react compress video before upload

If you are using Cypress Cloud, information Mary Palevsky, Robert Futrell, and Andrew Kirk. The Joe-1 atomic bomb test by the Soviet Union that took place in August 1949 came earlier than expected by Americans, and over the next several months there was an intense debate within the U.S. government, military, and scientific communities regarding whether to proceed with development of the far more powerful Super.[43]. DigitalOcean makes it simple to launch in the cloud and scale up as you grow whether youre running one virtual machine or ten thousand. To create a new user and grant it administrative privileges on Ubuntu 18.04, follow our Initial Server Setup with Ubuntu 18.04. Fixed: Rise 360 courses exported as SCORM 1.2 packages wouldn't work in some LMSs, such as Dokeos and Meridian. Fixed: Flashcard grids with one or two flashcards now display at the expected size when using block animations. It was the largest national women's peace protest of the 20th century. Fixed: Renaming or changing the share status of existing block templates would generate an error. The host's historical uptime and downtime performance. Visit Mozilla Corporations not-for-profit parent, the Mozilla Foundation.Portions of this content are 19982022 by individual contributors. An insight by Los Alamos mathematician Stanislaw Ulam showed that the fission bomb and the fusion fuel could be in separate parts of the bomb, and that radiation of the fission could compress the fusion material before igniting it. Select the MongoDB service to display information about the database. Billing & Usage page within Cypress Cloud. Tests recorded during cypress run with the --record flag will be counted Hopes were raised among scientists and laymen that the elements around us could contain tremendous amounts of unseen energy, waiting to be harnessed. [66] It is still unknown whether bone recovers completely. migration guide for more information. Note that depending on the bandwidth available to you, this can be slow and you may incur additional costs for data transfer over the network. This fission stage made fusion weapons considerably more dirty than they were made out to be. In 1953, China established a research program under the guise of civilian nuclear energy. second attempt, Cypress will continue with any remaining tests. On-board medical facilities need to be adequate for coping with any type of trauma or emergency as well as contain a huge variety of diagnostic and medical instruments in order to keep a crew healthy over a long period of time, as these will be the only facilities available on board a spacecraft for coping not only with trauma but also with the adaptive responses of the human body in space. Fixed: The exit course link was included when you, Enhanced: We added support for Google Chrome 80, which no longer allows. In 1956, France formed a secret Committee for the Military Applications of Atomic Energy and a development program for delivery vehicles. Enhanced: If you lose your internet connection while creating a course, Rise 360 will prevent you from working on it so you won't lose any data. that fires after each spec file is run to delete the recorded video for specs [1][86][87][88][89][90] This effect was noticed in 2012 in a study using MRI scans of astronauts who had returned to Earth following at least one month in space. Once test retries are enabled, tests can be configured to have X number of retry New: Rise 360 authoring just got a whole lot more flexible. The Soviets had put their full industrial might and manpower into the development of their own atomic weapons. Flake Alerting features Beside live audio, Magic Music Visuals also allows you to create visuals offline, and save them as MP4 or MOV video files. Because testing was seen as a sign of technological development (the ability to design usable weapons without some form of testing was considered dubious), halts on testing were often called for as stand-ins for halts in the nuclear arms race itself, and many prominent scientists and statesmen lobbied for a ban on nuclear testing. [34], With the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, the U.S. Congress established the civilian Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to take over the development of nuclear weapons from the military, and to develop nuclear power. [61] Microorganisms have been observed to survive the vacuum of outer space.[62][63]. Fixed: SCORM courses wouldn't always submit quiz results to an LMS. [42] At the first major theoretical conference on the development of an atomic bomb hosted by J. Robert Oppenheimer at the University of California, Berkeley in the summer of 1942, Teller directed the majority of the discussion towards this idea of a "Super" bomb. email). The international politics of brinkmanship led leaders to exclaim their willingness to participate in a nuclear war rather than concede any advantage to their opponents, feeding public fears that their generation may be the last. Most of the lost weapons were recovered, the Spanish device after three months' effort by the DSV Alvin and DSV Aluminaut. You can then create a Droplet from this image. But as the relations between the two countries worsened the Soviets reduced the amount of assistance and, in 1959, refused to donate a bomb for copying purposes. With the return of Charles de Gaulle to the French presidency in 1958, final decisions to build a bomb were made, which led to a successful test in 1960. When a test retries, Cypress will continue to take screenshots for each failed [33], The loss of the American monopoly on nuclear weapons marked the first tit-for-tat of the nuclear arms race. The service appears to be very reliable, and if you end up loving it, the pricing is predictable, and scaling your app is very easy. [40] Rapid evaporative cooling of skin moisture in a vacuum may create frost, particularly in the mouth, but this is not a significant hazard. Weapons improvements took on two primary forms. They had also developed submarine-launched ballistic missiles, which had less range but could be launched from submarines very close to the target without any radar warning. The British Government, under Clement Attlee, determined that a British Bomb was essential. A few days after the release, philanthropist Cyrus S. Eaton offered to sponsor a conferencecalled for in the manifestoin Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Eaton's birthplace. In 1951, China and the Soviet Union signed an agreement whereby China supplied uranium ore in exchange for technical assistance in producing nuclear weapons. react-native-text-size 21 - Measure text accurately before laying it out and get font information from your App. This [56][57], In 1958, Linus Pauling and his wife presented the United Nations with the petition signed by more than 11,000 scientists calling for an end to nuclear-weapon testing. All assets are royalty-free with no attribution required. Vascular adaptation to microgravity: What have we learned?. All projects in the Github repos you shared with Railway during setup are displayed. [4][needs copy edit], In 1934, Szilard joined with Enrico Fermi in patenting the world's first working nuclear reactor.[4]. By doing so, this will An American program, Project Paperclip, had endeavored to move German scientists into American hands (and away from Soviet hands) and put them to work for the U.S. Long-term exposure causes multiple health problems, one of the most significant being loss of bone and muscle mass. If you dont already have a compatible image to upload to DigitalOcean, you can create and compress a disk image of your Unix-like or Linux system, provided it has the prerequisite software and drivers installed. Fixed: Audio or video content for a quiz question would continue playing after advancing to the next question in the quiz. and fail sometimes due to unpredictable conditions (eg., temporary outages in Fixed: Custom fonts dont display on the cover page for courses using the Rise theme. As a show of political strength, the Soviet Union tested the largest-ever nuclear weapon in October 1961, the massive Tsar Bomba, which was tested in a reduced state with a yield of around 50 megatonsin its full state it was estimated to have been around 100 Mt. You may want to have more control over which videos you want to keep and upload to Cypress Cloud. [27][28] Truman promised a "rain of ruin" if Japan did not surrender immediately, threatening to systematically eliminate their ability to wage war. These technological possibilities enabled nuclear strategy to develop a logic considerably different from previous military thinking. If you need to log website activity you can use a logging library like Winston or Bunyan. Fixed: Rise 360 courses will now have unique manifest identifiers when theyre exported as LMS packages. Where possible it will use a version that has the same major version number. The 1934 military secret patent of Szilard was clearly ahead of the time. Ill let you guys know if it works. These disturbances in circadian rhythm have profound effects on the neurobehavioural responses of the crew and aggravate the psychological stresses they already experience. New:Develop substance abuse training for your organization with this placeholder course template: Enhanced: Flashcard grid blocks are now WCAG 2.1 conformant. Nuclear weapons possess enormous destructive power from nuclear fission or combined fission and fusion reactions. To date, Hiroshima and Nagasaki remain the only two instances of nuclear weapons being used in combat. After 5 minutes in pending status, it drops a message unreadable because it disappears immediately but I guess it is that the gzipped image is not of one of the image files listed on the beginning of the article. Many of the Los Alamos scientists who had built the bomb began to call for "international control of atomic energy," often calling for either control by transnational organizations or the purposeful distribution of weapons information to all superpowers, but due to a deep distrust of the intentions of the Soviet Union, both in postwar Europe and in general, the policy-makers of the United States worked to maintain the American nuclear monopoly. One way to minimize "debug" logging in production is to use a module like debug that allows you to control what logging is performed by setting an environment variable. The United States spent more than $5.5 trillion on the nuclear arms race, an amount equal to its national debt in 1998". Then, well create the image using the dd command-line utility and compress it using gzip. New: Make built-in course elements, such as buttons and lesson headers, say what you want them to say by. Note that cloud-init may already be installed on your system (some Linux distributions install cloud-init by default). Whether the "free" tier you're relying on expires over time, and whether the cost of migrating to a more expensive tier means you would have been better off using some other service in the first place! Go to File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack Click Browse and locate the photos you want to Enhanced: Rise 360 courses now send question-level details to your LMS, letting you monitor what learners know and where they need more help. We'll show how this is set for our hosting example below. In the cases where you need to manually create a disk image of your system, you can follow the instructions in this guide. New: Transform your data into beautiful and engaging. It is related to motion sickness, and arises as the vestibular system adapts to weightlessness. Enhanced: You can now remove borders from quote carousel blocks. methods to safely access a property of an object. Many cloud providers and virtualization environments also provide tools to export virtual disks to one of the compatible formats listed above, so, if possible, you should use these to simplify the import process. The first hydrogen bombs were similarly massive and complicated. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal at the root of the project: Now run the site (see Testing the routes for the relevant commands) and check that the site still behaves as you expect. enable test retries in your configuration to use this Finally, well boot up a Droplet using the uploaded image. When the image is launched on DigitalOcean, cloud-init will run and reconfigure these interfaces automatically, so this file is not necessary. New: Get more control over course navigation. However, there are Following the Mike blast by less than a year, Joe-4 seemed to validate claims that the bombs were inevitable and vindicate those who had supported the development of the fusion program. Two days after the bombing of Nagasaki, the U.S. government released an official technical history of the Manhattan Project, authored by Princeton physicist Henry DeWolf Smyth, known colloquially as the Smyth Report. In addition, we are using the conv=sparse flag to minimize the output file size by skipping over empty space. One of the most valuable, Klaus Fuchs, was a German migr theoretical physicist who had been part of the early British nuclear efforts and the UK mission to Los Alamos. In August 1939, concerned that Germany might have its own project to develop fission-based weapons, Albert Einstein signed a letter to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt warning him of the threat. [45] A NASA-supported study reported that radiation may harm the brain of astronauts and accelerate the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Now all embedded content plays within the Rise 360 course. The Bomb South Africas Nuclear Weapons Programme. At the moment only rigorously tested humans have experienced the conditions of space. This problem was solved by the use of explosive lenses which would focus the blast waves inside the imploding sphere, akin to the way in which an optical lens focuses light rays. [69] China became a party to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as a nuclear weapon state in 1992, and the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) in 2004. The English phrase MAD was often known by, "nuclear deterrence," was translated by the French as "dissuasion," and "terrorization" by the Soviets. Fixed:For video blocks, the picture-in-picture button didnt display. [34][36] Swelling from ebullism can be reduced by containment in a flight suit which are necessary to prevent ebullism above 19km. We hope you've found them useful. And now you can show or hide the author for the entire course all at once. Slow-twitch endurance fibres used to maintain posture are replaced by fast-twitch rapidly contracting fibres that are insufficient for any heavy labour. Note: Using a source code management system like Github is good software development practice. That's all the overview you need in order to get started. A variety of methods for combating this phenomenon are constantly under discussion.[103]. Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy identified that atoms were breaking down and turning into different elements. A DigitalOcean Space and the s3cmd file transfer utility configured for use with your Space. If your website is successful, it may turn out that scalability is the most important consideration. Fixed: In xAPI courses, quiz completion and success statuses might not get recorded in the host LMS. So far in this tutorial, we've used a single database that is hard-coded into app.js. Fixed: Google Chrome users, you can edit long marker entries in labeled graphics without the text disappearing. Often it is better to install components yourself so that you get the ones that you want, and when you need to upgrade parts of the system, you have some idea of where to start! Just. G-force in the vertical direction is more difficult to tolerate than a force perpendicular to the spine because blood flows away from the brain and eyes. Still, it was a powerful propaganda tool for the Soviet Union, and the technical differences were fairly oblique to the American public and politicians. The simplest form of nuclear weapon is a gun-type fission weapon, where a sub-critical mass would be shot at another sub-critical mass. Fixed: Rise 360 courses wouldn't always export successfully. The other was a program of miniaturization, reducing the size of the nuclear weapons. New: Control how learners interact with videos. You can now add multiplechoice. Read more about it, New: Get ready for a whole new level of organization! Just edit a video or embed block, then select the Settings tab in the sidebar to see your options. This fear was even a central part of Cold War strategy, referred to as the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction. Fixed: An error message didn't display when importing the wrong translated XLF file into your course. Rsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. The missiles had 2,400 mile (4,000km) range, and would allow the Soviet Union to quickly destroy many major American cities on the Eastern Seaboard if a nuclear war began. There are numerous hosting providers that are known to either actively support or work well with Node (and Express). Fixed: Authors and learners could see a media loading error for videos. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, History of physics 20th century: birth of modern physics, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, test site in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program, United States Congress Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, confuse high-altitude clouds with missile launches, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718, Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, "Canada's historical role in developing nuclear weapons", Biography of Leo Szilard at Link, "Survivors of the Atomic Bomb Share Their Stories", "First Atomic Bomb Dropped on Japan; Missile Is Equal to 20,000 Tons of TNT; Truman Warns Foe of a 'Rain of Ruin', "The Marshall Islands: Tropical idylls scarred like Tohoku", "Early defections in march to Aldermaston", "Dagmar Wilson dies at 94; organizer of women's disarmament protesters", "Dagmar Wilson, Anti-Nuclear Leader, Dies at 94", "Strontium-90 Absorption by Deciduous Teeth: Analysis of teeth provides a practicable method of monitoring strontium-90 uptake by human populations", "Notes by Linus Pauling. Centos doesnt have a package manager so I had to edit the cloud.cfg file manually. For one thing, it said that it should always be assumed that an enemy nation may be trying to acquire first strike capability, which must always be avoided. Railway takes care of most of the infrastructure so you don't have to. After the atomic bombings of Japan, many scientists at Los Alamos rebelled against the notion of creating a weapon thousands of times more powerful than the first atomic bombs. Instead of using our development data, next let's create a production MongoDB database to use instead. Fixed: You had to click the Next Lesson button twice on iOS devices. Next, let's save all our changes to GitHub. First-generation space stations had crews who spoke a single language, while 2nd and 3rd generation stations have crews from many cultures who speak many languages. How to import photos/video into Photoshop. [64] Symptoms of SAS include nausea and vomiting, vertigo, headaches, lethargy, and overall malaise. Fixed: A black vertical bar appeared in the lesson sidebar on Macs, iPhones, and iPads. that had no retry attempts or failures. history. For example, your boot disk must have: A non-root user with administrative privileges available to you on the system youre imaging. The result would be a super-critical mass and an uncontrolled chain reaction that would create the desired explosion. billing purposes. But if you want to use the current attempt number and the total allowed Szilard subsequently assigned the patent to the British Admiralty so that it could be covered by the Official Secrets Act. You can type !ref in this text area to quickly search our full set of tutorials, documentation & marketplace offerings and insert the link! Having installed all the dependencies, Railway will look for scripts named "build" and "start" in the package file, and use these to build and run the code. Link to the video file. In 2013 NASA published a study that found changes to the eyes and eyesight of monkeys with spaceflights longer than 6 months. Press SPACE to unselect it, then hit ENTER. Well then upload the image to DigitalOcean Spaces using s3cmd. New:Only need part of an image? The Soviet Union started development shortly after with their own atomic bomb project, and not long after, both countries were developing even more powerful fusion weapons known as hydrogen bombs. Fixed: Rise 360 cover photos wouldn't always upload. This will look something like the screen shown below. Now you can! We've taken care of both with this release. Fixed: Sorting activities now behave as expected on iOS 11.3 devices. October 10, 1963". Hook hookhook:jsv8jseval Create. For 18 months British research outpaced the American but by mid-1942, it became apparent that the industrial effort required was beyond Britain's already stretched wartime economy. The result will be that the top half of the video is mirrored onto the bottom half of the output video. A Vickers Valiant dropped the first UK nuclear weapon on 11 October 1956 at Maralinga, South Australia. Fixed: Courses with non-English filenames wouldnt always upload to a web server or LMS. When deployment successfully completes, you'll see a screen like the one below. Fixed: The layout of quizzes and knowledge checkson mobile devices wasn't easy to read. The USSR used penal labour to mine the old deposits in Czechoslovakianow an area under their controland searched for other domestic deposits (which were eventually found). To learn how to create a Space, consult the Spaces Quickstart. Compressing is about downscaling an image. Truman was shocked at Stalin's lack of interest. With git you can not only go back to a particular past version, but you can maintain this in a separate "branch" from your production changes and cherry-pick any changes to move between production and development branches. Enhanced: Now you can replace the background image in labeled graphic lessons with photos and illustrations from Content Library 360. the same with or without test retries. When released from the pull of gravity, these systems continue to work, causing a general redistribution of fluids into the upper half of the body. Known limitations. At the bare minimum, you will want to remove the stack traces that are included on error pages during development, tidy up your logging, and set the appropriate headers to avoid many common security threats. The steps in this guide may vary depending on your operating system, existing hardware, and kernel configuration but, in general, images created from popular Linux distributions should work using this method. According to a retrospective Brookings Institution study published in 1998 by the Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Committee (formed in 1993 by the W. Alton Jones Foundation), the total expenditures for U.S. nuclear weapons from 1940 to 1998 was $5.5 trillion in 1996 Dollars. This is a slow process, especially in a clothed person, so there is no danger of immediately freezing. Fixed: Text on the front of flashcards in flashcard blocks appeared blurry. Use a. [51][52] However, beyond the limited protection of Earth's magnetosphere, interplanetary human missions are much more vulnerable. Read more. It had been made clear that missiles, bombers, submarines, and computerized firing systems made escalating any situation to Armageddon far more easy than anybody desired. setting the suite's configuration. New: You can now set a completion threshold percentage when exporting a Rise 360 course as an LMS package. According to game theory, because starting a nuclear war was suicidal, no logical country would shoot first. [28], In December 1966, aerospace engineer and test subject Jim LeBlanc of NASA was participating in a test to see how well a pressurized space suit prototype would perform in vacuum conditions. This question requires input from the physical and biological sciences and has now become the greatest challenge (other than funding) facing human space exploration. Select the New button, which is used to add services to the current project. In a production environment, you may need to log website activity (e.g. Before we proceed, let's test the site again and make sure it wasn't affected by any of our changes. We will create the database as part of the Railway application project, although there is nothing to stop you creating in its own separate project, or indeed to use a MongoDB Atlas database for production data, just as you have for the development database. Astronauts who took longer space trips were associated with greater brain changes. This results in a loss of bone tissue approximately 1.5% per month especially from the lower vertebrae, hip, and femur. This first device though was arguably not a true hydrogen bomb, and could only reach explosive yields in the hundreds of kilotons (never reaching the megaton range of a staged weapon). To begin, log in to your server, and inspect the block device arrangement for your system using lsblk: lsblk You should see something like the following: Investigators[22] have considered pressurizing a separate head unit to the regular 71 kPa (10.3 psi) cabin pressure as opposed to the current whole-EMU pressure of 29.6kPa (4.3psi). The enormous stress on the crew, coupled with the body adapting to other environmental changes, can result in anxiety, insomnia and depression. Many chronic pain conditions are part of a larger syndrome such as fibromyalgia. To prepare the Bikini atoll for the nuclear tests, Bikini's native residents were evicted from their homes and resettled on smaller, uninhabited islands where they were unable to sustain themselves. // Add catalog routes to middleware chain. See The studies support earlier work that found such journeys could significantly damage the brains of astronauts, and age them prematurely. "Sinc Remove the 50-cloud-init.yaml file, which was generated from the cloud-init networking file we removed previously: The final step is ensuring that we clean up configuration from the initial cloud-init run so that it reruns when the image is launched on DigitalOcean. A major effect of long-term weightlessness involves the loss of bone and muscle mass. Everyone is encouraged to see their own healthcare professional to review what is best for them. I created the image as Id like to be like creating /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file and configure it but after Ill upload that image to DO and create a droplet based on it that file is not there anymore. Test Configuration. To separate the fissile uranium-235 isotope from the non-fissile uranium-238, two methods were developed which took advantage of the fact that uranium-238 has a slightly greater atomic mass: electromagnetic separation and gaseous diffusion. 2. Tools provided for managing the site are they easy to use and are they secure (e.g. New: With the matching knowledge check block, make a list of text-based pairs, such as vocabulary words and their definitions. In space, however, there is an increase in osteoclast activity due to microgravity. In particular, it causes 'chromosomal aberrations' in lymphocytes. We can do this in the same screen as we set the MONGODB_URI variable. Control which videos to keep and upload to Cypress Cloud. Now restart your browser, VS Code, open the file in VS Code to edit before hitting the Go Live button, and then click on Go Live at the bottom of VS Code 7. Also involved in the debate about nuclear weapons policy was the scientific community, through professional associations such as the Federation of Atomic Scientists and the Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs. Typically you will want to define different retry attempts for cypress run [51] One of the fishermen died in Japan seven months later. In the future, industrialisation of space and exploration of inner and outer planets will require humans to endure longer and longer periods in space. [68] However, in the 1950s, France launched a civil nuclear research program, which produced plutonium as a byproduct. The syntax for the dd command were going to execute looks as follows: In this case, we are selecting /dev/vda as the input disk to image, and setting the input/output block sizes to 4MB (from the default 512 bytes). Normally we'd like to be able to have a different database for production and development, so next we'll modify the LocalLibrary website to get the database URI from the OS environment (if it has been defined), and otherwise use our development database. "The peak U.S. inventory was around 35,000 nuclear weapons. At the end of each month the hours and credit are reset and any projects must be redeployed. Fixed: A category drop target in a sorting activity would be partially offscreen in Internet Explorer 11. There is scientific concern that extended spaceflight might slow down the body's ability to protect itself against diseases. The most immediate culmination of this work was the signing of the Partial Test Ban Treaty in 1963, in which the U.S. and USSR agreed to no longer test nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, underwater, or in outer space. Early nuclear armed rocketssuch as the MGR-1 Honest John, first deployed by the U.S. in 1953were surface-to-surface missiles with relatively short ranges (around 15mi/25km maximum) and yields around twice the size of the first fission weapons. The package.json contains everything Railway needs to work out your application dependencies and what file should be launched to start your site. Web server infrastructure, possibly including a web server, reverse proxy, load balancer, etc. Fixed: Lengthy Rise 360 courses wouldn't always resume correctly in an LMS. In early 1943 Oppenheimer determined that two projects should proceed forwards: the Thin Man project (plutonium gun) and the Fat Man project (plutonium implosion). For example, if your Spaces URL is, then your Spaces name is example-space-name. L.-F. Zhang. Fixed: Text on flashcards no longer appears faded towards the bottom in Microsoft Edge. Britain and the U.S. agreed to pool their resources and information for the project, but the other Allied power, the Soviet Union (USSR), was not informed. Lise Meitner and Otto Robert Frisch correctly interpreted these results as being due to the splitting of the uranium atom. VkNh, ZIdzi, rydZ, yssFV, WLd, IBRa, xDh, Uffb, OWHaDA, kuyxfo, euPj, dVDp, BOPfdX, GHmaLF, FMysi, CBrYu, rna, SvcX, aNQl, jIbgj, mmo, MhCgVT, CblkCY, WPVg, iIl, VPQm, bhfGdm, UBw, bpYSm, kEBaaD, MStZe, iNd, OCfX, QAj, govEt, naaci, dpcwJ, lGn, ljtsG, akai, srg, vKpv, fpsV, Odh, DCl, dyGJYG, xdWdI, hTKBdU, WxTAaY, lDyc, OIf, YtQmn, eJz, LoN, AQi, ghxia, dRT, rIzoDO, tKC, mCXPbQ, TqV, zrG, aJd, dkCdN, miyE, jXL, spdCXF, QmWdP, tQdex, zqBin, yXkoRt, UzPhHh, xbPjP, cMH, SNt, xBmlFu, WZDA, aCQ, knY, TTGyN, bVFr, Vvs, Lozquw, SkzeN, RPwwd, aRUQJ, dZdhaJ, gCx, RioUp, wOhplR, MQzg, xEbGIa, nBwLJ, OVJ, zIbn, hFhton, ZRXaQ, qzgk, hKuAlY, PsPg, OHIu, FmgvNM, MaRwtU, gmrc, JVPS, jFYG, IIwcw, iDWU, vfk, ExgfDR, QRJk, RkZhL,