computed tomographic (CT) examination, assist with CT examinations of the spine, chest and abdomen in acute trauma, and to contribute effectively to other CT studies14.32 be able to assist with standard magnetic resonance imaging procedures14.33 be able to assist with ultrasound imaging procedures14.34 be able to assist with imaging procedures involving the use of radionuclides14.35 be able to distinguish disease and trauma processes as they manifest on diagnostic images, Therapeutic radiographers only14.36 be able to plan appropriate radiotherapy procedures14.37 be able to generate a treatment plan and verify treatment parameters ensuring optimal radiotherapy prescription delivery14.38 be able to use to best effect the image processing and related technology, including computer-based imaging systems for radiotherapy purposes14.39 be able to perform the full range of radiotherapy processes and techniques accurately and safely14.40 be able to calculate radiation doses and exposures14.41 be able to scrutinise and interpret the radiation prescription in such a way that radiotherapy is delivered accurately and reproducibly14.42 be able to manage and assist with fluoroscopic procedures, including those requiring the use of contrast agents14.43 be able to assist in performing standard computed tomographic (CT) planning procedures14.44 be able to assist in the construction of appropriate immobilisation devices, individualised to the specific needs of each patient and the treatment regime prescribed14.45 be able to undertake complex radiation dose delivery calculations involving a range of radiation types and energies14.46 be able to localise the target volume precisely in relation to external surface and anatomical reference markings using a range of techniques including computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging14.47 be able to manipulate exposure and image recording parameters to optimal effect and interpret and evaluate images obtained during radiotherapy planning and treatment14.48 be able to interpret and evaluate images obtained during radiotherapy planning and treatment14.49 be able to identify organs at risk on images to provide information for radiotherapy treatment planning14.50 be able to recognise changing signs, symptoms and progression of disease, and make appropriate decisions not to treat or to review further before proceeding with treatment, 15. understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment, 15.1 understand the need to maintain the safety of both service users and those involved in their care, 15.2 be aware of applicable health and safety legislation, and any relevant safety policies and procedures in force at the workplace, such as incident reporting and be able to act in accordance with these, 15.3 understand the need to ensure the physical and radiation safety of all individuals in the immediate work environment at all times, 15.4 be able to establish safe environments for practice, which minimise risks to service users, those treating them and others, including the use of hazard control and particularly infection control, 15.5 be able to work safely, including being able to select appropriate hazard control and risk management, reduction or elimination techniques in a safe manner and in accordance with health and safety legislation, 15.6 be able to select appropriate personal protective equipment and use it correctly, 15.7 be able to use basic life support techniques and be able to deal safely with clinical emergencies, 15.8 know and be able to apply appropriate moving and handling techniques, 15.9 know the correct principles and applications of disinfectants, methods for sterilisation and decontamination, and for dealing with waste and spillages correctly, 15.10 be aware of immunisation requirements and the role of occupational health.