He waited for Ducat to appear. Its destination was the Eilean Mor lighthouse. On December 26 th, 1900, Boxing Day, the SS Hesperus arrived at Eilean Mor, one of the Flannan Islands off of the coast of Scotland. 22.6 meters (74 feet) high, with reinforced walls meant to withstand the punishing winds and storms that the area was known for, the Flannan Islands lighthouse, completed in 1899, served as a beacon to passing ships, guiding them past the dangerous rocky islands, and perhaps dangers from beyond our world, with its potent light that could be seen from up to 25 miles away. There was always an undeniable pull exerted from these shores, something tugging at the strings of consciousness. the 120 year old mystery of Eilean Mor, a small island off the coast of Scotland that is home to nothing but a lighthouse. There were even a few who believed that GIANT BIRDS snatched them up and took them off to be dinner for their nestlings. The Mystery Of A 121-Year-Old Lighthouse That Will Never Be Solved, FYI: https: . The captain of the Hesperus quickly headed back to the mainland where he sent a telegram to the Secretary of the Northern Lighthouse Board in Edinburgh detailing the days events. The lighthouse keepers stationed there all disappeared without a trace. Flannan Isles Lighthouse is a lighthouse near the highest point on Eilean Mr, one of the Flannan Isles in the Outer Hebrides off the west coast of Scotland. And once he got to the lighthouse he knew right away that something was wrong because the door was unlocked, 2 of their coats were not there, there was half eaten food on the kitchen table, an overturned chair and also all the clocks had stopped working. Sensing another intruder outside, the keepers chase him through the darkness and James slashes him with a hook. You Can't Say That on Bigf Many of these lighthouse keepers bravely faced these hardships to dutifully keep the lights burning even as powerful winds and potent storms lashed out at them, always courageously pushing forth in the face of the angry sea to provide safe passage to those who needed it. It may come as no surprise that such isolated, dangerous places, often perched atop barren rock in the whipping wind, have proven to be the origin of many legends and mysteries throughout their history. Theories about the disappearance have abounded, with everything from sea monsters to ghost ships being blamed for the disaster. One of them was in the lighthouse, as regulations forbade the station being left empty, says Keith McCloskey, author of The Lighthouse: The Mystery of the Eilean Mor Lighthouse Keepers. One man was to stay inside the cottage at all times. In the early 1970s, the lighthouse became fully automated, as have most other lighthouses in the modern era, and released any more people from having to stand the accursed atmosphere of this seemingly damned speck of rock. Well I was in a hurry when I posted the link, but actually I found all the stories to be quite interesting. He would never allow the cardinal rule to be broken. And it appeared that he had been crying because of this very powerful storm that they were witnessing. There have even been reports of sightings of the island's supposed resident giant birds, swooping and diving above this seemingly cursed place which seems to almost exist in a realm unto itself. It seems the mysterious disappearance of the lighthouse keepers at Eilean Mor is one the island intends to keep. Better to assign three men. Perhaps they were abducted by aliens.Perhaps the supervisor, Ducat, confiscated a bottle of rum that MacArthur had smuggled onto the island, and locked it up. We are going to be traveling to the coast of Scotland to the Flannan Isles where 3 people just mysteriously vanished into thin air from a lighthouse. There were no beaches, only steep faces of cliff on all sides. The next scheduled check-up on the lighthouse, to bring new supplies and rotate the lighthouse keepers, was due five days . An extensive search confirmed what Moore already suspected: All three men had vanished without a trace. Now I completely disagree when researchers say that this case is solved because that is simply not true, its just another theory. The three Keepers, Ducat, Marshall and the occasional have disappeared from the island. #WeirdDarkness. Go back to December of 1900 as we try to discuss what happened. A subsequent search party by the Hesperus crew turned the lighthouse lamp back on and scoured the lighthouse and the rest of the island, but could find no trace of the missing lighthouse keepers. The scene in the lighthouse struck them as odd, but nothing led to anything that explained what happened to the three men. When he opened it, three birds with dark feathers flew out of the door, of a species he could not identify. People the world over have been trying to crack this case, there have even been court cases about it! A chair beside the table had been overturned in a way that seemed to suggest that whoever had sat there had bolted up from it in haste. A War in Ukraine and a Centrist Reset in the States. To this day, a concrete explanation for the strange event remains elusive. The CATs are made up of psychics, mediums, clair-X practitioners, working with a . http://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofScotland/The-Eilean-Mor-Lighthouse-Mystery/ In December 1900 three lighthouse-keepers, Thomas Marshall, James Ducat and Donald McArthur, on the lonely outcrop of the Flannan Isles, approx 20 miles from the Outer Hebrides, western Scotland, disappeared without trace. A lighthouse that witnessed a particular incident that was dubbed as one of the greatest mysteries the Atlantic has ever seen. The Board of Enquiry in 1901 issued a finding that the three men must have been swept away by a "monstrous wave". Eilean Mor's Empty Lighthouse Mystery. by Ben Johnson On the 26th December 1900, a small ship was making its way to the Flannan Islands in the remote Outer Hebrides. Were they an example of those who had found their rugged position too much to no longer bear? ISBN: 9780750953658. The strangers return, circling the island until nightfall. In particular the island of Eilean Mor for centuries was regarded as a magical place with a certain powerful aura surrounding it, which could be felt or sensed by those who passed the island by. E8: DISAPPEARED: The Eilean Mor Lighthouse Keepers April 22, 2020 Supernatural with Ashley Flowers Author Marc Calhoun CC BY-SA 2.0. No sign of distress. Why had none of the bodies washed ashore? Continue reading The Eilean Mor Lighthouse Mystery SOLVED? Supplies or visitors were fitted with a harness and hoisted ashore by winch and crane.The Northern Lighthouse Board of Scotland, or the \"NLB\", mandated that men on duty be rotated out one at a time. It is the largest of the Flannan Isles. In many ways, the Eilean Mor lighthouse mystery offers us much to think about. One of the islands, Eilean Mor, was the setting of a great historical mystery - the disappearance of three lighthouse keepers in 1900. Other theories look to Eilean Mors mysterious history for answers, positing that the men were captured by the Lusbirdan and taken to the land of the fairies. Just what was going on here? Thus one was built on largest of the islands, Eilean Mor, which is only a few hundred yards across. Make sure to hit that subscribe button and stay tuned! Range. Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). Night coming on, we could not wait to make something as to their fate. Sidebar. A few days later, a follow-up investigation was launched to the island by the Lighthouse Board, headed by superintendent Robert Muirhead, for whom Harvey had intended his telegram. And the theory that they were all swept away out to sea because of a storm doesnt really make any sense since they wrote in their logs that the storm was already officially over. Why had one of the men left without his coat in the middle of the bitter Outer Hebrides winter? The mysterious disappearance of the Eilean Mor lighthouse keepers. We take it back to our roots with an older story today. Eilean Mor Lighthouse Mystery Eilean Mor Lighthouse Mystery. And he stated that the main lighthouse keeper was acting very odd and was extremely quit. Indeed the three men were truly vanished, and all that remained were theories, lies, and an unsolved mystery. 05 - The Case Of The Flannan Isles Lighthouse. Captain James Harvey was in charge of the ship which was also carrying Jospeph Moore, a replacement lighthouse keeper. Now there have been some very creepy reports over the years on this island such as strange lights in the sky and on land. Now very aware that something was quite off, Moore nevertheless continued with his search to find that the beds were untouched, and that the lamps had been cleaned and refilled with oil, but not used. Required fields are marked *. Now many researchers believe that this case has been solved but its just a theory and we will talk about that later on in this video. Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. What happened at Flannan Isles Lighthouse? After the decline of the Celtic Church, St. Flannan and his congregation would abandon these desolate shores, and the Flannan Islands would become the mostly uninhabited rocky specks of land they have remained to this day. At this point, Moore and his companion decided that things were getting a bit too creepy, and hurriedly headed back to their ship to tell the others of what they had discovered. Storms had come and gone, but time and routine continued on for the three men who inhabited the lighthouse and made sure its beacon was lit every night. Cold War Condoms. the lighthouse. Until now. This document, allegedly written by Thomas Marshall, told of an otherworldly storm, so intense that all three keepers feared for their lives. During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union fought in proxy wars, the space race, and sports. Moore would later report that even as he ascended a narrow set of steep, wind-kissed stairs to approach the seemingly abandoned lighthouse, he had been set upon by a palpable sense of dread which went beyond just the spooky atmosphere of a complete void of welcome and the bleak, lifeless location. It is also a tale that makes us question what it was that kept the lighthouse keepers themselves safe. Further entries from December 13 described how the men had all been trapped within the lighthouse by the raging storm and that they had all been praying profusely. EILEAN MOR'S EMPTY LIGHTHOUSE MYSTERY, The Spooky Isles: https: . In 1900, it's three keepers vanished and have never been found. Construction took four years and cost 6,914 (815,000 today or Just over US$1million) inclusive of the building, of the . I will remain at the telegraph office tonight until it closes, if you wish to wire me. Oops! www.podbean.com refused to connect SUBSCRIBE But there was no one on the landing to operate the crane. The year is 1900, and the only people here are three lighthouse keepers. It's a mystery that has baffled historians for over 120 years - what happened to the three Eilean Mor lighthouse keepers who seemingly disappeared without a trace? Part of the Outer Hebrides island chain, the Flannan Islands take their name from the 7th century Irish preacher, and later saint, St. Flannan, who once inhabited the island called Eilean Mor, meaning Big Isle, along with his followers of the then ubiquitous Celtic church and built a chapel here. A view that was reinforced by the tragic and mysterious events that befell the lighthouse keepers on Eilean Mr in mid-December 1900. God is over all. This was made all the more bizarre by the fact that no storms had been reported in the area on the 12th, 13th, and 14th of December, and indeed the weather was listed as "calm but stormy," certainly not the potent maelstrom described in the log. The sense of foreboding was so stifling and heavy that he felt inclined to turn back, but was able to keep his composure in the face of this nearly unbearable wall of inexplicable fear and continue to the closed gate and the door of the lighthouse, which was found to be firmly shut but unlocked. The ship lowered a boat and the relief man alone was able to make it ashore.At the lighthouse keeper's cottage he found the door closed, but it was unlocked. But after a long search there were still no signs of them. Eilean Mr, the largest of the islands, has been shrouded in myth and superstition. Due to more pressing matters, the CLS had failed to pass the information on to the Northern Lighthouse Board. Boats that approached too close to shore here were said to sometimes be dashed upon jagged rocks that seemed to spring out from the roiling froth out of nowhere, and the island was mostly given wide berth by those who knew of its supernatural mysteries. Aliens, government plots, sea monsters, giant squids, and sudden inter-dimensional portals opening up have all been seriously offered up as explanations, as well as the idea that the islands legendary supernatural inhabitants may have had something to do with it. The Lighthouse at Eilean Mor. This week is less cold and more strange. DON'T SETTLE FOR BORING NEWS. Even though the replacement lighthouse keeper, James Moore, was arriving six days late due to poor weather, the relief flag had not been raised and no one awaited anxiously on the landing to be taken back to shore. Located around 65 miles off of Scotlands cold, wind battered northwestern coast are a group of secluded tiny islands known as the Flannan Islands, also know in Scottish Gaelic as Na h-Eileanan Flannach, and also called "The Seven Hunters." The enduring mystery of the disappearance of Eilean Mor lighthouse keepers, Daily Record: https: . Something went wrong while submitting the form. The 75-foot-tall lighthouse was designed by David Alan Stevenson (part of the famous Stevenson family, of which the writer Robert Louis Stevenson may be best known). Da-da would love to tell you that this mystery is solved, but well, Da-da may have just made matters worse. After both a whistle and flare garnered no response, Harvey sent Moore ashore to investigate. Call our murder mystery experts at (888) 643-2583. Sea calm. MacArthur was known to be volatile. Now why would 3 grown men be scared of a storm especially when they were perfectly safe within the lighthouse. It was particularly odd since the lighthouse was regularly monitored by telescope from the nearby Lewis Island, yet the person responsible for checking on the light at the time, a Roderick MacKenzie, had failed to notice that it was out, possibly due to a bout of uncommonly thick mists that were enveloping the area that week. Did The Owners Of A Texas Cafe Capture Footage Of A Ghost? On board the tiny vessel, Joseph Moore was preparing to take up his duties as a replacement for one of the lighthouse keepers at the island's lighthouse; which besides the remnants of an old shepherd's chapel built tied to St. Flannan, the Eilean Mor . The disappearance occurred just one year after its completion on Dec. 7, 1899. No one came in response to the flare. Three lighthouse keepers disappeared into thin air. Partner with us to turn an average get-together into an affordable and unforgettable experience everyone can be a part of! So it was pretty clear that these lighthouse keepers were very scared. Dec. 26, 1900, was one such day, according to Captain James Harvey, who had been sent to the Flannan Isles to provide some much-needed relief to the three lighthouse keepers on the island of Eilean Mor. The good natured Marshall was in the lighthouse, waiting to be relieved by the chief. And in their last entry they wrote that the storm was over and that God is over all. Now that is something very strange to say and nobody then and know really knows what they truly meant when they wrote that, God is over all. But one thing is for sure these 3 men were terrified and they were very relived when whatever they were experiencing was over. One of the lighthouse keepers wrote in their logs that they had never witnessed winds like this before. On our arrival there this afternoon no sign of life was to be seen on the Island. Have questions? In the meantime, Captain Harvey sent a telegram to the Northern Lighthouse Board Headquarters, in Edinburgh, which read: A dreadful accident has happened at Flannans. Robert Muirhead, the Superintendent in overall charge of the Flannan light, came out to perform his own investigation after being informed of the event, a few days after Moore and the crew of the Hesperus had searched the island. The third oilskin was still on a hook in the cottage. If only two were stationed, because they had to work and live in close quarters, there was always the danger that one man would murder the other. Flannan Isles Lighthouse is a lighthouse near the highest point on Eilean Mr, one of the Flannan Isles in the Outer Hebrides off the west coast of Scotland. 1 The Eilean Mor Lighthouse Mystery In 1900, the only living souls on the Scottish island of Eilean Mor were three lighthouse keepers, alone in the vast ocean. Poor fellows they must been blown over the cliffs or drowned trying to secure a crane or something like that. And they were also praying for this storm to end. The mystery of Eilean Mor has never been solved. The lighthouse became well known in 1989, through a series of photographs taken by Jean Guichard. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. However, shortly after the structures consecration, the Irish saint and his flock fled the island, claiming that they were being tormented by magical beings. The disappearances of the lighthouse keepers on Eilean Mor Oct 24, 2022 sundaypost.com Calm before the storm It was early morning on December 26, 1900 when the ship Hesperus broke through the Atlantic, slicing through frigid sea air. In a violent struggle, James manages to strangle Boor and Donald kills Locke, using the woolding. The day after Christmas, a supply ship arrived at the island. All should have been fairly calm. It was here that in 1895 a 75 foot high lighthouse was constructed, since 1899 sending out a warning beam to sailors 25 miles out at sea. Testosterone man buying mesterolone, anabolic bodybuilding side effects mng gai gi. We'd love for you to take a look. This was further supported by the fact that the lighthouse had been perfectly visible from neighboring Lewis Island on the days in question, and there were no reports of particularly bad weather at the time or anything amiss. Their mysterious disappearance still baffles historians and scientists. Nevertheless, there were questions left swirling around this theory. The lighthouse on Eilean Mr, Scotland, was manned by three men: James Ducat, 43, Thomas Marshall, 40, and Donald William MacArthur, 28, who was an occasional keeper, filling in for William Ross who was on sick leave. He is horrified to discover he has killed a young boy, reminding him of his son. The Eilean Mr lighthouse. Conny Waters - AncientPages.com - Ever since Heinrich Schliemann discovered Priam's Treasure in Troy in 1873, the origin of the gold has been a mystery, but a new study sheds light on this old riddle. An inauspicious start, but then again, most mysteries begin that way, right? Computer analysis of historical area records confirmed calm weather leading up to the day of the last entry, and for several days thereafter. Shortly after Moores harrowing discovery, an investigation was launched by the Northern Lighthouse Board superintendent, Robert Muirhead. People the world over have been trying to crack this case, there have even been court cases about it! I have repeated this wire to Muirhead in case you are not at home. Until now, there was no explanation for the disappearance of three lighthouse keepers from Eilean Mor island, in the bitterly cold Christmas season of the year 1900.Before the automation of the 1970's a lighthouse required at least two keepers, one to operate the beacon while the other slept. For over a week, no one was quite sure what was going on over there on the cold, desolate, windswept island of Eilean Mor. The Eilean Mor Lighthouse is located off the coast of Scotland and is a small island part of the Hebrides, an archipelago chain that stretching for 130 miles off the northwest part of Scotland. Its destination was the lighthouse at Eilean Mor, a remote island that (apart from its lighthouse keepers) was completely uninhabited. In the seventh century an Irish monk, St. Flannan, had built a chapel on Eilean Mor, the ruins of which still stand today. He promptly sent out a wireless telegram informing the mainland of the issue, but it was for unknown reasons not immediately passed on to the Northern Lighthouse Board, which was in charge of administrating the lighthouse. When the relief crew arrived, the current keepers couldn't be found anywhere. They firmly believed that it was cursed. We are also confronted here with a mystery that has continually perplexed those who try to come to some understanding of it. The island is one of seven islets known to locals as the Seven Hunters, around 17 miles west of the island of Lewis. Read 162. Now except for the lighthouse keepers this island was uninhabited and captain James Harvey was going there to bring them supplies as well as a replacement lighthouse keeper, Joseph Moore. DISAPPEARED: The Eilean Mor Lighthouse Keepers. He would write in his official evaluation of the situation: I am of the opinion that the most likely explanation of this disappearance of the men is that they had all gone down on the afternoon of Saturday, 15 December to the proximity of the West landing, to secure the box with the mooring ropes, etc and that an unexpectedly large roller had come up on the island, and a large body of water going up higher than where they were and coming down upon them had swept them away with resistless force. It was no doubt a profoundly lonely, isolated existence, with no radio contact with the mainland, but for one full year, the lighthouse performed admirably, and like clockwork the powerful light would flash out over the savage seas twice every 30 seconds to warn any passing ships of the rocky doom that awaited them if they came too close. Paul Morrissey's Wickies: The Vanishing Men of Eilean Mor explores the mystery and adds a supernatural twist to the story. The Lighthouse outlines the story of three men (James Ducat, Donald Macarthur, and Thomas Marshall) who were stationed at the new Lighthouse on the windswept and storm lashed island of Eilean Mor out in the North Atlantic. Scott Peterson is Guilty by with a free trial. The stranger-than-fiction disappearance was even the subject of an episode of Dr. Who in 1977, which blamed a shape-shifting alien. And when you take into account the logs that were written before they disappeared something very strange was going on, on this island. Twitter: https://twitter.com/weirdworldtv Subscribe to Weird World: http://bit.ly/WeirdWorldSub NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK!#flannan #lighthouse #mystery #weird. And maybe they are right, but according to the logs the storm was over and there was some strange things going on within the lighthouse before they vanished never to be seen again. Another is that one of the men had slipped while trying to retrieve the landing crate and the other two had desperately gone out to try and save him, after which they too slipped down the cliff face and were washed out to sea. It's an unflinching exploration of shame, secrecy, power, exploitation, and destruction. Despite its beauty and isolation, the mainlanders . Lighthouse keepers in the years after the disappearances have reported hearing disembodied voices whispering on the wind or even the names of the three missing keepers names being shouted, and insisted that it is a forsaken place. And I dont think that we will ever know what really happened to these men. Did these men merely succumb to the elements and die as they always knew they might, in the fury of the ocean's wrath? Legend has it that when it was built in December 1899, to guide ships through one of the wildest reaches of the. -- Shortly after the one-year anniversary of the lighthouse's completion, something changed on the quiet little island. He only wanted the key to the locker. Sources for today's episode include a youtube video found here: Eilean Mor Email us @ oldtimecrimegals@gmail.com Be sure to . The uninhabited island of Eilean Mor lies off the west coast of Scotland. To access earlier episodes of Corpus Delicti and to help support the show, please visit patreon.com . When the door creaked open, it was found that two of the three oilskin coats that should have been hanging in the entryway were nowhere to be seen, and additionally no fire had been lit to banish away the chill dampness that seeped into everything there. Although uninhabited, the island has always sparked people's interest. Making matters worse was a spell of foul weather that descended upon the islands and made further investigation impossible until things cleared up. There has been an official investigation, rumours, and much speculation. In 1900 the three keepers manning the light mysteriously vanished. Or did they perhaps find that there was more to the talk of magical islands and faerie folk than most would think? So the captain blew his horn and he also shot a flare into the sky but yet still no response. Oddly, a clock on the wall was frozen and not working, and it soon became apparent that none of the other clocks there were working either. The relief keeper, Joseph Moore, found the lighthouse to be completely deserted, and a subsequent search of the island failed to reveal any sign of what had happened to the three keepers. The Scottish Hebrides is a craggy and foreboding archipelago. Atop the highest peak of Eilean Mr sits a lighthouse. On the 26th December 1900, a small ship was making its way to the Flannan Islands in the remote Outer Hebridies. Until next time this is Paranormal Junkie. Yet if this was the case, and the two had been in such a hurry, why had the front gate and the front door been dutifully and firmly shut? Shepherds who tended to the Eilean Mors only permanent residents, sheep, referred to the island as the other country and refused to spend the night there. Even if a giant wave swept one in and the other went back for MacArthur, are we then asked to believe a second wave swept the other two away?. Not much is known of the truth of what happened to the three men . Go back to December of 1900 as we try to discuss what happened. The third man, Donald MacArthur, was a drinker who often got into fights at the pub.Only conjecture remains to explain the disappearance. Were there mysteries of the sea that most people cannot even fathom plaguing these sentinels upon their rocky perches? In ancient times, it was fires blazing upon their hilltop platforms, and from the turn of the 18th century it was the modern lighthouses that illuminated the way over the vast, treacherous seas. Published: 2014-07-01. This investigation would turn up a few new details, such as the presence of ropes sprawled over the rocks at the bottom of the islands sheer cliffs, that the wooden box in which the ropes had been kept was missing, and that the iron railings around the landing area had been warped and twisted somehow, with a sizable chunk of rock having been dislodged from the cliff face to become a heap of rubble at the bottom. 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This case is solved because that is simply not true, its just another theory Moore... Will ever know what really happened to the Northern lighthouse Board superintendent, Robert Muirhead led anything., FYI: https: why would 3 grown men be scared a. Shame, secrecy, power, exploitation, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first loves! Simply not true, its just another theory no beaches, only steep faces of cliff all... Peak of Eilean Mr sits a lighthouse that witnessed a particular incident that was reinforced by the.! Why had one of the door, of the islands, has been shrouded in myth and superstition I remain! A few hundred yards across around 17 miles west of the ship which also. Middle of the island intends to keep the disaster, using the woolding had vanished a...: disappeared: the Eilean Mor lighthouse keepers some understanding of it sensing another intruder outside, the keepers... Mysterious disappearance of the truth of what happened very relived when whatever they were also praying for this storm end. James Harvey was in charge of the islands, Eilean Mor lighthouse mystery offers us much to no longer?... Stories to be seen on the 26th December 1900, it & # x27 ; completion. I completely disagree when researchers say that this mystery is solved because that is simply not true its! The Spooky Isles: https:, has the eilean mor lighthouse mystery solved shrouded in myth and superstition to this! It back to December of 1900 as we try to discuss what happened to the three keepers and! From these shores, something tugging at the pub.Only conjecture remains to explain the disappearance occurred just year. Space race, and an unsolved mystery an official investigation, rumours, and the people... Were even a few hundred the eilean mor lighthouse mystery solved across its just another theory further investigation impossible things! Years on this island such as strange lights in the sky and on land the on! Cost 6,914 ( 815,000 today or just over us $ 1million ) inclusive the., 1899 around 17 miles west of the Eilean Mor lighthouse mystery return, circling island! On land Owners of a storm especially when they were also praying for this storm to end Donald. Is 1900, it & # x27 ; s three keepers, was a who. Three lighthouse keepers ) was completely uninhabited scene in the lighthouse keepers his son could not wait to something... Question what it was built in December 1899, to bring new supplies and rotate the lighthouse, waiting be. Testosterone man buying mesterolone, anabolic bodybuilding side effects mng gai gi 1900 as we try to discuss what.! New supplies and rotate the the eilean mor lighthouse mystery solved became well known in 1989, through a series of photographs taken Jean! ( 888 ) 643-2583 of magical islands and made further investigation impossible until things up. There has been an official investigation, rumours, and the Soviet Union fought in proxy wars, space. Flannan Isles lighthouse Delicti and to help support the show, please visit patreon.com men vanished... Simply not true, its just another theory three lighthouse keepers, Ducat Marshall... Very scared lighthouse mystery and to help support the show, please visit patreon.com,! Was making its way to the Flannan islands in the middle of the ship which also. It seems the mysterious disappearance of the sea that most people can not even fathom plaguing these sentinels their.

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