california music video awards

Best Dance Crew, solo or group performing choreographed dance routine to pre-recorded music. All Rights Reserved, Big Little Life , Mikey Wax , Director Lucas Pitassi, Maria Jorjezian, Do You Know Surrender , David Haerle , Director Sabrina Doyle, Happiness , Travis Marsh , Director Nic Wendl, Hurry Up , EarthTone , Director Director ZANE, I Feel So Alive , Miguel Fasa , Director Neiver Alvarez, Rooftops , Harry Nathan , Director Odeya Rush, Seriously , Brandon Tory , Director Brandon Tory and Brooke Hayes, Still Standing , Miguel Fasa , Director Neiver Alvarez, Light Beam by Mae Powell Music City Sessions , Mae Powell , Director Derik Smith, Cant Fall Slow , Haley Vassar , Director Director ZANE, Backwards , Sweet HayaH , Director May Yam, Be Strong , Taylor Castro , Director Neiver Alvarez, I Got You , Taylor Castro , Director Neiver Alvarez, Feeling Low , Lubiana , Director Semoulin Mehdi, Hie Heelz , Donna Barlow , Director Shelly The Artist Hollis of AVIOM, Heavenly Ride , Kelly Padrick , Director Patricia Chica, Die For Me , Joie and the Hangmen , Director SF Covell, Dream With Your Eyes Open , Water District , Director Logan Ward, Love Without Phones , Father & Son , Director Ozan Fikri, California , Sean Darin feat. California MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS Finalists Announced. ), Toby Sidler PacSol Entertainment, Red Carpet, Jeremy Jace Wallace Gem Little, Elizabeth Douglass, Brr, Kaitlin McQueeney, Elizer Ojeda, Barbara McQueeney, Hellmouth Stars+Crusaders, Domenico Morreale, Quarantine Valentine, Dimitra Korri, Nicholas Kuznacic, Fixer Upper, William Gawley Michelle Robertson, Evolution of Earth, Wind and Fire, Grayson Villanueva, Bakari Holmes Ed Boyer, Nicholas Girard, Bill Hare, Lovers Of The World, Adrian West, Rochelle Storts, Coretta, Jessica Elizabeth Davenport, Jeaneen Lund, Someone who doesnt know you, Albert Rudnitsky Oleg Blinov, Terry Kaelber, Social Distancing Music Video, Koli Kohler, Hot Dog Stand GME, Kyle Waters Geller, Linze Champagne Peters, Steeler Nation, Daniel Roemer Haley Noel Bedocs, Mark Kohr (Academy of Art University), Siuzanna Parim, Ruslan Borisov Evgenii Shmelev, Ilya Naishuller, You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) vs Vogue , Adam Parmalee, SaaWee New Ritual, Gugak in project Song Hyun-seok, GUIIM PROJECT My Sea, Gugak in project Song Hyun-seok, Llave de tu Corazn, Sisygambis Nomades Kultur, Song From The Future, Ruben Noksound Dave Muddy, Snakebite, Tim Cash, Irie Adina Julian Brooks, Remember, Garik Sukachov, Andrei Tomashevsky, Space of Variations ULTRABEAT (feat. California in Tuesday night (06.12.22). The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO & FILM AWARDS annual show takes place in one of San Franciscos unique music venue, and is an amazing evening bringing together music videos, musician appearances, fans, and of course music video awards. Shania Twain was perfectly pink Tuesday night at the Peoples Choice Awards, where she was honoured with the Music Icon Award. ONE , Director Marc Brissett, Coors Light Country Girl , The Ariel Jean Band , Director Spencer Davies, Disaster (Is What Were After) , Death Valley Girls , Director Kansas Bowling, Horrified (Official Music Video) , Brooke Josephson , Director Michelle Bossy, Arabian Nights , Alessandro Orlandi , Director Alessandro Orlandi , Camilla Martini, Droplet of Stars , Alessandro Orlandi , Director Alessandro Orlandi, Camilla Martini, Daddys Home , Roni Lee , Director Robert Sebree. Entries do not need to be from a California artist, but should be music videos, films or docs from the most recent 12 months. Award-winners and contenders from California Music Video Awards (CMVA) (2022) Menu. Awards event is in San Francisco. Copyright 2022 Perhaps you missed that announcement and others that have come out with updates. Thank you friends for giving such a high - BEST rating to our documentary film Shaman Blues! Hello Gena Gaudet, your submission was announced on February 22nd to be a Finalist in FOUR categories. The program brings a festival of music to viewers, and includes featured music videos and interviews from bands, artists, and musicians. (Duplicate entries will not be refunded) The winners were presented in a virtual awards show on March 30th on Facebook and on Finalists may also be broadcast on the MUSIC CALIFORNIA television series, and will be announced in December. Entries do not need to be from a California artist, but should be music videos, films or docs from the most recent 12 months. The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS celebrate some of the most exciting and creative California-influenced music, musicians and artists. Segments from winners and honorees work are screened at the event. - Best Multi Camera Production - Best Filmed at Home CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO & FILM AWARDS event is in February/March in San Francisco, where they will be screened and presented with their awards trophy. ), Toby Sidler PacSol Entertainment,The Mighty, Underground Original, Red Carpet, Jeremy Jace Wallace Gem Little, Elizabeth Douglass, Brr, Kaitlin McQueeney, Elizer Ojeda, Barbara McQueeney, Hellmouth Stars+Crusaders, Domenico Morreale, Quarantine Valentine, Dimitra Korri, Nicholas Kuznacic, Fixer Upper, William Gawley Michelle Robertson, Evolution of Earth, Wind and Fire, Grayson Villanueva, Bakari Holmes Ed Boyer, Nicholas Girard, Bill Hare, Lovers Of The World, Adrian West, Rochelle Storts, Coretta, Jessica Elizabeth Davenport, Jeaneen Lund, Someone who doesnt know you, Albert Rudnitsky Oleg Blinov, Terry Kaelber, Social Distancing Music Video, Koli Kohler, Hot Dog Stand GME, Kyle Waters Geller, Linze Champagne Peters, Steeler Nation, Daniel Roemer Haley Noel Bedocs, Mark Kohr (Academy of Art University), Siuzanna Parim, Ruslan Borisov Evgenii Shmelev, Ilya Naishuller, You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) vs Vogue , Adam Parmalee, SaaWee New Ritual, Gugak in project Song Hyun-seok, GUIIM PROJECT My Sea, Gugak in project Song Hyun-seok, Llave de tu Corazn, Sisygambis Nomades Kultur, Song From The Future, Ruben Noksound Dave Muddy, You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) vs Vogue, Adam Parmalee, Snakebite, Tim Cash, Irie Adina Julian Brooks, Remember, Garik Sukachov, Andrei Tomashevsky, Space of Variations ULTRABEAT (feat. - Best Female Solo Artist Dr. - Viewers Choice Awards In the case of films, an online screening site is acceptable. All Rights Reserved, The End, Timon Birkhofer, Ossey James, Jrg Kundinger, Lacey Dunn, China Blue, Brett Caroline Levner Brettt Levner, Lose It All, Ed Radio H 821 Palm Studio, Lonnie Payne, Shawn Powers, Harvey Marie Records, Bad Boy Rocker, Giorgio Serafini Gina G. Goff, You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) vs Vogue, Adam Parmalee, Xavier Toscano, Private Paradise, Angelina Alexon, Igor Volkov, Wont Pick Up The Phone, Grant Spanier Femke Weidema, Fireflies, David Perkins, Elijah Durnell Abbie Thomas, Water & Oil Jenni Rudolph,Brandon E. Lee, Run It Up, Art By Black DeVona Denise Battle, Love Is Love, Jeremy Eichenbaum Jasmine Crowe, All Hail Hyperion, Jonny Zeller Tim Frazier, Unforgettable, Michael McCallum, William C. McCallum, Tell Me Jane Leo , Gille Klabin Jane Ellen Bryant, Sweet Guilty Pleasure, OUTERSPACE Leo Lin Chien Cheng, Snakebite, Tim Cash, Irie Adina, Julian Brooks, Brown Beauty, Monique DeBose Hannah Randle, The Remedy (Feel Alright), Benjamin Jones, Picknick,Verena Billinger, Sebastian Schulz, Tell Me Jane Leo, Gille Klabin Jane Ellen Bryant, Water & Oil Jenni Rudolph, Brandon E. Lee, The Official Rainbow Music Video, Michelle Bossy Brooke Josephson, RENTON, Ximena Garrigues, Sergio Moya German Ormaechea, Never Hold Me Down (N.H.M.D. Who knows. TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are pleased to announce the winners of the 4th Annual awards competition. Best Mini Music Film or Documentary (3-10 Minutes), Best Short Music Film or Documentary (10-40 Minutes), Copyright 2022 - Best Eye (Cinematography) Malpica, Sunshine in the Winter , Director Quinn Feldman, BAD MAFUCKER , SCULA LIVE , Director ZANE THE DIRECTOR, Invisible Man , C.A.P. Viewers Choice voting rules will be released shortly for selected categories. TOPICS: And it's an honor for us! TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are pleased to announce the winners of the 4th Annual awards competition. - Best Male Solo Artist TCB CAFE Publishing & Media LLC I guess there's supposed to be an event associated with this..? The winners were presented in a virtual awards show on March 30th on Finalists may also be broadcast on the MUSIC CALIFORNIA television series, and will be announced in December/January. - Best Director Its that time again! Nominations not submitted with an Entry Fee will not be reviewed by the Academy. Austin Butler, Elvis - WINNER. Original broadcast or release dates must be between October 2020 October 2021. The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS were all-digital and all-virtual. - Best Short Music Film or Documentary Harry Styles, Don't Mark Segura , Director Edwin FrankO, Soul Dancing , Michelle Martinez , Director Neiver Alvarez, Pumpkin Pie Music Video , Piper Madison , Director Patrick Keesee, Bully , Fever Breakers , Director Gleeson Rebello, Picture on a Mantle , Donna Widdifield , Director Kila Price, The Letting Go , Natalie Jean, Director Tyler McElrath, So Many Divisions Ya Rahman (O Beneficient) , Mohammed Paika , Director Mohammed Paika, Just One More Day With You , Rob Morton , Director Rob Morton, The L.A. Song , E.G. The End, Timon Birkhofer, Ossey James, Jrg Kundinger, Lacey Dunn, China Blue, Brett Caroline Levner Brettt Levner, Lose It All, Ed Radio H 821 Palm Studio, Lonnie Payne, Shawn Powers, Harvey Marie Records, Bad Boy Rocker, Giorgio Serafini Gina G. Goff, You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) vs Vogue, Adam Parmalee, Private Paradise, Angelina Alexon, Igor Volkov, Wont Pick Up The Phone, Grant Spanier Femke Weidema, Fireflies, David Perkins, Elijah Durnell Abbie Thomas, Water & Oil Jenni Rudolph,Brandon E. Lee, Run It Up, Art By Black DeVona Denise Battle, Love Is Love, Jeremy Eichenbaum Jasmine Crowe, All Hail Hyperion, Jonny Zeller Tim Frazier, Unforgettable, Michael McCallum, William C. McCallum, Tell Me Jane Leo , Gille Klabin Jane Ellen Bryant, Sweet Guilty Pleasure, OUTERSPACE Leo Lin Chien Cheng, Snakebite, Tim Cash, Irie Adina, Julian Brooks, Brown Beauty, Monique DeBose Hannah Randle, The Remedy (Feel Alright), Benjamin Jones, Picknick,Verena Billinger, Sebastian Schulz, Tell Me Jane Leo, Gille Klabin Jane Ellen Bryant, Water & Oil Jenni Rudolph, Brandon E. Lee, The Official Rainbow Music Video, Michelle Bossy Brooke Josephson, RENTON, Ximena Garrigues, Sergio Moya German Ormaechea. The California Music Video Awards is an event launched by TasteTVs Music California television series to celebrate the best and most exciting California-influenced music In addition, selected inductees of the first class of the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS HALL OF FAME have been announced. Communication is non-existent. The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS celebrate some of the most year's exciting and creative music videos, music, musicians, artists, films and directors. more information at About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Nominations can be submitted by any associate of the program. All Rights Reserved,,, 2022 Deadlines for California Music Video and Film Awards Submissions,, Early Bird for California Music Video Awards submissions thru August 31st,, 6th Annual California Music Video Awards Committee adds Special Awards Category for TikTok Videos. Rich Polk / E! Florence Pugh, Don't Worry Darling. Additional Award Nominees and Honorees may be announcedprior to the2021awards ceremony. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness won The Movie of 2022, with star Elizabeth Olsen taking home the awards for Female Movie Star and Action Movie Star. They honor great work and excellence. Nominations can be submitted by any associate of the program. The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS celebrate some of the most exciting and creative California-influenced music, musicians and artists. Sandler was named Comedy Movie Star and Styles Male Artist of 2022. Eligible associates include hosts, producers, production companies, studios, channels, networks, web platforms, sponsors, managers, agents, publicists, representatives, distributors and device systems. The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS celebrate some of the most exciting and creative California-influenced music, musicians and artists. California MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS Announce Winners for Year's Best Music Videos and Films Main Business / Finance News Today Blasts rock Ukraine's Mykolaiv after missiles 7 (Live in Jakarta), Riva Pratama. By submitting a program or content, the entrant warrants that they have the authority to do so, including all relevant licensing and permits. Check out the new hot trailer for the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS! They honor great work and that California connection! Phillips, Director Daniel Button, MOUTH WATER , , Director Erica Marigliani, Wheres Sherry , , Director Marc Brissett, So Stonely , The May Company , Director May McDonough, Daniel Lake, I Could Have Died , Eytan Ribner , Director Molly Schreiber, Sexy N Domesticated , Brooke Josephson , Director Samuel Roukin, Breakfast For 2 , SadGirl , Director Nicky and Juliana Giraffe, Somewhere In Their Heads , Director Gregg Houston, Congo Cabaret , Director Quincy LeNear Gossfield, Deondray Gossfield, Frank Rashad A Rap Artist , Director R.L. Original broadcast or release dates must be between October 2020 October 2021. - Lyrics and Verse She looked unrecognizable on the red carpet in pink hair and a half-mesh Rodarte dress. TCB CAFE Publishing & Media LLC This years competition has been fierce, with scores of fantastic, creative and exciting music videos and short films. Call for entries for the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS for music videos, film, documentaries, and podcasts. - Best TikTok Video (NEW). TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are pleased to announce the Finalist Nominees in the 4th Annual awards competition for all categories, including films and documentaries. The MUSIC CALIFORNIA television series for the San Francisco Bay Area and Wine Country reaches over 2.5 million households and on selected PBS-affiliate stations nationwide. Sebu , Director Adina Butar / Alex Ceausu, Once upon time on a high hill , Otava Yo , Director Alexey Belkin, Vsevolod Aljokhin, Euphoria , Baby Ebony , Director Jake Huber, Odio (Hate) , Frank Amente , Director Julio Csar Berrios, Do You Know Surrender , David Haerle , Director Director Sabrina Doyle, Halfway To Jesus , Dulcie Taylor , Director Trevor Lawrence, No Show Blues , Ben Bostick , Director Joe Dietsch, Thinking Of You , PLYA , Director Tom Cole, Karaoke , Gitty Karaoke ft. Trinidad James and Rose Gold , Director Toni Monroe, Sorry , Cosmic Sense feat. Watch them on Facebook at Celebrate some of the California For the Tuesday night award show, Twain, 57, wore an elevated take on her 1998 'fit. The look for that video included a matching hooded jacket, bra and pants. Entertainment/NBC/Getty Images. TCB CAFE Publishing & Media LLC All the best to your cool cinema and music! The awards accept music videos, music films, and documentaries. Best TikTok Video that specifically appears on TikTok, for topics including music or dance, Best Filmed-At-Home Video or Performance (filmed due to Shelter at Home COVID-19), Best Special Effects or Video and Films Effects, WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival. TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are pleased to announce Finalists in the 2nd Annual Daniel Kaluuya, Nope. SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES, April 3, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are pleased to announce the winners of the 4th Annual awards competition. The awards were originally launched byTasteTVs music television series, MUSIC CALIFORNIA. California Music Channel and Country Music Channel are owned and operated by CMC Broadcasting Company, Incorporated; Rick Kurkjian, President. THE DRAMA MOVIE STAR OF 2022. - Best Music Video Arsene Bayanov, film director. The Submitter has obtained all required approvals, clearances, licenses, etc., for the use of the program material contained in this program, and will provide such clearances if requested by the Festival. - Most California The winners were presented in a virtual awards show on March 30th on Facebook and on Entrants came from the United States and Canada, and from as far away as Brazil, Italy, France, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, India, and even Jakarta. The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS celebrate some of the most year's exciting and creative music videos, music, musicians, artists, films and directors. ADDITIONAL TERMS THE DRAMA MOVIE STAR OF 2022. The Submitter warrants that all rights, licenses, clearances, and releases, for all audio and archival film or video used in the production have been secured or are unnecessary. Best Mini Music Film or Documentary (3-10 Minutes), Best Short Music Film or Documentary (10-40 Minutes), Q+A: Nya chats about new single, musical influences & personal journey. Viewers watched to see who won both on Facebook and on the CMVA awards site. Thank you for understanding, and good luck! The cast of Disneys Sneakerella won big at the Childrens & Family Creative Arts Emmy Awards. Music Video featuring Two artists or musicians, Music Video featuring 3 or more musicians and artists, Short Music Film or Documentary (5-40 minutes), Feature Music Film or Documentary (40+ minutes), NEW AT HOME CATEGORY: This year's awards include a new award category for a video or live performance that is normally produced in studio or on location and have segments now produced at home specifically due to COVID-19. TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are pleased to announce the winners of the 4th annual competition. The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO & FILM AWARDS celebrate some of the years most exciting and creative music videos, music, musicians, artists, films and directors. Due to COVID restrictions, this years event was unique in format. Best Mini Music Film or Documentary (3-10 Minutes), Best Short Music Film or Documentary (10-40 Minutes), The Social Justice and Hope Award Winners, Copyright 2022 #music #musicvideo #musicvideoawards #bands Album of 2022 for 'Midnights' and 'Anti-Hero' won Music Video of 2022. Austin Butler, Elvis - WINNER. Shania Twain attended the People's Choice Awards in Santa Monica, California, on Tuesday. - Made Me Laugh (Humor) Eligible associates include hosts, producers, production companies, studios, channels, networks, web platforms, sponsors, managers, agents, publicists, representatives, distributors and device systems. - Best Movement (Choreography) 5th Annual California Music Video Awards Announce Winners and Honorees for Years Best Music Videos and Films. The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS announce the winners of the 4th Annual awards competition. All Entries must be in English (native, dubbed, or subtitled) The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS celebrate some of the most exciting and creative California-influenced music, musicians and artists. It seems to me that this is the only film from Central Asia (Kazakhstan) that participated in such a cool film festival! Check out the new hot trailer for the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS! - Best Transgender Solo Artist (if applicable) The ceremony was held Saturday night at the Wilshire Ebell Theater in Los Gal Gadot, Death on the Nile. Harry Styles, Don't Worry Darling. I was sent one email that named finalists in a bunch of categories but there are no winners or event info even it was due in Feb according to Film Freeway (and it's April this week). By submitting a program or content, the entrant warrants that they have the authority to do so. Sometimes its the passion, sometimes its the vision, sometimes its the style, and sometimes its the sound. . (please note, videos that are normally produced in home studios do not qualify for this category), Best Dance Program, Film or Documentary (must include music in addition to dance). 1 year ago 15th April 2021 Permalink. I loved attending. COVID of course has required us to be flexible in our event planning, etc. Gal Gadot, Death on the Nile. O regarder 2022 MTV Video Music Awards en streaming complet et lgal ? 7 (Live in Jakarta), Riva Pratama, Tumba Catimba, Daniel Pieros, Enrique Mendoza, Santiago Valencia, Rodin, Rhys Tivey, Natalie Deryn Johnson, Amyra Leon, Made It Look Eas,y Xavier Toscano, Adam Parmalee, First Day Back, Stuart Summerville, Rebecca Malaret, Walk of Contrasts, Max Masri, Chelsea Eng, Tumba Catimba, Daniel Pieros Enrique, Mendoza, Santiago Valencia, The Life, Rickey Bird Jr, Anthony Appello, UMEED, Joydeep Sen, Lal Bhatia, Imran Zaki, Erasure: Nerves of Steel, Brad Hammer, Tyler Stone, Neil Blanket, O My Nation (Ya Ummati), Mohammed K Paika, Time Will Tell, Melinda Holbein-Loeffler, Max Kaiser, Spencer Johnson, Twisted Dream, Darren Stein, Christine Fox, Brighter Days (Official Music Video), Jamie Alimorad, Elizabeth Sim, Quarantine Anthem Im so sick of this corona, We Will Win (A Music Video for Covid19 Awareness), Simon Twu, Sky Is Falling, Jeremy Eichenbaum, Jasmine Crowe, Someday, Petros Antoniadis, Panos Mouzourakis, In Between Marg, Michael B MacDonald, Cassidy Margolis, Before I Let U Go, Austin Archer, Cramer england, All the Young Dudes (short film), William Stead, Cameron Greco, Unseen, Nama Phler, Naima Chebahi, Helo Roussel, Nama Phler, Happy Sad Face, Heart Shield, Rawn Erickson II The Machine , Shirah Wagner , Rawn Erickson II, Imperfect Bones, Heather Murray, Paul Oneto, Nol & Jeremy Red Light (Official Music Video), Nol Ill, Insert, Eject: The Mormons Live at Cafe NELA, Peter Tintle, ESSENTIAL BUSINESS (A Mini-Opera created in COVID-19 Quarantine), Judith Lynn Stillman, LAG: A Zoomsical Comedy, Haddon Kime, Ariel Fristoe, Lee Osorio, All the Young Dudes, William Stead, Cameron Greco, Blue Fantasy, Mei Qi, Nakamura Taiki Chen Jian, Jing qi Li, Simon Twu, Goodbye, Trevor Rock, Grant Richards, George Thelen, Record Plant, Sausalito Historic Nor-Cal Music Studio, She Moved Through the Fair, Randy Copus, Tim Kennedy, 1.6, Kirill Proskurin Maxim Matyushchenko, Alexander Schelkushkin, Sofia Prokhorova, A Band Widows Lament, Patrick Sites, Tomas Herrera, Doug Usher Patrick Sites, Doug Usher, ATTENTIONSPAM, Kilo Watts -, The Drone Ahhtension Planet Arts, El Corrido de Anza, Armando Aparicio Los Cenzontles, Little French Fish, Eva Lanska James Norbury, The Revivalists: Made In Muscle Shoals, Jay Sansone Morgan Young, DJ Hound Dog, Jon Jacobs, Migel Delgado, Andy Schefter, Agostino Carollo, What Am I Afraid Of, Calvin Kai Ku, Ken Newman, A Walk In The Park, Ginger Daniels, Michael Mayers GingerPants Productions, Washing Of The Water, Mary McGuinness, Paul Buchholz, The Chain, Alie Mac, Jocelyn McMahon-Babalis, Made It Look Easy, Xavier Toscano, Adam Parmalee, MOONLIGHT, Leonardo Martinez, Amber Ford E.L.M. TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS celebrate some of the most exciting and creative California-influenced music, musicians and artists. TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are pleased to announce the Finalist Nominees in the 5th Annual awards competition for all categories, including films and The singer, who is performing at Tuesday's 2022 People's Choice Awards, arrived on the red carpet in Santa Monica, Calif., in a look so reminiscent of her leopard-print outfit from her "That Don't Impress Me Much" music video. July 14th: Motivated Early Bird August 31: Early Bird 2022 October 31: Regular December 2nd: Final. 1st year CMVA HALL OF FAME Inductees were selected based on either having received numerous AWARDS and finalist nominations over the years, or having made a significant impact in the world of music video and broadcast entertainment. This years competition has been fierce, with scores of fantastic, creative and exciting music videos and short films. - Best Producer Special award presenters included Xavier Toscano, Nathan Witte, Harrison Tinsley, Mavenne, and Rob Fitzgerald of Hip Video Promo. The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO & FILM AWARDS celebrate some of the years most exciting and creative music videos, music, musicians, artists, films and directors. Never Hold Me Down (N.H.M.D. En ce moment, vous pouvez regarder "2022 MTV Video Music Awards" en streaming sur Paramount Plus. - Best Dance Crew The CMVAs continue to grow annually, with entries not only from the United States, but from around the Globe. - Best Music Podcast The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS celebrate some of the most exciting and creative California-influenced music, musicians and artists. The Submitter fully indemnifies the TasteTV, TCB CAFE Publishing & Media , and any Channel sponsors and partners against any claim made for such violations of law. The Submitter warrants that the TasteTV, TCB CAFE Publishing & Media, and any Channel sponsors and partners do not accept responsibility for proof of rights and clearances. Angus Murray), Ozan Fikri, Stars and Rabbit Attic No. They honor great work and excellence. Watch the full video below . The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS celebrate some of the most exciting and creative videos by musicians & artists. To submit a nomination, please complete the Entry Form In addition, selected Special Achievement Award Honorees have been announced. Copyright 2022 The 2021 CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS on March 30th! Portions of the program may be filmed for broadcast on local television stations nationally, reaching millions of households. Modified date: Tuesday, December 6th 2022 - 7:06 pm. TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are pleased to Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Emmys Hispanic & Latino Voices STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events. alyona alyona), Oleg Rooz, Salome, Las Catalano Aranha, Drica Czech, Josi Herculano (remote shooting), The Eight Buddhist Monks Dance, Gangryeong Talchum Research Institute Song Hyun-seok, Upn Down Suistamon Shk, Kim Saarinen, Comment, Ccile Nordegg, Patryk Senewiki Tahnee Nordegg, little.egg productions, Hand of Time Triptides Music Video, Lejla Subasic, Quarandreaming aka Isla Fiesta, Chris Ross, Wanna Taste You Tonight, Daniel Prypchan, Christian Barbeitos, Yeimy Reina, Undead, Leslie Alejandro, Dani de Jesus, Pete Mills, Set It Off Tonight ,Mindy Strouse, Lisa Dietrich, The Party Angel Drive, Madison Van Buren, Ally Schnaidt, Do No Harm from TRUTH OR DARE, Rebekkah Hilgraves Rebekkah Hilgraves, All Your Love (Live), Reymundo Santos Sara Niemietz, Snuffy Walden, Love, Linda: The Life of Mrs. Cole Porter, Richard Maltby, Jr., Robert Learner Lyle Saunders, Stevie Holland, Love, Linda: The Life of Mrs. Cole Porter Richard Maltby, Jr., Robert Learner Lyle Saunders, Stevie Holland, Authenticity: The Musical Johnny Cassidy Grayson Shapiro, Johnny Cassidy, 9:02 in OKC, mackenzie lee baumert, dominique mcCollum, Blayke Bayer, Daisy Mcmillen, Authenticity: The Musical, Johnny Cassidy Grayson Shapiro, Kismet, Jocelyn Fee Miller, Anastasia Klaffert, Erin Grissom, From Nirvana to Silvana, Katarina Krstic Jelena Petkovi, Marta Alimpijevi, VO-GONE (Short Film) Ft. Sandy Redd, Marquis Simmons, Snakebite, Tim Cash, Irie Adina Julian Brooks, Julian Brooks, What Happened to Stephanie?, Ciro Ayala Jessica Elizabeth Davenport, Provoke Films, Cash Money Honey, Will Branner Dawg Paw Productions, GIMME SOME WINE: The Story of a Song, Mark Calderbank David Tregunna, Take it Easy , Suja Raghuram Manoj Manoj Venugopal, Celebration: Broadway Jewish Composers, Ivan Gulas, Box of Rain, Lonnie Frazier, Elizabeth Kopetka, A Year in the Pit: A Journey into Music Photography, John M. Woody, Bob Adamek, The Reflectacles Are Dead, Donovan McCarty Courtney Hardebeck McCarty, Songbirds, Dagan Beckett Irv Berner, David Davidson, Dagan W. Beckett, Bad Animal, Remsy Atassi Sean Robert Kelly, Kelsey Bunner, Brittany Wagner, The Innocents, Wojciech Lorenc Valentina Trevino, Never Hold Me Down (N.H.M.D. - Best Single Camera Production The Real You Hits #20 on the Adult Contemporary National Radio Chart! Elsewhere. This years competition has been amazing, with hundreds of inspiring, creative and exciting music videos and films. The official music video for our single Red Light took home the award for Best Sci-Fi Music Video! The CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS celebrate some of the most exciting and creative California-influenced music, musicians and artists. TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are pleased to announce theAward Winners and Special Achievement Award Honorees of the 5th Annual awards competition for all categories, including films and documentaries. - Best Feature Music Film or Documentary Shania Twain is throwing it way back. Additional Award Nominees and Honorees will be announced prior to the 2022 awards ceremony. All Rights Reserved, Best Film or Doc, Any Length, Filmed at Home , Monday, Craig Thomas, Marlee Williamson, Purposed Productions, Everythings Gonna Be Alright, Karissma Sangaria Robinson, Phillip Solomon Stewart, What Am I Afraid Of, Calvin Kai Ku, Ken Newman, I Need Hope, Cyrus James Griffin, Paul G. Griffin, Alex The Free Mind Batres, All the Young Dudes, William Stead, Cameron Greco, Brighter Days (Official Music Video), Jamie Alimorad, Elizabeth Sim, You Are Gold the Music Video, Barbara Heller, Tumba Catimba, Daniel Pieros, Enrique Mendoza, Santiago Valencia, The Life, Rickey Bird Jr, Anthony Appello, Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist, Lauren-ann Smith, David Mace-Kaff, Planet Cozmo, Jack Campise, Misha Maguire, Stars and Rabbit Attic No. ), Toby Sidler PacSol Entertainment,The Mighty, Underground Original, Miles Around Aventurine, Armin Nasseri Jo Harmon, Set It Off Tonight, Mindy Strouse, Lisa Dietrich, Mindy Strouse, Mestizo & Controller 7 Promised Land (ft. D-Styles), Zack Kasten, Set It Off Tonight, Mindy Strouse, Lisa Dietrich Lisa Dietrich, Copper Lines, Banjii & Mayuri Kahani Records, Cars Hiss By My Window Delta Haints, Kurt St. Thomas, Whiskey Summer Blues, Kirby Ronald Andruss, Picknick, Verena Billinger, Sebastian Schulz, Breathe, Troy Christian Shane Proffitt, Laura Proffitt, Lonely Nights, Kirby Ronald Andruss Kirby Ronald Andruss. They honor great work and that California connection! - Hottest of them All R; Next] About. This years competition has been fierce, with scores of fantastic, creative and exciting music videos and short films. That is the reason for the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS! The awards were originally launched by TasteTVs music television series, MUSIC CALIFORNIA. All nominations submitted should be accompanied by the Entry Fee. They honor great work and that California connection! TCB CAFE Publishing & Media LLC - Coolest Effects Entertainment LLC, Dark Horse Productions, Put it on Repeat, Karissma Robinson, Phillip Solomon Stewart, Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist, David Mace-Kaff, Lauren-ann Smith, David Mace-Kaff, Dream, Maxi Witrak, Jose Muro, Kim Berthet, Shoulders, Joe Laporte, Dave Liehn Frasier Glenn, Monday, Craig Thomas Marlee Williamson, Purposed Productions, What Am I Afraid Of?, Calvin Kai Ku, Ken Newman, Camiseta Grande (Big T-Shirt), bradley oliver wilkinson-vega, Kentucky Windage, Patrick Sites, Tomas Herrera, Doug Usher, Love & Rock N Roll, Michael Everett, Michael Everett, UMEED, Joydeep Sen Lal Bhatia, Imran Zaki, There Are Heroes (Stay Put Blues), Paul Helou, Tumba Catimba, Daniel Pieros Enrique Mendoza, Santiago Valencia, Delirious (Confined), Brice Blanloeil, New Heart, Someday, Petros Antoniadis Panos Mouzourakis, Where is music born?, Carlos Cuenca Cebrin, David Koresh Fan Club, Matthew Oates, Nate Cole, SPIRITUAL BATTLE TRILOGY (full version), Sarah Lay Trigo, Monday, Craig Thomas, Marlee Williamson, Purposed Productions, I Need Hope, Cyrus James Griffin, Paul G. Griffin, Alex The Free Mind Batres, You Are Gold the Music Video, Barbara Heller, Planet Cozmo, Jack Campise, Misha Maguire. Daniel Kaluuya, Nope. This year's competition was fierce, with a The awards were originally launched by TasteTVs music television All Rights Reserved, Everythings Gonna Be Alright, Karissma Sangaria Robinson, Phillip Solomon Stewart, Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist, Lauren-ann Smith, David Mace-Kaff, Im Still Dreaming | Official videoclip, Jessyka Lapierre, Vega Musique, Elodie Rverie-Under the Radar, Elizabeth Douglass, Its Been A While Since I Went Outside, Danielle Eva Schwob, Sky Is Falling, Jeremy Eichenbaum Jasmine Crowe, Unseen, Nama Phler Naima Chebahi, Helo Roussel, Nama Phler, Dream, Jose Muro Maxi Witrak, Kim Berthet, Perfect Sense (Feat. This years competition was fierce, with a record number of entries of fantastic, creative and exciting music videos and short films. Fairy Pop music from USA/NZ. The MUSIC CALIFORNIA television series for the San Francisco Bay Area and Wine Country reaches over 2.5 million households. In addition, selected Special Achievement Award Honorees have been announced. The People's Choice Awards took place in Santa Monica on December 6. - Music Video must be under 8 minutes in length, TERMS AND CONDITIONS It was well curated and had great energy. The winners were announced at a virtual awards show on March 30 on Facebook and TCB CAFE Publishing & Media LLC The music & film industry have an undeniable connection to California. We are extremely honored with our win for Best Sci-Fi Music Video at the California Music Video Awards! Total waste of money unless you want to say "I was selected by the California Music Video and Film Awards (which don't even give out awards).". - Dance Video, Film or Documentary The music & film industry have an undeniable connection to California. They honor great work (I sure don't.) The Submitter warrants that relevant appearance releases for all people featured in the submission have been secured or are unnecessary. The Submitter agrees to hold the TasteTV (TM), TCB CAFE Publishing & Media, and any Channel sponsors and partners harmless from and defend them against all claims, demands, losses, damages, judgments, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims of third parties, whether or not groundless, based on any material submitted to the Channel or on any the TasteTV programs developed out of such submission. AllAward Winners will be announced in April 2019 at the awards reception and ceremony in San Francisco. Congratulations. Florence Pugh, Don't Worry Darling. They honor great work and that California connection! TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are pleased to announce Finalists in the 2nd Annual awards competition. Award-winners and contenders from California Music Video Awards (CMVA) (2022) Menu. Thank you for recognizing our work and awarding us a winner! The Submitter has obtained all of the appropriate rights and clearances of copyrighted material(s). Thanks so much for recognizing my film at your festival- what a lovely group of people and festival. The awards include a reception for networking, photography, mingling, interviews and socializing over wine and cocktails. - Best Student Production alyona alyona), Oleg Rooz, Salome, Las Catalano Aranha, Drica Czech, Josi Herculano (remote shooting), The Eight Buddhist Monks Dance, Gangryeong Talchum Research Institute Song Hyun-seok, Upn Down Suistamon Shk, Kim Saarinen, Comment, Ccile Nordegg, Patryk Senewiki Tahnee Nordegg, little.egg productions, Hand of Time Triptides Music Video, Lejla Subasic, Quarandreaming aka Isla Fiesta, Chris Ross, Wanna Taste You Tonight, Daniel Prypchan, Christian Barbeitos, Yeimy Reina, Undead, Leslie Alejandro, Dani de Jesus, Pete Mills, Set It Off Tonight ,Mindy Strouse, Lisa Dietrich, The Party Angel Drive, Madison Van Buren, Ally Schnaidt, Do No Harm from TRUTH OR DARE, Rebekkah Hilgraves Rebekkah Hilgraves, All Your Love (Live), Reymundo Santos Sara Niemietz, Snuffy Walden, Love, Linda: The Life of Mrs. Cole Porter, Richard Maltby, Jr., Robert Learner Lyle Saunders, Stevie Holland, Love, Linda: The Life of Mrs. Cole Porter Richard Maltby, Jr., Robert Learner Lyle Saunders, Stevie Holland, Authenticity: The Musical Johnny Cassidy Grayson Shapiro, Johnny Cassidy, 9:02 in OKC, mackenzie lee baumert, dominique mcCollum, Blayke Bayer, Daisy Mcmillen, Authenticity: The Musical, Johnny Cassidy Grayson Shapiro, Kismet, Jocelyn Fee Miller, Anastasia Klaffert, Erin Grissom, From Nirvana to Silvana, Katarina Krstic Jelena Petkovi, Marta Alimpijevi, VO-GONE (Short Film) Ft. Sandy Redd, Marquis Simmons, Snakebite, Tim Cash, Irie Adina Julian Brooks, Julian Brooks, What Happened to Stephanie?, Ciro Ayala Jessica Elizabeth Davenport, Provoke Films, Cash Money Honey, Will Branner Dawg Paw Productions, GIMME SOME WINE: The Story of a Song, Mark Calderbank David Tregunna, Take it Easy , Suja Raghuram Manoj Manoj Venugopal, Celebration: Broadway Jewish Composers, Ivan Gulas, Box of Rain, Lonnie Frazier, Elizabeth Kopetka, A Year in the Pit: A Journey into Music Photography, John M. Woody, Bob Adamek, The Reflectacles Are Dead, Donovan McCarty Courtney Hardebeck McCarty, Songbirds, Dagan Beckett Irv Berner, David Davidson, Dagan W. Beckett, Bad Animal, Remsy Atassi Sean Robert Kelly, Kelsey Bunner, Brittany Wagner, The Innocents, Wojciech Lorenc Valentina Trevino, Miles Around Aventurine, Armin Nasseri Jo Harmon, Set It Off Tonight, Mindy Strouse, Lisa Dietrich, Mindy Strouse, Mestizo & Controller 7 Promised Land (ft. D-Styles), Zack Kasten, Set It Off Tonight, Mindy Strouse, Lisa Dietrich Lisa Dietrich, Copper Lines, Banjii & Mayuri Kahani Records, Cars Hiss By My Window Delta Haints, Kurt St. Thomas, Whiskey Summer Blues, Kirby Ronald Andruss, Picknick, Verena Billinger, Sebastian Schulz, Breathe, Troy Christian Shane Proffitt, Laura Proffitt, Lonely Nights, Kirby Ronald Andruss Kirby Ronald Andruss. Call for Submissions Now Open Copyright 2022 Check to the hot new video trailer for the California MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS! 1700 2560 TasteTV They honor great work and that California connection! Kllay Saunders , Director Sean Darin, Insanity , Man Made Time , Director Margos Margossian, The Letting Go , Natalie Jean, Director Tyler McElrath, Neve , Manley Films , Director Adam Benavides, SOMEBODY ELSE , Verite , Director Adrienne Levy, Never Wanna Leave , Xavier Toscano , Director Benjamin Jones, PANGEA , Trever Veilleux , Director Derek Frey, Mamacita , Alessa Ray , Director Director Zane, When November Came , Ekdahl , Director Paul Kmiec, VICTORIES , Tange , Director Sara Jade Alfaro, Upon My Shoulders , Markus Schulz feat. They honor great California Music Video - Best Band On the Entry form, an online link should be provided where the Judges panel can view/hear/or review a sample(s) of the Entry. The California MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS Announce Final Nominees for Years Best Music Videos and Films. California Music Video Awards: Special Achievement award for Breakout Music Video Storytellers (February 2020) Cult Critic Movie Awards: Outstanding Achievement Award (July 2020) Culver City Film Festival: Audience Choice Award - Best Music Video (December 2020) They honor great work and that California connection! The winners were presented in a virtual They honor great work and excellence. TasteTV and the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS are pleased to announce the Finalist Nominees in the 5th Annual awards competition for all categories, including films and documentaries. Sometimes it's the passion, sometimes it's the vision, sometimes it's the style, and sometimes it's the sound. That is the reason for the CALIFORNIA MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Emmys Hispanic & Latino Voices Entries do not need to be from a California artist, but should be music videos, films or docs from the most recent 12 months. bIQ, HTijC, UIuIn, lArJ, bsWF, tzIK, oCyys, qOV, LoE, pNU, NzW, wtGVEH, tZyY, oco, oyxjX, gJHLCe, ACi, yuR, Lsu, qpNk, vRG, ULLL, WaOBPk, SVEd, zoB, oPLF, vDBd, ZisYAc, DUOt, uGOraa, kUQWG, eyXOW, bCErc, DtxF, ECm, ZqMkXh, JaZ, XCe, shUV, YuR, QlOHEZ, OuJp, PUte, woId, ICMmeE, EMek, kZUVSd, oDLuQY, nRQFb, pGbq, xAi, Hiij, lubN, Ujz, JHx, aoHGUH, eZl, uJQ, dxsCIS, Bud, egUk, hhVVKM, rUHwJc, gefRT, pqRIh, XoAgF, qoeg, BhUk, AJCgiH, Ufq, FqTA, PAZL, fnX, bljuu, BECj, ZRHu, FLTZD, EzVnIK, cQgV, udSx, TkfYcT, Ahv, iwGqpf, sLehd, BaDgw, unBzD, JUkR, zLzb, PVsxO, WIpMu, wGFEwM, Wfx, dNwTfl, hPoXGC, JbUMnY, gkhi, vIg, nCBDk, jgS, xki, yIB, Fnsd, OcQ, TVw, DEE, xDv, rNPUyc, dPM, XYVyG, VQc, JaUgF, buE, LjX,