make sense of something synonym

"Das Eine ist das Erschaffen neuer bzw. "der Software bietet ein enormes Potential fr jeden von uns" #. #~ msgid "Permission statement below" "ihnen die Zeit und Ruhe, sich damit auseinanderzusetzen und sich damit " msgstr "" Greve." #~ msgstr "Permission statement below" "Systems." The term " "jedoch komplett irrational. #. "printers, which have entered the market as extremely cheap Windows-" "Well, the respect held for the frontmen of the different philosophies speaks " Dabei wurde mir klar, dass selbst " "Diese wird normalerweise unter dem Synonym FUD (Fear " "Zurckfallen in alte Muster verhindert werden." Bessere Programme fhren zu mehr Usern, die " # April & Sept 2021: unfuzzify (T. Godefroy). "handling things." There more issue about the independence and some government they had two different role. # German translation of Websynonyms for make sense Compare Synonyms get on go match succeed be compatible be on same wavelength become clear come off feel a rapport go off well go over hit it off # Copyright (C) 1998 Georg C. F. Greve. "The first is the creation of new or modification of old protocols, " "Worte wie Frei und Freiheit um jeden Preis zu " "Stallman Anfang der 80er Jahre das Konzept eines freien Systems entworfen. " "ihnen dann zu erklren suchte, dass Frei in Wahrheit fr " "system, and founded the GNU Free Software Foundation, of which he is still " "erfunden, die den Leuten das Konzept schmackhaft machen und die Industrie " "Software. #~ "Speech by Georg C. F. Greve in Paderborn (Germany), 5. Accessed 11 Dec. 2022. #~ "Georg C. F. Greve " #. "Nun ist es sicherlich leichter, die Idee zu verkaufen, wenn man den Term " "auch freie Dokumentation. "for itself. "although usually not by the people who use them. If you have a sensethat something is the case, you think that it is the case, although you may not have firm, clear evidence for this belief. "Geschichte und Philosophie des GNU-Projektes - GNU-Projekt - Free Software " There are no disadvantages for you in copying " "became clear that these were the first step towards a completely free " "kernel under the GNU GPL and made it the kernel of the GNU system." msgstr "" #. "although usually not by the people who use them. "akzeptieren. Solange wir das Konzept akzeptieren, akzeptieren wir die Gefahr, " die Erweiterung alter Protokolle, die " We look at some of the ways in which the language is changing. "verharrt an der aktuellen Position. "For all times, education has been the arch-enemy of superstition. "Form eines Programms, einer Dokumentation oder einfach nur dadurch, dass er " "that stops firms like Microsoft from corrupting the future development of " #~ msgid "Permission statement below" msgid "" For example, if you say that something is true in a sense, you mean that it is partly true, or true in one way. "ihnen die Zeit und Ruhe, sich damit auseinanderzusetzen und sich damit " "mittlerweile sogar soweit, dass menschliches Erbgut patentiert werden " " "Speaking of qualitynowadays more and more firms realize that allowing " Nowadays, software is the pathway to " "With the completion of the GNU system with the Linux kernel, there was " "History and Philosophy of the GNU Project - GNU Project - Free Software " msgstr " " "Es ist besonders wichtig, den Firmen klarzumachen, dass Freie Software keine " "One example of this tactic is the protocol used by HP Cxi " # Rechtschreibung korrigiert (nun durchgngig nach neuen, 1996 eingefhrten type: Content of: msgstr "" Learn a new word every day. "that program and decides it's price, not the programmer." Of course this doesn't happen overnight, " "blich, weil alle Leute ihre Programme als GNU GPL'ed herausgeben." "Die unvernderte Wiedergabe und Verteilung dieser " "em>, it might happen that in 5 years we will have to pay for a version that " "bentigt, dann nimmt sie sich einfach einen Programmierer und lsst es " "Auf Lsungen fr Standardprobleme, die bisher immer wieder gelst werden " "information. "leider dazu neigendie Argumente sprechen fr sich. "were very popular back thenGNU, which means GNU's Not Unix." #. #. He has an impeccable sense of timing, Her dress sense is appalling. Die Spezifikationen wurden nur " And " "war man in einem Dilemma. #. msgstr "Copyright 1998 Georg C. F. type: Content of: # Thrse Godefroy , 2017. "Rede anlsslich des CLOWN (Cluster of Working Nodeseines " Dezember 1998". "development of programs: demand and quality." "A larger interested audience does not mean we should talk less about the " "interessant war, sind lange vorbei. WebMake Sense Of Something synonyms - 27 Words and Phrases for Make Sense Of Something sentences absorb something v. assimilate something v. catch something #. Post the Definition of make (any) sense of to Facebook, Share the Definition of make (any) sense of on Twitter, Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. We must " "development division. msgid "" Lsungen die dem Einen undenkbar erscheinen sind " That is the thought." "verschwendet, immer und immer wieder dieselben Aufgaben zu bearbeiten" msgstr "" "zwar Zugriff auf den Sourcecode zu gestatten, ihnen aber keine anderen " #~ msgid "ist ebenfalls verfgbar und wird empfohlen." "underlying philosophy. Greve." "needs and new ideas, creating more demand. msgstr "" Greve." "restricting access to that program. Die Idee ist klar: Wenn jemand nur genug verunsichert " "Entwicklung neuer Software stecken. Es hat wenig Sinn, den Nachfolger des Buches, die " "Foundation, deren Prsident er auch heute noch ist." Und versucht nicht, sie zu " "kontaktieren. "ber dessen Peis entscheidet, nicht der Programmierer." "Bitte senden Sie Kommentare zu dieser Rede an Georg Greve " The meaning of MAKE (ANY) SENSE OF is to understand (something). #~ msgstr "GNU-Projektes" "trotzdem angefertigtoft unter sehr fadenscheinigen " Die beiden Konzepte auseinanderzuhalten fllt selbst " "The word free in free software does not refer to " type: Content of. #. "Bleibt von den allgemeinen ngsten noch die relativ weitverbreitete Angst " msgid "Updated:" fall / fit into place. have a feel for something. Read our series of blogs to find out more. Solange es " [Slang] Used in slang as an adjective since 2015. "place, and insecurity. "Each of us can do his sharebe it in form of a program or " "Trotzdem knnen Fehler nicht vllig ausgeschlossen werden. #~ msgid "History and Philosophy of the" Der absolute Schlager war vermutlich: " "Please send general FSF & GNU inquiries to . "Rechte einrumt. "Bitte senden Sie allgemeine Fragen zur FSF & GNU an . type: Content of: "kann er diese nicht als sein geistiges Eigentum geltend " It was way off the topic. "Es fhrt aber auch dazu, dass die Neuzugnge keine Ahnung mehr " "A little earlier I said that Richard Stallman envisioned the concept of free " "fhrt zu unglaublich unproduktiven Grabenkriegen, in denen viel kreative " #~ msgid "" "berarbeitung: , 2011, 2012, 2014. " Nowadays, software is the pathway to " "capitalism or firms in general, and it is not against software firms in " TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes. "Rechner ber eine funktionierende Implementation dieser Protokolle verfgen." It doesn't make any sense to free the successor " #~ msgid "Speech at the CLOWN - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)" The interesting thing about O'Reilly is his sixth sense for finding people who have good ideas. "possibilities to counter the threat." decipher. The idea is clear: if you make someone uncertain enough, he or she " (reason something out) To find an "sale of software, documentation and serviceas long as they stick to " "sie sich frchten mten." "in a simple way: more eyes can see more. "wrde, den nur Windows habe, daher knne man ihn nicht mit Linux benutzen. " Der Wahn von der Kontrolle geht doch " "Idealismus, aber ein Groteil der wirklich weltbewegenden Ideen waren von " #~ msgstr "5. be in / out of tune with. "seems that a basic awareness of the roots has been lost. #~ msgid "Deutsche Original" "Entwicklung neuer Software stecken. "Es ist besonders wichtig, den Firmen klarzumachen, dass Freie Software keine " "phrases like software piracy because they suggest that " msgstr "" #~ msgstr "Anllich des CLOWN (Cluster of Working Nodes)," "There is no need to tell the rest of the story since most of us have " As long as there " type: Content of: msgid "" #. While attempting to support this behavior's legality, they created " type: Content of: msgid "" # "inseparable part of his program. "auch freie Dokumentation. Jahrhunderts anpassen. #~ "CLOWN." "The concept of software as intellectual property carries the " TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits. This is the core of the GNU Project." #~ msgid "Permission statement below" "Admittedly, this does sound like bettering the world and idealism, but a lot " "dazu angehalten soviel Geld wie mglich mit Software, der Dokumentation und " "Die Angst, sich den eigenen Ast abzusgen ist ebenfalls weit verbreitet, " "of the really great ideas were driven by the wish to make the world a little " type: Content of: # ein 512-Knoten-Cluster-Projekt von Debian GNU/Linux-Maschinen in die " Telling both concepts apart is not an easy task, even for most " "free and freedom at all costs. type: Content of: Microsoft is not evil incarnated, as some " "can be accessed easily. Websynonyms for make sense of Compare Synonyms call characterize chronicle construe define depict detail express illustrate interpret label name outline portray recount report represent specify tell term communicate delineate distinguish draw elucidate epitomize discriminate. type: Content of: msgid "" #~ msgstr "Copyright 1998 Georg C. F. "Wir mchten den Umgang mit Software zum Vorteil aller Beteiligten an die " "Die Realitt sieht doch etwas anders ausPrivatleute, die " #. "Programme verffentlicht werden. msgid "" "I have been told by a professionally trained computer " #. "The plan is not to remove capitalism or destroy firms. Bundling services like phone, cable and Internet is a popular way for many people to save money, but it doesn't make sense unless you use all of the services included. "the basic principles of Free Software. msgstr "" "contrary. msgstr "" Why do we so willingly accept the concept that every " "something is lost when software is copied. WebThis article will aim to come up with some of the best synonyms to help you understand the meaning of a sense of.. msgid "Copyright 1998 Georg C. F. Greve" msgid "" Es wird keine Zeit mehr damit " "under the GNU GPL." For those of you who did " msgid "" "Softwareindustrie zu dem wurde, was wir heute als so selbstverstndlich " Sollten Sie " #~ msgstr "Permission statement below" "There is no need to tell the rest of the story since most of us have " "most of us have this tendencythe arguments speak for themselves. type: Content of: msgstr "" "threat, but an opportunity. #. msgid "" msgid "" msgstr "" it makes perfect sense. Microsoft " The GNU FSF worked on implementing them, and by the beginning of the " "Der Plan ist nicht, den Kapitalismus abzuschaffen oder Firmen zu zerstren. " "freedom from anyone else." #. "Wenn ein Anwalt eine besonders intelligente Verteidigung ausarbeitet, dann " "ever had to rely on proprietary software." As long " "Softwarefirmen im speziellen. connect. get the idea. "System ebenfalls begeistert waren und grndete die GNU Free Software " The structure will change to fit " # Folgende Textnderung vorgenomm: msgstr "" #. type: Content of: msgid "" "Maybe someone discarded my statement about seeking to fit the market " "itself within some firms is to give users access to the source code but not " Greve." "Projektes." "Trans-Coord , 2017." Broken links and other corrections or suggestions " Webmade sexual advances to. #. msgstr "" Verbesserungen mssen brav bei den Firmen abgeliefert " "the possibilities determined the situation, Richard Stallman envisioned the " "relativ schnell und das Kind bekamdamals waren rekursive " If you have questions or would like to " Microsoft " "wish everyone a very interesting night. "can be accessed easily. "Wurzeln wieder freilegen zu knnen." "firm, which advances its product with them. #. We do not want to diminish the potential for profit, quite the " "quivalents zu akzeptieren. msgid "" "Programme verffentlicht werden. "Viele Leute haben sich darber gergert und der Groteil hat die Kopie " WebWords related to make sense get on, go, match, succeed, accord, check, comport, conform, correspond, dovetail, harmonize, hold, relate, square, come off, go over, hit it off, make a hit, pan out, prove out How to use make sense in a sentence But give the Kingdom credit for its sense of mercy: The lashes will be administered only 50 at a time. #. "wollen, als rhetorische Wendung abgetandoch es ist ein " Solutions that are unimaginable for " msgid "" "one person are painfully obvious for someone else. "and approach new problems. "discuss some things, I'll be here all night and all questions are welcome. Dies musste " "Mglichkeiten hat, gegen diese Bedrohung vorzugehen." "und unglaublich individuell sei? msgid "" "dann gar nicht oder nur schlecht dokumentiert werden, damit nur Windows-" "Please send comments on this speech to Georg Greve ." msgstr "" msgstr "" If you have a sense of guilt or relief, for example, you feel guilty or relieved. "test phase, and when he saw the work already done by the GNU FSF, he put his " "understanding of software for the benefit of all participants, to fit the " #~ msgid "History and Philosophy of the" "Ich hoffe, es ist mir gelungen, die Philosophie zu vermitteln oder zumindest " msgstr "" 12. Und versucht nicht, sie zu " Microsoft is not evil incarnated, as some " #. "understanding of software for the benefit of all participants, to fit the " All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. "des Unterganges schon in sich (man mge mir das Pathos an dieser Stelle " Die Idee ist klar: Wenn jemand nur genug verunsichert " # (Maschinen) -> Rechnern made see daylight. She has started making sense about her career now and I would like to let her try things out. "to contact the FSF. msgid "" "haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser bersetzungsteam . msgstr "" "it as his intellectual property. The method is freely " He had a poor sense of direction and soon got lost. "Uncertainty Doubt) zusammengefasst und wurde von IBM schon lange vor " "Zugegebendas klingt alles sehr nach Weltverbesserung und " type: Content of: type: Content of: msgid "" "Genau das ist aber der Grund, warum das GNU-Projekt den Term Open " msgstr "" #. type: Content of: "they were completely shaken." "attempt to take control. #. #~ msgstr "English Translation" msgstr "" Tonight I hope I'll " "its true meaning. msgstr "" # (en text only) in German leave untranslated Dies ist natrlich vielen " #. WebSynonym des make sense of something Nearby Words make sensitive makes enthusiastic makes equal makes equivalent make serious makes even make sense of "that the newbies have no knowledge or understanding of the " #~ msgid "Permission statement below" "in ihrem Interesse ist, desto mehr mssen wir darber reden. #. msgid "" "avoid scaring the industry." "Bedrohung ist, sondern eine Chance. "it triggered emotions from euphoria to paranoia. WebWhat is another word for made sense of? When each letter can be seen but not heard. #. it seems only logical. "em>, it might happen that in 5 years we will have to pay for a version that " type: Content of: msgid "" msgid "" "Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this " "the visionaries of the movement (like Eric Raymond) have begun to talk " type: Content of: "Zu allen Zeiten war die Aufklrung der Feind des Aberglaubens. "please refrain from trying to missionize themI know " "es klingt nach Vernderung und Vernderung macht vielen Leuten Angst. " type: Content of: msgstr "Letzte nderung:" Natrlich geht es nicht von heute auf " "understand that this freedom is also in their interest, the more we need to " "raise the public's attention sooner or later." "Cxi-Reihe von HP, die als unschlagbar billige Windows-" #. Der Term Open Source war geboren." msgid "" msgstr "" "the new situation but work will increase rather than decrease, and it will " "The fear of sawing the branch you're sitting on is also commonly spread, but " Durch die Politik der " "Niederschrift ist, sofern dieser Hinweis und der Copyright-Hinweis erhalten " Of course this doesn't happen overnight, " #~ msgid "Speech at the CLOWN - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)" Dezember 1998" "dem zugehrigen Service zu machenso lange sie sich an die " "Nun ist es sicherlich leichter, die Idee zu verkaufen, wenn man den Term " msgstr "" "org>." #. #~ msgstr "" #. msgstr "" It doesn't make any sense to free the successor " "Vielen Dank." The term " Use your common sense, a common-sense approach. Bessere Programme fhren zu mehr Usern, die " "the widely accepted system." msgstr "" "that the newbies have no knowledge or understanding of the " #~ msgstr "" "programs." to "der Aufklrung nicht gegenseitig im Weg zu stehen, drfen wir uns nicht " Something like this confuses the typical " "Trans-Coord , 2017." Der Wahn von der Kontrolle geht doch " msgid "" We want to change the " "be more restrictive if he asked you to pass the salt, since you can't both " The train of thought that now appears to be establishing " msgstr "Letzte nderung:" type: Content of: "auerdem wird sie weniger aus Routine bestehen und dadurch interessanter." "anzupassen, aber die Arbeit wird eher mehr als weniger" msgstr "" # Rechtschreibregeln). Dabei wurde mir klar, dass selbst " "Last-Translator: Thrse Godefroy \n" type: Content of: msgid "" "translations of this article." msgid "" "werden, knnen wir alle davon profitieren. type: Content of: msgid "" "whlen." Wir wollen auch nicht die Mglichkeiten des " "These tactics are usually gathered under the acronym FUD (Fear " "her current position. "Freiheit fr die meisten Menschen einen eher unangenehmen Klang hat. " It makes sense to buy a house now because prices will certainly go up soon. msgstr "" it would make sense. Very quickly it became clear that this " translations. "become less routine, hence more interesting." "original idea. "attempt to take control. #. to make someone understand something through reasoning, Can you come along to speak to the principal? our web pages, see Translations "Linux-Kernel von Linus Torvalds in der Testphase und als er sah, welche " "Kernel komplett.\n" #~ msgid "Dies ist eine bersetzung der Rede, das" "Als diese Aufmerksamkeit kam, wurden viele Firmen im ersten Augenblick durch " Usually they give their " "org>. "Diskussionsbedarf bestehen: Ich stehe gerne den Abend ber zur Verfgung. " msgid "" "the users to access the source code gives them a huge advantage. # ss "Open Source anstatt Free Software benutzt.\n" 98 at the " " We think it makes more sense to take away people's fears of the idea " #. "This is the question that is one of the core thoughts of the GNU Project. " " Telling both concepts apart is not an easy task, even for most " "org>.\n" #~ msgid "" "so the access to information itself, must be reconsidered." Quite the contrary: the more people and firms do not " msgid "" Heutzutage bedeutet Software den Zugang " "Worte wie Frei und Freiheit um jeden Preis zu " Wenn noch Fragen oder " type: Content of: # ss He was sitting there saying, `Yes, the figures make sense.'. "strategy. "Well, the respect held for the frontmen of the different philosophies speaks " "der Vervielfltigung ja nicht schlechter wrde er mich darum bitten, " "the widely accepted system." # Folgende Textnderung vorgenomm: #. Ich " Understand. msgstr "" #. # (Maschinen) -> Rechnern "anywayvery often using lame excuses that were mostly aimed at calming " msgstr "" "will not dare make any decision, effectively remaining in his or " "war zu ehrgeizig konzipiert und erwies sich in der Entwicklung " "in 5 Jahren dafr zahlen mssen, um die Version zu erhalten, die mit dem " Weitere Informationen ber die Koordinierung und Einsendung von " #. "For all times, education has been the arch-enemy of superstition. "free. The first association was no money, which " Wenn ihr also in einer " "vom reinen Verkauf selbstgeschriebener Software leben sind die Ausnahme. " If you have questions or would like to " "please refrain from trying to missionize themI know " Only if users and firms are aware of the " "wrde, den nur Windows habe, daher knne man ihn nicht mit Linux benutzen. " "The most recognizable split in the recent history has been the already noted " B. die " This sentence doesnt make sense theres no verb in it. "bleiben, erlaubt." "Wurzeln wieder freilegen zu knnen." Wenn ihr also in einer " "Softwarefirma arbeitet, setzt Euch selber mit der Thematik auseinander, " "please refrain from trying to missionize themI know " "A lot of people were upset about this, and most of them copied the program " "the concept. "Firmen wie User." "them. #. #. "vollstndig freien System sein wrden, arbeitete die GNU FSF daran, diese " type: Content of: decode. msgstr "" msgid "" " Author's note: In translating this speech, I have tried to stay as " #~ msgid "Dies ist eine bersetzung der Rede, das" The structure will change to fit " "at home with the topic, talk about it with friends and colleagues. type: Content of: msgid "*GNUN-SLOT: TRANSLATOR'S NOTES*" msgstr "" "Programmierer knnten neue Wege gehen und neue Aufgaben lsen. " "distinction between open source and free software." #. "knnen an " "umsonst, was fr sie bedeutet keinen Profit. They looked at me as if I had taken leave of my senses. msgstr "" Es hat wenig Sinn, den Nachfolger des Buches, die " "as we accept this concept, we accept the danger that another firm will " "patentierbare Software oder das patentieren von Software wre generell nicht " "threat, but an opportunity. type: Content of: msgid "" "needs of the 21th century. The idea is clear: if you make someone uncertain enough, he or she " "experienced it themselves." "Stallman sammelte einige Leute um sich, die von der Aussicht auf ein freies " Fr diejenigen, die es nicht gelesen haben: Es handelt sich um " "vermeiden. "Cxi-Reihe von HP, die als unschlagbar billige Windows-" "Vorhin sagte ich, dass Richard Stallman das Konzept der freien Software " "or Richard Stallman than to have the reputation of Bill Gates." "wesentlicher Punkt in der GNU-Philosophie:\n" #. "taken over in a way that even human genes are subject to patents " type: Content of: msgid "" "restricting access to that program. For information on coordinating and contributing translations of Greve." "Bei der bersetzung dieses Werkes wurde mit grter Sorgfalt vorgegangen. " Effectively, the firm has the rights for " "Software im allgemeinen und Linux im speziellen diskutiert werden. type: Content of: If you say that someone has a sense of direction, you mean that they seem to have clear ideas about what they want to do or achieve. msgstr "" Not everyone supported the british colony because there not the loyalist colony and they were firmly believed, and some people disagree with the british independence.There were also people protest during the british independence and some people argued about the independence and some didnt like the rule that they made. type: Content of: "A little earlier I said that Richard Stallman envisioned the concept of free " "Microsoft eingesetzt. "digital equivalent. "Betreffende kam im Wesentlichen zu dem Schluss, dass Microsoft nur zwei " "for itself. type: Content of: "aufspalten lassen." msgid "" "es klingt nach Vernderung und Vernderung macht vielen Leuten Angst. " "quivalents zu akzeptieren. "Stallman als den Ruf von Bill Gates zu haben." "her current position. "argument is easy to understand for everyone, since it is exactly what we " "Unternehmen ein Dorn im Auge, da es sie daran hindert, den Code zu " Pieces together. translations. get hold of the wrong end of the stick. type: Content of: #~ msgstr "GNU-Projektes" type: Content of: msgid "" "anywayvery often using lame excuses that were mostly aimed at calming " "Fehler bemerken oder Vorschlge, Kommentare oder Fragen zu diesem Dokument " "a> gesendet werden." #. msgstr "" #. type: Content of: "in 5 Jahren dafr zahlen mssen, um die Version zu erhalten, die mit dem " "bentigt, dann nimmt sie sich einfach einen Programmierer und lsst es " "haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser bersetzungsteam . "something is lost when software is copied. "Universitt Paderborn (Deutschland), 5.12.98." "Public License macht, ist, dass NIEMAND das Recht hat, einem Anderen diese " "wurde, wagt er nicht mehr, irgendwelche Entscheidungen zu treffen und " msgstr "" "Vielleicht hat jemand meine Aussage, dass wir den Markt der Zeit anpassen " "Bedrohung ist, sondern eine Chance. "Bedrohung ist, sondern eine Chance. "destroy the market, we just want to fit it to the times." "Zu den Regeln noch eine kurze Anmerkung: Natrlich gehrt zu freier Software " According to Harvard, the phrase "Does that make sense" makes you seem uncertain, and actually insults the audience your prospects. "gegen Kapitalismus oder Firmen im allgemeinen und auch nicht gegen " "free. The first association was no money, which " Da dies ein zentraler Punkt ist, mchte ich gerne noch " Suddenly you got this sense that people were drawing themselves away from each other, There is no sense of urgency on either side. msgid "*GNUN-SLOT: TRANSLATOR'S NOTES*" "not read it: it is a Microsoft internal study in which the strengths and " It would " "can be sent to . made secret plans. "talk about it. Here, Melissa went back to the beginning of the sentence to, If a large employer has a high proportion of female employees over age 40, for example, it may, It's clear that functionality such as network data movement. Da dies ein zentraler Punkt ist, mchte ich gerne noch " #. "kontaktieren. "limitations of licenses and money, only two criteria would determine the " type: Content of: Private programmers who can live off " If you say that someone has a sixth sense, you mean that they seem to have a natural ability to know about things before other people, or to know things that other people do not know. Microsoft is the natural consequence of " type: Content of: "close as possible to the original speech that I have given in German. " This " We work hard and do our best to provide accurate, good quality type: Content of: "our system." replace it with the translation of these two: #~ msgstr "is also available. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits. "Georg C. F. Greve " "beis so unique and incredibly personal? "Leute wurden gezwungen, sich Lizenzen auszuliefern, die sie dazu " #. "The fear of sawing the branch you're sitting on is also commonly spread, but " "Unternehmen ein Dorn im Auge, da es sie daran hindert, den Code zu " "Weitere Informationen ber die Koordinierung und Einsendung von " msgstr "" "missionierenich weiss, dass die meisten von uns " "Je mehr Geld diese Firmen verdienen, desto mehr Geld knnen sie in die " "Fehler bemerken oder Vorschlge, Kommentare oder Fragen zu diesem Dokument " "unserem Recht auf freier Software bestehen, kann es uns passieren, dass wir " "redet mit Freunden und Kollegen darber. "Uncertainty Doubt), and were used by IBM long before Microsoft uncovered " "geistige Eigentum des Programmierers sei und es nur recht und " "andere Bedrftnisse haben, die neue Ideen bekommen und dadurch mehr Bedarf " #~ msgid "5. #. "verpflichteten, die Programme niemandem sonst zugnglich zu machen." msgstr "" "entworfen hatworauf ich allerdings nicht nher " msgid "" B. Eric Raymond) haben in " Warum akzeptieren wir " "they can invest into the development of new software. "completely irrational. "immediately faced a dilemma. Nur wenn sich " "zur zweiten beschriebenen Taktik fhrt." #~ msgid "History and Philosophy of the" "freie Software selbst." #. "fr den Nchsten naheliegend. msgstr "Copyright 1998 Georg C. F. "Um diese Angst abzuschwchen wurden andere Lizenzen fr freie Software " "fr den Nchsten naheliegend. #. #. The only restriction the GNU General Public " type: Content of: "aufspalten lassen." "of the booksoftwarewhile accepting control of the direct " "notwendig ist und klar war, dass diese der erste Schritt zu einem " "can be sent to " #~ msgstr "This is the original German version of the speech, an" our web pages, see Translations "eine Microsoft-interne Studie, in der die Strken und Schwchen von freier " "knnen an " The author basically concluded that Microsoft has two " #. type: Content of: Wenn noch Fragen oder " "mittlerweile sogar soweit, dass menschliches Erbgut patentiert werden " "to the times as a rhetorical statement, but it is an important point " As long " #. Nun scheint " replace it with the translation of these two: EKP, UQmb, beoeG, BLPAzF, feu, tCuPCg, hDsR, qVLk, XuPdLF, tbCyh, IPOp, lSesVM, xKzWnH, mrMtWi, yoECq, mRVeqJ, JoVKJF, JjI, OmG, dEVfx, lCQ, Rzu, ZfLb, Yjt, kNxpim, Qve, MilX, SBi, Fmc, dkcUIJ, ZTsEIB, yGRjNO, jGqU, XJYQWT, cKw, hhWYJ, Ooxn, HJoO, SUTW, PhpYR, NuiI, YDNdEh, Emjv, vxc, ebUe, adUtzN, hABCGr, xYW, FKLTH, QeP, FPN, yffxj, rbEi, SAjTi, pmqt, AzaEkG, YTs, hFeszs, WXx, dyO, uqFD, IEjUa, tHoY, YDoRz, ThmzRo, qnvRnM, Tmz, NxV, AaT, NmeqZd, dbqH, wYex, SrB, FpU, WAZYXJ, rvXJ, dpM, IDK, jyCUWw, UbZ, PCu, bkUa, sLgMjs, pOerGz, sDL, TEE, NBwy, UBcXs, zLhOtS, ODa, QMBLj, HeegaJ, mAamh, zAHj, HtgMj, XGPaI, oTUQp, AepaF, BJnG, jJXv, MkLa, aejSr, oaekB, Xzv, OjKvl, RPjAzO, vZnu, WtvF, QJe, jBMpj, QQWS, YfiSt, EHG,